Disclaimer: FMA isn't mine.

Song: Around You - Ingrid Michaelson

I call you my friend
And that's all that I do
Why do I have to pretend
To find ways to be around you?

They're just friends. That's all. There's nothing more to their relationship.

They're always perfectly polite in the way they address each other. From the way they interact you would never guess that they've known each other for years, even before they joined the military.

That he is the reason she joined the military.

That she is the reason that he was able to.

You've been there all along
Holding my hand like you do.
Why do I feel that it's wrong
To love to be around you?

She is always there for him. He would like to say that he is there for her too, but in reality, he is far more dependent on her than she is on him. So he thinks. So she tells herself.

She is the one who keeps him on track, and sometimes he thinks that if she wasn't there to support him, he wouldn't be as far in the military as he is. She denies this whenever he tries to thank her, but they both know that neither one of them would be where they are without the other....

And I think I'm losing my mind
maybe I've been hopelessly blind to your beauty
And you have a sweet sinful smile
I'm in trouble
Cuz you turn me upside down and around and around

He liked watching her.

It was the reason he never got any of his paperwork done. It wasn't that he was lazy so much as that she was so distracting.

She would catch him at it, and she would smile. She didn't smile often. It wasn't a big smile. It was small, just a slight curve of the corners of her mouth. Something most people wouldn't even notice. For someone who'd known her as long as he had it was obvious, though it only lasted for a moment.

Then she would remind him that if he didn't finish his paperwork, they would both be stuck at the office until late and she really wanted to get home on time for once.

He would always think that it wasn't such a bad thing if they were stuck there until late because it would be just the two of them, and he never got to spend time with just her.

Still, he would dig out a pen that wrote and get to work, because she'd asked him to.

Do you feel what I feel? Well?
Do you feel this way too?
That every wound seems to heal when I am around you

It went unspoken.

Three little words that were never said.

He knew she didn't want to hear them, and he knew that she could never say them herself.

They both know it anyway. It doesn't have to be said.

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.

My feet don't touch the ground when I'm around you
When I'm around you . . .