Chapter 1:

Akihito woke up. He was sweating like hell. When he looked at the clock next to his bed, he saw it was 8 a.m. After lying a couple of minutes like this, he got up and took a hot shower like he always does. When he was done showering he made something to eat. Not that there was much food left, but he just had to eat something. When he sat in his living room watching some TV, he thought back at his dream or nightmare. Just what you want to call it. He didn't know why he had this kind of dream last night. He doesn't know exactly why but he didn't like the dream and moreover he didn't know why he had this kind of dream in the first place. Why did he have to dream about that man, Asami. In his dream they were together in a large bed, but he couldn't recall where this place was.

He and Asami hadn't seen each other for ages. This was because Asami was really busy with work. And Akihito knew that when Asami is busy with his work he mustn't disturb him or he would be in 'trouble'. At the other hand he hadn't been a victim from Asami in the last half year. But still. He didn't know why but somehow he was worried about Asami. He didn't like the idea that he hadn't seen Asami in such a long time. It just felt wrong. After thinking this he had to laugh about it. Worried about Asami? He? To be worried about Asami isn't something that was normal. He knew that he shouldn't worry about Asami but still he did.

While he remembered the last time the saw each other around a half year ago, he noticed that he missed Asami. Missing Asami? He was quit surprised about that himself. He sighed as he thought about what Asami could be doing right now. Why did Asami leave him alone for such a long time? It feels just not right. And he hadn't noticed anything weird about Asami the last time they met.

When it was a little past 11 a.m. Akihito went out to do some groceries. Before he entered the shop he saw something suspicious. Damn, when he needed his camera he forgot it, again. Somehow he forgot his camera a lot lately maybe because there wasn't happening anything. After the suspicious guy wasn't to be seen anywhere he went inside and did what he came for. Then he went straight home. When he got at his apartment he saw the same guy standing in front of the door. He hid himself and waited till the man was gone. But the man wouldn't leave. He started to get tired and decided to go and talk to the man. He went straight to the man and asked nicely. 'Excuse me, can you please go aside?' When the man didn't move, his mood changed from nice to angry. The he started like he wanted to start. 'Hey sire, yeah you!! Why are you here? Wouldn't you make some room for me, I'm waiting way too long!!' After saying this the man turned around and the only thing he said was. 'You are going with me, I have been waiting for you.'