Disclaimer: I own nothing!

"Well, you look quick nice today" Lettie said to the prince, who was wearing his regular yellow suit and top hat. He was standing

alone next to the punch bowl, and Lettie had finally decided to show him her love. Unfortunately, she was flirting with a married

man. Too bad she didn't know, or a lot of problems wouldn't have happened.

"So, please feel free to explain why a girl like you isn't dancing the night away with her lover?"

"I have none." She replied.

This hit him like a cold bucket of water. What? a beauty like she? None to dance with? Well, one dance couldn't hurt... besides,

his wife was in the bathroom, and would most likely not exit for a long time...


Lettie (his wife) had stepped out of the bathroom to find her husband in the arms of another woman. Right when she thought he

was happy, she had even given him a child, hadn't she? That meant it was time for more persuasive actions.

In each others arms, the couple swayed back and forth, kissing the night away. Sophie never knew she could feel like this. She

never had felt this way before. Her stomach was full of fluttering butterflies, but not in a nauseating way. Her love was there

before her, looking like an angel. His light blond hair brushed his cheekbones, and opened up over his lips, giving the two easier

access. She felt like she could almost deserve this. Her mind told her to say something, but her heart knew all words she wanted

to say, he knew already. They where in the middle of the floor, the center of attention. Though she would never had liked it, she felt so comfortable with herself- more than ever before.

But her moment was almost over, and it would soon be time to go home. Home. It felt so wonderful in her mind to know she had a home forever, and a husband to protect her in it. She

felt so, complete. She wanted to stay there forever, in his arms, but she was tired. It was the end of the last song, the end of her wedding. A car draped in white cloth pulled up so

silently, the two where the only ones to notice it. They reduced to holding hands, and walked (more like ran) to the car, and started on the ride home.

"Wow, you guys look tired..... been busy I assume?" stated the fire demon upon their entry.

"Oh Calsifer." She almost whispered. She bent down and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek which he saw coming and turned so it would be a full on the lips kiss. But Howl saw it coming

and spun her around to steal away the peck.

"Hey! No fair! You get to spend the rest of your lives together, and I'm stuck on this dumb hearth! Can't I get one measly kiss! After all I do all the work around her!-" but he couldn't

finish his speech because of his mouth being covered with her soft pale lips.

"Ha ha, are you done now my friend?" Howl said, trying to cover the jealousy he felt of their kiss, it almost lasted as long as theirs. Suddenly, he scooped her up, and flew up into their

room, dropping her on the bed just as he had before onto the balcony. He was tired, and so was she, but they had the whole night to spend together now. He smiled his seductive smile,

and left her to change into something more- comfortable- for the night.

------------------------------------------------------ The Next Day---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Wow, Sophie looks so tired, and Master Howl even had dark circles under his eyes! I wonder what happened yesterday.... of course! They're just tired from the wedding!"

"Um... sure, sure kid. Yeah, that's what they're tired from! he he." He laughed to himself, but wondered if Howl had taught him that lesson yet. I hope not, or he wouldn't be guessing so

off to what they really did. Maybe he'd explain that to Markl while they where on their honeymoon. I wonder what he'd do when I tell him... maybe I should wait for Howl to tell him. In

that case, Sophie better not come back here pregnant.

"Calsifer, will you let me make breakfast? I'll give you some! and not just the egg shells!" he tried bribing him like Sophie did. Speaking of her, she came down the stairs with a large ,

heavy suitcase, and with her, came the raven haired who was so impatient to get going , he rammed into her when she suddenly stopped to take a break.

"Oh Howl! I'm so sorry, are you all right!" She turned to tend to him, when her braid smacked him in the face... causing a red to appear. "Oh, I-..." a perfectly manicured finger came down

lightly on her swollen lips, shushing her.

"Sophie, I'm fine, I'm just going to go to the bathroom for a sec" trying to control his temper. He zoomed up the stairs, and almost cried when he saw the bloody line across his face. He

knew it would leave a scar, and he'd have to use a lot of magic to fix it.

"Howl?" came a voice from below. He knew he had mere seconds before she found him bleeding, and he knew she would fuss over him with no end. Though he hardley would not want to

be the obsession of his Sophie, he knew it would quickly become all

to annoying, and he wouldn't be able to keep him temper with her.

"Oh Howl, is that what I did?" too late.

"Sophie, I'm fine, it's just a little cut."

"Just a little cut? If you didn't know, sir, I worked in a hat shop, and I had more than my share of 'little cuts', so don't try to tell

me that is a little cut. Howl, that will be gone tomorrow, now stop being so dramatic over it and lets go!" she had tried to be persuasive, and alluring, but it came out colder than she had

planned. Well that's a surprise. She must be trying to get me to hurry so we can embark on our honeymoon. I knew she just wanted me! He said to himself

feeling pleased that he was so important to her. I guess it's fine. He said, looking at the now fading mark, and he seemed to have

convinced himself very well. Feeling proud of his accomplishment, he smiled, tricking Sophie into

thinking he wanted her. So she spun around and bounced down the stairs, waiting for Howl to swoop her up, and fly them out of

the door. Instead, he bounced down the stairs too, holding her hand, and opening the door for her, leading her to the car outside.

Well, it's not so romantic, but it's better than nothing, he's changed a lot for me, and i should be happy about that.

"Bye Calsifer, take good care of everyone, and we'll bring you back something wonderful to eat!" Sophie said, trying to get over

her unsure feelings of how Howl took her comments on his face.

"There are plenty of logs there, and there are more in Sophie's garden, next to the door, in case you run out." and that was all he

said before he completed her fantasy, and flew her out of the door, letting her into the car. Sophie was tired from everything,

and almost immediately fell asleep in Howl's arms. After casting a few protection spells, her too took the advantage of a long ride,

and slept as well.

-------------------------------------------------------back to last night and Justin-----------------------------------------------------------------

"Hello? Are you home sweetest?" yelled a worried Justin, who had just gotten back from the wedding. He came home at a decent time, but if his wife was already home, he would never

hear the end of it. He tried to control his emotions, as well as his facial expressions.

"In here..." called a seductive voice. Even a purring cat couldn't compare to her 'sweet' voice.

*gulp* what could she be planning to do to him now?

As he walked into the room where she lay, his eyes opened a little wider, and his jaw slacked a little. His arms hung to his sides useless, and his legs felt as though they would collapse

any minute. There before him lay a woman he thought he had never seen before. She wore a little light pink robe with feathers at the bottom, and an even smaller light pink night gown

underneath. He couldn't beleive this! Her hair was done into soft, short, playful curls, just begging to be touched, and her mascara seemed to intensify her eye color.

"Ready for bed? You look tired, probably from that girl you where dancing with. Tell me, drear, do you like- love her, better than me? Your own wife?"

"No! Never would I choose her over you!"

"Well than, lets go to bed, hm?"

Sophie, Howl, Justin, Lettie, Lettie: PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!

Yay! longest one yet!!! see you in the next one! and please, please, review. I would love to hear how you guyz want the story to go!