Hey guys ^^, tis Ellie here. Am a huuuuuuge avatar fan. I DO NOT OWN AVATAR OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS, what I do have is love for them. ^^

So without further ado, (pam-para-ram!) the prologue (so many errors I had to rewrite it.)

"Are you guys going to stare at each other or are you gonna eat?" Mai grunted as she noticed that the avatat and Katara had been staring at each other over dinner for a while. .

There was silence. No reaction, only a visible reddening of Katara's face.

"More tea? Iroh offered Aang. A grimace escaped the old man's face as he looked at the young airbender/ As if he was saying; I'm only doing this to break the tension.

Zuko and Sokka laughed as they entertained themselves with the awkward atmosphere brewing in the dining hall. They were on a Royal vacation. Zuko had asked his most trusted advisors to take over the fire nation for a while. After all, they were still pretty much teenagers who needed a break every now and then.

As for the said tension, it has been lingering amongst the teenagers for quite a while. Of course, who else would have caused it but the beloved avatar and the apple of his eyes; Katara. The two were in a hanging relationship. None of the two has had the courage of asking the other of what their relationship really was. Even after the kisses. The oh, so passionate kisses that happened every now and then.

After dinner they went to their own rooms, getting ready for the day after. They would tour the whole Island tomorrow and needed rest. Unfortunately Zuko forgot about one major problem; the in that Zuko picked (said to be the finest in the island) only had four rooms). It was rather expensive so the owner made only four rooms expecting that there weren't many rich people who could afford to stay there at the same time, never did he expect the Firelord to come there with his whole gang.

"The great firelord Zuko….forgets to get an inn big enough to accommodate his guests" Toph giggled out.

Zuko could only groan.

"hahaha..Smooth move Sifu Hotman" Aang added.

"Stop calling me that!!" The young firelord fumed.

While the four were making a fuss over the little problem they had, Mai noticed that Katara was too silent.

"So, perfect time to pounce on our men huh?" Mai teased, her face barely changing expression (as usual)

Katara could only stare at her in confusion. "I don't understand".

"We're on vacation, Iroh gets one room, we have three rooms left, and I do see three pairs."

The young waterbender blushed at the prospect.

A small smile escaped Mai's face "Guess I better tell the innkeepers who'll be staying on each room" she said as she walked to the stairs, heading for the lobby.