Heyy guys sorry but this isn't a chapter... = (
To Ghost of a Curious Cat...
I agree with your review.
When I first posted this story, I was still getting familiar with fanfic and how to publish stories. I tried to do my own breaks, and they didn't work.
Now that I know how to, I am currently adding breaks to the chapters.
I have a reason for not putting footnotes.
The reason is I don't really like them.
Yes, an author note in the chapter may take away from the story, but I feel like I'm there with them reading it and having fun with them.
But, I think too many author notes are bad, so maybe I'll tone down on the author notes in the chapter.
And as you said, tastes and opinions differ. No one can change that.
And don't worry, you didn't offend me in anyway. You actually helped me.
Thank you for the review =)
It's nice to get some constructive criticism ones in a while.
The next chapter of My Brother Leo is going to be typed up and posted very soon.
And after that I might start on the next chapter of My Twisted, Secret Life.
Thx guys and please R and R and vote if you want more of MTSL. =)