The Color Of Love?

Zero wakes up as the sun is rising on the horizon. His blindfolds are slightly opened and a few morning rays are peeking shyly into his room creating a soft shadow for his furniture. His right hand is numb because he had been sleeping on it, but the lack of feeling doesn't stop him from wiping the sleep from his eyes away with it.

He cannot recall the last time he's felt this rested. It has been a while since he had actually gotten some rest from his sleep. Ever since he had been brought to Cross Academy, his sleep had been altered drastically. The first year had been the worse since, whenever he closed his eyes; he would always replay in his head his parents' murder. With the passing years, the visions of the massacre had slowly died out until they were no more than nightmares. But even after all that time he had difficulty actually sleeping peacefully.

So it was very regenerating for him to wake up feeling rested. Of course, he would try to deny that this had anything to do with the fact that he hadn't been alone in his bed last night, but Zero had, truthfully, enjoyed the company.

Of course, he was still very grateful that Kuran had left before he had woken up. He didn't know what he would have done had the vampire decided to stay until sunrise. He might admit that he has some feelings for the alpha vampire and that his presence calms him in a way not even Yuuki has managed to achieve, but it doesn't mean that he suddenly loves that man and wants to start an intimate relationship with him.

He gave his clock a quick look and realized that it was still too early to get up. He could not remember the last time he woke up before his alarm clock. It usually took all his willpower not to smash the thing against his wall and go back to bed. His bed covers and blankets were very warm and his thoughts were clearer than it had been for a while. He placed his hands in the back of his head and watched as his ceiling turned a nice golden color.

He had to figure out what he was feeling.

The other vampire had already admitted that he 'liked' him, though Zero suspected that those feelings were a little bit deeper. And while the royal vampire could claim it so freely, the ex-vampire hunter hadn't even been given the chance to think or answer the declaration.

Did he like the pureblood vampire who was a pain in the ass?

Yes, there was no doubt there. If he didn't, he wouldn't have allowed the other man to touch him that intimately. He might have been confused, at first, but he had certainly enjoyed what the other male had done to him and he hadn't wanted to stop. So, this was settled. Zero Kiryu liked Kaname Kuran.

What was he going to do about it?

The question left a sour taste in his mouth. He wanted to tell himself that he would do nothing about it, but he doubted that the Night Class president would allow him to go on without interfering. Of course, he could always tell the brunette he wasn't interested, but that would be a lie. And, truth to be told, Zero didn't feel like pushing the other young man away. But what would it mean to have a real relationship with a pureblood vampire?

He didn't want to hold hands. And kissing in public was definitely out of the question. Presents, roses, chocolates... well, Zero had never minded sweets before, but being showered by them everyday wouldn't be something he enjoyed. Public events, dates... truthfully, he couldn't understand why Kaname Kuran wanted him. He wasn't even a pureblood to begin with. He could have somebody much more worthy, someone who had at least a Noble status. So why would he chose him, an ex-vampire hunter who was barely making it as a level-e?

He turns on his left side and stares at his wall, his right arm resting on his side. He realized he didn't want to think about that, not now. There were many reasons why this relation would be wrong. And they went farther than just the fact that he was an ex-vampire hunter who was now a level-e vampire. And he didn't want to dwell on them right now.

He wanted to enjoy his soft bed and his warm blankets. He wanted to forget, momentarily, his stressful life and just feel peaceful for a short while.

It wasn't that much trouble to ask for was it?


"Well, don't you look rested?" Yuuki said as he entered the classroom. He was actually surprised that the room was almost empty. What was even more surprising was that Yuuki had gotten there this early. There were only a few students in different rows, all quietly speaking, reading books or copying homework. He shrugged his shoulders at the indirect question and walked up to his seat that was right behind hers. Next to her, Yori waved her hand at him in a small "hello" and went back to chewing the eraser of her pencil thoughtfully.

Yuuki turned around in her seat and studied him carefully. He didn't think there was something different about him. Sure, he was feeling rested, but that did not mean he was a new man ready to take on the world. And if she was looking at his hair, well she was the cause for their bright red color.

"Are you feeling better?" She asked sweetly, her large reddish brow eyes blinking up at him. Just then, a very odd thought come into his head. Didn't Yuuki look like Kaname Kuran? He nodded his head, getting rid of disturbing thought. He placed his elbow on the harsh wood and held his chin carelessly in his one hand. She smiled at him and turned around to start a small conversation with Sayori.

Shortly after the small exchange student started filling the classroom. It wasn't long after about all the seats were occupied that the teacher finally showed up.

The next hour was spent vigorously ignoring the strict math teacher.


It was late afternoon and the girls were raging and screaming and fanning even when the Night Class hadn't come yet. Next to the gate, Yuuki was doing her best to push away the girls away without hurting them. Of course, this way of doing things caused her to get pushed down and run over by an angry mob of fangirls waiting for their favourite vampires.

Zero rolled his eyes and gripped the tree branch he was currently sitting on with his hands. He couldn't help the fact that he was nervous. He hadn't seen the pureblood since last night and they hadn't exactly exchanged words because he had fallen asleep... but he really wanted to know where their interactions would be like now.

The gates opened after what seemed like a too short time and Yuuki fell to the floor very ungracefully as a pack of girls, all screaming and giggling and blushing, proclaimed their love to any Night Class member that would glance their way. Again, he rolled his eyes, but the movement stopped before it was completed. And his eyes landed on the alpha vampire who, like always, stood at the back of the group.

Even perched up in the tree, Kaname Kuran was still able to find him. Brown eyes gave him a certain look. A look that could have meant many things like: 'did you sleep well?" or something else like 'did you know that you drool when you sleep?' He cursed his mind for acting that way and concentrated himself on getting rid of these weird thoughts. He could still feel the rich brown eyes on him, but wasn't able to return the eye contact.

Eventually, the Night Class disappeared from view and the girls all went back to their dorms because of the lack of pretty boys to admire. Even Yuuki left, not before coming and saying goodbye to him multiple times, of course. And even though the sun set that it was know the time of his prefect rounds, he still remained in that tree. He didn't actually understand why he was doing this until...

"If I had known you would be waiting, I would have hurried up." Was this what he had been waiting for? His heels hit nothing but air and he wondered just how childish he must have looked right now. He didn't dare to gaze towards the ground in fear of meeting the other vampire's controlling stare.

And a moment of silence passed between the two.

"How are you, Zero?" The ex-vampire hunter was slightly taken aback by the softness of the tone and he was momentarily shocked to realize he didn't realize had an answer for thatquestion. No one asked him how he was feeling these days. Well, except Yuuki, but she was always easy to answer and he doubted the alpha vampire would take a simple shrug as an answer.

"I'm fine..." He ran a hand through his messy red hair. It's not like he wasn't fine. In fact, he was feeling better than he had in a while. The only problem was he didn't know if this new feeling of peace was good to have. He didn't want it to go away, but at the same time it didn't feel very... real. Suddenly, the tree branch he was sitting on shifted a little and he felt a shoulder close to his own. He tensed, of course.

"I wish you would stop doing that."

"It's not my fault I'm tensed around you! I mean, you never used to care before..." Zero shut his mouth. He was not going to have a deep conversation with Kaname Kuran about his feelings, no way.

"I did care, you just never realized it." He blinked.

"You weren't the most obvious person either." He said crossly. If he wasn't going to have an emotional fight, he might as well let out all the frustration he had felt in the course of the last four days. But instead of getting irritated, the pureblood replied something along the lines of:

"I guess I wasn't." This frustration thingy wasn't going to work if the brunette kept actually blaming himself.

Another moment of silence passed. Zero tensed up even more when the head of the pureblood landed on his right shoulder. It took him a while to actually get used to the new position.

"You'll have to give me time." Kaname blinked and was pleasantly surprised. He wanted to look at the young man, but their current situation was too nice to be disturbed.

"That's all I have, really." And then, as an afterthought he added; "And you."



OMAKE – The truth behind Zero's hair color.

"Today is the day I get my natural hair color." He said loudly, entering the Chairman's office without knocking. He usually wasn't this happy, but today was the big day. He would finally get rid of the red in his hair and the giggling fangirls that tried to follow him everywhere he went.

"I have to say I'll miss the red. And just when I was getting used to it." Yuuki whined out, mutterings strange under her breath that Zero wasn't sure he wanted to know. But still, nothing could make him feel less cheerful. Goodbye flashing red hair, hello... still flashing silver hair. But at least he was used to his previous and natural hair color.

"I have to say, this were very peculiar ten days." Yuuki nodded with a small smile, turning her gaze from her adopted father to stare at him. He hadn't known Yuuki would be so difficult about it.

"Why won't you keep it? After all this trouble I went to making it seem like an accident..." Her eyes widen and her mouth shaped in a large 'O' as she realized what she had just said out loud. Close to her, Zero had frozen on the spot.

The sound his neck made as he cracked it wasn't nice. And once again, Yuuki hid behind the Chairman's desk to protect herself from the one who wanted to murder her. Steam was coming out of his ears as he took large and violent breaths.

"YUUKI." He roared, eyes flashing to their vampiric dark crimson color.

"I swear to god it wasn't my idea." The red headed fury took one step towards her and she ducked behind to desk. The flying pencils missed her from a few centimetres and instead, landed on the unsuspecting Chairman/Daddy. "I swear. Kaname-sempai was the one who suggested it." Zero froze once again, the nasty and black stapler in his head freezing along with his body.

"Yuuki... he started out with a sickeningly dangerous sweet tone. His eyes were still blood red and she looked over at him with fear. Do you know where pureblood scum in now."

"In the moon dormitory." She replied hurriedly. She sighed in relief when he dropped the stapler on the floor and muttered a quick "I'll be back."


"Zero, what a pleasant..." Kaname had to stop himself there as he noticed the pissed of look on his lover's face. The pen he was holding dropped on the desk as he was hit rather painfully upside down the head.

"You are the cause for this?!" He was fuming. Oh, how he was furious. It took all his willpower not to just beat and vaporise the man in front of him. Kaname still appeared calm and just rubbed the sore spot on the back of his head.

"Now, Zero. I think you are overreacting about this. So, I might have suggested to Yuuki that she dies your hair red but..."

"Overreacting?! I'll show you what overreacting means, Kaname Kuran. There will be no more kissing, touching, hugging, licking or feeling between you and me for at least a month." Kaname looked stunned for a moment. "And that means No. More. Sex. Understood?!" With that said Zero made his way to the door and closed it loudly behind him.

It took a few seconds for Kaname to sink in all these words, but when they did, his eyes widen in horror and it wasn't long before he ran, with more strength than he had ever used, after the ex-vampire hunter.



I don't know if I should cry out of joy that this story is finally done or if I should cry because it is finished. Waaa, my baby is finally all grown up. I finished my first story and I am so proud of myself. I guess I should give a little explanation as to why I didn't do it sooner:

1- I didn't have any idea as to how finish this chapter.

2- I started at my new school and I was a nervous wreck for a few days.

3- Between my math tutor, my private life, my new friends and my old friends, things have been pretty mad lately. And the fact that I now officially have a social life doesn't help.

So yeah, but at least it's over and now I can concentrate on my other stories and my BRAND NEW VAMPIRE KNIGHT STORY THAT I JUST STARTED WRITTING. I even have an extrait that I will put a little lower.

People had also been telling me that I should have included a lemon in the last chapter. But I am sorry to say that this is a T story and will always remain one, however... my new story will be a nice hardcore-ish Yaoi, if any of you is interested.

I have to thank everyone and everyone that reviewed, favorited, story alerted and read my story till the end. You guys have been a blast and I am very grateful for all the support. Please tell me what you thought about my story and about the ending.

Thanks to everyone.


And now *drum rolls* the first preview of my possibly new VK story starts now :

Cross Academy.

The subject of that school had always been taboo in his house. He had been once in his entire life and he had been only five at the time. The school had been in the process of being built. Of course, back then he hadn't understood why his parents were so reluctant to bring him and his brother there. But now, he could.


The mythical and ethereal creatures which were feared and adored by people lived there with humans, went to classes like humans and even tried to act as humans.

And it was weird that he was being sent there. Because, god forbid, Zero was not a vampire. He was also not a human. He didn't fit in. Well, he was human... in a way. And yes, he did look like one. He did have a few traits that belonged to the people like him, but no one ever looked beyond appearances. They were shallow and only cared about his looks.

Well, humans did.

He didn't know if vampires would be able to tell the difference...

His thoughts are lost as the car stops. Zero blinks at the imposing gates that stand there. They just stand there with the promise of not letting you enter. Something looks foreign about them, almost like they are telling him to keep out, that he isn't welcomed here, that he doesn't belong here.

He shrugs the feeling of dread away and studies his sensei as he gets out of the car.

It doesn't take long for the gates to open. They screech and scream out in pain, making his ears twitch. Teacher gets back in the car and starts it up again. The feeling of dread of comes back as the car passes in between the gates. They are warning him. He isn't sure of what, but they are.

So... what do you think? Should I write the rest or just give it up?