Hey...so the last part of BTK....it is like a before the story, and after the story.....i hope you all enjoyed reading...

and to all old fans, if you truly thought I was going to change "daddy"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

To all new people are lost and confused, sending me a PM and I shall explain :]


February 2, 1980
Just outside London, England
2:23 AM

Using my binoculars, I spotted a cloaked person running aimlessly in the snow. I motioned my partner to where he was. I did a few fancy jumps, landing in front of cloaked figure. They fell over, scared to see what appeared right in front of them. My partner landed next to him, holding out a hand to help them up.

"I said for you two nimrods to leave me alone." He yelled bitterly at the offered hand. He got up uneasily, clearly holding something under the cloak.

"Michael. Just calm down. We can help!" I yelled at him. Both me and my partner had been following him since Paris.

"Help!? HELP!! How about you help me when I needed it a week ago, Conner!!" He started to run, but I grabbed him with my cane. "Let go of me, Cooper." He glared at me with two soulless eyes.

"Yo, smart guy. We just want to know what happened." My partner said, walking towards his friend.

"Yo, Jimmy." He said sarcastically, and as stupid as possible. "Clockwerk attack me and my family, and killed all three of us."

"That is what we heard, yet now here we are, talking to you." I said, holding him tight with my cane.

"It wasn't fair. He shouldn't have gone after my family. He should have gone after you, and your brat." He spat out at me. I let him go with my cane, then grabbing the collar of his cloaked.

"I know your angry, but don't you darn say something like that." I grabbed the collar of his clock, bring him closer to my face. He gagged, but responded.

"We were your little minions. You're the actually Cooper. He should have gone after you! Now my Mary is dead!!"

"Where is little Conner, Matera?" I pulled him farther down, him almost bending right in half.


This idiot had the nerve to follow me. It was his fault all of this happened. I was fine where I was until he asked if I wanted to make a fortune stealing stuff. Of course I would say yes. I was 17, and had nothing better to do. And now, because of him, my wife was dead, and I was hiding my only child. Taking him someplace safe.

"Where is little Conner, Matera?" The raccoon said, glaring at me. He looked awful, both him and Jimmy. I knew I probably didn't look great either. He pulled me down farther from my collar, making me grasp harder onto the bundle under my cloak.

"For all you care, dead!"

"Michael! Where is he!!"

"What, need the little genius to make sure your brat doesn't get killed when he becomes an almighty Cooper?"

"I don't care about that!! I want to make sure he is safe, seeing your completely crazy and demented!!"

"What do you think would happen when one night after tucking your child in, you see a pair of glowing yellow eyes in the distance. Then having your wife hold him off while you run with your child since you weren't strong enough to hold off Clockwerk for even a few seconds. HOW WOULD YOU FUCKING FEEL, COOPER?!?!?!" He let me go, and I stepped backwards, gaining my balance.

"Look, I'm sorry, and you know I would never want that to happen to you, or Jimmy." He said, motioning to the man behind him. "Let us help. Let us all protect ourselves, and our families. Let us protect Conner."

I shook my head. "Conner Jimmy Matera doesn't exist, Cooper. He died when the three men that he was named after failed to be able to protect him and his mother."


"NO! I have had enough. We are just your little puppets in this little game of yours!"

"No, you're my friends!!" He lunged at me, making me lose the grip I had on the bundle in the left arm. It slid across the snow, and Conner stopped, letting me run and pick up the small package. Sound asleep, the small turtle flinched a little when I picked him up, placing him in the warmth of my cloak.

"What are you going to do with Coney?" McSweeny asked, sounding upset at what was happening. Cooper nodded.

"I'm hiding him in a safe place, where he will never have to deal with the Coopers or Clockwerk ever again! He will get to be raised in a nice family, oblivious to what he would have had to do with your brat, Cooper." I started walking away.

"Michael, please. Don't do this. I care..."

I spun around, stopping him mid-sentence. "I don't care what you 'care' about. Stay away from him, or I will personally call up Clockwerk and give him directions to your home."

"We are a team! Comrades! FRIENDS!"

"No Cooper. You were my inferior employer. Now, you are my hated enemy!" With that, I started dashing off into the snow again. Fortunately, he didn't follow me again. I finally stopped by the sign. "Happy Camper Orphanage", such an odd name for such a depressing place. I walked up onto the front steps, taking the bundle out from under my cloak. "Good-bye, my son. I wish you the best of luck." I kissed him on his forehead, leaving him on the doorstep, knocking on the door. I ran quickly behind a tree, and watched as a peacock bend down and hurried him inside once she saw no one outside. "Please, my son, grow up a better life then I was given."


May 5, 2033
Paris, France
5:23 PM

"Yo, my brother!!!" I said, climbing onto the roof. Bentley turned, laughing at me. He sat on the ledge of the roof, his chair beside him

"A little drunk there, Sly?"

"Maybe...Ready for tomorrow?" He answered by showing me the beer in his hand. "Wow...not to happy about it are you?"

"This is either my 7th or 8th beer. I lost count."

"You are such a noob when it comes to the drinking game. I'm already over 25 bottles...." I sat next to him, so our legs were dangling over the edge of the safehouse looking at the sunrise. I placed my arm around his shoulder. "You doing okay?"

"My 22-year-old daughter is marring an idiot tomorrow."

"He isn't that much of an idiot."

"Your son is exactly like you. He's a complete idiot."

"Well...I think they make a cute couple."

"Says the drunk man to his best friend who just so happens to be the father of the bride."

"Makes you wonder what if you were a girl. We could have been the two getting hitched."

"No...no it doesn't, you pervert."

"Well think about when they first meet. She so fell for him instantly. What if you were a girl and you saw me with that awesome cane?"

"I would still run and hide. And Megan hated Kyle when they first met. She thought he was just going to swoop in and take over everything she worked so hard for, just because of his birth right." I thought back to that day. When I saw my best friends years after I disappeared with Carmelita. Megan came walking out, pissed she was woken up, and looked at Kyle, knowing who he was. She did look rather murderous.

"Well, that changed. And now, six years later, they are getting married."


My little girl, who her first words were to me. The little girl that was a genius, and thief, and could hold her own and then some in a fight. Using inventions along with moves from the Thievious Racoonus, and read book after book, learning how to break into even the hardest computer system. My little girl, getting married to son of my best friend, my brother.

It was the wedding of Ted and Miss. Megan all over again. That had creeped both me and Penelope out of our minds months after our own wedding.

"Well, that changed. And now, six years later, they are getting married." A drunk man slurred into my ear.

"True. Still weird."

"So? Our fathers hated each other, we are brothers, and our children are lovers." I shuddered, still trying to forget the events of six years ago.

"Wow, you really are drunk. How about we not describe our children like that."


"Yeah, insanely drunk guy?"

"Remember the last time you had a beer with me?"

"You mean the last time, period?"

"Jeez, such a prude."

"A prude is someone that....oh never mind. What were you saying?"

"Well, when you were talking how awesome I was on the boat right before the Cooper Vault gig."

"I think I called you senseless and passionate, but if you want awesome, fine with me." I said, taking another sip.

"Sure, anyway....why did you wait so long to tell me?"

"You mean, wait until you were drunk out of your mind?"


"You were so nervous. You just sat their on the deck, beer in your hand. And you asked me, why the hell I stayed so long. That after all the crap I was put through because of you, I stuck around."

"Oh...right." he looked at the sidewalk, and tears came falling out of his eyes. He turned, and lunged at me, thankfully making us fall onto the roof rather then 4 stories down. He just wrapped me in a bear hug, refusing to let go.

"Uhh, dude?"

"Yeah, Bentley?"

"What are you doing?"


"Interesting. Am I allowed to breath while you do it or no?"

He sat up, tears still streaming down his face. "It seems that everything my dad and your dad did happened to both of us. The four lives are so alike, yet so different."

"That was because I trust you and you trust me. We are brothers until the end. Our dads never had anything like that truly."

He laid back down. "I guess. Would you do the exact same things over again, if you could?"

"In a heartbeat Sly." I laid down next to him, and I poofed us to the remains of Kaine Island. We laid there, looking up at all the stars, since it was just getting dark.


"I know, right my brother man."

"You are so drunk."

"Just remember, you're the one that tried to rape me on the roof 2 minutes ago, Sly."