The Troublemaker

Harry Potter was barely awake as he dragged his feet towards the door of his bedroom. He was not surprised that he had slept in, as yesterday's Auror mission had left him exhausted. He didn't bother getting dressed and walked to the stairs in his pajama bottoms and white t-shirt, relieved by the thought that today was Saturday and he could spend the day with his family.

It was awfully warm considering that it was early November. He noted how quiet the house seemed without James causing trouble and picking on his brother and sister. He reached the bottom of the stairs and found his wife in the kitchen. She was rummaging through the cupboards and preparing something on the counter with her back facing him. Seeing her in her nightgown, he couldn't help but notice how she could still be as slender as a 15-year-old after having three children.

He walked up to her from behind and kissed her neck lightly. "Morning, love."

She turned and kissed him softly. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Tough day at work yesterday? I didn't even hear you come to bed."

"It was well past midnight and I didn't want to wake you," he replied, kissing her nose.

"Everything okay, then?" she asked, as she put cups, some pancakes and a jar of marmalade on the table.

"Yeah, everything was sorted out. Are the kids up?" he asked as he sat down.

Ginny sat on his lap and took a pancake from the table. "They woke up early. They're playing in the garden. Now open up."

As he chewed his pancake, the front door opened loudly and children's voices were heard. Ginny smirked at him and whispered in his ear, "Speak of the devil."

A redheaded, brown-eyed little girl burst in the kitchen shouting, shortly followed by her black-haired brother, who was holding something fluffy and looked suspiciously like an owl, that was trying to escape .

"Is that an owl you're holding?" Ginny asked wide-eyed.

"No! It's an EVIL owl! She landed in the garden and when I went to take the letter she bit me!" Lily said, pointing at her hand where a beak mark was still evident.

"Yeah, Mum! She won't let us bloody take it!" Al complained while shaking the owl that was still struggling in his hands.

"Language, Albus! Now, give it here," said Ginny as she reached for the owl.

However, when she went to take the letter, the owl bit her. She stepped back, surprised, and let the bird fly around the kitchen before landing on the table next to Harry. She blinked at him and stretched her leg towards him.

"You're kidding me," Ginny said. She looked incredulously at Harry, who took the letter from the owl and stroked its head without suffering any injuries.

Harry opened the letter after smiling nervously at his livid wife and his children, who were staring at him open-mouthed.

Hi Dad,

I know you're surprised since it's usually you and Mum writing, and me not writing back, but I'm sure you don't worry about me. Professor McGonagall writes to you every other day about me getting detention so you know I'm fine.

Please don't tell Mum about this! I asked the owl to give the letter only to you, and not let anyone else open it, but I don't know if she understood a thing.

I didn't appreciate the Howler Mum sent last week! Honestly, letting the whole Great Hall know that she will ground my broom the next time I get detention! Next thing I know, Jerry Wood (my Quidditch Captain), was yelling at me too! I am the second first-year to ever make the Gryffindor team (you got there first). The team needs me! Does Mum want us to lose to the Snakes? The match is on Saturday, and I need my broom! Please remind Mum of that! Before midday, preferably. I gather by then McGonagall will have owled you about… well, why hide it? You'll find out anyway. I got another detention.

Please don't be mad at me! It was a good prank! You would've liked it Dad! We (as in Fred and I) threw Mrs. Norris in the lake! She deserved it. That filthy cat is the main reason we got caught when we broke into Filch's office. Did I mention that Uncle George is proud of Fred causing mayhem? Please try to persuade Mum about my broom! I know you can sweet-talk her (Yuck! I can't believe I used that word!) into it! I have faith in you! Go, Dad!

Fred says "Hi" and begs you not to punish me! How can you say no to him?

Tell Al and Lil' I said "Hi!"


P.S. Can I stay at Hogwarts during the Christmas holidays? It's not that I don't miss you guys, but I love it here! Hogwarts with no classes! Just think of the possibilities! ;)

"He has nerve!" exclaimed Harry. "Asking that when I know he nicked the Marauder's Map! And YOU..." He turned to the owl. "You take your job WAY too seriously!"

"Is it from James?" asked Lily curiously.

"Yeah," said Harry tentatively as he folded the letter.

"James wrote? That's a first!" said Ginny slightly taken aback. She glanced at Harry suspiciously. "What does he say?"

"Erm… He asks to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays," Harry answered slowly. At least that was half the truth.

"Just that? In that case, the answer is 'No.' If James wanders around Hogwarts free of classes, the castle will explode within a week," said Ginny who still seemed to disbelieve that this was the only purpose of the letter.

"Okay, we'll talk about that-"

"Dad, why didn't he want us to open it?"

"I don't know, Al. Ginny, I want to talk t-"

"Dad, look!" yelled Lily pointing at the window. "Another owl is coming!"

"Ginny, I have to talk to y-"

"Harry, wait! Let's see who the owl's fr-"

"Ginny, our bedroom NOW!"