A/N: Hey! Well for the readers of my other story don't think I've given up on that one. I'm just taking a miniature break and getting my ideas together for that story. This idea just popped into my head and I decided to put it down on paper..well methophorically anyway…lol. Anyway, here goes!

A/N #2: Just to clear some things up before you begin reading, and hopefully it'll decrease the comments about some things beforehand. I DO NOT FOLLOW THE BOOKS….at least on some things. Since we all read these fanfics I'm sure most if not all of us have read the books so we know what happens. For me the point of Fanfiction is to change things we may not like about the books. In my story the timeline is after Breaking Dawn, but many things that happened in the book did not happen in my story. Renessmee doesn't exist for one thing. I'll try to explain most of the things I change within my story or either give a backstory. If its something you really don't understand please feel free to message me or leave a review, I do answer them. In reviews please refrain from telling me "well this is what happened in the books, or this didn't happen", Trust me I know already. Okay I'm done now. LOL

Chapter 1:

"But Edward! You have to go with me. Please! If you really loved me you would." Bella put on her best pouty face. It never failed to make Edward cave when he was being particularly difficult about giving her something she wanted. She definitely used this to her advantage on numerous occasions.

Edward tried to ignore it. Truly he did. It didn't work.

"Fine Bella. We'll go, but we're not staying long. The less time I have to be around the mutts the better for all of us. I can't believe you're asking me to subject myself to them like this. You know how much I can't stand them."

"Oh Edward, stop exaggerating. You know Jacob is my best friend and I have to be there for him. It's his big day and I want to be able to celebrate with him."


It always came back to him with Bella. What Jacob wanted. What was best for Jacob.

God how he hated that dog.


"Jacob! Time to get up!"

"Grrrrr" Did his father really have to yell so loudly? The house was only so big. It was completely unnecessary.

"Fine! I'm up."

Today was the day. His 18th birthday. The day he finally grew into his inheritance. Jacob made his way to the bathroom to check himself out. If everything went accordingly he should notice the difference straight away.

Jacob looked at himself in the mirror and almost yelled in fright at the person looking back at him. It wasn't so much that the sight that greeted him was frighteningy, just that it hadn't been anything like what he expected.

Jacob had always been big for his age, and taller than most other boys his age. However as he looked at himself he noticed that he had increased another five inches in height. Apart from his overnight growth spurt his hair had also grown longer. It now reached just past his shoulders. His face had lost all the remaining baby fat, and he now had a very distinguised jaw line and chiseled features. His eyes seemed more darker than they were and now resembled black coals with a nearly unnoticeable gold rim around the irises.

Jacob looked down at his body. He'd always had muscled, but….geez…now he REALLY had muscles. His toned stomach now had a very nice six pack of abs, and his arms were toned and when he flexed he couldn't keep the grin off his face at the added muscle to his biceps.

His legs were now well defined and when he peeked inside the waistband of his boxers his eyes nearly bugged out at the growth spurt there.

Feeling extremely good about himself he made his way to the shower to freshen up before starting his big day.

As Jacob made his way down the stairs he heard his dad in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Usually he was the one to fix breakfast but he figured Billy thought since it was his birthday he could have a break for once.

"Hey dad"

"Hey there Jake. How's the birthday boy?"

"Great! How do you like me now?" Jake took a moment to flex his newly gained muscles and struck a bodybuilder poise for Billy.

Billy laughed heartily. "Well it seems like you don't mind your inheritance so far hmm?"

"Definitely not. I wish I had an inheritance everyday!"

"So what are your plans for today?"

"I'm not sure really. I know the pack is planning a surprise party for me later but other than that I really don't know."

"A surprise party? How is it a surprise if you already know about it?" Billy quirked a brow.

"Well you know how Quill can never keep a secret. He let it slip a couple days ago."

"Hmm. Should've known."

Just then they heard the front door open, and Paul and Seth entered the kitchen.

"What's up Jake" Paul said sitting down

"Wow Jake. You're even bigger than I would've thought" Seth commented while grabbing a handfull of bacon of Jake's plate.

"Hey! Ask first you big oaf." Jake hit Seth upside the head and grabbed his bacon back.

"Alright alright! Take it easy will ya?"

"Sure sure. So what do you guys want? I'm sure you didn't just come over to wish me a happy birthday."

"Sam wanted us to come get you because he's called a pack meeting" Paul said.

"When now?"


"Fine. Let me just go get my shoes."

Jake made his way back upstairs to get his shoes and jacket, and met the other two back downstairs.

"Alright let's go."

The three boys made their way down to La Push beach to meet up with the rest of the pack. When they got there Sam, Leah, Embry, and Quill were already waiting.

The pack formed a semi circle around Sam and waited for him to begin speaking.

"First I'd just like to say Happy Birthday Jake." Sam handed over a small wrapped box to Jake.

"What's this?" Jake asked. He hadn't actually expected any gifts from his pack members.

"I'll get to that in just a second. First I need to explain some things to you." Sam said

"Okay." Jake was still somewhat confused but he figured Sam would explain.

"Jake, it was explained to me when I first became pack leader that I wasn't the rightful leader of this pack. You were always the true leader of this pack Jacob."

Jacob felt his face heat up. He always became embarrassed when people talked about him being the leader of his pack. He didn't need it, and he definitely didn't want it.

"Now that you've come into your inheritance Jacob, it is time for you to take your rightful place as our pack leader." Sam stated.

"What?!? No way. I don't want to be the leader!" Jake said vehemently. He hadn't excpected anything like this when he got his inheritance.

"There's no room for argument Jake. On your 18th birthday it passed down to you automatically."

"Isn't there some way I can just hand it over to you Sam? I don't know how to lead a pack." Jacob's mind was reeling. He didn't know the first thing about how to be a leader.

"I'm sorry Jacob. It's not possible." With that Sam closed the discussion.

"Now the next thing we need to discuss is what you know about your inheritance."

"What do you mean? Don't I just channge my appearance? I know I'll look like this from now on until I stop shifting. What else is there?"

"Well for one thing, now you have the ability to imprint. After a wolf comes into their inheritance they can find their mate."

Well that for one thing was something Jacob didn't know. Of course he knew about imprinting, but he didn't know it came along with your inheritance. That sent his mind reeling. The only thing he could think about was


There wasn't a doubt in Jacob's mind that Bella was his soul mate. He had loved her for as long as he could remember. There was no one else for him. He had always wondered why he couldn't imprint on Bella before and now he knew. He hadn't come into his inheritance yet.

He knew the moment he set eyes on her again he would imprint. A huge smile broke out onto his face.

This would be the perfect way to get her away from the leech.

He knew from seeing others in his pack imprint that the imprintee was so overcome by the love shown to them that it was nearly impossible to deny it. It was nearly impossible to not accept the one who imprints on you.

He knew Bella was half in love with him already so he felt certain it wouldn't take much convincing on his part.

This inheritance thing was definitely looking better all the time.


Edward hated this. He really and truly hated this. He would rather be making a visit to the Volturi than being here.

And where was here?

In the middle of the Black living by members of the La Push pack. None of his family members would even help him by coming along. He thought back again to how he had gotten hisself in this situation. He looked to his left.

Ah right. Bella.

His darling sweet Bella. He marveled at how she could get him to do anything for her.

"Well where is he?" He asked her. The stupid mutt didn't even have the decency to show up on time for his own party.

Bella looked over at him with a small smile. "Quill said that he was out running with Sam. Some type of bonding thing I think."

"Well he better hurry up and get here. I don't plan on waiting around all night." Edward grumbled.

As soon as the words left his mouth he heard a commotion coming from the front of the room. Choruses of "Jake" were heard, signifying the arrival of the party boy.

"Great. Here we go." Edward sighed.


Jake made his way slowly through the crowd, accepting greeting from everyone he met. The only thing running through his mind however was wondering if Bella had arrived yet.

He didn't want to seem rude to all the people that had come out to celebrate with him however, so he stopped to make small chat with some of his friends from the res school.

As he was talking, the sweetest sent Jacob had ever smelt wafted towards him. It was a mixture of cinnamon and strawberries. Jacob inhaled, not being able to get enough of that wonderful smell. It was coming from the direction of the living room, and Jacob couldn't help but follow it to its source.

The living room was more crowded than he had expected, and it took him some time to pin point the location the aroma was coming from. He pushed through the crowd until he got to the very center of the room.

And there she was.


His Bella.

She spotted him at the same time and gave him a soft smile. Jacob braced himself and looked into her eyes, waiting for the moment that the imprint would hit him.

He waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

After long anticipated moments passed and nothing happened, Jacob regrettably lowered his eyes.

What the hell just happened? Why didn't it work? It had to work. Bella was the only one for him. Maybe something was wrong with him and he didn't get the imprint inheritance. That's the only plausible explanation. Right?

But where was that scent coming from? Jacob moved closer. The scent got stronger with his every step. It had to be coming from Bella.

But it wasn't.

Jacob looked up straight into the molten golden eyes of Edward Cullen.

And the rest of the world melted away.

Nothing else mattered. No one else mattered

This was his world.

Edward was his world.

That wonderful smell was coming from Edward. God how Jacob wanted to just bury his face into his chest and get more of that scent. How he wanted to just wrap his arms around that lithe perfect body and never let go.

"Jacob?" Bella's voice broke through his imprint induced mind, bringing his world crashing back to reality.

Jacob looked over to see Bella looking at him with a look of confusion, and he realised that he had been so wrapped up in Edward that he had been completely ignoring her.

He looked back at the object of his affection to see wide disbelieving eyes looking back at him.

And then with complete horror he remembered….

Edward could read minds.

A/N: Well that's all folks! At least for now. Read and Review please! It definitely gives me motivation to continue. Also just a few things that I thought I'd let you know.

There will be NO James, Victoria, Laurent in this story

There will be NO Volturi in this story

There will be NO baseball games in this story

Just thought I'd clear that up. I absolutely LOATHE stories that just take Stephanie Meyer's plot and maybe change up the pairings and call it fanfiction. Sorry but that's just unimaginative and lame. Okay there's my rant. LOL.