Note:Hai-Iro no Shinzo, Mizuiro no Mi techinically means "Grey Heart, Light Blue Eyes" but I'm going to call it Grey Heart, Teal Eyes just for effect. :) Arigato!

Chapter One - When Everything Stopped

Ichigo came at him again with fury in his eyes as Grimmjow kept smiling. He blocked the Shinigami each and every time he struck, and loved the fact that it was really pissing Strawberry-Head off.

"Grimmjow!" Ichigo screamed as he struck again, as if that was supposed to weaken him somehow.

Grimmjow laughed. "You're so cute when you're pissed."

Ichigo growled. "Quit saying that!"

Grimmjow caught the blade of Ichigo's Zanpaktou in his hand, pulling Ichigo closer to him.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Grimmjow mocked.

Ichigo tried to rip Zangetsu from the Arrancar's grip, but was unsuccessful.

"You can't kill me, Ichigo." Grimmjow said as he smiled. "Not only because I'm stronger than you, but because you feel the exact same way about me."

Ichigo glared at Grimmjow. "I won't let my feelings get in the way of my job."

"I didn't do anything, Shinigami." Grimmjow rolled his eyes. "I already told you, Yammy was the one who tried to kill your friends. Not me."

"You would've if you could've, though." Ichigo felt his heart drop at his own words.

"Yeah, probably." Grimmjow smirked. "But I didn't. I came here, to you, remember? And you automatically assumed that your friends got hurt because of me."

"You came with them, to kill us." Ichigo stated.

Grimmjow sighed as he threw Zangetsu back, making Ichigo spin around in circles. It made him laugh when Ichigo twisted with it, unable to stop.

"Officially, yeah I did come here to kill each and every one of you." Grimmjow said as he caught Ichigo's shoulder. "But in reality, I only came here to see you."

"Liar." Ichigo shook him off.

He decided he wouldn't fight Grimmjow today. He couldn't, not in his weakened condition. His heart hurt, more than anything.

"I am not lying." Grimmjow laughed as he used his Sonido to step in front of Ichigo. "I swear."

"You're lying again." Ichigo pushed at Grimmjows chest when he wouldn't let him past. "Move, Grimmjow!"

"Nope." He smirked.

Grimmjow grabbed Ichigo's waist and pulled him to his chest. He grabbed Ichigo's wrists, feeling the excited pulse that hammered against his skin.

"Don't try to fight it, Ichigo." Grimmjow said as he leaned down to Ichigo's ear and bit it softly. "Even I gave up on that."

Ichigo sighed before dropping his head to Grimmjow's shoulder.

"You're evil." He said.

"I know." Grimmjow agreed.

"You'll kill me one day." Ichigo continued.

"Most likely." Grimmjow said as he kissed Ichigo's jaw.

"But you love me." Ichigo stated.

"More than anything." Grimmjow sucked softly at Ichigo's pulse on his neck.

"Then I can live with everything else." Ichigo said before Grimmjow lifted his head. "But...can we not do this in mid-air where everyone can see?"
"Why not?" Grimmjow pouted.

"Because if anyone finds out about this, then we're both dead." Ichigo pointed out.

"Ah, right." Grimmjow smirked. "In that case...should we go back to your place?"

"Are you going to break everything again?" Ichigo asked.

"" Grimmjow joked.

"You better not." Ichigo narrowed his eyes at him before grabbing the Arrancar's hand.


Grimmjow yawned when he walked into the Espada meeting the next day. He took his seat without looking at anybody, without paying any attention to anyone.

He kicked his feet up on the table and laid his head back before closing his eyes. He was tired.

He had accidentally fell asleep at Ichigo's place the night before, and was lucky he had hidden his reiatsu before going there, otherwise they would've been found. He had strode on back into Los Noches this morning, ignoring everyones snide comments asking where he had disappeared to.


Grimmjow opened his right eye and glared at Ulquiorra.

"What?" He demanded.

He honestly didn't give two shits that Ulquiorra was higher ranking than him.

"Where were you yesterday?" Ulquiorra questioned.

"Meditating under the cherry blossom trees." Grimmjow said sarcastically.

"Really, Grimmjow?" Nnoitra asked from across the table. "That's not what I heard."

Grimmjow groaned before opening both his eyes. "Who invited you into this conversation, dipshit?"

Szayel rolled his eyes at him. "He was just stating the fact that there are rumors going around that you were with one of those Shinigami girls."

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow at the 8th Espada before busting out in laughter.

"Shinigami...girls?" He hid the emphasis he was itching to put on girls. "That's fucking hilarious! Who told you guys that?"

Szayel glared at him. "Shut up."

"So, if you weren't with a Shinigami, then where were you?" Ulqiorra asked.

"Are you implying something, Ulquiorra?" Grimmjow demanded, leaning forward.

"No." Ulquiorra turned just as Aizen-sama entered the room with Ichimaru-sama and Tosen-sama behind him.

Grimmjow sat back again, ready to tune out everything thier leader said.



It was the cold voice of Aizen-sama on his back as he was about to walk out the door. Grimmjow turned around partially, looking at him over his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I need to speak with you in private." Aizen said with a small smile.

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow as Ichimaru and Tosen closed the door behind them.

"Come here, Grimmjow." Aizen motioned to the seat beside him that was usually taken by Starrk.

Grimmjow shrugged and took the seat.

"I heard you were out late last night." Aizen said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah." Grimmjow said.

"Hmm." Aizen nodded. "Where were you?"

Grimmjow sighed. He couldn't lie to Aizen-sama, he would see straight through him. But he could try, right?

"I was looking for that Shinigami, Kurosaki." He said, half true. "I couldn't find him. His reiatsu was hidden somewhere."

"Really?" Aizen nodded again. "I could've sworn I saw your Spirital Energy's together in the control room yesterday, I thought they both disappeared, but maybe not..."

Grimmjow's eyes grew wide as he tried to control his breathing. He had been careless not to hide his reiatsu before he went after Ichigo, and it was most likely going to cost him.

"No worried." Aizen stood from his seat. "You can go ahead and go to bed, Grimmjow. Like I said, maybe I was just seeing things."

Grimmjow nodded, walking towards the door as quickly as he could.

He shoved his hands in his pockets as he tried to calm himself, walking down the hall. If Aizen-sama knew, he would most likely kill him and Ichigo both.

That's when he was shoved up against the wall by surprise.

"Wha-" Grimmjow looked up and glared at Szayel's face and his retarded pink hair. "What do you want?"

"I wanna know where the hell you were, Grimmjow." Szayel demanded.

"Jealous?" Grimmjow pushed at Szayel, knocking the lower ranked Espada back against the wall. "No reason for it. I was just walking around."

"Bull shit." Szayel pulled at Grimmjow's shoulder when he was about to walk away. "If you get yourself killed, Grimmjow-"

"Don't worry about it, pinky." Grimmjow smirked over his shoulder.

Szayel got a defeated look on his face.

"You were a thing of the past, Szayel." Grimmjow said as he continued walking down the hall. "Quit worrying so much about me."

Szayel watched as his ex-lover walked away from him. He growled before turning on his heel to head back to his wing.


GrimmIchi: This is going to be at least 10 chapters. :P you lookin for a oneshot? good! Because there's one nice little Lemony one on my profile. ChEcK iT!

Say thanks: This one is for TealEyedBeing cause she asked me if I could write it for her, and since I'm nice (^.^) I'm writing it for her. Arigato!