AN: Hey Everyone! Here is yet another story i've started. Everyone is probably irritated with me because i should have been cranking out another chapter to one of my many other stories, but here i am, post a new story. I hope everyone likes it. I've said before i have an over active imagination, and this is another product of it. ENJOY!!!
*Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Edward, Rosalie, Esme, or Carlisle. Truthfully the only part of five of the other character i own is their names. The characters and persoanlityies are property of Stephenie Meyer- The genius bhind the Twilight Saga and the Host. I am not being paid for my writings, and no property infirndement was intended.
By, FaithfullyTeamEdward1
Chapter One:
Belfast, Maine 1938- Edward's POV
Moving on is hard. Never had I thought I would have to cope with the death of someone I loved again. In becoming a vampire, I thought after my family was gone, I would never have to deal with the short life spans of humans close to me again. But twenty years after my transformation, I'd fallen in love. Not with one of my kind, but a human. She made me feel normal, and when she found out what I was, she didn't run for the hills, screaming. My love for that gorgeous girl altered me so completely that life without her seemed unthinkable. Any part of my existence without her appeared as a long stretch of darkness. I didn't think about the time when I might have to leave her behind. Didn't want to see that time come. So I lived my existence day by day, falling more in love with her as the time flew by.
The feeling of our fingers intertwined was heaven. We walked side-by-side along the misty Maine shoreline. Her luscious brown hair blew like a veil behind her in the light breeze. The morning silence was only broken by the sound of waves crashing against the rocks. It was peaceful. We didn't feel the need to fill the silence with talk. The two of us were comfortable just to be in each other's company.
A shiver ran through her body as she tightened her fingers. Hers were like a flame shooting through my hand, while to her, my fingers were icicles pressed to her fingers. I loved every second that we stood, touching. She was my life and my very soul. Amazingly, she felt the same way. How she had fallen for a monster like me, I have no intentions on ever truly finding out.
We walked until the morning had almost burned off all the mist. As the sun began to break through the mist, she pulled me into a hidden cave. It was the summer months and we journeyed to that cave often- almost everyday. I could not be out in the sunlight, for my skin would give me away. So we met in the mornings while the fog was still disguising the day, and came to this shaded, hidden away place.
She stood with her back to the quickly appearing sun, with me facing her. Her brown hair framed her beautiful face perfectly, while her chocolate brown eyes glowed with happiness. She was paler than most humans, and was a slight figure. Though she was shorter than me by a good six inches or more, she held herself with a confidence that was not arrogant, but showing that she was a strongly spirited young lady. My love disapproved of many of the restrictions set on women, and she looked to me for the agreement I always gave. She was right, always right. She stepped closer to me and stood up on her tiptoes. I leaned down to meat her half way with a kiss.
I had to be careful not to hurt her, and that always frustrated her. Our kisses were always timid on my part as I tried to control myself around her. The blood that ran through her veins was so sweet that it burned my throat whenever I was near her. Hating putting her in danger, I had tried to distance us in the beginning, but I was much too greedy, and in the end, she had convinced me to allow her in. I had drawn lines for us, only for her safety.
Reluctantly pulling away, I peck a kiss on her forehead and stepped back as she scowled and groaned. Sitting down on the cool stone floor, I pulled her down next me. We sat in more silence, just thinking our own thoughts.
It killed me, the fact that she was the only one that I could not read. My vampiric power was mind reading, and I could hear everyone's thoughts, but the woman next to me.
She and I had been together for two years, since her sixteenth year. Now she was older than me, and, though I couldn't read her mind, I could tell it was beginning to wear on her. Everyday, I waited for the knife to rip through my dead, frozen heart when she would tell me that she had finally moved on. I would then step aside. It was only fair to her, since she was only human.
A sigh came from beside me as she sat up right and turned to look at me.
"Edward?" Her voice was measured and a little tight. This perked my undying curiosity at what she could possibly be thinking. I turned to look her in the eyes- Topaz looking into Chocolate.
"What is it, Love?" I asked. I had no idea what was on her mind, and she sounded serious with her measured tones.
She was never the one to drag something out, or beat around the bushes. Cutting right to her point she said, "I want you to change me into a vampire."
I sucked in a slight hiss. Her eyes were dead-set on her choice. Determination and her bravery reflected like light in their depths. How could I say 'no' to her? But I had to. I was not going to let her throw her future away. Not for me.
"No," I replied with finality ringing in my voice. She exhaled a frustrated breath.
"Why not? I love you and want to be with you forever. Do you not want me?" She flinched as the last sentence flowed from her lips. My eyes, which had dropped to our intertwined fingers, snapped back to her face.
"No. Belle, it isn't that. I love you more than anything, but I will not jeopardize your life or your soul just because you think you want to be with me," I explained.
This whole conversation had taken me by surprise. I always thought that she would lose interest and fall for some human boy. Never had I thought, that what she dreamed about was to be a monster like me. I always strived to give her what she wanted, though she never asked for anything. Never would I have guessed that the one thing she would ask for, I could not, actually, would not give her.
"Jeopardize my soul? What are you talking about? You still have a soul. And I'm ready to be truly part of your family. I'm done with my human life. I want you. And you forever." She stood up and towering over me, crossed her arms.
"Annabelle, Love, I will not take you away from your family, and your friends. I will not steal your life away. End of discussion," pain flickered in Belle's eyes, and it stabbed at me. But I wouldn't give in. I was determined to keep her human.
I stood up when I saw her shoulders slump in defeat and pulled her to me. I hugged her to my chest and kissed her hair.
"I'm sorry, Love, I just can't do that," I whispered. She shook her head and pulled away. Belle looked so hurt that I almost gave in. I just kept whispering that I was sorry.
When she finally sat down again, I sat beside her. She leaned her head onto my shoulder and, the next thing I knew, her breathing had evened out, and she was asleep.
Annabelle Scout was my one true love. It broke my unbeating heart to not give her what she thought she truly wanted. In truth, I wanted to change her. I truly did. But that would be so much more selfish than stealing her love from any human who might have won it. I was going to stick with what I'd said, no matter how much it pained me to do it.
Before I had even realized that a thick cloud cover had blocked out the sun, the rain started to pour down. By it's brisk smell, I could tell the water was cold. I needed to get Belle home before her parents got worried. Kissing her on the cheek, I lightly shook her awake. She yawned and took one look around and hopped up, her skirts falling back around her ankles.
" Oh goodness! I have to get home!" Without hesitating, she took my hand, hauling me to my feet and took off running into the cold rain with me in tail.
By the time we got to her porch, we were laughing and soaking wet. Her light blue dress had turned to a darker shade and the lightness of her brown hair had turned almost black. She smiled at me as she wrung her hair out, having already put our "conversation" out of her mind.
I had just reached out to her when she gave a startling sneeze. I froze. No. She had to get into the house and into dry, warm clothes; otherwise she would come down with something. Pecking her quickly on the forehead, I instructed her to hurry inside and change. When she was through the door, I bounded off the front porch and down the road to the passage in the trees, where I could run home.
Three Days Later:
Panicking, I walked as fast as I could, under the restraints that there were humans present, towards Belle's hospital room. She had caught a really bad fever from the day we had run home in the rain. The sneeze had only been the beginning. I had been gone the last two days on a feeding hunt with my "brother" Emmett and "father" Carlisle. When I had returned, Esme, my "mother", informed me of Belle's condition. Her fever was alarmingly high and had started not long after she had returned home, just after I had left. It hadn't broken yet and the doctors and nurses were scrambling around, try to cool her down.
I walked into her room with Emmett and my "sister" Rosalie right behind me. Rosalie had a scowl on her face. She and Belle didn't exactly get along well. They had their far share of arguments, but deep down, I knew they both loved each other like a dear sister.
Belle's face was even paler than usual, and when I lay my hand on her forehead, it was an even hotter fire than usual. She gasped at my touch, but her eyes remained closed. She hadn't resurfaced since she had fainted. I sunk down into the hospital chair next to her bed. My head fell into my hands and I rubbed my temples.
I couldn't believe this. I had done everything to protect her and now there she was, ill and possibly dieing because of a stupid mistake I had made with the weather. Emmett walked over to Belle's bed and kissed her on the cheek. Those two were quite close. He was definitely her protective older brother. As Rosalie came over, her façade dropped and she let out a dry, low sob. Em knelt down at my side and sighed in frustration from not being able to do anything for his baby sister. Rose sat on the edge of the bed and just looked at Belle with sadness in her eyes.
In her unconsciousness, Belle began murmuring something too soft for human ears. I had heard her talk in her sleep, but my eyes still snapped to her face as I listened.
"Promise. Edward. Don't die. When I'm gone. Don't die. Promise," she was whispering. Without thinking, I promised her. I was so close to breaking down. After I'd spoken my promise, her murmurings changed.
"Vampire. Turn. Vampire."
Of course: her one wish from me. I had told her I would not jeopardize her life, but there she was. I could hear her heart slowing. She was definitely dieing. I had to change her. None of us present had the restraint to change Belle though. In one movement I was up and heading for the door.
"Where-?" Rosalie started asking, but I quickly interrupted her.
"I'm getting Carlisle," I said briskly. I took one look back and saw Emmett's and Rosalie's understanding and their silent pleading, before I disappeared out the door. I dashed through the halls invisible to the human eyes.
Carlisle had stayed home with Esme because she just couldn't say good-bye to her human "daughter." I was home in minutes. My parents were in the living room. Carlisle had a blank, dark look in his eyes while Esme sobbed dryly. I stopped right in front of my father.
"Carlisle. Please come and change Belle!" I pleaded. His eyes went wide.
"Edward. Are you sure this is what you want? What she wants?" He asked. I nodded seriously. Without any other questions, he was up and following me.
We were nothing but a passing wind to the people we passed on the way to the hospital. There was no time to waste. We didn't have much time left to us to save Belle.
Carlisle and I dashed into the room, and what I saw broke my heart. Rosalie was curled into Emmett sobbing her dry sobs into his shoulder while he sobbed as well. There were doctors making up a new bed. The one with Belle had been taken away. NO! We were too late! Rosalie looked up at me and was in my arms before I could process her movement.
"EDWARD! I'm so sorry! There was nothing we could do! Just a couple minutes after you left, her heart flat lined! I'm so sorry Edward!"
I stood there stiffly, not comprehending. Then, it crashed down on me. I slid to the ground sobbing into my hands. My love was gone! How could this have happened? Just three days ago she had been the smiling, teasing, beautiful woman I had long awaited. Now she was being wheeled to the morgue. I couldn't stand it! My mind flipped through a million possible suicides, but my thoughts always returned to my promise to Belle- my promise to her that I would go on living without her. How stupid could I have been to promise her such a thing? Now, to take my existence away would be a disgrace to her memory. I would have to live on without her in my life. Darkness over came me and I wished I could just pass out.
So badly I wanted to escape the pain, but all I would be able to do for the rest of eternity was endure the pain. It would never ebb away. Carlisle's hands grasped the tops of my shoulders as he hauled me back to my feet.
"I'm sorry, son. There's nothing we can do now. She's gone," he said softly. I shook my head and slumped into his side.
His words rang in my ears. There's nothing we can do now. She's gone. I couldn't fathom any reason for her to have been taken away from me. She was such a nice, caring person. But another saying rang with Carlisle's words. God always takes the good ones early. He leaves the bad ones for the devil. I let out another sob. Together, Emmett, Carlisle and Rosalie got me out of the hospital and back to our home.
I didn't fight with them. I had no fight left in me. I just let them lead me home, and to my room. When my door was finally snapped shut, I curled up on my bed. I wished for sleep to come, though I knew it was impossible. And, of course, it never came. I lay, curled up on the bed, sobbing as the sun went down.
Down stairs, I heard the sobs of the rest of my family, and in the beginning, the sound of Carlisle on the phone. It sounded as if he were explaining everything to… I couldn't think the name… Her parents. Michelle and Drake Scout would be devastated that their only child was dead. That caused another round of sobs to rack my chest.
They would hold a funeral for her within the week and had asked Carlisle and Esme to help with organizing it. I would attend. But I wouldn't be able to truly cry. Not being able to cry was torture. I need tears to run down my cheeks, to soak the sheets on my bed. Eternity suddenly looked like a very long time.
Belle's Funeral:
Looking on as the priest went on about her, I felt my heart tearing. This was proof I had a heart no matter whether it beat or not. All of her family members and her friends were there to bid their good-byes. Nobody would ever see her again. Not I, not my family, not Michelle nor Drake, not her best friends Gabriel and Evangeline. She was gone from this world.
The only comfort, if only a little one, was that all of our things were packed, and my family would be on our way to some other place suitable enough for us. Just like with Rochester or Chicago, we would never return to Belfast, Maine again. The memories would be too painful for us to maintain normal lives here in the future.
Before lowering her casket into her grave, the priest called for everyone to come say his or her good-byes. The head part was open as we all moved forward. Drake supported Michelle as the put their white roses onto the closed section. My family was the last in line to bid her farewell.
Emmett had his arm tightly around Rose's waist as they whimpered their sadness. They each placed a white tulip on the casket. Carlisle and Esme's hands were tightly holding the other as they move forward. They left white hyacinth. My parents moved, Esme leaning into Carlisle. It was my turn.
In my hand, I held a white carnation. Everybody, but my family had left white roses for her, but we knew meanings of flowers. Em and Rose's tulips had stood for her humility. Carlisle and Esme's hyacinth stood for her loveliness and said that they would pray for her. Now, my white carnation stood for our pure love and her innocence.
I placed it on the casket before looking at her. Her brown eyes were shut and her brown hair did not seem as full and lush at it had while she had lived. Her pale skin now had a slight gray undertone. I put a shaky hand to her cheek. No flame flashed through my hand. Her skin just felt…dead. I racked out a harsh sob and withdrew my hand. This image would haunt every waking thought of mine. The sight of my true love dead was the worst thing any imagination could produce. Closing my eyes sadly, I moved slowly away from the casket.
It had been a cloudy day, and no wonder. The brightest person I knew had just been extinguished. A saddening day had brought on the gloom. The casket was lowered into the ground and buried just before the rains began to fall.
Putting and arm over my shoulders, Carlisle led our family to the house where our furniture was covered with white sheets. He led us to the house that, within the next hour or two, I would never have to look at again.