Chapter 1
Kiryu's POV

Carly Nagisa. That was her name. She was the one I fell in love with. She was also the first one that I like. Out of all the dark signers, she was the prettiest. She have dark black that trail behind her.

But even if I did like her, I never did confess. I'm sure she'll reject me anyways.

But still, I love her.

"Kiryu?" a quiet voice said behind me. I turned around. It just turns out to be Carly. "Carly..." I greeted her. "Misti-san wants to see us..." she said in her usual quiet voice. I nodded and walked with her.

While we walked, they were silence, like usual. Me and Carly don't talk a lot. It's always silence between us. In fact, we never related to a topic before. Carly looked beside her, noticing how our hideout is. Our hideout isn't beautiful, we have nothing inside. It's only darkness, surrounding everywhere. But in the dark, we can still see. Even if the vision is blurry. I didn't like our hide-out a lot, but I can live here. For days and nights, we just stay in this crazy place. And never actually get sick.

"How do you like it here?" I asked her. It was an all-sudden thing. I'm not even sure if she's even going to reply. Carly turned to me, surprised that I asked her.

"It's okay." She said, answering my question. Then it was silence again. "Do you-" before I can say anything else, we got to the main part of the house. Demak and Misti were there, waiting for us.

"I found out that the signers are going to a picnic, we should probably go duel them there," Misti said, telling us what we are going to do soon.

Gee, lucky signers. Us Dark Signers never get to go on picnic or even get to leave our hide-out other than trying to kill the signers. "We are going to go right now." Misti said firmly. I nearly fell. I still don't believe that she wants use to right now. I don't think I'm ready yet.

My eyes went to look at Carly. Carly wasn't talking, just nodding. "But I think we should have partners." Misti added. So she wants us to have partners and then go find the signers.

Quickly as it did, my mind went racing to Carly. She was looking somewhere else though, not looking at me. Misti started to walk up to me.....I must be in some trouble.....

My feet raced to Carly. "Hey," I said, she turned to me and smiled slightly. "Can I be your partner?" I asked her. I might now look like I'm embarrass my I am. My insides were burning hard and very badly. I hope she says yes.

Carly looked down, seeing everyone being partnered up. "Sure," she said. I let out a relieved sigh in my head. Even if she says yes because there were no other people that can partner up with her, or just because she wants to be my partner, I'm glad wither way. Carly faced me, she looked like she was about to say something but then she looked away. Demak and Misti started to walk somewhere else.

"Misti-san, where are we suppose to go?" Carly blurted. Misti stopped walking and turned back at us. She throw a paper in the air and started to move again. "I guess this is a map." I said. She nodded. I looked back to Misti, wondering if we could just follow Misti instead of using the map.

I'm not really good with maps. I wonder if Carly is.

By the time, I looked for Misti, it was too late, she is already gone. "I think we should get started..." Carly interrupted my thoughts. I started walking with her behind me.

As I walk, I feel kind of strange. I thought about my inner feelings. For some reason, when I'm around Carly, I feel sort of gentle, not like my other self. It feels like I'm Yusei instead of Kiryu. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I want to be a signer and be Yusei.

Me and Yusei were once friends, but not anymore.

"Here, the map," Carly said behind me. I almost forgot that she was here. For some dark signer, she was sure quiet.

I spun around quickly and took the map from her. Our fingers slightly touched when I took the map. Her fingers were warm and soft. Sometimes I wonder how she is a dark signer.

Carly Nagisa isn't the dark signer material. She seems like someone that's not a dark signer to me. She just became a dark signer though. She always seems like there's something she wants. I saw her a few times once before she was a dark signer, and she seems so cheerful. She even have glasses back then. Now, she rarely talk. Sure, she does look pretty without her damn glasses. But still, she is really different.

Slowly, I peeked back at Carly while I was still walking. Like usual, she was looking somewhere else. Like I said before, there is something she always seem to look out for. Me and her aren't exactly friends, we don't talk a lot. And I don't bother to ask her questions like, "What's your favorite color?" or stuff like," Where do you live?" Those were stupid questions that I wouldn't ask even if it's an emergency.

Carly did a long sigh, which I think she is stressed. The other dark signers and I don't really know how Carly feels. She doesn't come out and face us a lot. She likes to sit still and listen to silence.

Before she became a dark signer, she smiles a lot and likes to joke. Now...well....let's just say she doesn't talk a lot. And she just likes to be alone.

I looked down at the fucking map, looking for the way.

It took awhile to get there. And it mainly was boring to get there. The silence between us is just like how Carly likes it. No talking, just walking.

When we do get there, I told her we got there. Like how real people do... "We're there." I said plainly. "Okay." She said, shrugging.

I sighed before walking up even more and then stopped, thinking about which cave should I go in. Misti wrote a few words in the map that told me and Carly to go in a cave.

Which one is it?

A/N: This story was written for the couple boost. Right now, I'm so bored....=( I guess all I can do it work on the next chapter. Haha, it was fun and hard writing in Kiryu's POV because I don't really know what he likes and how is his personality....oh well.....

Please review!