Chapter 3
Kiryu's POV

I went the wrong way. My mind started to race, thinking about what I should do. I looked around me, all it was dark midnight black. That's right, the cave was dark.

"We went the wrong way." I told Carly flatly. She stopped and glanced at me. I was surprised when she didn't yelled at me or something. That was very weird from people. If that was me, then I would be telling her that it's her fault and that she was the one that should keep track or something insulting. But she didn't.

Her face was kind, not like some witch. "It's okay." She mouthed to me kindly. Then for once, she smiled. Her smile wasn't like a evil wicked smile. But it didn't look like a princess girly girl smile. Somehow, it looked just right. A kind sincere person smiled.

I just shrugged. If it didn't matter to her, then I guess it shouldn't to me. When we started to walk again, I took a peek at her face. She was beautiful, sincered and a nice person. Still, I don't know how is she a dark signer. She looked like someone who should be treated nicely. Even to a king.

King. That was also what Jack Atlas was. King. That meant he is full of fame and glory. King. It means he can have anything. King. And everything is Carly. Just thinking about Jack made a scowl on my face. I was jealous of Jack Atlas. I was jealous that he can have everything he wants.

There are things he have that I don't want. Like fame and glory. I don't like that and nor do I need that. Only someone like Jack would want that. I didn't want money either. I don't need to buy everything in the world.

But I want Carly. I want her. Somehow, she was the only one that pleases me. She was the one that can cheer me up as well as smiling even. Like last time I said I blush, I don't do that often. And I don't smile a lot.

A dark signer isn't smiles and flowers and all that sissy stuff. We are different. Somehow not like the signers. While the signers want to save the world, we want to ruin the world. Misti and Demak too want to destroy the world. But I'm not sure if Carly wants to. She doesn't seem like one of use, she wants to be someone that's neither of a dark signer or signer.

At that thought, I blushed. Why was I thinking about so many stuff when I have to go and find the signers? And then wreck them.

Forcing myself to find them, I snapped back into the world. But even I did come back, my mind kept whirling. It kept thinking about Carly. I can't help it. My eyes turned on Carly again slowly. I hate this feeling. And I know what this feeling is. It's called love. Love. That was something we dark signers can't have. How come I have it?

In my whole life, I never felt it. No one gave me that feeling. No one. Not even my damn parents.

Nor did anyone love me. I was unloved.

People always thinks that I'm bad news. They think that I'm a trouble maker. They tend to be mean to me. And they're going to pay. I hate them for doing that. They turned my life into a nightmare. Not that it matters since I am a nightmare.

And I'll wreck the city. Because of what they did.

"Kiryu." Carly said. I turned to look at her. I didn't realize that I forgot she was there. That was pretty rare. My eyes fixed on her, waiting for her to talk.

"There's an opening here." She told me. Her finger pointed to an corner. And it was right. There it was, an opening.

"Thanks for helping me out." I told Carly. We were back at our hide-out, outside of it. Carly was staring into the night sky.

Carly was surprised that I thank her for something. She smiled warmly, like how she smiled at me when we were in the cave. "You are welcome." She told me.

This time, I had to smile back. "Anyhow, thanks." I said again. I just nodded this time.

"Do you want to sit down?" she asked me, she scooted over on the grass to make room for me.

I took her offer and sat down, looking into the sky.

'It's pretty.' Carly remarked.

"Yeah." I agreed.

And there we sit, on the ground and staring into the sky.

A/N: Hey again, sorry for the long update....=( I was busy with stuff so....this chapter is probably my best in this story so far. But, their's more chapters, I guess I should judge my story when I'm all finish....

The couple boost contest is going to end soon....tomorrow...=( Oh well....I'll try to update faster from now on.

Thanks for reading and please review!