
It's been five years since the final battle. Hermione hid Draco for a year until harry defeated Voldemort. Two years later Harry and Luna got married and are currently expecting their first child. It took some time for everyone to accept it but Hermione and Draco are a couple. They've had to work out their differences but they just seemed to be perfect for each other. They are both very smart and they challenge each other. They disagree on everything but they don't mind. They like their little arguments. Hermione loves it that he is so smart. He always has something to say and he doesn't give up so easily. Probably because of his pride. Draco, Harry and Ron still don't get along very well. For Hermione sake they try but they hardly ever let an opportunity to insult one another pass. After a while Harry and Ron noticed that even though he is still the jerk he always was he is actually very nice to Hermione and they really like each other.

Draco remained living in Malfoy manor after his father died. His mother stayed there too. Draco asked Hermione to move in with him but she refused. She told him she wouldn't want to live there because the house was too big and cold for her taste. Also the house elves working there wasn't to her likings. He asked her what sort of a house she would want then. She thought for a while and told him she wanted a double fronted house with oriels. One of the two front rooms would be the living room with a fireplace and she would convert the other room into her private library. She would create a couch like spot in the oriel where she could read and look outside. She also wanted a dining room overlooking the Garden. She would make a beautiful garden with a swing and roses around it. Draco commented that that would only attract bees but she hit him softly and told him to be a little more romantic and basically to shut up. On the first floor of the house she wanted her bedroom to be at the front so it would have an oriel as well. She really loved those. She would make the same sort of lounge in there as she would make in the library. Draco told her he wanted a walk in closet and she asked him who said he could live there with her. He pouted and she smiled. She then agreed on the walk in closet and went on imagining the rest. She wanted to have a guest room and a room for kids she might have in the future. Maybe a couple of rooms for kids would be better. They could always use them as a spare room. "You really do have a big imagination" He told her and smiled.


"Are you sure we can do this? What if anyone needs us? Would they know where to find us? Luna could have her baby any minute. What if someone has an accident? What if we can't find the way back home?"

"Don't worry so much Hermione we'll be fine. You wanted this remember? You told me so in one of your letters. You wanted to get on a bus and get out in a city you don't know without thinking about anything other than just having fun"

"I know I said that and I do want that but what if someone needs me?"

"They'll find you"

"How could they? We won't even know where we are."

"Stop worrying! Come on."

"Okay your right. It's stupid. Let's take this bus"

"No I don't want to take this bus."

"Why not?"

"It's too crowded"

"It's Saturday Draco all the buses will be crowded."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do"

"Well it left now. Here comes another one let's take this one."

"This one is even more crowded than the other one"

"Yeah well it's a Saturday Hermione what do you expect?"

"You are unbelievable"

"I know. I'm just perfect."

"And you're so modest too."

"It's a gift."

"Sure it is."

They drive in the bus for a while until Draco suddenly jumps up.

"We have to get out here"

"Why? I thought we were going to the last stop?"

"I have a feeling we should get out here"


"Just trust me" He drags her out of the bus before she can protest any more.

They look around. They are in a small village at the top of a hill. The views are amazing. They walk through the village and there are tons of cute little shops. Hermione wants to go to every single one of them and buys some souvenirs. For a while the views and the shops really take her mind off of everything that's going on. After a couple of hours they eat at a small restaurant by the center square of the small village. The square has a fountain in the middle with mermaids on it. For desert they have Ice cream with chocolate toppings.

"I'd love to come back here one day just for this ice cream! It's delicious." Hermione tells him.

"Maybe you will"

"Yeah maybe"

"Draco looks at the time"

"You have your watch! We weren't supposed to bring that remember."

"I know but we have to go somewhere"


"You'll see"

"Is this the part where you kidnap me and hold me prison?"

He laughs. "No. but it isn't such a bad idea."

Hermione follows him and they stop in front of a big white double fronted house with oriels.

"What's going on Draco?"

He turns to her and she is looking at him expectantly.

"I want you to come live with me Hermione. I can't stand it that you live somewhere else. I want to wake up beside you every morning"

She smiles.

"I know you don't want to live in Malfoy manor. Remember how you told me about your dream house a couple of years ago?"

"Yes I remember."

"Well, I've been trying to find that for you."

"Really? That is so sweet."

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is Draco. Thank you.

"Don't thank me yet. You haven't seen the house."

They walk up the front porch until Hermione suddenly stops in her tracks.

"You've planned this. You knew where we were. We were supposed to get out at a place we didn't know."

"Well I've never been here"

"But you knew where we were."

"But you didn't. Wasn't that the point?"

"I guess it was. But you still cheated."

"Let's just get in shall we"

She smiles and happily follows him. The house looked very promising from the outside and when Hermione is looking through all the rooms she falls in love with it. After a while they sit down at the current owner's couch.

"I love it Draco"

"Good." He gets down on his knee in front of her.

"I love you Hermione and I want you to be with me forever. Will you marry me and live with me in this house?"

"Are you serious?" He nods and smiles at her. "Yes, yes I will" She jumps in his arms and hugs him.

"Draco, I have something to tell you." They sit down again on the couch.

"I'm pregnant Draco"

"I know"

"What do you mean you know?"

"I love you and I love your body. Did you honestly believe I wouldn't notice any changes to it?" she smiles.

"How long did you know?"

"About a week"

"A week? I've known for two days!" he smirks at her.

"I guess I know you better than you do."

"Never. Is that why you suddenly want to marry me?"

"No of course not. I've been thinking about it for a while and when I realized you were pregnant I knew I could never spend another day apart from you" she takes another look around the room.

"The house is perfect Draco. I'd love to live here with you."

"Good. Otherwise I might have had to kidnap you and hold you prison after all"

The end.

Author's note:

Sorry it took so long. I'm not supposed to be writing now either. Way too much homework to be done! Anyway thank you for reading my story and for having the patience to wait for me to update every time. I'd love to know what you think about it. If you like this, I've written three more Harry Potter fanfics. Maybe you'd like those too. Thanks again.