A/N: So, the epilogue is going to be all that lovey dovey stuff.

Enjoy the last chapter! :]]

Chapter 30- EPILOGUE

Life was good now. Real good. But of course as always, it can't be too good, it always had its problems but it was good enough.

Tanya and Jacob miraculously got together. How? I ask that same question myself. They were so different but somehow they go together. Strangely…

And today, was graduation. Yes graduation. Edward and I lasted more than a freaking month now, and I was thankful for that. Rumors went really quick on how we got back together. Tanya and I were okay now, I guess you can say we were now friends. Kinda. As for Edward and Jacob…not so much but whatevers.

I was dressing up in something Alice had told me to wear. It was a black shortish pencil skirt and a dressy shirt. I was going to put my yellow gown on over it when we got to school. She did a little of my make up, but not to much like I told her.

"I can't believe we're graduating!" She gushed.

"Yeah, yeah me too. It's so sad everyone is going to go on their own."

"Ha ha yeah but we get to see them for our graduation reunion."

"Hell I'm not going to those"

"Why not?" She asked puzzled.

"Well, I'd probably watch from the distance. What if I go to those and I'm fat?" Alice rolled her eyes as she put eye shadow on my face.

"Point is to see how everyone turned out. If your fat so what? Lauren would be even more fat than you." She laughed and so did I.

"There all done." She told me finally. She was dressed up herself, in a nice dress. I got up quickly as she said that, hurrying to go to Edward who I knew was downstairs. I held my breath as I saw him, he looked so sexy. He turned around when he felt my gaze I'm sure. He looked at me up and down and grinned too. I gave him a bigger grin. Alice was right behind me, giving the same grin to Jasper. My family was here to see my graduate. Including my mom and Phil. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw then kissing during the whole graduation. They were always distracted doing that when I was living with them, esssh.

I got to Edward's arms and my thoughts washed away of what I was thinking and wrapped it self around Edward.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you, too." I whispered back.

Click. The flash blinded my right eye for a moment and I knew my mom took a picture.

"Mom!" I started at her.

"What? It was just too cute and it's your graduation day honey!" She said happily. I rolled my eyes. Everyone got to their cars and to my school.

I fidgeted around the whole time in the car. I couldn't believe I was graduating after all those years of school. I still remember fourth grade and how Tyler was making those psst noise, Mike asking me out and how sad I was when I found out Edward didn't like me after Rebecca told me.

"Are you okay?" Edward asked.

"Yeah I'm just nervous and excited."

He gave me his crooked smile. "Yeah, so am I."

"It's a good thing we're going to the same school." It was true, we were all going to a college in Seattle where Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie were going. None of us in our group could stand to be apart any longer.

We got to the school and I grew more nervous This is actually happening. I'm graduating going to college and living life on my own with Edward. It was all I can think.

"You are so beautiful." Edward told me, making me blush and feel a little bit calm. Except for my heart, it went wild.

I gave him a smile and we went to graduate. Graduate, gosh I'm graduating. I was getting annoyed with myself because it was all I could think about.

"In the front Mr. Cullen." Mr. Banner said.

Edward gave a weak smile and kissed me quickly. "See you after." He told me and went by Alice that was already in the C's. I wanted so bad to go with him but I couldn't. If I could be with Edward 24/7, I'd be the happiest bitch in the world. But that was impossible. Life and work was in the way. Maybe when we both retired…then I grew panicked. What if Edward don't last that long? He could probably get sick of me and want to be with some other girl when we go to college. Well, I guess I'll see what would happen.

"Are you excited?" Charlie asked me.

"Yes, and nervous…"

"This is such a big thing. Your graduating from high school. I remember you graduating from middle school. Time goes by so fast. Your going on your own and to college. Your not my small girl anymore." Gaah please not this speech.

"I know, dad. Everyone grows up…" Was all I can say.

"I know just how you feel Charlie, " My mom stated shaking her head. "I remember dressing Bella for school, sometimes in her little dresses." She sniffed. Gosh they're making this so sad.

"It's alright…" Was all I could say.

"My little sister, graduating…" Jasper and Rosalie said at the same time. It's been a while they said something at the same time I wasn't annoyed. Not at what they said anyway, they were becoming like, my second parents.

"Please enough with this weepy stuff." I groaned.

"When you're a mother, you'll understand." My mom told me.

"If I ever am a mother." I muttered.

"I think you and Edward would have plenty of kids, seeing how love you guys are." I blushed, thinking at what she was thinking right now.

"Whatever." I said. They laughed.

"S, swan, over there by Ms. Stanley." I went next to Jessica. Her and I were okay friends still. I didn't like her much but I was leaving her so what the hell. No more her spreading gossip.

"Bella and I remember when we first became friends. It's all so incredible how we're graduating. You going to Seattle and I to California. Oh my gosh!…." She went on and on, I was distracted for a while seeing Edward and Alice get their diplomas . Jessica stopped until they called her name. I got a knot on my stomach knowing I was next.

"Isabella Swam." They called me up. I went up, my face red and my hands sweaty from how nervous I was. My family was cheering my name and hooting, Emmett real loud from the front.. How embarrassing

"Congratulations, Miss Swan." The man said, giving my diploma I went to stand by Jessica in the crowd of graduates. She was crying and everything. A lot of people were crying. I had small tears but I wasn't crying. I won't be sad to leave anyone…just Angela and Ben. I would congratulate them and everyone else later on. The lady that was always in the front office shouted something I couldn't hear and yellow hats went up, I threw mine's as well. Jessica hugged me goodbye, telling me to keep in touch, and left with Lauren. Lauren and I never got on a good side. Never had never will. I congratulated everyone I knew and was looking mostly for Edward the whole time. Where the hell is the tall boy with my messy reddish brown hair? I though. He wasn't hard to miss.

"Congratulations." Edward whispered in my ear from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. I quickly turned and gave him a small kiss.

"Congratulations." I said back.

Our whole family got together at a restaurant and had dinner there, celebrating our graduation. After, we left the parents there going to the graduation party and Alice's house.

"This is going to be fun!" Emmett yelled, grinning. All of us got ready for the party, a.k.a taking off our gowns to reveal our clothes and checking up we had everything for the party. In an hour everyone came. Don't know what happen with everyone else, but I was sure they were dancing. I danced with Angela, Alice, Rosalie, Jessica and even Tanya. Edward and I had danced too but soon we grew bored.

'Wanna go to our place?" He asked me.

"Sure." I smiled up at him, knowing what he was talking about. We got out to his backyard and same multiple people there. Kissing, dancing outside and stuff. It was a good thing everyone locked their doors, or else who knows what they would've done in there…cough cough. Even Tanya and Jacob were there, heavily kissing. They smiled shyly at us when they realized we were watching.

I made a heart shape with my hands, and waved goodbye to them. They laughed.

Edward and I held hands as we went to our meadow. It was dark of course but I wasn't scared as long as I was with Edward. But then I was surprised to see where our place was glowing with candles.

"What…" I could only say. Edward smiled at me, nervous for some reason. What, was he worried the candles are going to catch the forest on fire? Oh shit. What if it did go on fire?

"Look at the candles more closely…" He told me. Fire? I looked and saw they formed letters.





I gasped, my heart beating faster and harder as ever. I turned to Edward but he wasn't there. I glanced everywhere. Wait! Of course he's going to be down. I looked and he was, kneeling.. Now I knew why he was nervous, he was going to ask me to marry him.

He smiled weakly and nervously at me, staring through his long lashes. "Bella, I love you more than anything else in the world. I now I won't want to be with anyone else but you. Will you marry me?"

I grinned. "Of course Edward. I want to be with you and only you also."

He immediately went up and kissed me. I grabbed him by the neck, pulling him to kiss me deeper. His hands roamed all around my body, and soon so did I. We kissed for a very long time until our freaking lungs wanted air. He started to kiss my neck and I knew it was finally time to do this, he and I waited for a long time during the months. I kissed him again, this time more slowly and started to grab the hem of his shirt…

"Bella." He gasped out.


"Are you sure you want this now? Don't you want to wait until we actually get married…"

"I know we are. But I'm getting impatient. This is perfect." I whispered and grinned at him. He smiled back and let me take of his shirt. Soon, we both removed our clothes and made love there in the meadow.


'Oh my gosh, my gosh, oh my gosh." I said to Alice, extremely nervous.

"Shush Bella. This is a big day." And I thought graduation was exciting and nervous, but it was nothing compared to my wedding. Edward and I waited are going to get married before we start college so we can move in together already married and do our careers.

"I know but I'm so nervous."

"I wouldn't know. I haven't gotten married. Not yet actually…" She said in a far off tone. Jasper told me he was going to propose, I think Alice can feel he was going to.

"Oh Bella. Your so totally grown up now." Rene said, sniffing and holding a tissue. She was even more emotional than she was at the graduation.

"Mom, mom. I know. I still love you." I told her.

"Here, Bella. Your grandma would have wanted us to give this to you." They gave me a box and I opened it. It contained two silver hair combs which were heavy. Alice placed them into my hair.

"There- you look perfect." Alice smiled at me.

"Can I see?"

"Na- uh uh." Alice said, clicking her mouth at me. I glared. For some reason she just wouldn't let me see myself. I muttered stuff under my breath.

"Neh neh neh nana neh." She mimicked the tome on how I was muttering. "Be patient you'll se soon." She winked at me.

"Grab the flowers for me please, Renee." Alice told my mom. My mom grabbed them and handed them over to me. I heard the piano start playing downstairs. My nervousness feeling was about to burst. Soon, I was hyperventilating.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Charlie asked Alice nervously.

"She will trust me." Hell, I don't so Alice. She looked me right in the eye and told me to clam down but I couldn't. She grabbed my face, softly trying not to ruin my make up, and said," Bella clam down. Focus. Edward is waiting. Your not going to ditch him now are you?" That clamed me down a little, a blew a deep breath.

"Edward. Edward. Edward. Okay…" I said without much breath. Wagner's Bridal Chorus started playing.

"Okay. Count to five and follow me." Alice told Charlie and I. I grabbed on tightly to Charlie as I went to into view of the people in the church. They all gasped and started to murmur and made sounds as they got up and stuff. I looked all around on how my wedding looked. It was all beautiful. It was awkward to stare at the guest so I did my best to not look at them. I was mostly looking for Edward. And when I did see him, I gasped I did my best to not stop in the middle of the isle there. He looked so…handsome and words can't explain how marvelous he looked. I couldn't believe he was mine, not totally yet but he will be.

It seemed like forever until I finally got to Edward. Charlie took my hand and placed it into Edward's. I felt our electric feeling and felt good. It seemed like we were the only people in the church until the preacher started to tell us our vows. I was so happy to be with Edward. I wasn't even nervous anymore, Edward erased that. I was plainly excited and filled with love for Edward. Tears we welling up my eyes as the preacher finished and was waiting to say my part.

"I do." I choked out happily.

"I do." Edward vowed after me, happy clear and prideful. The preacher declared us as husband and wife as white petals started to drop. Edward and I looked eyes for a long time and kissed me softly and lovingly. Someone had to clear their throat to end it. Guess it lasted to long, I forgot about everyone else. I tore my eyes unwillingly from him and faced the crowd. Everyone was applauding and ready to give us hugs.

We got to our party and everything was perfect. I had given almost everyone hugs and shook their hands. We did all in what traditional weddings do. When I threw my boutique it landed in Alice's hands. She gave a big grin at me. It was only time til Jasper proposed.

"How do you like the party, Mrs. Cullen." Edward asked me, prideful when he said my new name.

I laughed happily at him. "I'm never going to get tired of you saying that, hubbie." Hubbie was the best thing I could come up with. I couldn't say Mr. Cullen, that'll be done since he will always be that no matter what.

He grinned and laughed, rolling his eyes. "You look beautiful, Bella."

"Do I? Alice hasn't let me look at myself." I pouted at him. He gave a small chuckle. He twirled me around and pulled my in front of black glass, letting me look at myself. I gasped. I have never looked so beautiful in my life. I was almost as beautiful as Edward. Almost. I looked at Edward, my eyes wide. He grinned at me, his eyes shinning so brightly. "I know." He said.

"Bella!" I heard too familiar voices say that sounded more..I don't know, older? Edward and I turned to where the people were yelling my name.

I looked closely at the two girls who looked alike and it took me a while to recognize them. They both had huge grins and looked older and more feminine .It

"Oh my GAWD!" I yelled happily.

"Rebecca?" I asked one girl, she nodded. "Rachel?" I asked the other one, she nodded too.

"Ahh!" We all squealed happily. I never expected they would have come.

"I thought Jacob was just kidding when he said you and Edward got together, no offense. So you didn't need my help to get with Edward, eh?" Rebecca winked. I blushed.

"Rebecca!" Rachel scorned. "Don't remind them of that. It didn't go successfully, you always sucked to hook people up." She gave her this look.

"Ugh. Whatever. Sometimes you just got to tell a person directly some other person likes them when it's obvious they both like each other." She gave the look back. Edward and I laughed.

"Yeah, I was dumb to tell you I didn't like her. But I'm glad we got together anyway, and now married."

All the sudden Rachel pouted. 'Why didn't you tell me you guys go together/ And married? Jacob had to tell me you were getting married, why didn't anyone tell me you guys even got together to be boyfriend and girlfriend? I would have helped to plan the wedding too!"

I put my head down ashamed. "Well… I didn't know what ever happened to you when I got back…just that you got married and stuff…"

"Ha ha! That's okay girl. We're together now."

"We'll be sure to invite you to our Baby Shower next time." Edward winked at them. I blushed, thinking about Edward and I having kids.

"Ehewww Bellaaa. Make a baby during your honeymoon! I want one soon!" She laughed as she walked off to where Jacob and Tanya were along with Rachel.

I smacked Edward. "What was that for?" He whined.

I shrugged. "Was it about our future kid? You know we might have one." Edward grinned happily, thinking about it

"Not anytime soon."

"We'll see."


"Alice…what do I do?" I whined. I was very happy, sad worried and shocked.

"What do you mean what do you do? You tell Edward, that's what." I stared at the positive sign on the stick, though I wasn't so positive about it. How the hell did I get pregnant if Edward and I always used protection? We were waiting to have a baby until we graduated from college and had a career. I needed one more trimester of college and we haven't gotten no career yet!

"But what if he leaves me! We're not ready to have one yet! I'm not finished with college yet! We're going to have college debts and a baby is going to be expensive!"

"Bella don't worry. He won't leave you for that." Alice assured me.

"What's expensive? And I won't leave Bella for anything. That's why she's my wife."

I breathing started to go quick and so did my heart as he stared at me.

"Guess I gotta go now…. Later Bella." She grabbed her bag and left.

"Drop the news!" She yelled whispered, purposely making sure Edward would hear it.

"What news?" He asked suspiciously. Damm Alice!

"Umm, w-well, it's..uh…later! You just came back from work, you must be hungry, heh." I was going to go to the kitchen but Edward grabbed my wrist.

"Bella…don't hide anything from me." He looked straight into me eyes. For some very stupid reason tears fell. I didn't even know why I was crying.

"What's wrong?"

"You won't get mad?"

"Of course not…"

"I'mpregnant." I mumbled quickly.




"I'm pregnant ." I said more clearly and slowly, tears falling. He stared at me for a long moment, shocked. My tears fell faster. "Y-you don't want it?" His face went soft and he stepped up to lift my chin. "Now, why wouldn't I want it? You have our child in you. I don't know how it got there ."He laughed and so did I ,"But it is our baby." He stared deeply into my eyes. His face went happy and a grin so huge. "Whew! I'm having a baby!" He hugged me and he was crying, of happiness. And so was I. I was relived to. Why was I so worried?

"Bella why would you think I would leave you for this Bella? How is this baby expensive?"

'Well, you and I haven't finished college or anything…then we'd have to pay our college debts and we don't even have careers going like we said we would to have children."

"Bella that doesn't matter, I can afford all of that. No offense Bella, but I wanted you to have a baby earlier. I've been so impatient."

"Really?" I asked.

"Really." And he bent down to kiss me


Edward and I looked at each other surprised as we hard very quick heartbeats in the ultrasound of our baby.

"Is it normal for a baby's heart to beat that fast?" We both asked.

"All baby's have a different heartbeat. Slow, fast, not so fast or slow." The women shrugged.

Soon we were done with our(my) ultrasound appointment and we got out. I felt like some fat cat that couldn't get up. My stomach was so friggin big now, I swear.

"Ughh, I hate this." I side and grabbed my back. Edward chuckled and I glared at him. "Why don't you try having this stomach Edward? Your lucky your not a women and have no period and you have no barrier to be broken and hold babies for nine months . All you do is stick it there." His eyes widened and he started laughing so loud, I couldn't help but laugh myself.

"Whatever." I said, now embarrassed.

"I love you." He gave a smile so big it covered his face, from all the laughing. He was going to kiss me but burst out laughing again. I glared "Asshole, you spit in my face." I stomped off to the car with my arms crossed. I could hear him running, well fast walking, I could hardly go fast with this big belly of mine, and he turned me around. "Baby, I'm sorry. Let me give you a proper kiss." And he kissed me deeply, lovingly and softly.

"Let's go home." When we got home, I was surprised to see a lot of cars there. I looked questioningly at Edward. He shrugged and grinned. I glared again, suspiciously. It wasn't my birthday right…no it wasn't. what's the occasion?

I got in and I saw a lot of baby stuff and people were wearing baby bottles for necklaces.

" I promised Rebecca a baby shower remember?" Edward stared down at me.

I grinned." Ohhh yeahh." I looked around for her and spotted her.


'Bella!" She yelled back. I hugged her.

"It was about time. I said after the honeymoon, not like a thousand years later."

I rolled my eyes. "Stop exaggerating."

Everyone was congratulating me with my baby.

"Hey Jacob!" I said when I saw him. He smiled big at me, his arm around Tanya. "Hi Tanya." I smiled at her.

They both hugged me. "What's with the big smile you two?" I asked, looking at both of their faces.

"Well your having a baby, duh.

"And. We're getting married." They announced at the same time and laughed. Wow, I was surprised to see them even be together but now, married? No fucking way.

"Yes way." Tanya said. Well shit I said it out loud.

"Ha ha ha. That's so good to hear!" I grinned at them congratulating them now.

"Thank you." Tanya said, smiling happily at me. We're still okay friends. I walked around chatting with everybody, laughing and having a good time, Edward holding my hand the whole time. When I looked at the cake I was confused. Bella's and Rosalie's Baby Shower and icing said on it.

I glanced at Rosalie. "You're pregnant too?" She and Emmett smiled at each other.


"Why the hell didn't you tell me?"

"I just found out myself a few days. I had a physical check up and they pop the news that I'm pregnant. Three months, can you believe it? Three months and I didn't notice." She laughed, I laughed along.

"We're both going to be aunts." I smiled at her. She smiled back. Soon, the games for the baby shower happened and everyone was having fun. Too soon, it all went so fast, the baby shower was over and everyone started to leave. My parents kissed me on the cheek goodbye, unfortunately they couldn't spend the night like Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice were.

Our group had a fun time by ourselves watching movies and everything. It was so fun and kinda weird now that we could do things without our parents bossing us around. I felt like a teenager again, just with a round huge stomach now.

All of us were enjoying our time with our loved ones.

"So…Alice, when are you having your baby?" I brought up.

She laughed. "Actually, Jasper and I thought about it already." She smiled brightly.

"Yeah? When are you planning to have one?" I asked. They had gotten married already three months ago, they're wedding was so beautiful. I have Alice's and Jasper's wedding picture one the wall on the left side of my wedding picture and Rosalie and Emmett's on the right side.

She blushed ."We're trying right now…" Jasper smiled goofily. We all laughed.

"It'll be fun to see our children play together."

"I know right?" I agreed.

"How bout after we have our first born child, we all try to have a baby at the same time so they can be the same age and make a group like ours?" Alice suggested.

"Do you know how impossible that is? Probably only one of us gets pregnant or all of them are girls or guys. Plus, some of them will be cousin, they can't be a group, at least not a friend group."

"I gotta far off feeling of mine that it will happen." Alice winked.

I laughed. "How do we do this? All of us meet in the same hotel and make love all day and see if we get a baby?" Everyone joined in with my laughter.

"Whatever, Bella. It was just an idea. Oh my gosh! One of my kids and one of yours could even be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"Ew, Alice. They'll all be cousins."

"Emmett, Edward and I aren't blood related, remember?"

"But what about Bella and our child's?"

Alice twisted her lips. "Well, maybe one of yours or Bella's could be with one of mine."

"Alice, your just making everything more impossible." Soon, everyone was getting in an argument. Weirdest one ever. Who the fuck fights about having babies at the same time and weather they'll be boyfriend and girlfriend?

"How bout we wait? We haven't even had our first child yet, Alice mostly. We'll have to wait after our first kid to have another one. We'll see after a while we have our first born." I stated to end the argument, and save it for the future.

"Agreed." With that, everyone went to sleep.


I was the fucking happiest man in the world with the love of my life, Bella. Can you imagine how even more happy I am that she's now carrying my child? Very. Not even that, the happiest you can be, and times that by infinity. Yeah.

Currently, I was in the bed with her watching her sleep while the others were either in the guest room or sleeping on the floor in the living room. I watched as she breathed in and out, watching her stomach move where our child is. She didn't want to know the gender of it yet, I was impatient to know but I didn't mind since she wanted it to be a surprise. Anything for her. I had a feeling it was going to be a girl and she a boy. Who knows, only God. We got to wait til it's born. Which is a good two months away. Why the hell do babies need to take nine months to be born? I wish it was quicker.

I heard everyone rustling around the house. I guess they were awake now. It was just Bella sleeping. I waited thirty minutes for her to wake up. She slowly opened her beautiful chocolate brown eyes, blinking.

"Good morning my love." I smiled at her. She moved her head toward me and smiled back. But then her eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"Shh, shh." She grabbed my hands and put it to her stomach.

"Fibo is kicking. Fibo's saying good morning." She smiled.

"Fibo?" I laughed. She glared. "Shut up, I don't know if it's or he or she so I'm calling it Fibo for the moment."

"After what they call dogs and everything."

She huffed. "Whatever." She got up and changed and so did I. I gave her a quick peck, asking without words for her to forgive me, She did, she could never stay mad at me for long.

"Good morning sleepy heads." Rosalie said.

"Bella's the one that was the sleepy head." I kissed her forehead. She smiled at me.

"Aw guys, I feel embarrassed. You're the guests, I should be making the breakfast." Bella told the, hurriedly going into the kitchen. They girls talked among themselves while I talked to the guys too. Soon they had left and it was just Bella and I. Alice called later on in the day, yelling, no screaming into the phone that she was pregnant and the other baby we would have is getting a step closer. Alice and her crazy ways and ideas. Weird how all of us are going to have our first borns, all so closely. Who's next? Tanya, Rebecca? I was proud Bella and I were having it first. Ha, in the rest of our groups faces!

I spent the whole day with her, it was a good thing I didn't have to work today. We played around and watched TV. We even walked around the neighborhood.

"It's funny how a baby can hear from inside it's stomach. I bet it can hear all the bird chirping and the leaves making their sounds." Bella informed me, her hand on her stomach. I stepped in front of her and put my hand over hears

"I bet it can hear your beautiful voice and Fibo's proud to know it's, it's mother's."

"I bet it can recognize yours too and can't believe how an awesome dad it would have." She smiled back at me lovingly.

"I can't wait til the baby is born so we can share the love."

She smiled happily and said, "Me too."

"I'll love you always. When we reincarnate and become squirrels I'll find you and love you again while we have our baby squirrels."

Bella laughed. "We don't even have our baby humans yet. Anyway, so will I. We'll love each other each time we reincarnate, or we can just stay in heaven together."

Bella and I having our baby soon, everyone else is going to have theirs too and all creating there life's. Life itself was good now.

A/N: THE END :'(

Don't hate me for not having them having all their babies. *ducks*

Chall can make them have all they babies they want and make up their names and what gender it wound be in chall's imaginations =D Review how their babies would be! =D

*starts to sob* I can't believe this story is done! [[there will be no sequel]] I'm gonna miss all you and all you have to say and the alerts. Can chall at least PM me after this? Let's make conversation :D

*** I might change my username to SlientTension, so if you all can't find me later on, search for it for my new story. Or just add me to your favorite author's list, it'll be easier :T ***

I'm not sure what my next story would be about. I have the idea's but I'm thinking which one and how it would be. We'll all see later on :] But I'm sure I'll post it during the summer, maybe. Sooner or later I don't know.


First story was a good experience. Loved how much reviews I got on just this one. Thank you so much, I wish I can explain how thankful I am. All I can say is thank you.

Please, can everyone review this last chapter. At least just this one, all those alerters? If your shy for me to see your username, I don't mind if it's anonymous :]

No matter how old this story gets later on, the reviews never get old :D

ILY ALL SO FUCKING MUCH *hugs everyone*

~iLovetastic xxx

[[Till next time]]

Review their babies ;D