A/N: So I may have mentioned to a person or two that this'd be up, at the latest, by Monday... It's gotta be Monday somewhere, right?! I was supposed to have the weekend off but I got called in to work the last two days and it turns out staying up to 3am is so much easier when you're hanging with your friends opposed to actually working. :( So, now it's 5:30am and I'm so overly exhausted that I'm not even remotely sleepy.


Stella perked up when she saw her friend turn the corner. "Hey, Macy! Come join," Macy took one look at the group and all but ran in the other direction, "us for smoothies...or, y'know, run away."

"Well, that was odd. What's up with Macy?" Nick asked, turning to Kevin.

"What? Why is everyone looking at me?" Kevin asked, tugging on his sleeve before glaring at Nick. "She had cake on her face!"

Joe shook his head. "Naw, pretty sure she didn't."


"What did you do?" Stella grated out as she tugged Kevin into an empty room.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Macy was in an over-the-moon good mood all morning and then she headed to lunch with you. And now? Now there is whatever just happened there!" Stella emphasized her point by poking Kevin. Hard.

Kevin rubbed at his chest before asking, "And you're just assuming it's my fault?"

"Oh, I don't know, Kev. Your voice is higher pitched than Minnie Mouse's right now! You tell me right now or I'll strangle you with that smart looking scarf I made for you."


Kevin made it home that night without being asphyxiated and without actually telling Stella anything. He'd be proud of himself if, y'know, the rest of the day hadn't happened. Specifically the part which led to Stella being so mad at him in the first place.

Putting his school gear aside, Kevin went upstairs to avoid his family and the rest of the world. He grabbed some juice and then climbed under his guitars.

He'd ruined everything with Macy. He'd pushed way too far, way too quick and Macy had been angry and horrified. Ok, she hadn't looked it but Kevin could tell. She'd stared at him wide eyed and non-responsive after he'd kissed her. It was practically the same thing.

Some time later a voice pulled Kevin from his moping.

"Hey, buddy. I see your, uh, hiding in your guitar room here."

Kevin peaked around his red Fender to see his father standing a few feet away from him.

Tom craned his neck, trying to see his eldest who was sitting against the back wall in the guitars' open closet. "We called you down for supper."

"I heard," Kevin mumbled, flicking away another dust bunny, which didn't look like a bunny at all. "I wasn't hungry."

"It was my night to cook, though," Tom said as he tried to seat himself on the floor. "I ordered in Indian food!"

"Great. Maybe later. I'm a little busy right now."

"I see, a pity party for one. So, uh...your mom normally does this stuff... What happened between you and Macy?"

"You know about -- did Macy call?!" Kevin asked, jumping to his feet. Why hadn't she called his cellphone first? He fumbled it out to quickly check its charge and that it still got good reception in amongst all the machinery for the guitar track.

"N-no. Stella called actually, threatening bodily harm to just about everyone if things weren't fixed. You two broke up or something?"

"Stella and I weren't dating, dad."

"I meant you and Macy. You're not seeing each other anymore?" Tom asked, still trying to see his son and slowly regretting letting him turn this walk-in closet into a glorified motorized tie-rack for guitars.

"Macy spent most of the afternoon making a point of not seeing me. I ruined everything over lunch."

"Maybe you want to ask your old man for advice?"

"Maybe you could bring me up some food first? I didn't eat much lunch and I only had a few orange slices for breakfast." Kevin crawled out from the back of the small half-enclosed area. "My stomach is more growly than Stella is right now."


Even after Kevin made a point of not setting his alarm when he went to bed the previous evening, he still found himself wide awake the next morning at 4:40 am.

Kevin lasted 10 minutes of pretending to be sleeping before throwing on clothes and pretty much falling down the fire pole.

He stumbled across the darkened room and sat on the couch facing the front door. Macy would show up, he told himself. She'd had over half a day to brush off the unwanted stunt he'd pulled at lunch.

She'd forgiven him all the times he'd run late and the time he'd nearly given her a concussion and that other time he'd grabbed her chest by accident. It had all happened and they'd both been more than happy to gloss over each and pretend they'd never happened. Surely Macy could brush off his attacking her with his mouth.

Any minute now a quiet knock would sound on the door and everything would be back to normal.


And while Kevin moped on the couch, staring at the door, Macy was sitting on his front porch getting more and more angry.

After 5am came and passed, Macy was ready to go. She made it to the sidewalk before turning around and looking at the residence behind her. Every light still appeared to be off. There was no Kevin Lucas looking all apologetically out his bedroom window like all those stupid movies she and Stella watched way too many of.

Kevin made it pretty clear yesterday afternoon that he didn't want to be in her company anymore and had further cemented his decision by blowing her off this morning as well.

Macy had only taken a handful of steps before she paused again. A small little voice reminding her that they'd changed their morning meeting time to 6am. And, really, what was waiting another 45 minutes?

When 6:04am finally came around, Macy stood and wiped the tears from her eyes that she'd swear on a stack of JO -- on her favorite soccer cleats were angry tears and not the-world-has-ended-and-all-the-kittens-are-dead tears.

She was going to go home, get changed into her uniform and double-check her homework. And then she was going to go to school and ... and ... well, she'd figure that part out later.


"Look, whatever he did? He didn't mean it."

Macy closed her eyes as she slammed her locker shut. "Stella, that's not the right argument for right now."

"I don't mean he didn't mean It. I meant he didn't mean whatever he did."

Macy heaved a sigh and turned to face Stella, as she slumped back against her locker. "He told me he liked me, Stella, and then he took off."

"That's it?"

"That's it?! There was more stuff involved but, yeah, that's the gist of it."

"Ok, know what? I can tell you in full confidence that Kevin likes you!"

"I know. Remember, he told me before avoiding me the rest of the day and not meeting with me this morning. Wow, he must really like me," Macy drawled as she slung her bag over her shoulder. "You can tell by how much time he isn't spending with me."

"Ok, sarcasm? Not your thing. And, yes! Macy, he's spent so much time and effort on you!" Stella called after her friend before hurrying to catch up with her. "A few weeks ago he came to me asking about how to get close to a girl he really liked." Stella noticed her friend's suddenly narrowed gaze. "No, silly, you!"

Macy paused. "Kevin actually said?"

"Ok, not technically--!" Stella rushed on at her friends angry glare, "He didn't want to tell me straight out it was you because he didn't want me blabbing his secret. I think he wanted to make sure you actually liked him first."

"And why do you think he was talking about me?"

"Who else had he been spending hours upon hours with? And also, the name he did eventually give me? Lacy Lisa," Stella slung her arm around her friend's shoulder and ducked her head to see the smallest hint of movement in the corner of Macy's mouth. "Kevin...he's not the dating type. He kind of crushes from afar and tends to leave it at that. What he's done with you is such huge bounds of more effort than I've ever seen him put into anyone. So, whatever he did yesterday -- and I better find out about exactly what happened soon because I cannot stand being in the dark this long! -- was just him freaking out and doubting himself. Maybe you need to take charge in this thing yous have going on. Y'know?"

Macy gave a slow nod as she mulled her friend's words over. Take charge. Macy Misa could most definitely take charge.

"Hey, Stell and Mace!" Joe called out from down the hall.

Macy tightened her grip on her bag up and ducked into the first classroom she came across.

Well, take charge later, Macy decided as she closed the door and quickly flicked off the lights. And if it didn't work she was convincing her parents to move to Alaska because she honestly wasn't sure how much more she could take of ducking the Lucases.


Kevin glanced up with the rest of the class as a knocking on the door presented a welcome distraction from chapter reading during their second class. His eyes widened though, when Macy stepped into the room.

"Can I help you, Miss Misa?" Mrs. Gram asked from her desk.

"No, you cannot." Macy locked eyes with Kevin and determinedly marched across the room to his desk. When she reached Kevin's side she all but hauled him right out of his desk by his jacket lapels and crashed her lips on his.

It took a long, shocked moment before Kevin realized what exactly was happening. His knees buckled in shock and he dropped heavily back into his chair.

His teacher was on her feet and looking thoroughly scandalized. "M-Miss Misa!"

"There was cake on his face!" Macy declared, giving Kevin a long glare before she spun on her heel and stomped out of the classroom.

A few moments later, with Mrs. Gram's shrieking and Kevin covering his mouth and avoiding looking at his classmates who'd got way too much of a show, Kevin jumped to his feet.

"Mr. Lucas, sit down!"

"I--I--!" Macy just kissed him! Oh, it was an angry kiss, which turned out to be worlds of different from anything Kevin had experienced yet. But people, especially people like Macy, don't go around kissing people they don't like.

Macy was mad at him but she still liked him! He had to talk to her and try to smooth things out. He had to leave, right now, class-be-dammed!

"Mr. Lucas, if you don't sit down right now I'll--"

"It doesn't count if I can't hear you!" Kevin called over his shoulder, his hands covering his ears, as he ran from his classroom.

"Macy?" Kevin called out, looking to his left than right but not hearing anything. He quickly realized he was still covering his ears so he dropped his hands and called after her again.

Ok, he had to find Macy. Did he go left or right? Well, he'd definitely wronged Macy yesterday and wrong was the opposite of right so he had to go left!

As luck would have it Macy had gone left but only because the Lucas bank of lockers were to the right and she was still very much avoiding them when she wasn't kissing one of them senseless in front of a room of their peers.

"Macy!" Kevin called out when he finally spotted her leaning beside a water fountain. "Macy, don't -- don't run! We should talk because--"

"I hate you!" Macy bit out before gasping and covering her mouth. "I don't hate you! That's a dirty, dirty lie! I could never hate you! Well, I'm sure there is probably something you could do to turn me towards hate but it would have to be really big and horrible and probably involve harming baby animals...and I don't hate you. I'm just c-confused and kinda hurt...a lot."

"Macy, I'm--"

"No! I so deserve talking time right now," Macy said, stepping away from the wall to start pacing. "What you did yesterday at lunch? So much worse than lying about failing."

"I thought you didn't care I lied about that?"

"I don't. Like I said, it was a very sweet gesture. Telling me you liked me was a sweet gesture. Kissing me, a sweet gesture too. But that stupid cake line and running away from me after your huge revelation? Kevin, that was...you're supposed to be the plain and simple one!"

"The plain and simple one," Kevin repeated and cleared his throat. That was new. Ow.

Macy cringed, "I didn't mean it like that... It's just that if it had have been Joe it would have been ridiculous and over the top. And Nick would have been smooth and cool and low-key about it. I just...I just assumed that you'd be more straight forward about telling me you liked me. You know? That you wouldn't tell me you liked me and kiss me and then make up some silly excuse and take off and then spend the rest of the day avoiding me."

"You were avoiding me first!"

Macy gasped. "Me! You kissed me and took off! You left me!"

"I didn't leave you," Kevin said. Upon noticing Macy's mouth opening, he relented, "Well, technically maybe but..."

"But what? You didn't give me any time! You gave me everything I could have wanted and then quickly took it all back and bolted."

"I panicked," Kevin mumbled, glancing around the empty halls.

"Yeah, I got that. But why?"

"I didn't know how you'd react. Or if you actually liked me."

"You didn't leave me any reaction time," Macy said and Kevin was slowly starting to realize he really hadn't. "It was all 'I like you, Macy' -- me, Macy Misa! -- and then...then," and despite Macy still looking angry, her gaze dropped to her shoes. "And then you kissed me. You kissed me. It was amazing a-and shocking. I was trying to process beyond the lips-of-Kevin thing."

"Amazing?" Kevin repeated. "Are you sure it wasn't unwanted? Because you weren't touching me or doing--"

"Kevin, it was the least unwanted thing I've ever experienced. I may be tiny but I'm pretty strong. Believe me, if that kiss had have been unwanted I woulda popped you one in the nose and told you so. I like you and kissing is so a-ok in my books."

The sincere words coupled with Macy's open face finally caused Kevin to slump in relief. "Ok, so... I like you, Macy. I've liked you for a while now. I've liked all the time we've spent in the mornings together."

"More fun though were our almost, not quite dates," Macy tacked on. "I like you too, Kevin. A lot."

"I figure that I probably owe you some sorry gifts still and probably more talking but are we good now? We both like each other and would like to try the dating thing?" Kevin didn't allow himself a breath until Macy finally nodded her head, smiling. Kevin knew she was letting him off the hook far too easy. Between what he'd heard from Stella and his father he expected to be groveling for weeks...when he'd eventually gotten around to confronting her which he readily admitted wouldn't have happened so soon. "Great! Well, we should kiss to seal the deal."

Macy reached out, placing a hand on his shoulder to stop him. "You should kiss me if you want to, not to seal some 'deal'."

Kevin gathered the hand on his shoulder into his own and brushed a kiss over her knuckles. "I promise, Macy, I've wanted to kiss you for a very long time."

"Really? I think I may have you beat there," Macy said softly, a small smile tugging the corner of her mouth up.

"I don't know," Kevin responded, loving how easy it was to slip into playful teasing with Macy. "Kevin of JONAS or Kevin of School?" Tilting her head up the slightest bit, Kevin was startled to realize that the prospect of a kiss was much more nerve wracking this time around. Shouldn't this kissing thing be easier when they both fully realized they were both in like with each other?

Macy took a step forward and mumbled "touché" against Kevin's chin.

"Hey, Misa," A voice called out, startling the couple out of their near kiss. "I got some cake on my pants."

Looking up, Kevin immediately recognized Davis from the football team. "Ooh, let me at him!" When had the bell ending class rung?

Macy grabbed Kevin's shoulder and tugged him backwards as she glared at Davis. "Jerkface!" She hollered after him. "And you, there's no need for you to be getting into another fight."

"A-another?" Kevin asked, nervously.

"Ok, I guess it wouldn't be 'another'," Macy allowed. "The first time he just hit you one and that was it. But really--"

"You knew about that?!" Kevin asked, his cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

"The whole school knew about that," Macy said with a small giggle. "It happened in the middle of the caff during lunch period. Mr Widereceiver laying into Mr Rockstar. Gossip that good travels fast."

Kevin dropped his head, feeling his face redden further. Of course everyone would have heard about that. He so should have used that to his advantage that day in a bid to impress Macy and gain some additional thanks. "Still, though."

"Just ignore him. I do. He's a stupid jerk."

Stella turned the corner at that moment and seemed to catch only the last couple of words from Macy and thought the worst. "Ok! That's it!" Stella grabbed her two friends and shoved them apart. "Kevin, do you like Macy?"


"Macy, do you like Kevin."


"Ta da!" Stella declared.

"Ta da?" Macy repeated. "How is that 'ta da'?!"

"How is it NOT ta da? You guys both like each other. Everybody knows!" The janitor walked by nodding. "See!" Stella yelled, tossing her arms into the air.

"Stella," Kevin started, "Macy and I already--" Kevin was forced into silence as Macy suddenly slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Maybe Stella is right, Kevin. If we both like each other maybe we should try a date."

Kevin frowned at Macy, hadn't they just decided that? "But--?" And then Macy surged forward and silenced Kevin with a brief kiss.

"There!" Macy said, pulling back and turning to Stella. "Our first kiss! Well, not our first but...oh, the number isn't important."

Kevin gave a quick smirk before pulling out a forced confused face, "I thought we already--" Kevin barely contained his grin at Macy's genuinely panicked look before she reached up and dragged him down for another kiss to silence him. Ha, this kissing thing was so much easier when Macy was the one initiating them.

Before Macy could pull away this time though, Kevin tangled his fingers into the hair at the nape of her neck and deepened the kiss.

He liked Macy and she liked him and kissing her was quite possibly the most amazing thing in the world. Well, after his guitar -- no, he'd have to go home to retest that theory. This may actually surpass it.

When Kevin finally allowed Macy to pull away, Stella was bouncing on her toes and clapping her hands. "I'm a genius! My amazing matchmaking skills take second tier only to my incredibly keen sense of fashion amazingness."

Both Kevin and Macy smiled and allowed the blonde to have her moment. Macy because she thought she was doing her friend a favor and was, admittedly, still a little dazed from the last kiss. Kevin, though, knew he owed Stella a debt of gratitude for the help she provided with 'Lacy'. He made a mental note to inform Stella, as soon as possible, that there really was no Lacy Lisa. He didn't need her thinking he was some kind of player or anything, especially if he was going to be dating one of her best friends.

"Yay!" Stella bounced again before pulling the two into a group hug. "I so get to be your Maid of Honor!"

"Stella!" Macy cried out in embarrassment. They'd only just agreed to dating! Macy was glad when she heard Kevin start to speak up his own refutal.

"Stell, you're in charge of the whole attire for the wedding party!"

"Kevin!" Macy couldn't believe him! She was positive that wasn't his resigned, placating a friend voice either.

Stella was squealing again and all but shoved Macy out of the way as she pulled the eldest Lucas brother into a tight hug. "Promise?!"

Kevin nodded eagerly. "I've always envisioned a fall wedding."

Macy gaped at the pair and took a step back. A hand on her back startled her and she turned to see Nick and Joe behind her looking on in interest.

"What is going on here?" Joe asked, doing a surprisingly good job at not looking jealous that Stella was being touchy-feely with a guy that wasn't him.

Macy pouted at the scene. "They're planning our wedding."

Nick bit back the obviously questions and the need to point out the multiple problems with that statement, even if Kevin probably was one of those mammals that mated for life, and instead graced Macy with a rare smile. "I'm glad you two finally smoothed everything out." Nick also didn't point out the fact that only Kevin could completely ruin and fix a relationship in under 24 hours.

"I'm so the Man of Honor," Joe declared looping an arm each around Macy and Nick's shoulders.

"Girls are the Maids of Honor and guys are the Best Men," Nick corrected, shrugging Joe's arm off. "And, plus, do you really think Kevin would pick you over me for his big day? I doubt it."

"Please, I'm so the better brother."

"You forgot his birthday this year!"

"Wow," Macy interrupted the two bickering Lucases, "How did I become the less crazy one here? Kevin!" Macy reached out and tugged Kevin away from Stella and what she was pretty sure was a discussion on floral arrangements. "Maybe we should have an actual date first before we start...that."

Kevin smiled brightly and linked hands with Macy. "Right, a date where we both fully acknowledge it's a date. That should be fun!"

"'Should be'? Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... Will be. I mean, how fun were our almost dates?"

"They were pretty awesome," Kevin was still smiling as he looked down at their linked hands. "This dating thing is a lot more fun when we both fully acknowledge the fact." Kevin's head suddenly shot up, his eyes wide as he gave a toothy grin. "We should totally walk around the school and show off our new couplehood!" And if he could rub it in Davis' face, that'd just be an extra bonus.

Macy bounced at Kevin's side. "I'm not going to say no to that suggestion. Oh, we so have to walk by Trudy Harmon. Y'know, so she knows you're off limits from her grabby little hands."

The new couple said goodbye to their friends. Kevin thought Joe's extra wink, grin and thumbs up was a little creepy, so he pulled Macy a little closer at they started to walk away.

"Oh!" Macy turned briefly back to Stella. "Stella? Ta da!" Macy said, pointing to Joe and rolling her eyes.

"Oh be quiet," Stella snapped, crossing her arms. "Go be adorable elsewhere."


They spent the next week being thoroughly adorable and making up for missed time.

They went to see the same movie twice and still only ended up seeing a third of it in total. They dined at the fanciest restaurant in town and the next day ate hotdogs at the zoo. Frankie had declared Macy the coolest girlfriend ever and Kevin's dad picked her brain over the fan aspect of JONAS until Kevin had to physically drag her away. And Macy's mom discovered when Kevin wasn't found sleeping with her daughter on their couch he was really quite charming and sweet.


"Kevin?" Macy questioned, walking through the school halls early Monday morning.

"Yes, Macy?"

Macy bounced a few steps in front of Kevin and spun around to face him. "If I was to, say, give you my letterman jacket, would you wear it?"

"Macy, I would be honored!" Kevin grinned widely and moved forward to capture Macy's hands in his own. "I was thinking of asking you but that seemed kinda lame. I would wear it with pride." They slowed as they reached Macy's first class. "Say, we have a charity baseball game happening next month. We could always use another player." Kevin smiled at the wide grin he received. "And, y'know, I actually could use a little help with my batting. I'm thinking of not letting Nick show me up this time."

"So, you're saying you need some extra help, training even, with your batting? I think I could help. I happen to be a pretty awesome trainer. We can meet tomorrow at six. Later!" Macy reached up to give Kevin a quick kiss before darting into class.

"Wait, AM or PM?!"


A/N: It's done! And school hasn't started yet! Mission accomplished! This definitely grew from the 5 parter I'd originally planned on but I kinda love it anyway...
I also fully acknowledge that it was a little rushed at the end...but it's Kevin and Macy and they wouldn't be big grudge holders...right?!
So, uh, what am I supposed to write now? ;)