Camp Hetalia

"I SAID get your stuff off of mine!"

"It's going to the same place! Deal with it!"

"I don't want your germs all over everything!"

"Your the ones with germs, you tomato-head!"

"Who are you calling a tomato-head!?"

And the day started. It was early in the morning, seven a.m. to be exact. All the nations were going on a week-long trip to Camp Hetalia.

A week with everyone? This would definitely not turn out well. Norway leaned his head back against the loading bus and sighed. Why was

he going on this trip again? The fighting had already started, and they weren't even on the bus yet!

He grabbed his bag from beside him and casually walked over to the loading area. He swung his bag up into the moving van, and walked towards the bus they would be using to get there. The actual camp was about seven hours from here. Seven hours... on a bus... with these crazy people. He sighed once again, and hopped onto the bus looking around to see if Iceland had entered the bus yet. Sadly, Iceland wasn't on yet so he found a free seat and sat down.

"I don't CARE for the last time what your pet chick did!"

"You know you do! It's too awesome to NOT care!"

This would be a very long bus ride.


Japan looked at the bright sky and smiled. He hadn't been camping before! He got onto the bus and saw America already sitting with England.

"Yo! Japan! Over here!" America called to him. He smiled again, and nodded making his way towards the two. Taking the seat next to him he turned to the others.

"So.. what is... camping like?" He asked them with a hint of confusion, would it be fun..? Or would it be... horrible?
"It's the best thing ever! Hiking, and swimming, and ghost stories at night! And running around in the dark when all the others had fallen asleep!"

Suddenly the whole 'camping thing' was leaning towards... horrible, but first experiences always seemed like that, right?

"Nihon, aru!" Japan turned his head towards the new voice and saw China making his way towards him only to be pulled into a seat a few up from him.

"China sit vith me, da?"


"I think this will be fun." Japan turned back to the other two.

"Of course it will! You totally have to cab with me, Japan!"

"Oh, bloody hell, trust me you DON'T want to cab with him." England grimaced and looked out the window.

"Cab..?" Like I said, Japan was new to camping.

"Short for cabin!"
"C-C-Cabins?!" Japan's eyes grew wide, "Like wood houses with bugs and scorpions crawling everywhere?"

"Well.. in a way, yeah, but they're much better! They're not as.. woody and buggy as you'd think!"

Japan sighed and turned away to look out the window on his side.


Okay so listen. This chapter is short but the next ones I'll try to make longer, and sorry but chapters may come out sort of slow.. computer is sort of broken. hehe! Well i think it'll be a very funny and cute, fluffy, dramatic.. and romantic story! lots of pairings! ^^ r&r tell me what you think!