Chapter 22 - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)


2009...7 years later...2016

23 year old Miley drove her baby blue car and looked at her sleeping wife-to-be. Lilly had just proposed to her last night, it wasn't during a big fancy meal at a restaurant, it wasn't on a ice rink, it wasn't on a big screen or hidden in a cake or in champagne. It was simply Miley and Lilly in their hotel room, Lilly fed her mini chocolates as they snuggled together on the bed. Lilly felt compelled to get something off her chest, so she spoke;

"Miley? I want to ask you something." Miley went to sit up, "no no lets just stay like this" Miley rested her head on Lilly's shoulder once again, "I love you Miley, you make me happier than I ever thought I could be, I know everyday I wake up with you whether it's a good or bad day, I will want you to be the one I go back to sleep with. I trust you with everything that I have and everything that I am. I want to spend the rest of my days with you and make you as happy as you've made me. Will you marry me?"

Miley tighten her arms around Lilly, "Yes, Lilly, I will." She wiped a stray tear of joy that had fallen down her cheek and added, "I'm already as happy as I ever can be with you beside me, Lilly, I love you too"

Miley smiled as she remembered last night and looked forward to seeing a place of warmth and familiarity after many months on the road; their home. As Miley parked the car on the drive way, she sighed, in relief to see the home they had created together once again, shining bright in the afternoon sun.

"Lilly?" Miley gently placed her hand on Lilly's shoulder to signal they were home, the blondes eyes opened and a small smile etched on her face.

"I'll get the bags" Lilly said still half asleep as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Sure, I'll let them know we're home." Miley replied as she opened her car door.

As Miley walked up the pathway to the front door, Miley couldn't help but think of the past as she looked upon their home.

It was just an old run down cabin many years ago, but the time, effort, not to mention money put into it, has helped it become a joyful home to the two sweethearts. It didn't begin that way, at first it was a safe haven for them, to escape their home life, a place they could be themselves. To be able to be open and honest to each other without any eyes of judgement upon them.

One night, seven years ago, changed all that for them. When Lilly opened up to Miley. Lilly who has always been reserved to reveal such personal memories, who burdened herself with them for years, to deal with them all alone, then was left torn between a mother who protected her and the girl she had fallen in love with.

Yet that night, it felt all so simple, share her life, her past with the one she loved and she wouldn't be greeted by judgement or anger, but understanding and support. That's why Lilly loved this girl and that's why they together went to see Lilly's mother again the next morning all those years ago. Not alone like she had done before, which led her to be left saddled with guilt, as she would so easily let her past weigh her down.

Lilly would always be grateful for the protection her Mother gave her from her Father but using that as hostage to stop her being with someone she loved dearly in Miley, was not a way to live for the here and now.

Lilly and Miley had spoken to her with the hope Lilly didn't lose someone close to her. However Lilly's relationship with her Mother did become estranged for sometime, she slept at the Stewart household some nights, not out of fear or anger, just to be near Miley. Lilly's relationship with her Mother was still intact, love was still there, but there was an unspoken distance. Lilly and Miley found it a shame it couldn't be like it was with Lilly's mother but they had done what they could to keep her involved in their lives, ultimately it's her choice. They did kept in touch from time to time.

As the days, months, years went by, little by little and refurbish by refurbish Lilly and Miley rebuilt the cabin, with help from Jackson, Oliver, Robby Ray, Ricco, build a house with those you love and it will always be a home. The cabin was now a home, sat surrounded by the greenest of tall trees with dusk paths and roads that led to it, underneath the biggest of blue skies. Remote enough to be at peace with the songbirds and nature around but a short car ride from the citylife.

This came in handy for Mileys job, when they were 18 in University together, they were at a karaoke bar where Lilly got Miley to go up because she lost a bet, Lilly bet Miley she could recall all 150 original pokemon, she did.

So Miley had to sing, when she did the bar went silent, she sang "Someone Like You" by Adele, as it was the most popular in 2011 and only one on the karaoke list she liked. Miley laughed when Lilly asked if she was breaking up with her after she told her the song choice, never in a million years Miley had reassured Lilly.

When she sang, a talent agency overheard and offered her a tryout at their offices. Miley wasn't interested at first but Lilly encouraged her to go and they loved her, signed her up and by the age of 21 she released her first album, the delayed came from Miley, as she wanted to complete university studies first. Then came the tours, which they had just finished together and now they were back home.

Before Miley made it to the front door Jackson bolted out of it and gave his little sister a big welcome home hug.

"Glad to see you! You enjoyed your tour?" He asked as he stepped back to see just how much more grown up his sister had gotten since he had last seen her, a few months ago.

"Yeah it was really great to see so many cities, really tired if I'm honest though!" She admitted, "how was Ellie?" Miley asked about their golden retriever dog

"Ellie wasn't any trouble at all. How did Lilly find it all, I saw some of the dresses she designed for your shows they looked great!" Jackson enquired

"Oh yeah, she's getting offers from all over the place now! I'm so pleased for her, she puts a lot of effort and thought into them"

"Hey!" Lilly appeared into view behind Miley, "are either of you two going to help me!?" She asked as she held multiple cases up.

Jackson smiled "I missed you too"

"Yeah yeah, grab a bag" Lilly smiled back.

Jackson picked up a bag, "Dad has been following you two on news, says he's really proud of both of you"

"Is he in the house?" Miley asked

"No, he's on his way though" Jackson replied

Miley was pleased to hear her father was on his way, she had missed him while on the road. He had become a strong rock of support for her after his initial reaction all those years ago to her and Lilly being together. Though he has helped the two of them out throughout the last six years, he constantly regretted how he first reacted and still hasn't really forgiven himself.

"You're my daughter" he would say "I don't ever want to imagine a day where you don't feel that. I will always be here for you, and for Lilly."

Miley and Lilly have reminded him that they have forgiven him, which he shows gratitude for and thanked them for letting him be a part of their lives.

"How's Oliver doing?" Asked Lilly, as she walked to front door, "has he sorted out the music quality control problems yet?"

"Yeah, the radio station has got a new control board, he's really becoming radio star now, almost 2 million listeners and rising to his music show" Jackson explained, "he's coming down with dad later."

Lilly smiled at the prospect at seeing old friends again so soon.

As they entered the two tier house, which retained its clean wooden exterior look, the click-clop of rapidly moving paws on laminated floors could be heard as a golden retriever bounded its way through the open plan throughly modern white walled ground floor, to reach Lilly and Miley.

"Hi Ellie!" They both exclaimed in delight to see their 2 year old dog, given to Miley and Lilly by Robby Ray for their anniversary of being together.

They named her Ellie after their teacher Miss. Eleanor Grimshaw, she had been the one to direct Jacksons attention to the cabin, as it belonged to her, but she didn't need it. She offered it to Miley and Lilly so they had somewhere they could go, as she understood what it felt like to be judged for who you liked.

"I'll get you some coffee to wake you up a little" Jackson said as headed to the kitchen.

"I've missed you, you adorable little munchkin!" Lilly said as she stroked Ellie's fur and held her, "who's a good girl!"

"I'm starting to get a little jealous" Miley said as looked at the display of affection in front of her

"N'aw, shush" Lilly stood, then moved next to Miley, "that's silly talk", she patted Mileys hair, "that better?"

Miley tried to keep a straight face but was unable to, so she accepted the head pat but then grabbed Lilly's hand and pulled her in for a soft kiss. "No, that's better" she whispered gently against Lilly's lips.

"So when are we going to tell everyone?" Lilly asked with her hands rested on Mileys hips.

"Well," Miley brushed Lilly's golden hair behind her ear "we'll tell them about the engagement when everyone gets here"

"Sounds like a plan, batman" Lilly replied, as she kissed Miley again, she never could resist those lips, "how long we got..?" Lilly wondered as she wanted to take Miley to their bedroom to re-introduce themselves to the bed.

"Lillian Truscott, you have a one track-" Miley is cut off mid sentence as Lilly picked her up off her feet, "what are you doing!?" Miley wraps her arms around Lilly's neck.

"I'm carrying you over the threshold, that's what you do isn't it?" Lilly stated

"The threshold is the front door, not door of bedroom plus my brother is just in the kitchen you know!"

"Ah foul play, you can't mention your brother it ruins the mood!" Lilly said as she released Miley to her feet.

Mileys response is interrupted by a knock at the front door.

"It's open!" said Miley

In stepped Robby Ray followed by Oliver, just as Jackson came in with two cups of coffee, which Oliver and Robby Ray took, "Oh thank you Jackson" instead of the intended recipients.

"Hey, those were-" Lilly was about to mention but Miley cut in

"No Lilly just leave it," Lilly stuck her tongue out at Miley, "we have some news..." Miley revealed as she took Lilly's hand in hers, they smiled at each before they looked to the three that stood before them, "we're engaged!"

Cheers and congratulations filled the home.

Miley and Lilly were about to begin, or really continue their lives, for better or for worse, but always together.

The end.

It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right,

I hope you had the time of your life.