A/N;Sorry about this, I have a major Reader's Block for my story Spirit Hunters, but I am not giving up on it, but for now a new story.
This story is base on Shawne's character Serpentine from the Story Prophecy of Light and Darkness Prt 2, and I did got her permission for basing this story on what was said in her story.
For Merlin in this story, I might tone it down abit from what was suggested in Prophecy, but I will probably make like character like Master Roshi from Dragon Ball.
Also I don't own Harry Potter and please review.
June 1996
Grimmauld Pl
In a dark and foreboding kitchen, a group of Wizards and Witches is debating the fate of a young teen. "Albus I know we must continue this charade, but I think this is the last straw, that Potter almost cost the lives of my son and daughter!" A red hair Witch yelled as those around her cringe.
"Molly please the incident in the Department of Mysteries is an unfortunate event, but we must continue pretending being Ms. Potter friends and family." Dumbledore warned as a sickly looking Wizard glared at him.
"Don't call that child by that name, that Riddle doesn't deserve having that name!" Remus spat as many agreed.
"That may be true, but she is our only hope to defeating her father, so we must continue pretending being friends with Ms. Riddle." Dumbledore warned as he turned to a greasy hair colleague. "Severus had Tom learned anything from his daughter mind's?" Dumbledore wondered as the young professor shook his head.
"Albus, Tom is ignorant of the truth of what happen sixteen years ago, and is still planning the demise of the brat." Snape hissed as his Headmaster sighed in relief.
"Then let's hope that Tom doesn't find out the truth of his daughter, or he will want her by his side, which will be disastrous to our cause." Dumbledore tiredly warned as another spoke up.
"Sir is Ms. Riddle really the key to defeating Tom there must be another way?" Shacklebolt wondered as he looked to the aging Headmaster.
"There is no other way, since father and daughter are connected by the Prophecy." Dumbledore warned as the dark skin Auror looked to him.
"If Ms. Potter is that important, shouldn't we start training her now to fight her father?" Shacklebolt wondered as many quickly protests.
"You got to be kidding, it would be like helping to create a Dark Mistress, whom will be far worse then her father!" A Witch spat as many started voicing other warnings until their leader quickly silenced them.
"That is the reason I am refusing to train Ms. Potter, since I am hoping she can weaken Tom enough for me to finish him off." Dumbledore suggested as those around agreed with the plan.
"And what will happen to Ms. Riddle once we defeat her father." Molly wondered as everyone looked to the Headmaster.
"Simple, since it will be too dangerous for another Slytherin Heir to exist, I will show evidence that Ms. Riddle is turning Dark, and used my influences in the Ministry to have her arrested and immediately kissed by a Dementor." Dumbledore suggested as everyone agreed with the plan. "Now that said, lets end this meeting now and again meet at our usual time." Dumbledore suggested and the Order dispersed.
Private Dr.
As night settled, a messy hair teen awoke gasping for air. "No it can't be!" Stephanie gasped out as she remembered the dream she just had. "Dumbledore is planning to get rid of me after Riddle is gone." Stephanie gulped at the thought before realizing what she must do. "I got to get out of here I can no longer ignore my vision warnings." Stephanie thought since as long as she remembered she can see small glimpses of the present, and quickly grabbed her backpack and stuff it with clothes.
Three days later
Hogwarts/Headmaster's office
The Headmaster was just looking over some Parchments when the Fireplace blaze up in green flames, and he smiled as he saw a familiar face. "Auror Shacklebolt what can I do for?" Dumbledore wondered as the worried Auror looked to him.
"Sir I just receive a report form Mad-eye, it appears that Ms. Riddle had disappeared and was not seen by her relatives for the last three days." Shacklebolt quickly warned as the Headmaster stood up in shock.
"Have all Aurors and Order Members on this we need to get Riddle back!" Dumbledore shouted as the Auror nodded before disappearing from the fireplace.
With the Auror gone, the Headmaster turned to a set of items on his desk and waved his wand at them. "I should be able to track Riddle no matter where she goes." Dumbledore smiled thinking he would have the runaway teen back, but after a number of scans, he was not too happy. "It can't be all the unnoticeable tracking charms on Riddle were disabled." Dumbledore cried out in disbelief as he quickly cast a number of spells to double check his devices, and gave up in the end. "This is not good not good at all." Dumbledore thought as he left threw the fireplace to get his Order together.