Scrawny little green whiny thing. What my Mom calls Beast Boy. I think it's funny. Anyway, here's another story, by ME!


Beast Boy came running into the common room, but he accidentally tripped on his own foot and rolled into the back of the couch. He was lying on his back, his legs splayed against the back of the couch, his arms spread out on the floor. Robin and Starfire looked on from where they were seated at the kitchen table, Cyborg looked over from his seat on the couch, and Raven stared from where she was standing at the counter in the kitchen. Beast Boy took note of everyone staring at him but made no move from his current position.

"And for what reason did you come rolling into here?" Raven asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"I had a scientific break through," was Beast Boys reply. Which, naturally, grabbed everybody's attention.

"What was it?" Robin asked, humoring the changeling, though he was a little bit curious to know what it was. Beast Boy sighed, and looked at the back of the couch, which wasn't very hard to do, considering his new found position, then answered.

"The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action." All was quiet. Then Cyborg started laughing, which got the ball rolling for Robins chuckling, and Starfire's giggling. Raven simply smirked and shook her head. Cyborg reached over, grabbed Beast Boys arm, and pulled him upright.

"Ya got that right, little buddy," he said. "Just remember that when I take you for your drivers test." It had taken a lot of convincing, but Cyborg finally agreed to give Beast Boy drivers lessons.

"Gotcha." Beast Boy replied.


Robin was sitting on the couch watching TV with Starfire while Raven meditated near the couch. It had been a few hours ago that Cyborg and Beast Boy left to drive, and they were to be turning up soon. It wasn't a few minutes later that they both walked into the common room.

"So how'd it go?" Robin asked, looking away from the TV for a moment.

"Well, I learned something very interesting," Beast Boy said, smiling a little bit.

"Oh? Perhaps you would like to share your knowledge with us?" Starfire asked. Raven had tuned into the conversation but was thinking that Beast Boy was going to say something along the lines of 'Do you know that brakes stop the car?,' or something like that. However, they were shocked at what he said.

'"There are two types of pedestrians: the quick and the dead." Robin had chosen that moment to take a drink of root beer, and now he was choking on it from the surprise the comment had gotten. Raven and Starfire's eyes widened, while Beast Boy and Cyborg laughed. "Told ya that'd work," he said while elbowing Cyborg in the ribs. Cyborg, still laughing, just shook his head an walked over to Robin, who had managed to calm the choking down.

"You ok?" he asked while taking a seat next to the Boy Wonder. He choked and coughed a few more times before finally catching his breath.

"Yeah...I'm good," he said, then turned his look to Beast Boy, who was still standing by the steps. "You...deliberately...tried to make me choke?"

"Yup," Beast Boy replied, a triumphant smile on his lips. Robin glared, then turned back to the TV, a muttered 'I hate you' leaving in his wake while he did so. Beast Boy smiled, then joined them over on the couch.


"You cannot possibly be a poet," Raven said. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, and the Titans decided to go for a walk in the park. Raven was reading a poetry book when Beast Boy commented that the people in the book had no style, and that he could come up with something better.

"Sure I can," Beast Boy boasted.

"Oh yeah, prove it. Come up with a poem, right now." Raven challenged. The other Titans watched this go on, knowing it was going to be funny. Beast Boy drew his eyebrows together, and his eyes looked around his surroundings, as if the poem would suddenly come to him.

"Aha!" he shouted in triumph. "Birdie, birdie, in the sky, why'd you do that in my eye? Looks like sugar, tastes like sap, OH MY GOD! IT'S BIRDIE CRAP!" Cyborg, and Robin busted out in laughter, Starfire giggled, and Raven merely shook her head.

"That's not what I meant," she said.

"Okay," Beast Boy thought about it again. "The early dawn may kiss the sky-" he said it so seriously that the others got control of their laughs and listened to the poem "-the sun may kiss the butterfly, the morning dew may kiss the grass, and you my friends...farewell." Once again, the Titans started laughing, but Raven merely rolled her eyes.

"You are horrible," was what she said while she was walking away.

"That may be true, but I only do it for you." Beast Boy paused, his eyes going wide. "Now I can't stop rhyming!"

Of course, Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire only laughed harder.


"I told you, I have no idea why I did it. I was literally a deer caught in the headlights!" Beast Boy shouted. The Titans were reminiscing about old missions, when Robin being Red X came up, which then had Cyborg questioning about why Beast Boy didn't move when the train was coming up on in.

"I think it may have something to either do with your animalistic nature, or it's just your mind," Cyborg concluded. Beast Boy pondered this over, then said, smiling a toothy grin,

"My mind is like a steal trap; rusty and illegal in 47 states!"

"You got that right," Raven muttered from her seat next to him.

"My mind also works like lightening brilliant flash and it's gone,"

"That's so true," Cyborg chuckled. Raven simply stared at Beast Boy, wondering if he really was insane, or if he was just messing with her. Of course, he simply grinned at her.

"What is your problem?" she finally asked.

"I have holes in my brain and leprechauns dance on my tongue." Raven stared.

"You're crazy," she stated.

"I'm not crazy; I'm just a sane person trapped in the body of a lunatic." He smiled again, though with no teeth that time. Raven just shook her head and rolled her eyes before returning to her book.

"Have you lost your mind?" Robin asked, smiling.

"I didn't loose me mind, I sold it on eBay."

"God, enough with the freaking quotes already!" Raven shouted.

"Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level." Beast Boy laughed when Raven growled.


"Come now Robin, no need to be hard on yourself," Starfire comforted. Robin had been in the training room earlier, sparing with Beast Boy in his animal forms, when he tried to do a new move, and ended up being thrown into a weight rack.

"But I should have been able to do it. I've been practicing it for awhile now. I just don't get how I could've messed this up," Robin argued.

"Hey don't feel bad dude," Beast Boy said. "I have a saying that I've been living with for awhile, and I think it fits here perfectly."

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Robin asked, doubtful.

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried." Robin stared at him for a little bit, then he chuckled and slapped Beast Boy on the back.

"That's good," he said. Beast Boy smiled, glad that Robin wasn't angry at himself anymore.


"Hey Robin," Beast Boy called. Robin was sitting at the computer, updating some reports on the villains they faced off against. It wasn't a particularly fun project, but it needed to be done. Robin wasn't all that into it anyway, and was planning on taking a break soon, so he decided that he could talk to Beast Boy if he wanted.

"What is it Beast Boy?" he asked.

"What do you do when you like somebody, but they don't care if you exist?" Robin sighed, knowing that this was a tough conversation. He turned to face Beast Boy.

"What do you mean?" he asked, knowing almost all the answers but needing Beast Boy to say it anyway.

"I like Raven, a lot, but no matter what I try, she just..." he hung his head, shoulders slouching. "Doesn't care about me."

"That's not true. I know for a fact that Raven cares very much for you," Robin started. "She just doesn't know how to react around you, that's all."

"What do you mean she doesn't know how to react around me?"

"Well, with everybody else, she knows how to approach them, but with're just more different that she ever expected anybody to be, and that makes her nervous when she's around you. Plus all the attention you give her is something she's not used to." Beast Boy pondered this a minute.

"What you're saying is that because of the way I am, she doesn't know what to expect from me?"

"Basically." Robin nodded his head. "Plus, you never know what she may feel for you. I know you two love each other, but how deep that love goes is up to both of you. But be careful with it."

", what you're saying is that you have to take love carefully in the beginning; the running across fields into your lovers arms can only come later when you're sure they won't laugh if you trip." Robin stared at Beast Boy, surprised by how serious he sounded. He looked at the Boy Wonder, a smile on his face. "Thanks Robin. I'm glad we had this chat." With that, the green boy walked off, leaving Robin to wonder what the heck just happened.


"Hey Beast Boy!" Cyborg called over to Beast Boy who was walking through the common room.

"Didn't do it, wasn't even it there," Beast Boy said as he left the room. Cyborg looked at Robin, who was the only other one in the room, as they had been working on a new project and wanted Beast Boys opinion.

"O.........kay. What, exactly, didn't, he do?" Robin asked Cyborg. Cyborg shrugged, then got back to work. Robin shrugged as well, then helped the half-metal teen.


"Beast Boy, I do not believe that that is correct," Starfire said. Her and Beast Boy were practicing flash cards on how to spell some words, and when asked how to spell fish, Beast Boy said something completely different than what was on the card.

"Sure it is," he argued. "G-h-o-t-i. That spells fish." Starfire became confused but determined to prove to Beast Boy that that was not how you spelled fish. She floated up to Raven, who was reading on the couch, as well as Robin and Cyborg, who were playing Halo.

"Friends?" After Raven put her book down, and the boys paused the game, they gave Starfire their full attention. "I have a problem", without waiting to hear what it was, she kept talking. "I have tried telling Beast Boy that he is spelling the word fish wrong, but he claims that he is correct in the spelling."

"Okay, how are you spelling it Beast Boy?" Robin asked, thinking that the problem was easy to solve.

"G-h-o-t-i." They all stared at him.

"Beast Boy, I know you don't have a lot of brain cells in your head, but I would think you would know how to spell fish." Raven said.

"No, listen." He waited until he had their attention. "the 'gh' in laugh, makes the 'f' sound, the 'o' in women, makes the 'i' sound. And the 'ti' in potion, makes the 'sh' sound. Put it all together, 'g-h-o-t-i' spells fish." They all stared at him again.

"That's...pretty clever." Cyborg said, finally. "Nice."

"I admit, that was cool." Raven said, before going back to her book to hide her blush.

"How many of those do you have?" Robin asked.

"Only the one, but I'm working on the others," he answered.

"Well, let me know when you have some more. That was very smart."


The Titans were walking down the street, just enjoying the warm, summer day, when a black cat walked past Starfire, who was in the front of everybody. She gasped and flew backwards, behind Robin.

"A black feline crossing our path is sure to bring us back luck!" she cried.

"Do you really believe in that superstition Star?" Robin asked.

"What do you think Beast Boy?" Cyborg asked, wanting to see how Beast Boy would react to the bad rep that black cats got.

"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere," he said as he walked by, bent to pet the cat, then continued on. The Titans all looked at one another, then shrugged and continued on, Starfire forgetting her fear as she too pet the cat.


"Hey, you owe Beast Boy ten bucks!" Cyborg shouted to Robin, who after loosing the bet, just took off.

"No he doesn't," Beast Boy said.

"But, I thought you-" He got cut off.

"I took his wallet." Beast Boy held up said wallet and dug around, taking more than just ten dollars. Then he thought about it, and held the wallet up to Cyborg. "Go nuts," he said, then proceeded to walk away. Cyborg laughed.

"There is something wrong with that boy," he chuckled. Then looked at the wallet in his hands. "But hey, who said I'm complaining?"


Well, that the first installment of Stupidity. This is going to be the revised version of Scenes of Fluff. If you have any requests, Id be happy to take them, but it may be awhile before I get around to installing another chapter. Each chapter will be about 5 pages long, with no idea how many shots are on it. Til next time. Sorry about earlier confusion, if there was any. I had to fix the story a little.