Hello all!! Long time no see. I've been busy and museless lately. And swimming takes a lot of energy out of a person :( but no worries, I watched a Potter Puppet Pals and got my muse back. So yay, and stuff ;) AND, I plan on making my next fic...wait for it...original!! Insanity, right? lol. But nonetheless, here awaits your story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Sweeney Todd, nor do I own PPP. If I did, I'd be rich. Just sayin'

Sweeney Angst

Sweeney: I feel cranky and pubescent today and I don't know why. URH! I'm going to take it out on people I like.

Nellie: Hello Sweeney! What sort of tomfoolery shall we get up to today?

Sweeney: No tomfoolery today Nell. I'm sick of your dreadful crazy hair!

Nellie: Why must you hurt me in the way Sweeney? -sulks-

Toby: Yeah, what's your problem Sweeney? -Sweeney glares and Toby steps back-

Sweeney: My family's dead, my life sucks, I can't stop killing clients, and I'm surrounded by ****ing razors and **** all the time, I mean what the ****!!

Nellie: But it's shiny Sweeney! The razors are shiny!!

Sweeney: Well I still have nightmares about them shaving my skin off every night! I can't take it anymore! I quit revenge!

Nellie: -gasp!-

Toby: But what about killing Judge Turpin?

Sweeney: Fine. It's all up to you now Nellie.

Nellie: -studders in fear- nooo!!

Sweeney: Come on now, go kill him!

Turpin: -creeper smile- hello, miss.

Nellie: -stands there studdering-

Turpin: You want a piece of me? What?

-Nellie runs away as fast as she can...smart woman...-

Turpin: Yeah you run away...bitch...

Nellie: I can't do it!

Toby: You tried your best Mum.

Nellie: What's Sweeney doing?

Sweeney: -hits himself repeatedly with his razors- angst. angst. angst. angst. angst. angst.

Toby: He's a little off today, haven't you noticed?

Nellie: -hopeful- Maybe he's in love!!!

Toby: Who'd fall in love with such an a--

Nellie: Maybe he needs a hug!!

Sweeney: I don't want a hug!

Nellie: Give me a hug Sweeney!

Sweeney: NO!

Nellie: Hugging!!! -hugs Sweeney-

Sweeney: I'll kill you!!

-Nellie and Sweeney get into a girly slap fight. No one is getting hurt, so Toby just stands by laughing-

Beadle: What is this rumpus?!

Nellie: Sweeney hit me!

Sweeney: Nellie invaded my personal bubble!

Beadle: Methinks some severe punishment is in order here.

Nellie and Sweeney: Oh no!

Beadle: The two of you shall be dragged by your ears to the bakehouse where a drunked Pirelli will be waiting with a cactus and a croquet mallet, and then--

-Nellie and Sweeney pick up various nearby objects and stalk towards the Beadle, causing him to...have an accicent...-

Beadle: umm...er...ehh...I have to...leave now...bye...-runs away-

Anthony: Hahahahahaha!!! Oh man, that was AWESOME guys!

Nellie: Thanks Anthony!

Anthony: Are you still full of that barber angst Sweeney?

Sweeney: I think I can appreciate life a lot more now!

Anthony: Well that's just fantastic!

Toby: eww...what's that smell?

Nellie: Why it's the greatest "elixir" of all!

-they all laugh hysterically, when suddenly, Anthony sprouts wings and turns into a butterfly!-

Sweeney: Everyone make a wish.


End note: I wish I could have made Snape and Judge Turpin the same person. Tis sad that I couldn't. But I think this fit the story. And I honestly didn't WANT it to sound like Judge "Creepy-Rapist-With-Awesome-Pants" Turpin wanted to rape Mrs. Lovett. But it fit!! So, thus concludes my ramble. Rate and Review, loves, and I'll post something else soon!