Authors Note: I'm really sorry guys I haven't updated in such a long time. Please forgive me!*bows and offers peace cookies*
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Knight.
It was late during the day when Seiren entered an uneasy rest, she'd tried to contact the angel Seiko but had failed and now was left exhausted as she over worked her powers and wasn't able to replenish them without the blood stock she needed but wasn't allowed to have. Rolling over mid-way through her dreams Seiren's eye lids began to flutter in an odd way and her body rather than lazily rolling over began to thrash about in her bed. Unconsciously she gripped the sheets beneath her as she screamed, jolting upright awake with her eyes wide and her breathing laboured Seiren held her sheets around her for protection as frantic animal eyes searched the room for any intruders.
She found none only herself and the cat that visited her meowing at the window and patting it with its paws. She groaned running a hand through her messy silver locks and opened the heavy drapes carefully, avoiding eyes contact with the sunlight as much as possible, "in you come" she mumbled rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The small ginger cat plonked itself into her room and then made its way to sit on her bed. The slender vampire looked outside for anything on this grim morning but found nothing that should alarm her.
Cloudy snow covered days were normal in this area and she closed the window locking it and then sealing the drapes across once again. Slowly making her way over to her bed slipping underneath the covers and welcomed the purring cat into her slight arms. While gentle stroking the feline she began to have bits and pieces of her dreams flash back to her. Two young girls, red and black were brining a knife to a pure white glowing woman's heart. A sudden flash of brightness and then she was gone. The dream had then changed to what she could recognise as Seiji mourning the death of his loved one on the steps of the church renouncing God for taking her from him. It was then those same two girls snuck upon him plunging a dagger to his heart from behind and swiftly tearing off his head in one motion. They'd looked up as if she were there looking directly at her then using a small vile to extract a blue swirling object from his chest. It was Seiji's soul.
Pausing she looked at the cat and smiled as she found it asleep. But that would have destroyed the vampire's dust and bones, how would he have returned? Unless someone had opened the vile and unleashed it back into the air while Kaname was young thus allowing the soul to take root in Kaname's body until it was strong enough to take over. But who would have done that?
With a frustrated sigh she laid back down, however Seiren felt as if her body was being pulled back into the bed and something taking over her before she could stop it, then it was all black. Her mind was clear and it was as if she had been forcibly sat down on a chair and made to watch a horrible movie. The same dream played over again and again in her head as she then saw the two young girls. Red and Black turn to her, this time they walked towards her holding the dagger in their hands. Their mouths were moving but no sound would come out it was simply as if they were miming. But suddenly words came out, as if she wasn't hearing them with her ears but rather her mind.
It hurt and a headache that would ensure her hell the next day started up, "leave" it was the Yuuki look-alike that was hissing at her, her eyes turned red as did the tin red haired witch beside her, "Ari, she seeks for answers. Let us help", the slender vampire felt so helpless in the hands of the powerful demons. Aria gave a brief nod and turned around her skirts swishing a she moved, "follow" Evangeline ordered Seiren. It was odd but Seiren felt her whole body move, following the young girls and every step she took she could feel the gravel beneath her feet, cutting away at them. The pain was there, but the care wasn't. She wasn't bothered that she was being bossed around by two (what appeared) to be children, and following them in what was most likely her souls body to some unknown location in a world she had no power in.
Seiren had no idea what would come out of this, but she had a feeling that she would get the answers she needed from Aria and Evangeline. They were the primary source of the information, "in here" suddenly out of nowhere they appeared in what seemed a medieval bar, Aria opened the door and allowed Seiren in. Looking down she found herself wearing the garments that women from that time wore. Aria's cold red eyes pushed her on; inside the bar it was all made of wood with a massive crackling fire right at the back.
Making their way to a secluded corner of the room Seiren took a seat and felt a thousand eyes staring at her, "we are at unrest. This is the dimension of the souls", looking around Evangeline finished, "these are all the souls that are at unrest, forever doomed to linger in this…hole, this is what could be called limbo. And you my dear are now here, looking for answers from those who have turned your life upside down but…tell me how goes our adorable grandchildren?", Seiren glared at the two women.
"You and your holier than thou attitude that sent him to hell has caused him to come back and almost kill them both! Not to mention Yuuki-sama's children and…and" not being able to bring herself to say it she sat down and cast her gaze away, Aria the Yuuki-look alike chuckled coldly, "I'm aware this has all happened, and that you love Kaname. But you see my dear the only way all of this hell will end finally is when you kill Seiji".
The red head folded her arms across her chest and sunk closer into her chair her wild red curls bustling around her pale heart shaped face, "now you mustn't think we don't love our children because we do. However this is truly all yours and Seiko's fault. Your love for the demon that was Ari's brother has caused this, unless you are the one to drive the stake into their heart for once and for all this will never end. You will never have peace, neither will Yuuki, Yori or their children. You will all forever be haunted by that man".
Seiren felt sick, her stomach clenched and she felt as if she would surely vomit but nothing came up, "dream state child", Seiren slowly felt her body draining and blacking out. She saw Aria and Evangeline waving good-bye by wiggling their slender fingers their glowing red eyes sending her back into the real world throttling up in her bed and slick in sweat. Running shaking hands through her short hair she began to sob. The first time in over a decade the small vampire found herself sobbing, her whole body shook as she found an anger building within her. It wasn't fair! Why should Kaname suffer for their mistake, for his ancestors misgivings? It wasn't right, there had to be something more she could do.
But what? In the past Aria and Evangeline tried to vanquish Seiji without hurting others but they ended up in the in-between for their efforts…and I don't want to become like them…
Seiren fell to her bed and stared at the ceiling. She guessed that was it, in order to protect those she loved she would have to kill the one she loved most. It couldn't be it? Right? There was something else.
Deep inside Seiren knew that there was nothing else but she was desperate, if Kaname was gone she would be alone. Unless, unless she convinced Seiji! Jumping from the bed she flew to the doorway and down the hall banging hard on Kaname's door. It was answered by a tired looking Kaname, his eyes pale blue with circles. They turned green when his eyes focused on her however and slowly a cruel grin seeped onto his features , "did you miss me that much you wished for my comforts?", Seiren felt herself flush uncharacteristically as his eyes trailed over her whole body making her feel as if she were naked before him. Covering herself she moved away a cold fear slipping into her, I can't cover up from him. Moving towards her, he slammed his hands either side of her head as his body pushed her into the wall and his lips were forced onto her own.
Seiren's eyes went wide and she tried to push him off but he pinned her hands to the sides of her head. Slipping her second hand into his first and holding them both above the scared vampires head and pulled her body towards his own angling her hips to his own. Finally he pulled his lips off Seiren's and let go of her hands pulling her closer to him, "what did you want?", he whispered in her ear. Still shaken she managed to stutter out "p...please, leave us alone", it was weak and not what Seiren had wanted to say but he figured that Seiji loved Seiko. That may just be her way in.
"Pardon?" he grinned, she looked up at him her eyes glowing with a determination that caused his heart to ache, it was the same look Seiko frequently gave to him, "please, let Kaname go. We've done nothing to you. If you wish for revenge that's fine but don't use Kaname as your pawn! It wasn't our fault, not any one form this time took Seiko from you!" His eyes turned black as Seiren mentioned Seiko's name, "what would you know?"
"I know that you loved Seiko, she was an angel and your sister and her friend killed her in order to kill you" Seiren shook her head, "but that isn't our fault, you almost killed two people and it wasn't their fault". He shrugged and gripped Seiren's shoulders, "please let Kaname go, please". Seiji laughed and let go of Seiren walking back into his room and slamming the door muttering "idiot" as the door closed. Closing her eyes and sliding down the wall she started to sob, she was so confused and had such little idea of what to do it scared her, all she wanted was Kaname back…
It was becoming more and clearer to the young woman that was impossible, her heart sunk as the deep depression of reality sunk in. She would never have Kaname back, he was gone and the only way any of this would stop was by following what Evangeline and Aria said.
She needed to kill Kaname…with her own two hands.
Into the dark of the night sobs broke the eerie silence and across the country a young woman, a little younger than Seiren herself found herself having just awoken from a horrendous nightmare. She'd been woken by her husband screaming in her sleep and even waking up their infant son with her screams.
Gripping Yuuki's slender arms her eyes were wide as Zero held her still. Covered in sweat she began to cry and was thankful to have a warm pair of arms surrounding her and pulling her into a firm chest. "Its okay" he told her soothingly rubbing her back, shaking she gripped Zero's nightshirt burying her face into his shoulder.
"It was that dream again Zero. I was so scared, it was awful I killed Onii-sama, Yori and I we killed him and Seiren-san" looking up with big scared eyes that made Zero's heart stop, "he's coming for us, he'll kill us and Ichiru…he'll kill hi"
"Stop!" Zero was firm and his eyes had changed from a calm lavender to the deepest of crimsons, "nothing, nothing will happen to either of you. Do you hear me? I don't care if it costs my life, nothing is going to harm either of you", she shook her head and moved her hands to his face cupping his warm cheeks looking up at him with a gentle smile that was meant to be a comfort, "you can't stop him my love, he's not Kaname he's a 7,000 year old vampire".
The two separated when their baby's cries became too loud to ignore any longer, Yuuki slowly moving from Zero's arms and towards Ichiru's nursery. The young hunter slouched his shoulders, never actually believing that the time would come where he would truly be facing a situation where he couldn't protect Yuuki. He'd always been her tower of strength and he'd known that within the first month of meeting her, yet suddenly she had come out and said he couldn't protect her.
Zero could honestly care less how old this vampire was he wasn't prepared to allow anyone near his family. Zero hadn't been raised to kill these beings from the tender age of four to be scared off when an old one came along and tried to scare those close to him. His father certainly wouldn't have feared him, he would have done everything to keep his wife and children safe and Zero wasn't prepared to let his father down, or his family for that matter. The sound of bed sheets rustling awoke Zero roughly from his thoughts, and the very sight of his family made the handsome hunter decide.
Nothing would harm them, he'd already promised Yuuki that and he wasn't going to go back on his word. He'd lost her once to Kuran, it wasn't happening again.
Climbing through the covers Yuuki snuggled into Zero holding Ichiru close to her heart, the small infant still screaming and showing no signs of letting up. Zero gently rubbed his tummy as Yuuki cooed him lovingly kissing the crown of his head. "I never thought I would say this, but we should call the chairman". Yuuki frowned at Zero she tried to calm Ichiru down with no avail,
"We need a clown someone that easily humiliates themselves, something amusing", rolling her eyes she slugged Zero in the arm then smiled at him, "thank you", she whispered. Zero didn't need to be told what for, he knew. It took a while but Ichiru went back to sleep, nestled in his parents arms with his chubby cheeks pulled into a little smile, soon as Ichiru fell asleep so did Yuuki. But the sleep was uneasy and full of strange images she couldn't put together, hallways, symbols and a dagger. She didn't move though, the warmth of Zero's body however keep those images behind a glass door. They couldn't touch nor harm her, but it didn't make them any less scary.
Zero he didn't sleep that night and he doubted very much he would sleep until he saw Kaname Kuran's head roll and his body explode into ashes. It had become the only option and in truth for all the hatred Zero harboured for Kaname, this still would never have been his ideal outcome from those days back at Cross Academy.
Alrighty then, almost done! I think there is about another two chapters to go and then we should be done…*scratches head "whoa"* XD I'm really sorry once again, that I ALWAYS take such a long time to update, there's no excuse really. I'm pretty lame sorry.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, please review it would be super awesome!XDDD
Thanks for Reading XD
Claudia-Maria Anne