Important A/N: This takes place in the same AU universe as my story "Nomenclature," so Nanao and Rangiku are both working at a large company called Sereitei Inc. where they are the associate directors of their respective departments. If that's confusing, it might help to take a look at "Nomenclature" first. This first chapter takes place a week or two after the events in chapter 4 of "Nomenclature." For a little more info about the structure/purpose of this, see my profile.

The First Call: Drinks

"Nanao Ise speaking."

"Nanao?!! I'm so glad I caught you in your office! Some of the girls and I are going out for drinks after work, and you have to come. You don't have other plans, do you? You'll have to cancel them – the women's association is way more important. We're going to meet at 8, okay? We're having dinner first."

"Who is this?"

"Nanao! How can you already have forgotten my voice? It's Rangiku! And you can't say no to drinks, it's a tradition."

Sigh. "Where are we meeting?"

"Yay! I knew you'd come." And slightly muffled, "See? I told you! Cough up Kiyone!"

Sigh. "Rangiku, where are-"

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you. Hang on just a second, I'll come over."

"No, that's fine, if you can just –"

