Author's Note: And here is where the juicy part starts and the story ends. I'm not very good at this sort of thing so bear with me. :(
DISCLAIMER: Of course, I don't own any of the Transformers or Mikaela or Sam. :/
He approached slowly, hoping that Optimus wouldn't hear him coming. He couldn't even take three steps before Prime's eyes popped open and saw Sam standing ten feet away as if he'd been caught stealing some priceless jewel. Sam didn't even bother with the stealth anymore; he strolled up to the Autobot's side awkwardly silent.
They both began to talk at once.
"Optimus, I'm sorry I--"
"Sam, I'm sorry if I--"
The two grew quiet and waited for the other to take their turn first.
"Optimus, I...I don't know what I was thinking. I was stupid and childish and stubborn. I didn't trust you like I should've." Sam felt like 'such a puss' as he felt tears beginning to stream down his cheeks. "I doubted you and didn't believe in you. I let you down and pushed you away. I'm so sorry. I just--"
Optimus put his newly restored hand on Sam's cheek with the other on his shoulder and the boy broke off his last sentence. He felt Prime's lips press against his own gently, almost comfortingly, like his body alone was telling him that all was forgiven. His heartbeat began pounding in his ears like it always used to and he found it hard to think. Optimus pulled away and whispered with his hand still cupping Sam's face, "I don't care about all that. I was...afraid that I was going to lose you for good."
Were those tears in Optimus' eyes? Yes, Sam wasn't seeing things. As fresh as the ones in Sam's eyes, tears streamed down Optimus' beautiful face. Sam wrapped his arms around Prime's neck in an embrace and brought their lips together once more. This was the tear-jerkingly sweet moment he'd dreamed of. Optimus seemed a little unsure as to what to do but he was a fast learner. His soft hands pulled Sam closer as their kiss grew deeper. Sam began running his fingers through ebony strands of hair, not wanting to break away. It was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. Each move Prime made was soothing, calm, yet protective almost like he was afraid that if he were to let go, he'd lose him permanently. The boy began to cave in to all those feelings he'd had, all those thoughts of Optimus he constantly denied thinking it was all wrong. Everything here felt right to him. How could anything be wrong? Sam felt like he'd just been lifted up to cloud nine.
Sam somehow found himself leaning against the wall with Optimus pressing against him. Every sense was heightened--he'd never felt so good before. Much to his dismay, Optimus pulled away with a tender smile on his lips. Shivers shot up his spine and his knees became weak the moment he began feel Prime's soft lips suckle on his exposed neck. He let a tiny moan escape him. His hips began to undulate against Optimus and Sam felt a twinge of smugness when he heard a pleased groan from the larger man. It was probably Optimus' first time experiencing anything so heightening in his human state. It would be a time he wouldn't soon forget, Sam wanted to make sure of that.
He nibbled at the Autobot's exposed ear while his hands slid down his sculpted back. Sam wasn't a professional at things like this but he had quite some experience, although some aspects change depending on the person. Optimus straightened himself and pulled back, making Sam worry that he had done something wrong. Of course not. Optimus wanted everything just as much as he did. Two large muscular hands reached for the bottom of Sam's hoodie and he hastily assisted Prime in shedding the excess clothing. He paused as soon as he saw the scars on Sam's chest and arms that made him look like he'd gotten into a fight with a steak knife and lost horribly. Shiny pink marks dotted his upper body, some darker than others.
Optimus was going to say something, but Sam quickly stopped him. "I know; I look horrible."
"Sam, I'm sorry I let this happen to you. I--"
"Stop apologizing already. You've done enough to make up for one slip-up." He planted another kiss on surprised lips which managed to drag Optimus away from beating himself up for something he couldn't have stopped. Thankfully Prime was only wearing a button-up dress shirt today, which came off with much more ease than Sam's hoodie. He could've sworn he was staring at Adonis himself. He was the epitome of perfection. Prime coaxed Sam into another deep, passionate kiss much stronger than before. Sam's hands dropped down to his pants and unfastened the button on his jeans. Optimus followed his example, all the while their lips remained locked together except for the brief moments when they needed to catch their breath.
Optimus undulated against Sam, feeling the shudders of pleasure erupt from his small frame. There was no logic to this situation. Optimus knew he was a fool standing in a hallway almost entirely naked (except for his boxers), making out with a human. The other Autobots would either be disgusted or laugh their mufflers off. He didn't care--all that mattered to him right now was Sam. Sam was his and he was Sam's. Nothing else existed in his world.
Sam slid his boxers off with the free time his hands were given. He wasted no time getting rid of Optimus' as well. "Can we...take this somewhere more private?"
His partner's eyes flickered with understanding. Optimus' hands lowered down to Sam's thighs and swiftly hoisted the smaller boy up onto his hips and carried him into his dormroom before pressing his bare back against the nearest wall. Sam wrapped his arms around the man once more and began kissing him from his jaw down to his neck and shoulders. His legs were folded around Optimus' middle.
"Never...leave, Optimus." Sam panted into his ear softly, sending rippling shudders through his body. "I will always need you..." He moaned into Optimus' neck as he felt him burst into him, his hands gripping Prime's hair tensely. There was a gentle rhythm to Optimus' movements; he was gentle and knew what to do and when to do it. Prime hands had found their way to Sam's manhood, his touch causing gasps and cries of rapture from his smaller beloved partner. He was quite a fast learner. It was too much for Sam to process at once; Optimus continued his rhythmatic pressings in and out while his hands stroked and teased him guiltily. He could hardly focus before Optimus Prime's lips met his own, hungry for more of the sweet passion he'd already tasted. Sam let his tongue do the work this time, enticing Optimus' hunger even further until his too became uncontrollable. Both Optimus and Sam were drenched in sweat, their bodies glued to one another in hot, romantic bliss. Sam had lost track of time but he was well aware of his lack of restraint. He couldn't last much longer.
The rhythm began to pick up speed and Sam knew both he and Optimus would be drawing to a close soon. Optimus was panting hard, demanding his body to keep it up for a few more seconds until...
Sam cried out his name, his voice shrill with ecstacy. Optimus wasn't too far behind. They finally collapsed on Sam's bed, exhausted yet entirely satisfied. He cuddled close to Optimus for warmth and quickly found himself drifting off into a dreamland.
The last words he heard before he fell asleep were, "I need you too, Sam."
"You guys seem happy." Ironhide duly noted the next day as he watched Optimus and Sam step out of the yellow Camaro. His aqua blue eyes scanned the two of them warily, although there wasn't very much he could do in his Vin Diesel form. Sideswipe stood alongside him, his expression undeterminable by those reflective shades he wore. What better way to spend his vacation than with the Autobots, Sam thought. Bee had driven them out to their HQ, which was an hour or two away from his school, on important business. Of course, his guardian acted as if it were a surprise and Sam didn't press questions.
Bumblebee joined Sam on his other side as he beamed, "Well, I've been having a pretty good week."
Ratchet emerged from the Autobots' 'headquarters' (the aircraft hangar aforementioned) with an inquiring look plastered on his face, "How did you two make up so quickly?"
"Well, we had a long talk, Ratchet." Optimus answered. He exchanged smirks with Sam. Ratchet smiled in response, returning his attention to the small paperback book in his hand.
"So Bee--"
Skids and Muflap rudely barged into the conversation, wide grins glued on their ugly mugs and yellow rectangular pieces of paper in their hands. They were flight tickets. "Hey guys, guess what? Major Lennox invited all of us to go on a trip with him for a couple days! To some place called Hawaii. You guys want to go?"
Sam couldn't stop himself from smiling. He didn't see the harm in taking a little break from all the explosions and battles and the conflicting relationships. He glanced at Bee and then at Optimus, who both seemed fine with the idea. They'd never been on a vacation, had they? Hawaii sounded pretty inviting after everything he'd gone through. "Sure. Why not? I've got all the time in the world."
Author's Note: THE END. :] I loved writing this. Truly, I did. I might actually write a sequel as soon as I can get a functioning computer.