Eheheheheheh… Well, since my internet was down when I started this fic, and I had this story stuck in my head, I've decided to write the second chapter without any feedback. I know, I know, bad me, but I really needed to get this outta my head before it consumed my brain entirely.

Well, and I actually wanted to finish something for once. .

So, anyway, here is the second chapter of this insane little fic.

Disclaimer: I do not own Get Backers, no matter how good you people say my writing is.

WARNING! This chapter contains yaoi and non-consensual sex. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!


A couple days later, Shido stared at the Tower again, the smirk resting on his face one of confidence. He remembered the pathway from the other day perfectly, and he figured the Phoenix thought he'd given up by now. Heh, no way. Shido Fuyuki doesn't give up that easily.

So, this dawn, he scaled the side of the Tower once more, knowing that if he kept it up long enough the divine bird would eventually come to respect his determination and dedication. As he climbed, he wondered what would happen once the Phoenix finally accepted him as a comrade, as a friend and confidant. He knew that he wouldn't lose interest, but sometimes animals gave up on a person if they weren't interesting enough. Cats were like that, and so were ravens. He just had to make sure to keep this bird's interest with how intelligent and prideful it was.

With a small smile, he remembered what Makubex had told him about the bird. Even at such a young age, the boy already had such mastery over the Fortress' defenses and monitoring systems. The kid even knew where to find Shido while he was musing by himself.


"Um, Beast Master Fuyuki?" Shido turned around, looking at the platinum-haired boy in boredom. He had been tending to one of the dogs, one that was laden with pups, and with this rather long labor he was in hardly any mood to speak to another human being. But, considering it was the kid who had (unintentionally) told him the rumor of the Phoenix, he decided to listen to him.

"What is it, kid? I'm a little busy."

The boy stiffened slightly, nodding rapidly. "Y-yes! I can see that! But, um…" He fidgeted, as if there was something he wanted to say but was too concerned with the response to spit it out. "I… um, I heard you were looking for the Legendary Bird at the top of Babylon Tower…"

"Really… and where'd you hear that?" The dog's whimpers became more pronounced, and the Beast Master stroked her side, gently massaging her pressure points and whispering soft words of praise and comfort to her: "Shh… it's all right. You're doing just fine; just a little longer."

"Well, I saw you on the outside cameras when you fell off the top." Makubex's answer deterred his thought process for a moment, and he glanced to the kid, brown eyes growing hard in a second.


"Um… yes?" The response was such a demure squeak that Shido had to sigh. Great, now he'd gone and scared the kid. And if the hound before him felt the tension, she would panic.

"Listen, kid, I'm not upset with you. But can this wait? I've got a really hard labor going on here." With a nod, the boy turned to leave, then stopped. He paused, turning back with look of ample curiosity.

"Um, Beast Master?" Having already turned back to the panting bitch, Shido only offered a monosyllabic response, edging the boy to continue simply. "Can I stay and watch? I've never seen an animal give birth before."

"Sure. Just don't get too close." With a nod, the boy sat a fair distance away, close enough that he could see the procedure without the dog seeing him.

They sat that way for almost an hour before the first pup finally came into the world, followed by its seven brothers and sisters. Once the birthing was complete, Shido smiled, petting the exhausted mother in comfort. "Good girl, you made it through. Good job." She gave a soft lick on his bloodied hand, the one that helped pull her pups out of the dark of her womb. He smiled and helped the newly birthed pups find their mother's milk and let them suckle, wiping his hands on a towel he had nearby before looking to Makubex once more.

"So, what did you want to tell me, kid?"

"Well, I did some research on the creature after I saw it on the cameras," the silver-haired boy explained. "It's most definitely a phoenix-- no ibis in the world has that coloring. When I researched it, I found out that this bird has a necessity to maintain dominance over its domain like any other creature, but they're far more prideful and intelligent than most of the beasts you command. N-no offense to all towards your creatures, sir," he added with a shy squeak.

"No, I understand." Settling against the wall, the older man pondered for a moment as he watched the pups carefully. Animals had a hard time surviving after birth, and he hoped this whole litter did; he really liked puppies. "Keep going. You've got more to say, right?"

"Y-yes. Well, you see, some of the research I did also stated that phoenixes can shape-shift, taking on a human form with few tell-tale signs of their bird identity, even to the point of shifting genders."

"Quite amazing birds, aren't they?"

"Oh, certainly! They have the ability to carry immensely heavy weights with absolutely no trouble at all, almost every piece of them has healing properties, and they're perfectly immortal. When they die, they simply burst into flames and revive at the point of their prime. Though, they do have a weakness…"

"Besides water?"

"…Well, make that two weaknesses, then. There's a legend that Seiryuu and Suzaku, two of the Japanese gods of old, were old rivals."

"Right, with Seiryuu the Ice Dragon of the East and Suzaku the Phoenix Lord of the North. I know the stories of those two."

"Well, supposedly, Seiryuu found a way to kill a phoenix, but the records are unclear how he managed to do it. All I can discover is that it has something to do with his scales."

"I don't think we have to worry about that much, then." Smiling as the last of the pups finally fell asleep next to their mother, Shido's gaze became much softer and lonelier. "Anything else, kid?"

"Um… Makubex, if you please."

"…Fine. Makubex, then. Anything else?"

"Well, I was wondering… could I join the Volts?"

"When you're a little older. We don't really take kids who aren't teens at least."

"Oh… well, come on and ask me anything. Pharmacist Gen is my grandpa, so… if you need any information, I'll be happy to oblige."

"Sure thing, Makubex. I'll be sure to."


As the sun started inching its way from its height to the horizon, so the Beast Master neared the peak of the Tower. It seemed a little easier than yesterday, now that he knew where all the foot- and handholds were. Even still, the sun was half-way to the horizon before he reached the final landing once again. This time, however, the man in white was nowhere to be found, even when he looked around.

"Huh… I wonder where he is…" With a shrug, he wandered over to the open-air stairwell and walked down. Maybe he'd find the bird's nest below. As he walked down the stairs, he wasn't too surprised to see that there was more light inside the Tower than atop it. What he was surprised to see was the "nest" that he had searched for.

The room was spacious and wide, with high ceilings and windows engulfing every wall. One window was open to the setting sun, the others casting rainbow lights across the lavishly decorated room. Cloth of gold, red, sapphire, and every other color imaginable swathed the abode in tasteful yet chaotic design, and there was a large bed covered in a variety of blankets and feathers below a very worn support beam.

"Wow…" he whispered, stepping into the room in awe. "So, I guess what Makubex said was true…" He stepped carefully around the various trinkets and cloth that littered the concrete beneath his feet, taking in everything. "I wonder where he managed to find all this…"

"Oh, here and there." With a jolt, Shido spun around to face the sole open window… and the man in white that suddenly appeared there. This time, however, the man held a scowl on his pale face, his eyes angry and ruffled. "What are you doing here, Fuyuki-san? I thought I made myself perfectly clear last time you arrived."

Relaxing, the Mariudo smirked. "Oh, so this is your place then?" he asked, a cocky note reaching his voice. "Sorry for walking in unannounced, but I've got a mission to complete."

The scowl quickly became a sneer, still lethally beautiful on the man's face. The earring of amethyst had been replaced with one of silver and citrine, glimmering in the sunlight like a miniature star itself. "I told you once, 'beast master', you'll find no ally here, mark my words. Now leave, before I am forced to dispose of you."

"I'm not going anywhere until I find the Phoenix," he answered. "So throw me off the edge, I don't care."

"You certainly are stubborn."

"Well, I was called mule-headed often enough."

"Ah, such a true trait with the Mariudo clan." With a coy smirk, the man tilted his head into the rays of the sun, once more alighting them with flame tones in their golden hue. "So tell me, what do you plan on doing with this Phoenix once you have tamed it?"

A puzzled expression crossed Shido's face as he tried to comprehend that statement. "What do you mean?"

The smile became dark and bitter, the man's violet eyes glinting with a venomous edge. "Oh? Don't tell me you didn't think of it, 'beast master'. Or are you planning on just ditching the poor creature after it warms up to you?"

"I would never leave an animal to fend on its own," he snarled, glowering with anger at the unnamed figure. "And I have no intention of taming such a majestic creature. None of the animals at my side are minions-- they're my friends, got it?"

"And so you hope to befriend such a legendary creature?" the man snapped back, irritated. "How do you propose to do that, hm, 'beast master'? By bribing it with trinkets and sweet words? I assure you that tactic has been used frequently and it never works."

"Who says I wanna bribe him, huh?! I'm not some joker like the rest of my clan; I just want to give the bird some company!"

"What makes you think it's unhappy with its current situation, hm? Phoenixes are solitary creatures, you should know that."

A low growl of irritation escaped Shido's throat. "Even the lone wolf has a pack," he explained shortly. "And even the most solitary creature can be lonely." He knew that all too well-- once his clan had abandoned him, he refused contact with most human beings, believing them to be less trustworthy than his animal companions. He hardly trusted them to stay by his side, even though he himself felt the pull of humanity on him.

Suddenly, the man seemed to sense something, his expression softening. "I can see you know that all too well, Fuyuki-san," he answered gently. "Tell me, how have you learned such hard lesson?"

"I really don't think that's any of your business," the other replied defensively. "So, are you going to lead me to the Phoenix or not?"

A slow and sensuous grin worked its way over the blonde's features, a devious glint in his bloody-violet eyes. "Oh? You mean you still haven't caught on, Fuyuki-san?" At the sight of his confusion, the grin grew ever broader. "Oh dear… quite dense, aren't you? Well, I'm up for a lesson, I suppose." In a flash, he was gone and directly before the Beast Master. The grin became wicked as he grabbed the front of the teen's shirt and spun around, using the momentum to fling Shido out of the room through a closed window… and thus out into the open air once again. In an instant, the man flashed out of view, coming up behind the startled young man and lacing his arms over the Mariudo's chest.

"I am your beloved Phoenix, dear boy," he whispered sensually in his ear as they fell, "and now I will teach you what it means to intrude in my nest." Wings of vibrant flame and crimson feathers extended beyond them, suddenly stopping their fall and shooting them into the sky. Desperately, the Beast Master fought to free himself-- at least one hand so he could use his Beast Whistle to call the creature's docile side to his attention. But his arms were clamped to his side by the other's arms… and they were only flying higher.

"Where are you taking me!?" he demanded, feeling the clouds dampening his hair and clothes as the air chilled significantly. His teeth chattered, and his panic kept his mind from focusing on his Semblances and fighting back. Squirming and thrashing, he tried to escape the clutches until the man's hot breath was once more in his ear.

"Stop thrashing or I'll drop you. I doubt you'd survive the fall at this height." Taking a second to survey his new surroundings, Shido swallowed hard; they were so high up, the air was thinner and cold, his shallow breaths leaving puffs of crystalline steam before him. So, he froze, keeping from inciting the Phoenix's wrath any further. However, the chuckle that reached his ears was equally as chilling as the air.

"Ah, and so you listen for once. I'm afraid it's too late now, though-- I accept your request for friendship. However…" Something warm and moist slid up his neck, and he shuddered, panic welling up again as he realized what the man in white was about to do… and he couldn't do much to stop it, save making it difficult for him. "Now, you're the one who is going to be tamed, 'beast master'."

"Nngh!" Shido began to struggle again, breaking the man's hold and dropping a few feet before his vest was caught, the soft leather peeling off with ease and he continued to fall. All plans fell out of his mind; he just needed to escape from here!

Sadly, he wasn't so lucky—the base of his shirt was caught as well, dragging him back to their original height while stripping him of the midnight fabric. The freezing air hit his skin sharply, causing his breath to intake hard and quicken, his skin prickling with cold. His pendant rested coolly against his chest, a droplet of ice against his frantic heart. Before he could cry out again, a warm hand latched onto his belt, holding him horizontally in midair, facing upright at the darkening sky and the fiery bird. The grin on the Phoenix's face was wicked and implicating something horrible in his future.

"Are you having fun yet, Shido-kun?" The fingers shifted with amazing dexterity, lifting the latch of the buckle slowly but surely. The excess of the leather slid from the latch steadily, sliding him further away from the divine bird inch by agonizing inch. He could only watch in panic, however; the situation had frozen his mind, left him with only the instinct that he should run as far away as possible, escape this superior creature.

The problem was, he simply couldn't. He was too immobilized by the same fear.

The belt finally coming completely unlatched was what caused a startled yelp, the leather slipping from his belt loops faster than a serpent's glide. Instinctually, he reached up, not wanting to fall, and his arm was caught by his opponent. The mocking laugh he gave, however, made the Beast Master's face burn with embarrassment.

"What's this, Fuyuki-san?" the feathered man scorned, holding his arm tightly with scorching flesh. "Is this to say you are no longer afraid of me?" Before he could object, he was flung into the air, the bird disappearing once more from his sight as he soared higher and fell once again. Arms wrapped his waist as before, stopping his descent and nimbly unbuttoning his slacks. Panic crawled up again, and he struggled, whimpers and soft cries of fear coming from the human male. But no matter how hard he fought, the grip would not break, and soon the zipper of his pants had reached its end. That same hand dipped into the opening, a harsh contrast of blazing heat against the cold air. His gasp of surprise caused another low chuckle, and the hand stroked his length.

"Aah… nngh… s-stop…" His breath was coming in shorter pants, and the icy crystals that had formed on his skin were melting into droplets of sweat as his body shivered and heated all at once. He knew this feeling, not from personal experience but from his animals going into heat around him. This sexual tension, the desire, the thirst for more… he didn't want it. He didn't want to be dominated, to be taken in fear by a creature he was supposed to learn to command. "Stop!"

"Well, maybe if you say 'please', Shido-kun," the cruel voice behind him stated. Before so much as a growl of contempt could escape his throat, the other's hand reached lower, inciting a gasp of pleasure and shock. Teeth chattering and pride shattered, Shido braced himself and caved.

"Nngh… p-please… stop… I… I d-don't--" Another brush against a sensitive area caused a low whine of pleasure and humiliation, blood rushing to his face as his body heated further. His mind and body were acting on two different levels; one wanted him to stop, one needed him to continue. "Please!"

The breathy laugh that responded gave him little hope, especially as the foreign appendage stroked the base of his shaft in laidback amusement. "Ah, I would, Fuyuki-san, I assure you," he chuckled, the hand finally rising from its tender placement to rest against his strong abdomen. The lack of it, however, chilled him to the core, striking a brief pain in his loins as it adjusted to the chilly air. "Indeed, I would. But, I'm afraid I can't just leave you like this. It would be so inhospitable of me."

"I d-don't care!" he stammered, face brightening to a brilliant rouge as he understood the sexual implication. His body was taut with tension, craving the warm touch that both enflamed and calmed the stress of such carnal actions. "P-put me d-down! I don't want…"

"Don't want this?" The whisper in his ear was soft and crooning, tightening his muscles uncontrollably and he choked back a cry of his own, nodding as his only answer. He couldn't trust his voice, as he'd heard the neediness in his tone clear as day. "I'm so sorry, Fuyuki-san, I had no idea."

With an abruptness known only to those who had something planned long before enacting it, Shido was dropped from the grasp, only to be caught by his ankles and held upside down. Without much ado, his shoes slipped off, dropping him another few feet before he was caught again.

"Oh, so sorry, my 'friend'," the Phoenix answered, cruel laughter touching his voice heavily. "It seems your shoes were loose. I'm afraid I've lost them." Then, having no warning to prepare him, he was dropped out of his slacks, cool air rushing over his body as he sped towards the clouds. A cry of panic escaped him again, and he was once more caught around the waist, stopping his descent before reaching the misty cold.

"And it seems your pants have slipped away, too!" The laughter in his voice humiliated the Beast Master further, his face flushing in discomfort and anxiety for what was to come. Still, he thought he'd ask, just once more.

"Please… I'm asking you… don't do this…" He was almost in tears, pride shattered the moment he spoke. He knew he couldn't get away, was at someone else's mercy; someone who could kill him easily, if the mood so struck him. Though, it seemed that luck would not have it as such.

"Well… No." The arms around him gripped tighter, and a burning sensation crawled up his back until bare skin touched his own. "I'm afraid I'll have to teach you a lesson about what it means to respect a divine being." The wings by him flapped and they rose a little above the clouds, even as he struggled to get away. He didn't care if he died at this point-- he didn't want some of the little innocence he had stolen away by this sadistic creature! He pulled at the arms around his waist, then remembered; his Beast Whistle! He raised his fingers to his lips and blew, the screech of the whistle resonating through the air as it empathically projected his panic and will.

For a moment, it seemed like maybe he was in luck. They had stopped ascending, and the only sounds he could hear were his fevered pants. Then, the moment passed and the arms gripped him tighter, a low and seething growl coming from the avian behind him.

"You think to use that infernal Whistle against me, Mariudo?" he snarled, fingernails latching like talons into his ribs. Shido cried out in pain as the claws dug into his flesh, spilling blood over his olive skin as he fought to keep control. His Beast Whistle hadn't worked! What was he going to do now?!

"For that insolence, I'm afraid you're going to have to pay dearly." As frightened for his life as he already was, the Beast Master paled and froze at the Phoenix's next statement: "And trust me, you will enjoy it."

The next moment, his body was lashed with pleasure and pain, a soft hand firmly grabbing his member as heat raced over his back. Talons still tore at his ribs with unrelenting force, even as the gentle touch aroused his fevered loins into a hard shaft. He'd felt pain like this before, but not carnal pleasure-- and he hated it. Moreover, he hated himself for being too weak to stop it.

I really am a disgrace to the Mariudo…

Sensible thought escaped his mind as his pants of pleasure and shame escalated into cries of agony as the avian overtook him, thrusting inside of him with no warning or preparation. Blood trickled down his legs and stomach as his muscles spasmed, arching his back away from his abuser. This enabled the nameless Phoenix to sink his teeth into his shoulder, eliciting another whimper of pain as the hand moved over his length swiftly and firmly. Each thrust drove the other deeper into his body, and his hands could do nothing more than clutch at his clawing hand and the feathery locks. The pain was easily present beneath the rapidly escalating pleasure, and Shido did his best to keep his cries inside, though even the best of men lose their minds to their baser instinct.

He wanted more, needed it even though it humiliated him to think of it. His emotions burned as much as his flushed skin, and this Phoenix drove him higher and higher until conscious thought seemed to cease. Every so often, a flash of white burned at his vision, the pleasure driving higher for a moment before subsiding back into its previous constant. He could hardly take it—his cries became more pained, moaning sharply with each thrust and motion of the divine creature's hand.

"Aah… Ah! Oh, God!" His cries were joined with a breathy chuckle, primal and wanton.

"There is no God for you here, 'beast master'. Before long, you will regret your trespass." The searing pleasure came again, amplified by the claws digging into his ribcage. This time, though, that pleasured spot was hit over and over, each time scattering stars into his vision. He couldn't take it anymore; he couldn't hold himself back.

With a shrill scream of lust and agony, he came, his back arching harshly as his seed spilled into the other's waiting hand. His body was coated in sweat and blood, still encompassing a thickness unfulfilled that continued its movement despite his exhaustion. Whimpering was the only thing he could do as the hand moved from his loins to his hip, guiding the other's shaft through his body.

"Oh God, please… no more, please…" Tears ran down his face, his spirit broken for the time being in shame and pain. Still the movements did not stop (he hadn't really expected them to), and he felt the passion creeping up into him as the Phoenix came within him, the fluids as heated and fiery as the rest of his body. Exhausted and battered, Shido could only rest limply against his captor, his breaths punctuated by mewls of pain and degradation.

He hardly remembered the descent, being taken within that room and placed on the soft sheets and feathers. He saw shadows and blurred images as the Phoenix left his side, leaving him bleeding and broken on its makeshift bed. The last thing he remembered before darkness completely overtook him were the following words:

"You shall never dominate me, Mariudo. Until you understand this, this will be your punishment for such trivial arrogance."


The next scene that came to his view was that of an old man staring at him disinterestedly, and Makubex peering at him from the other side. Shido stared at them without comprehending for a moment until the old man spoke.

"Good, you're awake." Holding up a vial of pale blue liquid, he stated, "Drink this-- your wounds will heal much faster if you do."

He nodded only slightly, feeling the muscles in his shoulder tense beneath fresh bandages as he did so. The bottle came to his lips and he swallowed the bitter liquid without hesitation. Once it was down, he looked between the both of them, vision beginning to clear as he woke up from his exhausted slumber. "What happened? Where did you find me?"

"On a roof in the South Block," the old man explained. "We found you less than an hour ago, unconscious."

"How are you feeling?" Makubex asked, worry and guilt over his youthful face. Giving a pained smile to the kid, Shido placed a hand heavily on the silver-topped scalp.

"I'll be okay, don't worry," he replied, his already whiskey-rough voice hoarse and exhausted. "I just need a little sleep, that's all."

The old man watched him for a moment, his auburn eyes noting his grandson's relief at the King's reassurance. "Makubex, please fetch me some aspirin from the cupboard," he stated laxly. The boy nodded in agreement and left, leaving the two men alone in the room. His grandson gone, the pharmacist turned to Shido.

"What happened to you up there, boy?" he confronted, concern etched into his wizened features. The Beast Master flushed, remembering what had happened above the clouds. A scowl formed on his lips, the simmering anger turning into embers of rage beneath his icy expression.

"I was bested this time," he growled, hands clenching into fists on the sheet covering him. "I can assure you this much; you will not see me in this state again."

"I hope not, boy. That Phoenix will kill you if you tempt him too far…" The expression of rage on the teen's face made the pharmacist sigh, shaking his head. "However, perhaps you will be different, Beast Master Shido Fuyuki. Perhaps you will tame the Divine Phoenix."

"I have no intent to tame him, Gen-san," he answered lowly. "Only take back what was stolen from me." The two had no time to say anything else as Makubex returned with the medicine, and for the entire time he remained in the Pharmacy, not a single word was said.

However, as he healed, he grew more and more bitter over the event, his rage near consuming. He, one of the Four Kings, would not be dominated and tossed out like a plaything.

He would have his revenge.


So, there it is. . There will be more, I assure you. Sorry if it sounds a little AU, but if you have a big problem with how anyone reacts in this, PM me. I'll talk to you about it there.

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed, and please review!