Draco Malfoy was sitting in his chair in the Slytherin common room right in front of the partially burnt out fire. He was currently reading in his potions text book, studying for a test that they were going to have the following day. Draco's two goons, Crabbe and Goyle, were sitting on the couch having a conversation Draco couldn't understand since it consisted of mostly grunts.

Just then the portrait hole opened and Blaise Zabini sauntered in, mussed and very smug-looking. Draco glanced up at him and rolled his eyes. Blaise came over and shooed the two lumbering idiots off the couch.

"Who'd you shag this time, Blaise?" Draco asked in a bored voice while the Italian sprawled himself on the couch gracefully.

Blaise just smirked and meaningfully looked over at Crabbe and Goyle who were still sitting on the floor, blinking confusedly. Draco rolled his eyes again and sighed.

"Crabbe! Goyle! Leave now." Draco snapped.

The two buffoons struggled to stand and they looked at Draco with blank expressions on their faces. Draco sighed again and said, "Go to the kitchens and get me something to eat."

The idiots' faces lit up and they rushed out of the common room. Blaise snickered and said, "We won't see those morons for another two hours."

"That's the point, now, why did you want them gone? It's not like they could have really comprehended whatever you were about to say." Draco pointed out.

Blaise shrugged and said, "I didn't want to take any chances."

"Now as for your earlier question and the reason I didn't want those two goons to hear, I shall tell you who got a night full of me." Blaise then snickered and said, "Well, more like an arse full of me."

Draco rolled his eyes and looked back at his text book. "So, I take it you fucked a guy."

"Not just a guy. I fucked the guy. I just got back from a fantastic escapade with Harry 'Savior of the World' Potter." Blaise said, his smugness shining through every word he said.

Draco choked and looked back up at Blaise with wide eyes, "What!!"

The few students remaining in the common room looked over at the two seventh years in curiosity. Draco just glared at the younger students and they all scurried off, terrified, to their rooms.

Draco whirled back around and glared at Blaise.

"Oh, settle down, you drama queen. It was just sex. I know that you love him and I wouldn't take him away from you." Blaise said, carelessly.

Draco gasped and jumped over to put a hand over Blaise's mouth while looking around the room suspiciously. Seeing no one, Draco turned back to Blaise and whispered, "I don't love him; I just have a very intense crush on him."

Blaise snickered behind Draco's hand and licked the palm wetly. Draco squealed girlishly and fell back off of Blaise, wiping his hand on his robes.

"You keep telling yourself that, Draco. I hope you keep believing yourself too." Blaise said, knowing the truth even if the blond didn't want to accept it.

Draco just rolled his eyes at Blaise and crawled back into his chair. "How were you able to get Potter?"

Blaise grinned and said, "I was having a conversation with one of my other fuck-buddies and he just happened to mention that if you wanted a piece of Harry Potter all you had to do was ask. It seems that young Mr. Potter is somewhat sluttish."

Draco shook his head in disbelief, "You can't just walk up to Harry Potter and ask for sex. He shouldn't be that easy."

"Well, of course not silly." Blaise said, "You don't just ask for sex, you have to be discreet about it. There are certain words you use and even if you knew what to say, you still have to meet the requirements."

"What requirements?" Draco asked, curiously. Not hoping at all that he fit the requirements. Nope, that wasn't what was running through his mind, not at all.

"Well, first off, you have to be male. Potter is a bottom, through and through. This also means you have to be dominant, obviously. And you absolutely have to be good looking." Blaise explained shortly.

"That's it?" Draco asked, amazed at the simplicity of getting into Potter's pants.

"Yep, and you meet all requirements, so tomorrow I am going to get you a fuck-date with Harry Potter." Blaise said, excited.

"What?! No!!" Draco exclaimed. Blaise would not be persuaded away from his goal; however, and the next day found Draco and Blaise walking across the school grounds toward Harry Potter.

Harry was currently sitting under a tree, reading in one of his books, while his two friends bickered under a different tree.

Blaise was bouncing along happily while Draco followed his darker friend, moodily. When they were close enough, Blaise called out Potter's name and the dark messy head rose to look at the two Slytherins cautiously.

"Hey, Potter. What's up?" Blaise asked, cheerily.

Harry raised an eyebrow and briefly glanced between Draco and Blaise before replying, "Just doing some homework."

"That's great." Blaise exclaimed. There was a brief awkward pause after this until Harry said, "Did you want something, Zabini?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. I would like for you and my good friend, Draco, to play together."

Harry's eyebrow lowered and his eyes slowly turned back to Draco. The verdant green gems looked over Draco, appraisingly, from head to toe and the blond had the sudden urge to shift around and fix his clothes. Apparently, the small brunette saw something he liked and he turned to smile at the dark-skinned Italian.

"I would love to play with Malfoy. Tomorrow night, usual place, usual time. I'll expect you to show him where." Harry said.

Blaise grinned widely and said, "Definitely."

The following night, Draco was bouncing with nervous energy. One part of him couldn't wait until he could see Harry but another part of him didn't want to go, else he reveal that he actually cared for the brunette.

His musings were disrupted when Blaise burst into his room. The Italian immediately went over to Draco's closet and started sifting through the blonde's clothes. Draco rolled his eyes at his best friend's antics but he didn't resist when Blaise started using him as a dress-up doll.

Around a half an hour later Blaise was dragging Draco down an abandoned hallway. There were a few classrooms here and there but Blaise was just moving right past them. Eventually, the two boys stopped before a stretch of blank wall.

"Blaise, where are we?" Draco asked, not wanting to point out that Blaise was staring at the wall like a madman.

"Hush, Draco. You'll see." Blaise said. He then pulled out his wand and tapped out a pattern on the wall. The blocks shifted and formed an arched doorway and Draco recognized this as the spell that was used to get into Diagon Alley from the muggle world.

While Draco was distracted, Blaise pushed the blond into the room and muttered the incantation to make the door close. Draco stumbled but managed to stay upright after the shove and he turned around to yell at Blaise only to see the blocks of the wall shift to cover his friend's grinning face. Draco sighed and turned back around. It was quite dark in the room so Draco pulled out his wand and cast Lumos.

The dim light from Draco's wand illuminated part of the way into the room and he saw a few lanterns hanging on the wall. He walked over and lit the lanterns and cancelled the spell on his wand. The lanterns were higher up and more dispersed so they illuminated the room better.

Draco saw that the room was equipped with a comfortable looking king-sized bed, a fireplace, and a couch; there also was a door that Draco assumed led to a bathroom. It looked very cozy and Draco walked over and sat on the couch, lighting the fireplace as he went. The blond was sitting for maybe five minutes when he heard the blocks in the wall shift again.

He turned and watched as Harry walked in, looking sexy as usual. The brunette smiled and walked over to sit next to Draco on the couch.

"So I take it Blaise made you do this?" Harry asked somewhat bluntly.

"Er…kinda, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to, well I kinda don't, but I do at the same time and I'm kinda nervous." Draco rambled. The blond blushed when he realized he had just sounded like a blathering idiot.

Harry just smiled, though, and asked, "You aren't a virgin, are you?"

"Of course not." Draco said somewhat forcefully.

"Hey, you don't have to get defensive, I was just wondering. I'm not really a fan of getting fucked by virgins. They don't usually know what to do and it's very awkward." Harry explained.

Draco relaxed somewhat when he realized Harry was trying to make him a little more comfortable with small talk.

"Sorry about that, I'm not usually in these kinds of situations. But, I can assure you that I am not a virgin." Draco said.

"Great. Now before we get started I have to say one thing. I have one ground rule: if you like marking people and leaving love bites, you can do that to me but not above the shoulders."

"Why, do you have a prude boyfriend that won't pleasure you or something like that?" Draco asked, hoping that this was not the case.

"No, I do this just because I like sex. But, if my friends ever found out, they would freak. And I would not like for that to happen." Harry explained.

Draco nodded, pleased deeply on the inside, and said, "Fair enough. Shall we?" The last was said with a sweeping gesture toward the bed.

Harry grinned and nodded before standing gracefully and walking slowly and sultrily over to the bed. Draco watched the round, pert cheeks of Harry's arse move deliciously as he walked behind the smaller male.

Draco snapped out of his daze when Harry turned around to face him. His gaze swept upward to meet Harry's and the brunette smirked. "Were you checking me out?"

"Of course," Draco said as he moved forward to wind his arms around Harry's slim waist and grasp the curve of his ass, making Harry gasp, "you're just too delicious not to look at."

Harry's lips quirked into a smile at that and he leaned into the blonde's embrace. "Well, thank you. You're not too bad looking yourself."

"Thanks." Draco said as he leaned forward toward Harry's face. He stopped centimeters from Harry's lips and parted his own lips to breath hotly on Harry's. Harry shivered at the feeling and his lips parted slightly as well in anticipation of what Draco was very close to doing. Draco moved forward somewhat and very gently brushed his lips against Harry's.

"Do you have a rule against kissing as well?" Draco whispered, every word making his lips move against Harry's full, red ones.

Harry, by this time was panting. He had no idea that Draco could be this seductive while doing something so simple. Harry quickly shook his head no in answer and he could feel Draco's lips quirk into a smile against his own.

"Good to know." Draco whispered right before he increased the pressure of lips against lips. Harry moaned and relaxed against Draco's larger frame with a sigh. Draco's hands moved from where they had been playing with Harry's ass to grip the small of Harry's back and the back of Harry's neck.

Draco parted his lips a bit more and slipped his tongue out to ask for entry into the smaller boy's mouth. Harry opened his mouth with a small moan and Draco dipped in to taste.

The two boys' tongues writhed together, fighting for dominance, but both knowing who would eventually win. Finally, Harry succumbed to Draco and the blond growled in satisfaction and ravaged the smaller male's mouth.

Harry moaned at the show of dominance and his knees started shaking at the intensity of the kiss. The brunette reached up and wound his arms around Draco's neck to support himself. Draco, feeling the weight being put on him, ran his hands down to just under Harry's ass cheeks.

Draco pulled Harry's legs slightly apart and then pulled up. Understanding what Draco was doing, Harry jumped and wound his legs around Draco's waist while the blond supported his weight by holding onto Harry's soft bottom.

By now, the two boys were running low on oxygen so they parted. Draco admired Harry's bruised, full lips while Harry panted quietly to regain his breath. Harry's emerald eyes finally opened and Draco breathed in sharply at the raw lust and desire swirling in the green depths.

The tall blond quickly walked over to the large bed and kneeled on the edge. He leaned forward so Harry lay on his back with his arms and legs still wound tightly around Draco's body. Draco leaned forward and their lips met again but this time Draco took control almost instantly, making Harry melt in response to the vicious kiss.

Draco's hands were restless, running along Harry's slim body and driving Harry absolutely insane. The two boys' lips parted once more and this time Draco ran open-mouthed kisses along Harry's neck and down to his collarbone.

Harry stretched his neck back to allow the touches and he moaned when Draco stopped at his collarbone to nip and lick the sensitive skin. The brunette vaguely remembered his warning about love bites, but this felt way too good to stop. Suddenly, Draco moved down to lick and suck at Harry's right nipple and Harry moaned, surprised. He hadn't even felt Draco unbutton his shirt.

Draco smirked at the oblivious male but his smirk changed immediately when Harry flipped them so the brunette was on top. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand. The green-eyed male flicked his wrist and suddenly both boys' clothes were gone.

The two boys drank in the sight of each other for a few seconds before Harry couldn't take it anymore. The small teen slithered down Draco's body, kissing, nipping, and sucking all the way. Eventually, Harry reached Draco's hips and, more importantly, his straining cock.

The blond was panting, watching intently as Harry looked over his cock appreciatively. The small male licked his lips, the only warning of what was to come, before leaning forward and engulfing Draco's impressive length down to the root.

Draco cried out and his hand flew immediately to Harry's soft head of hair. At the touch, Harry looked up and the two boys' eyes met. Draco moaned at the sight of Harry's gorgeous lips stretched around his cock and his lust-filled eyes watching him just as intently as he was being watched. Then, Harry started bobbing his head and Draco was lost.

Sure, he had had blowjobs before, but none as exquisite as this and none from the boy he was in love with. And this declaration, even if it was only in his mind, was only admitted because of the lust and ecstasy that was racing through Draco's body. Said blonde's somewhat coherent thoughts were suddenly cut off, though, when Harry decided to lightly scrape his teeth over the shaft of Draco's cock.

Draco howled in a mixture of pleasure and pain, with most of it being pleasure. His grip tightened on Harry's raven locks, keeping the messy head in place, while his hips pumped ruthlessly into Harry's waiting, eager mouth.

All the while, Draco was being encouraged by the moans spilling from Harry's throat and vibrating along his shaft. With each thrust, Draco was coming closer and closer to release and he realized he had been muttering incoherently. Hoping he hadn't said anything too embarrassing, Draco tried to stifle his babblings.

Sensing Draco was holding back, Harry doubled his efforts to make the blond fall apart. Harry resumed bobbing his head, making Draco stop thrusting by holding down his hips. On the upstroke, Harry swirled his tongue around the swollen head and on the down-stroke, Harry swallowed.

"Fuck, Harry!" Draco shouted, the sensations becoming too much. Just one more stroke of Harry's velvety tongue around the sensitive head of Draco's cock was enough to send the blond over the edge. A string of incoherent curses spilled from his mouth at the same time that come exploded from the tip of his cock.

Harry swallowed eagerly, savoring every second of Draco's unique flavor on his tongue. The brunette kept sucking, trying to milk as much from Draco's orgasm as possible. Soon, though, Draco's shudders stopped and he pushed weakly at Harry's head, the sensations too much for his over sensitized cock.

Harry obediently let the cock fall from his lips and he crawled upward to connect his lips with Draco's. Draco moaned quietly when he tasted himself on Harry's tongue and he reached up and pulled Harry's body down to lie on his. Harry gasped into the kiss at the contact and Draco then realized that the brunette had yet to come.

Draco flipped the two of them over, with their mouths still attached. Draco ground their hips together and gasped with Harry when his own cock twitched in interest. Leaning away from the small brunette, Draco could see the absolutely erotic picture the other male made. Harry's hair was mussed even more than usual, with strands sticking to his forehead with sweat, his cheeks were flushed attractively, making the green of his eyes more prominent, and he was spread out under Draco, just waiting for the blond to pleasure him.

Draco groaned at the thought of what that pleasuring would entail and his gaze swept downward to rest on Harry's slightly parted legs and his barely revealed opening. Suddenly needing to see more of Harry, Draco looked around frantically for some lube. His eyes lighted upon a jar on the bedside table and the blond quickly reached over to grab it, thanking the gods he didn't have to fumble around for it.

"I want you to prepare yourself." Draco panted as he held out the lube to the small brunette.

Harry eagerly grabbed the small bottle and squirted some lube into his palm. The small male laid back and spread his legs shamelessly and Draco groaned at the sight. Harry spread the slick liquid between his fingers and reached down to rub against his opening; teasing himself.

Draco panted quietly as he stared avidly at Harry's puckered entrance. When one of Harry's slim fingers slipped inside, Draco moaned along with the brunette. Draco, almost unconsciously, reached down to wrap a hand around his own prick, which had come back to life from just watching the show.

Seeing Draco so stripped of his inhibitions only made Harry hotter and the brunette hurriedly shoved two more fingers inside himself. Harry moaned loudly and started to thrust his hand; wanting Draco's large cock filling him, instead of just fingers.

On a particularly hard upstroke, Harry brushed a finger against his prostate and he arched off the bed with a loud, inarticulate cry. By now, Draco was trying to reign himself in to prevent himself from just shoving his cock into the small brunette and pounding away. But when Draco saw Harry arch beautifully off the bed, he couldn't control himself anymore. Draco grabbed the bottle of lube and spread some quickly over his cock. In no time, Draco was grabbing Harry's thighs roughly, pulling Harry's fingers away from his hole, and sliding into the scorching hot vice that he had been dreaming about for years. Just the thought of it being Harry he was inside of was almost enough to make Draco come.

The blond took a beep breath and controlled himself enough to stave off the impending orgasm, though, and Draco waited, balls deep in Harry, for the other male to get used to the intrusion. Draco didn't wait long; however, because almost immediately Harry thrust up against Draco's cock, making the blond go even deeper.

Draco groaned loudly and Harry said, "Fuck me, Draco. I'm not a girl; I can handle anything you throw at me. Fuck me hard and fast."

Draco smirked at that and said, "Oh, we'll see if you can handle anything."

Without waiting for a response, Draco pulled himself almost all the way out before hitting home again even harder. Harry cried out in ecstasy and Draco set a rough, fast pace.

"Fuck, yes, Draco! H-harder…oh, Merlin, please. Harder!" Harry wailed.

Draco gripped Harry's slim hips and pounded relentlessly; Harry encouraging him all the while with loud moans and a litany of expletives. Then, Draco pulled one of Harry's lean legs up over his shoulder and Draco sunk even deeper into Harry. With this new angle, Draco's cock rubbed brilliantly over Harry's prostate with each thrust and had the brunette screaming in ecstasy.

Draco smirked at the symphony of sounds coming from the smaller male and leaned down to pant hotly in Harry's ear, "Do you know how sexy you sound, Harry? I fucking love it when you scream my name. Come on, Harry. Scream for me, scream my name."

"D-DRACO! Oh, f-fuck, please, I want…I need, please!" Harry pleaded incoherently. Harry was so close to the edge and having Draco's sexy voice whisper hotly in his ear only increased Harry's passion.

Needing release, Harry blindly reached out for his own erection so he could get himself off faster. Seeing this, Draco batted Harry's hand away and squeezed just enough around the base of Harry's cock to choke off his orgasm.

Harry whimpered in dissatisfaction and opened his eyes to see Draco watching him hungrily. The blond slowed his thrusts so Harry could feel every ridge and bump of his large cock as it entered. The smaller male moaned at the pleasure this caused but also at the disappointment of having his climax stifled.

The heat of Harry's clenching hole was intense and as he thrust slowly, Draco struggled to not come before the small brunette. Eventually he was under control enough to pay attention to the body underneath his. Draco smirked at the need radiating off of Harry in waves but when the brunette reached up and dragged Draco down to him and started begging softly in the blonde's ear, Draco's resolve shattered and he began pounding into the willing body once more.

"YES, Gods, yes…please, let me come! I need…nghh…I need to come, please!" Harry wailed. Draco, knowing that he wouldn't be able to hold out much longer himself, reached down and grabbed Harry's straining cock.

The brunette nearly sobbed with relief and after only a few tugs, Harry was tensing up and screaming out his release. Strands of white burst from Harry's cock to coat the boys' abdomens and the spastic contractions of Harry's hole, coupled with seeing Harry so far into the throes of ecstasy, made Draco tense up as well, groaning deeply as his release coated Harry's inner walls.

Eventually, both boys' shudders subsided and the two collapsed on the bed, panting from the exertion. Once Draco could move properly again, the blond pulled his limp cock from Harry, who made a noise of disappointment.

Draco once again collapsed on top of Harry and lazily threw out his hand to summon his wand. The wood flew into his hand and Draco waved it, cleaning the two boys instantly.

Harry sighed in contentment at the warm, tingly feeling the spell caused and opened his bright green eyes to see Draco watching him with a smile on his face. Harry smiled back and reached out to bring the larger male closer. The two were nose to nose and they could feel each other's breath against their lips. With a sigh, Draco leaned the extra distance and his lips connected with Harry's.

The two boys kissed softly, not really wanting their encounter to end so soon. Eventually, they pulled away and snuggled down together in the warm sheets of the bed.

"So," Draco drawled conversationally, "how was I?"

Harry chuckled and moved around so he was lying on top of Draco with his head cushioned in his arms on Draco's chest. "You were absolutely incredible."

Draco smirked smugly and said, "I know. It's a gift."

Harry smiled in amusement and said, "Well, thank you for sharing your wonderful gift with me."

"You are very much welcome, Harry. Now, come here, I'm tired." Draco said as he hauled Harry closer and turned them both on their sides. The two boys spooned comfortably and in minutes were drifting off to sleep.

Draco woke to the sensation of someone watching him. He opened his eyes and looked over to see Harry lying on his side, watching Draco sleep.

Seeing that Draco was awake, Harry said, "You know, I hardly ever let my fuck buddies stay the night."

"Oh, really?" Draco said as he stretched his arms above his head, "What gives me the special honor?"

Watching the blonde's lean muscles contract and ripple under the pale skin, Harry distractedly replied, "You were the best fuck I've had in years."

Draco raised an eyebrow and relaxed back against the bed. The blond reached over and pulled Harry onto his chest. Draco wasn't usually this snuggly, well, he wasn't snuggly at all, but he wanted to show Harry that he had a soft side and that he could be caring if he wanted to.

"The best, huh?" Draco asked as Harry relaxed against his larger frame.

"God, yes. Actually, now that I think about it, you might be the best I've ever had." Harry mused aloud. Draco refused to believe that that comment made him flush in pride and pleasure; it was just a bit warm in the room, that's all.

"So, I take it you might want a repeat performance?" Draco asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"As a matter of fact, I think I want a repeat performance right now." Harry said sultrily as he crawled slowly up Draco's chest. Draco grinned at the show of sexiness and he gladly accepted the lips that crashed down upon his.

As Harry lubed up Draco's cock and sat down, engulfing him fully, the last coherent thought that went through Draco's mind was that he was happy it was Sunday morning. Otherwise, he and Harry wouldn't have been able to get to any of their classes.

A/N: I am soooooooooooo sorry about the super long wait. And I know this isn't an update for Unexpected Arrivals but it is nice and smutty, so hopefully it'll hold you over. As soon as I finish this short story, I will continue to work on the next chapter of UA. My summer has been crazy and I've had no free time. My mom made me get a job and I have been dead tired everyday when I get home. I've been doing my writing over the weekends, so maybe in a few more weeks I'll be able to update. Wish me luck :)

love and hugs to everybody