Sorry took forever, Hope you all enjoy and like.
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Disclaimer: do not own!!!
Chapter 6:
Haruhi awoke later from her nap with a start. She hadn't even realized that she had fallen asleep when she was talking to Kyouya. The memory of what was said shot back at her. How could she let them get involved. Haruhi thought now it was a bad idea to call them in the first place. What's done is done. Time to figure out a plan. Haruhi stood up and walked over to her mirror over her dresser. She still looked a fright on her neck. She put her shoulder length hair into a short ponytail and walked out into the living space of her small apartment.
Looking around her, Haruhi noticed that the room was spotless and that something smelled exceptionally yummy. Looking at the clock Haruhi realized that it was around 5 in the evening. Wow I slept for a really long time. Kyouya came around the corner and saw that she was awake.
"Sleep good?" he asked pushing his glasses further up his nose. All she did was nod. She couldn't believe he did all this. Instead of actually asking him out loud, she motioned with her head. "Awe, yes well I took the time to have my maid come and clean. Dinner is done, I was about to come wake you." Kyouya smiled and kissed her temple when he walked by her. Haruhi was stunned silent. He found he liked that a lot since it was him who helped her get to that state. "Shall we?"
"Yes. Sorry I whined at you earlier Kyouya. That was very babyish of me." He only shrugged at her apology. Taking that as he accepted she sat down. Dinner was lovely it was a type of shrimp pasta. All through dinner they caught up with what she did in school and laughed over how he became after she left. Not one of them mentioned Tosca or the incident that will take place tomorrow. Both were content idly chatting about nothing and everything. Haruhi excused herself under the impression of taking a shower. Now was her time to think of a plan that would rid her of having to have the Host Club interfere with tomorrow.
Standing under the mist of the warm water enveloping her, Haruhi thought it would be best to maybe leave early in the morning and confront him before noon, maybe before the presentation that way she takes him by surprise and what ever he had planned for the afternoon would be ruined.
Knowing that was what she wanted to do she hopped out of the shower and made her way out into the living room wearing her favorite night shirt. Kyouya knew something was up the moment that she awoke. He knew his Haruhi was up to something, probably trying to figure out a way that they would not be involved in the scheme of things in her way of thinking. Kyouya then decided that he would have to keep a close eye on her. "Haruhi I need to tell you something." He knew this was going to be a lie but he thought to make her worry about something other than tomorrow. " The others were supposed to be here by now." Haruhi had a confused look on her face.
"I thought you said that they would be here tomorrow morning not tonight." she stated confused.
"Yes well see that is… why you were sleeping they called me to tell me that they were coming to night and not tomorrow." Hook-line-and-sinker. Haruhi looked worried.
"Have you called them they could just be delayed." Just as Haruhi walked over towards the wall phone next to the front door the door bell rang. Haruhi opened the door to find someone familiar standing there staring back at her.
* * * * *
Kyouya's moment of triumph turned to irritation for standing in the door way of the apartment of his girlfriend stood 5 familiar silhouettes. The rest of the members of the Host Club. Relief was washing off of Haruhi like a waterfall.
"Well, what took so long, you had me worried." She stated. "Don't just stand there come in already." All of the men looked at her very confused. However they complied with their friends wishes and walked into the small room that just became cramped do to the large men and the small quarters.
"Are you okay my darling daughter?" Tamaki leeched onto her. " I know daddy had to work and all but all is well now, daddy is here. Mommy better had not done anything untowards to my precious daughter." For some reason known only to her self Haruhi found that comment hilarious and proceeded to laugh. Her laughter made all 6 men in the room with her smile. They had missed this especially. Haruhi laughing at something they knew nothing of. Kyouya frowned over what she was laughing about. He had listened to the conversation over in his head. He figured she was laughing at the fact that she and he were now boyfriend and girlfriend and what Tamaki had just stated. Right then Kyouya decided to tell them of the issue at hand. That he and Haruhi were in fact together now. However, he never expected the reactions of them once he told them either.
" Haruhi and I are now a couple. We have decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend." he stated matter-of-factly. He was staring right at Haruhi, who was staring right back with a slight smile on her face. They just stared at each other until an uproarious laughter reached their silence. Both turned to find all including Tamaki laughing uncontrollably. Haruhi smiled a strained smile and Kyouya retracted back into his glasses glare look so that none knew what he was thinking.
"What is so funny?" She asked. It was the twins that answered her.
"Its about time. Geeze it only took you years." they both stated leaning on each other for support. Kyouya adjusted his glasses to look at the two younger men.
"And when did you figure this out." He asked a little more acid in his voice then he wanted, it was the laughter. He thought they were laughing and thought it was a joke. There answer changed his mind though.
"Well we figured it out at the picnic when you kicked the boss off of Haruhi. By the way Senpai that was priceless" Kyouya smirked apparently appeased by their answer. Haruhi turned to the cousin duo.
"What about you two?" she asked looking up at Mori and then down at Huni. Both were beaming in their own way. Mori had the small smile on his lips but his eyes told of great emotion. Huni was practically bouncing with joy.
'Well, Haru-Chan we knew the moment you left. Because Kyo-Chan got real depressed and introverted. That was why we left the two of you alone together so that you would confess. Yay!!!" Huni bounced onto Mori's shoulders. "Our plan worked, Takashi, it worked!!!"
"It did!" Takashi said ruffling Haruhi's hair. She had a large smile covering her face. Kyouya, uncomfortable with the attention, readjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
"Wait, you were serious Kyouya, you and Haruhi?" Tamaki was looking from one to the other as if he lost the pun of the joke. " But Kyouya" Tamaki whined to his friend. "How could this be?" He went and sulked in the corner.
"He'll be over it shortly." Kyouya said tactfully. " Now about tomorrow." He stated matter-of-factly. Haruhi was suddenly in a sour mood. She didn't want to talk about anything regarding "him" . Not while she had her best friends with her. The rest of the men settled into the seats around the living room.
Haruhi sat on the floor nearest Kyouya near his knees. Looking around she had to smile to herself. She knew for a fact that this was what she was missing. Them, with out them here for all those months her life felt drab. Haruhi pulled her legs up to her chest just as she remembered that when she was just starting Ouran and she didn't want them to bother her, and now right this minute she never wanted them to leave. With a smile on her face she listened to the conversation around her.
"I believe that we should do this quietly. Such as where no one knows we are there." Kyouya started. Knowing full well his girlfriend would be a little more appeased knowing that he was trying to make it where the people she knew thought she didn't get help from them. Kyouya thought he would much rather beat the man to a bloody pulp. He said as much to the group sitting around him.
"I agree." Mori said all of a sudden.
"Yeah, why not do that." The twins said in unison. Both were punching their other hands in a threatening manner, with their devilish smiles on their faces. Tamaki was nodding his head in full agreement. Tamaki had slinked his way over to the group and sat on his knees, when he heard this suggestion.
"We can't just do that." Huni stated. Tamaki was suddenly shaking his head at the other two like that was a stupid idea. Kyouya was staring at the scene thinking to interrupt when he felt a small bump on his knee and when the pressure didn't leave he looked down and over in Haruhi's direction. Her head was leaning on his knee and she was asleep, if her closed eyes and her soft, even breathing was an indication. At that moment Kyouya had to smile. Haruhi had fallen asleep in the middle of a meeting to get rid of someone who was plaguing her with viciousness. When the bickering around him stopped, Kyouya looked away from the girl to find the others staring at the couple before them. Huni broke the silence.
"Haru-Chan should go to sleep." No one moved as Takashi stood up to pick up Haruhi and take her to the bedroom. Before he could pick her up, Kyouya bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead. However, when he did this, Haruhi shot up not realizing that she fell asleep. When she reached comprehension that they were all staring at her she began to blush. Haruhi quickly bowed and stated in a whisper almost to small for them all to hear.
" I'm sorry I fell asleep. I was just warm and happy and safe." She felt a small hand grab hers and she looked to where the face that belonged to the hand was. Huni was smiling softly at her.
"Don't feel sorry for those feelings, We are just happy that Haru-Chan feels that way around us." She looked from him to the others and they all nodded.
"Haruhi, if you are tired why don't you go to bed." Kyouya stated staring at her. She nodded and said her good nights.
Haruhi walked into her bedroom and laid down on the bed. She didn't really feel like changing into her nightgown. Laying in the dark, listening to the men in the other room talking, quietly discussing the way tomorrow should go, Haruhi felt saddened. Would they all go back to their old lives once this is over? Will it be another year before she got to be in the same room with them again? Or to get to be in the middle of their antics? Without realizing it Haruhi had started to cry. Apparently not even quietly because a voice traveled across her bedroom to her ears. "Haruhi?" It was Kyouya of course. He would be the only one who felt comfortable coming to check on her since he had been in her room. She was silently wishing that she hadn't taken that thought path, since not only did she start crying without knowing it but know she knew for a fact that they had all heard her. Feeling incredibly embarrassed with herself she very forcibly wiped her tears off her cheeks and sat up. By now Kyouya walked over to the bed and had sat down next to her. "What's wrong love?" he asked her. She looked up at him and seeing the concern burst into near hysterics.
"What's wrong…I can't help but wonder when the next time I will see all of you. I feel so safe with all of you and I want to know how long I will get to feel this safety and happiness?" She nearly yelled. After that she told him of all her fears about how they will all disappear once again when all of this was over. Kyouya knew the others could hear her. He was most certain the whole apartment complex could hear her too. Sitting there looking at the one woman he had always loved say these things, broke his heart. He knew it was true, however. After graduation not one of them fought very hard to be near her even though they were still in the same town. How could they? Kyouya suddenly was really angry with himself and his friends.
* * * * *
Sitting in the living area of Haruhi's apartment listening to her half screaming about how she felt that they had deserted her, her friends all had shocked looks on their faces. Each of them thinking the exact same things. One, they did exactly what she said they did. Two, they could tell she was worried that they would do it over again. And three, what am I going to do about it.
* * * * *
After Haruhi said her peace she relaxed against her head board. The minute she replayed the rant the moment after she immediately felt sad. How could she not only say that to her friends and boyfriend but how could she feel that way. She knew the others heard also. Haruhi got up quietly and walked from the room to the living room. Her face was still tear streaked and her eyes were red. She felt so tired that she wanted to fall over. However, she walked out to her living room with Kyouya following very close behind. Haruhi looked at her friends and saw the shock on their faces.
"I am sorry, I have no right to think that you deserted me. I do understand that you are very important and have companies to run. I should not think that I am important enough to think that I should come first." She couldn't look into their faces. She could feel all of their eyes barring into her while she looked up at the ceiling.
"Wrong." The word meant so much. What had Haruhi laughing was that all 6 of them said it in the same tone and nearly yelled it. Kyouya spun her around to have her look at him.
"We all know how lucky we are to know you let alone be the ones to share the life you have created here. Even if it wasn't with us." Kyouya's gray eyes were baring into her brown ones.
"We love you Haru-Chan." Huni said standing up and bouncing on to her. " You are the only girl we get along with and you're the only girl I want to share cake with…" he said. "And of course my wife and kids when they come along. Kay?" he added after a long pause.
"Yeah. I mean your like the only.." one twin started.
"Girl that we could talk into trying on clothes." the other finished. Both had an endearing smile on their normally devilish faces. Haruhi felt herself smile. Talk into my ass she thought, forced was more like it.
And then her smile faded as Tamaki jumped her. "How could you say that to daddy…" He stated, being more dramatic than usual. " Daddy's daughter will always be number one, even if she is with mommy."
The laughter in the room subsided after a few moments. That comment was so ridiculous that they all had to join in. Even the usually stoic Takashi was laughing. He then ruffled her hair. That one action showed his affection and Haruhi could feel the love from them all. With that moment the crisis was averted. They all could feel the tension leave the room. Haruhi just smiled at the men that she called best friends. She then turned and walked around Kyouya, she grabbed the front of his shirt tail when she turned and was now dragging him down the hallway. She called good night over her shoulder. Haruhi closed the door behind them once they were in her room. Looking down at Haruhi Kyouya thought that he was so proud that she was his. That was the last thought he had for a moment since he had to concentrate on the very small woman kissing him for all she was worth. Just when he was getting into the kiss she pulled away and leaned up on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear. "I trust you." She stated before kissing him right behind his ear and righting herself. "Goodnight, Kyouya." she stated as she climbed into bed.
"Good night Love." he stated wondering over her comment and behavior. He shut off the light and went out to his waiting friends.
"I say that we just go in the morning and confront him before his plan comes into play. Then it will be done and Haru-Chan can live her life without being scared." Huni was sounding serious again. They all agreed on this plan. That they would confront him in the morning and be done with it.
"Now that this piece of business is over." The twins stated. "What do we do about Haruhi?"
"I say we move in with her." Tamaki stated. "That way daddy can be near his daughter at all times."
"You pervert." the twins said in chorus. Tamaki went and sulked in his mushroom corner.
"I am going to move over here, if Haruhi does not wish to come live with me. I want to marry her since I have had years with her taken from me. I suggest the rest of us need to spend more time calling her and visiting her. I believe we forgot that she is a girl and needs attention once in a while. Even if she is Haruhi Fujioka." he said in to the silence. Every one was nodding even Tamaki who was looking like he didn't hear a word of this, they all knew he had though.
"Well we should sleep so that tomorrow we are rested." Takashi stated.
"You have a plan right Kyouya?" Tamaki asked. Kyouya sighed and nodded. He proceeded to get the night things out of the closet. Once they were all settled on the floor Kyouya sat down on the couch. He didn't think it would be okay with his friends if he were to sleep with her. After about an Hour he was still awake. Haruhi's bedroom light came on and the door opened a crack. He could see her small profile as she looked out into the darkness. When Haruhi realized where he was she motioned for him to come to her. He slipped his glasses on and made his way over to her. The closer he got the more he knew he would not leave her this night or any other for that matter. She reached her hand out and he took it, having her lead him into her bedroom.
"Sleep in here Kyouya. I can't sleep and I think I have gotten afraid of the dark." She stated as an excuse.
"God help us if it is anything like your fear of thunder storms, Haruhi." She could hear his smile in his voice and did not take exception. Both climbed into bed and settled. Kyouya wrapped his arms around Haruhi and instantly felt tired and content. Having her in his arms meant more to him than any company his father had given him. Haruhi felt so safe and comfortable that she was instantly tired.
" I Love you." she said right before she fell asleep.
"Tomorrow will be different and we can start life where it should have been back at Ouran" he said to now one in particular. Kyouya yawned and fell asleep with the love of his life in his arms.
Haruhi paced a line in the pavement in the quad in front of the fountain. She felt nervous and couldn't help but wonder what Kyouya had planned. This morning when she asked all he replied was:
"You trust me" and that made her stop asking. She did trust him, however she didn't trust Tosca to fall into the plans her boyfriend and friends had come up with. Standing there so early in the morning waiting for a confrontation made Haruhi think that she was daft to do this. About fifteen minutes later she felt not only daft but nauseous too from the voice that reached her.
"Oh, my dear Haruhi Fujioka couldn't wait to tell me that you want to date me until this afternoon. Oh so eager. I like it." Tosca came walking out of the shadows of the hallway and into the light of the rising morning sun. He had a sneer on his face at the thought that his plan to confront her with the school there to watch was alleviated. Well he could do this just him and her since she was going to say yes anyway.
"I have given my answer Tosca. Now please respect it and leave me alone." Haruhi was trying to be indifferent but the moment that she said this he moved within grabbing distance of her and she visibly flinched. Tosca lost it when he saw her flinch. He grabbed hold of her arm and squeezed.
"What makes you think I will take no for an answer. And if you flinch one more time I swear I will give you something to flinch from." he finished in a yell. Unfortunately, that caught the attention of students just arriving for the presentation. Red head came walking up to the quad with a radiant smile on her face. She obviously enjoyed the pain Haruhi was being put through.
"Oh, my where are your rich Host Club hotties now, Fujioka. I thought for sure you would call them to help with this battle." she was sniggering. Tosca just remembered the guy he saw at her apartment.
"Who was at your house the other day. And don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about." He was squeezing her arm rather hard.
"It was Kyouya." She stated. She then turned to the girl, she remembered her name was Autumn and said." well since he came apparently I did call, didn't I" He pushed her back hard when he let her arm go. Autumn looked pissed. " How dare you say his name with such familiarity!"
"You dare lie to me after I just told you not to." Tosca had a look of annoyance on his face. "Let me ask you something. If you are so tight with them then why aren't you mentioned in their interviews or in pictures with them."
"I Haven't seen them in over a year." she whispered.
"So they don't even care about you. They disserted you and don't care. Ha if they were half the men you say they are, where are they?" He asked Haruhi. By accident she flinched when he said that. Tosca grabbed her and flung her around like a rag doll. She flew into the Fountain. Being drenched put Haruhi in a pissed off mood.
"Why was Kyouya at your house if you say you haven't seen him in a year." Autumn looked ready to do battle to prove that Haruhi did not know them.
"Kyouya was there because he loves me. They all do" Haruhi's answer had Autumn gasping. Haruhi crawled out of the fountain and stood up to face them again.
"You wish… Kyouya Ootori would rather marry someone like me. Not a no one like you."
Tosca got tired of being ignored and tired of the girls banter going around him. He wanted to cause Haruhi more pain since she said no.
"I believe that you were probably their whore." Haruhi bit her tongue, however she couldn't keep quiet or her hands off of him once he said his next comment. "And they probably sleep around and have diseases that is why none are married yet. I see them all the time at dinner parties and they are probably all gay……" He never got to finish his sentence Haruhi had pushed him into the fountain that they were standing in front of. Haruhi was thoroughly pissed off at Tosca now to care that most of the kids for the presentation had just witnessed what she did. Now they were both wet. Tosca knew he went a little far, however he didn't care, time for the little bitch to know who she was dealing with. It was time for her to submit to him. Tosca climbed out of the water and was dripping wet. He grabbed Haruhi. The moment he went to slam his fist into her face, his fist was grabbed in mid air by none other than Haninozuka Mitsukuni. He was pissed that he had just witnessed this happen to Haruhi.
"Messing with my friend is a no-no" Huni said as he squeezed Tosca's hand really hard until Tosca cried out in pain. What happened next had Tosca and Autumn staring in astonishment. Before it was just them and Haruhi when suddenly they were surrounded by the most famous rich young men in all of Japan. It was Kyouya that spoke next.
"Your going to want to release her. And I would do it in haste, damnit." Kyouya's words rang with authority and venom. Tosca let Haruhi go and she fell to the ground. The moment she was free of his grasp she was now sitting between her friends, boyfriend and her two enemies. The men lined up in a show of protection in front of Haruhi. Tosca's face was turning more and more red by the minute. He knew that the moment he saw the 6 men that this fight was over. However , he felt differently once he notice his friends were backing him up. That was his one mistake.
"So what? Did she call all of your businesses to beg for you to come to her rescue? I can't imagine you taking your time to worry about a nobody like her." He said.
"Actually she called us at our personal phone numbers. You know the ones Friends and Family have." the twins said together. They said friends and family forcefully. "That is what almost 6 years of friendship gets you." They were smirking because the girl Autumn looked like she was going to faint. Kyouya was tired of this, all he could think of was to get Haruhi home and away from this jerk wad.
"This is what you are going to do." Kyouya stated matter-of-factly. "You are going to leave Haruhi alone. If I find out you so much as think about her again after today we will do much more than we plan to do already. The Hosts had already decided no mercy.
"I think you have no say over what she does and what she doesn't" Tosca said stepping forward. Kyouya too stepped forward.
"Your right, I don't have a say in what she does or what she doesn't, but I sure as hell have a say in weather your near her or your not. We all do." he motioned to all of the mean looking men standing with him. "And as long as she doesn't want you near her, then that is what is going to happen. We will all make it happen." Kyouya was practically spitting acid into Tosca's face now. Tosca was in to far to care now and he would probably regret his next words forever. " So your in love with the whore, huh? Well, she wont give out, I've tried for a year." he hurled those word looking at the wrong people. Instead of looking at the six men he should be worried about he was looking at Haruhi. Tosca found himself on his back again but this time he was not alone. Kyouya punched him again in the face. Haruhi ran over and grabbed at Kyouya. He stopped immediately and got up. Tosca was rolling on the floor acting as if Kyouya shot him several times in the stomach. "You will never mess with my girlfriend, again" No one said a word when Kyouya grabbed Haruhi's hand and walked off towards where he came from. Autumn was in shock at his words.
"You don't mess with my daughter or I will hurt you." everyone was confused by Tamaki's threat.
The two twins walked over to Tosca. "If we find out that you are pursuing to hurt her again. You'll find your self in worse condition." The twins threat was not as terrifying as the cousin duo who lingered over him casting a shadow. Takashi was silent as usual but there was death reflecting in his eyes. Huni was sitting on his shoulders with a wide smile on his face.
"Bother our Haruhi again and find your self not eating cake ever again…" Huni was very serious, but with it said with a smile made it much more horrifying than it should have been. Huni was thrilled that he got to use a threat since the others got to also. As the cousins turned to leave they were stayed by a small question whispered to them.
"Does she really mean that much to you all?" It was Autumn who asked the question.
"Haru-Chan means the world to us. We love her and we will not tolerate her being hurt in any way. Kay? She is what keeps us who we are." he said. When Autumn nodded that she heard Huni's words, Takashi walked off to where his friends had just walked off.
* * * * *
Haruhi stopped herself from being pulled behind Kyouya by stopping in her tracks. Kyouya stopped and turned to look at Haruhi. She looked a mess. To his way of thinking she looked like a beautiful mess. She looked thoroughly upset. Her hair was out of the ponytail and all over her head. The others were now caught up and wondering why they were they were stalled. They were all curious to see what she was going to do. "What took so long?" she asked them. She drug out the word so that she could include all of them in her question.
" We were delayed by the red head girl Autumn Yoshikugi. She has been dealt with" Kyouya asked her.
"Hu-uh what more did you do?" She asked them. They all looked confused. "I know you all way to well for this, 6 years and you still think that you will get away with not telling me something…" she stated, while shaking her head. Autumn had walked up behind them and was listening to their conversation.
Kyouya sighed. "Haruhi, Love. I just got into punched a man I have never met and your going to ask me what more." Haruhi let go of his hand and looked menacingly at each of the men. Tamaki broke first.
"He made him an outcast in our world, he cant come to any more functions and he lost his good name. Now you don't hate me. Right Haruhi? Please don't hate me!!!" He said and he latched himself to her.
"Senpai I can't breathe." Those words clicked it for Autumn. She pulled out her magazine of interviews and turned it to Tamaki Suho's under what he misses most from his high school days he stated. " When my Har…My friend used to say: Senpai I can't breathe! I wish I could hear those words at least once a day, however I haven't heard them in over a year." Autumn gasped letting them know she was standing there.
"What do you want Autumn?" Haruhi asked. Funny but she had to smile when the twins took a step forward.
"I…I just wanted to say sorry Haruhi. That I didn't believe you and all." she said very sadly.
"I really didn't care if you believed me or not, Autumn. But what made you change your mind." Haruhi asked matter-of-factly.
"Besides the fact that they all talk about a girl in classes with them and that they cherished her. It was what you said just then. I can't breathe Senpai. It was what Mr. Suho said about what he missed most about high school. And then you said that you knew them and then you just said those words, and you said you hadn't seen them in over a year." Haruhi was shaking her head that she heard her.
"Tamaki- senpai don't answer questions like that anymore." Haruhi stated in a deadpan way.
"No !!!!Haruhi hates me…" he stated and proceeded to grow mushrooms in a dark shadowy corner near the group.
"Deep as a puddle…" Autumn said shaking her head and laughing. "I see what you mean." the others didn't share in with the laugh but were happy Haruhi was laughing.
"Come on Haruhi lets get you home." Kyouya turned every ones attention with that. They walked over to the limo.
Kyouya-san?" Autumn asked. " Do you love Haruhi Fujioka?" she felt like she needed to know since she had a crush on him. Kyouya turned and said very certainly.
"More than anything in the universe." He then put his arm around her and walked her towards the limo.
"Good to see you again Miss. Fujioka." the limo driver stated. If that last conversation hadn't confirmed it the limo driver would have. Thought Autumn and she walked away.
* * * * *
1 year later:
Haruhi walked into her apartment and breathed a sigh of relief. Summer was here and she would be able to have some time to prepare for other things. She should have known better the moment she sat down on the couch. 5 men came crashing through the door.
"Haruhi we must go to the mall!" Tamaki exclaimed as he threw himself into chair next to her. "They are having an expo on how to cook on a commoners budget." He was still obsessed with commoner traditions. Haruhi had to smile. Kyouya would be home any moment from work and he was going to be irritated indeed. Haruhi's smile got wider when she saw the ring on her finger. Kyouya proposed to her three months ago and it still felt like yesterday. Life couldn't have been better by her way of thinking. Kyouya walked into the apartment he shared with his fiancée to find all of his and her friends sitting in the living room. Kyouya sighed. He walked over and kissed Haruhi hello and then sat down on the arm of the chair.
"What do you, idiots want?" he asked. Well more like growled but he had a smile on his face.
"We want to go to the commoners budget expo." Tamaki stated. Kyouya got up and walked towards the bedroom. Haruhi was snacking on some cookies, the twins grabbed this opportunity to tease Tamaki.
"Can we have some?" and with that they repeated the day when they had Renge's. A fight soon ensued. Looking around her Haruhi smiled happily. Haruhi watched as her friends were chased around by Tamaki. Huni sat munching on cake and Mori quietly watching guard. While she heard the very familiar click clack of her boyfriends typing on his computer. She sighed a happy sigh and hoped this was how every day went from now on. Even if they were somehow annoying.__________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for reading my fan fiction. I hope you enjoyed it. Please take the time to Review and tell me how it was. Thank you for all the comments and support on this story….