Hello! Thank you so much to all of you who reviewed the epilogue of Reality Check, it was nice to know you guys liked it. Thanks! Well, I wanna get started right away so just a little note!

If you read "Oakwood", this is the plot for the movie that Sakura was in towards the end. Well as I was writing that chapter the entire plot kinda came to mind so I decided to make it into a story.

Characters are very OOC at times so just try to bear it. So…let's get started!

Disclaimer: I don't own CCS.

Chapter 1: .Inner Circle.

Sakura Kinomoto sighed as her best friend pulled up to the iron gates surrounding the school. She looked over at the driver and pouted. "I don't wanna go in."

Tomoyo Daidouji removed her sunglasses for s second and nearly glared at her before lifting her bag form the back seat. "Sakura, can we have one morning without this conversation?"

Sakura rolled her eyes as her friend put her glasses back on. She looked out the tinted passenger window to where a small crowd was surrounding the benches outside the school. "I know what you're going to say." She turned back to the amethyst eyed girl and smiled. Fake. "Suck it up and smile."

"That's all we can do for now." Tomoyo blew her a kiss and got out of the car. Sakura watched as she went around and towards the group and sighed one last time before pasting on her "smile" and getting out.

The crowd separated and Sakura's fake smile turned real when she saw the person that the circle was mainly focused around, the boy who was sitting on the bench casually with one hand in his pocket and the other waving her over. The boy who sat there and smiled as she approached was her best friend, Syaoran Li.

"Hey stud." Sakura chirped as she sat down.

Syaoran laughed and shook his head. "Hey Sakura."

"…so you're totally all coming right?" Sakura looked away from Syaoran to some girl who had been talking excitedly about her party. The girl pointedly looked at the couple as she asked.

Sakura smiled and giggled. "Of course."

The bell rang and the group separated as the supervisors started walking around, ushering kids to their class. Once out of earshot, Syaoran looked back before smirking at Sakura. "When and where is that party?"

Sakura smiled at him knowing he already knew the answer and scoffed. "Like I care."

Syaoran laughed making the girls in the hall around him nearly faint. He shook his head and draped his arm casually around her shoulders. "You're too much, Kinomoto."

"And that's why I don't have a boyfriend; I get exhausted trying to keep you busy." Sakura rolled her eyes jokingly.

Syaoran's pace slowed down. "Walk slower, I'm sore and we're early anyways."

Sakura groaned. "Why does Math have to be the first thing we have in the morning?"

She and Syaoran walked alone towards the mathematics building as almost everyone walked towards the science building. He hugged her closer as they approached the dreaded math class. He paused before she sat down and smiled at her. "And that's why I don't have a girlfriend; I'm too busy trying to keep you from failing math."

Sakura shoved him and managed to hit him lightly before the second bell rang and the class started.

The hour passed quickly as Sakura tried to keep up with the abnormally fast pace of the teacher's talking. She glanced at the clocked and sighed in relief as she saw there was a minute left. She turned behind her to ask Syaoran what they were going to do for lunch but she met his mop of hair because his face was in his arms.

Sakura's mouth formed an 'o', shocked. How did he have the highest grade in the class if he was always sleeping through it? She smacked him loudly but the sound was drowned out by the bell. Syaoran looked up groggily and yawned while he stretched. He gave a sheepish smile at Sakura who stuck her tongue out at him.

He was about to say something when yells could be heard from outside. Taking their time, they walked outside where a crowd was forming in the halls. The crowd had the same effect as the earlier one and separated as Syaoran and Sakura walked through to the front.

Some of the football guys had another boy pinned against the lockers. Sakura saw that the boy was in her same math class and she twitched, trying to move her body to help him. Do something, Sakura. Come on. She urged herself but couldn't find words or the strength to say anything. She felt disgusted.

"Alright kids, break it up." A voice called over the crowd. A teacher made his way through the disappearing mob of students and he patted the athletes on the shoulder softly. "Let's go guys get to class. The crowd was thin now, Syaoran having gone off with the football players. Sakura was pretty sure she was the only one who was still standing there.

The teacher straightened his jacket and didn't even bother looking down at the boy. "Get up, you're embarrassing yourself." Then he turned to Sakura. "Miss Kinomoto you should get to class. After all, we wouldn't want our cheer captain to get a tardy slip."

Sakura swallowed painfully and started walking to her next class but stopped a few steps away. The halls had almost completely cleared as the tardy bell rang but when the ringing stopped her heard the distinct sound of sobbing behind her. She clutched her bag and whirled around, running to the boy who was still on the ground. He had finished getting his things together but he sat there and didn't look up until Sakura sat in front of him. His blue eyes hone from behind the glasses and the tears.

"Did anyone tell you that you kinda look like Harry Potter?" Sakura flashed him a smile, not faking it in anyway.

The boy got a ghost of a smile on his face which made Sakura smile even more. But just as quickly as it came, it left and he glared at Sakura. "What're you up to?"


"Popular people like you don't talk to me, they bash me into lockers." He looked at his things, avoiding eye contact.

Sakura laughed and stood up, picking up his math book as she did so. "See this?"

He shrugged as he stood up and picked up his backpack. "What about it?"

"You understand this crap, I don't. That's cooler by a landslide." Sakura joked and she smiled at him until eventually a smile broke out on his face. "See? When you smile you're kinda cute."

The smile fell from his face as he turned red up to his ears. He stumbled a bit and dropped his things again in an embarrassed flurry. Sakura laughed again and waited for him to get up again before she started walking next to hi out of the mathematics building. He was pretty tall and Sakura had to look up at him to talk but that wasn't unusual. "So what do you have next?"

The boy, still as red as tomato, answered in short answers as Sakura just walked cheerily next to him.




"So did you see the outfits Tomoyo designed yet?"

Sakura leaned into Syaoran as they walked out of the school building after school. "For what?"

Syaoran shook her lightly. "I just told you, Homecoming."

"And I told you," Sakura stepped out of his hug and turned to she was facing him. "When did I ever agree to be your date?"

"Oh please, girls would die to go with me." Syaoran replied cockily and Sakura resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

She placed a finger to her chin in a thinking motion. "That doesn't make sense. If they're dead, how can they be your date?"

Syaoran took a step towards her and smashed her cheeks between his hands. "Shut up, cheeks."

"Mou." Sakura pouted and pushed him away. He slung his arm over her again and laughed as she sighed. "I guess one night with the beast won't hurt me."

"Please, we've been to every dance together, just admit that you like it." Sakura looked at him and laughed.

"Me? You're the one who's always forcing me to go with you everywhere."

Syaoran smacked his forehead. "That reminds me. Can you come over today? The family's been bitching at me. My sisters are whining that they haven't seen your cute ass-"


"-fine then, face, in a while and my mother has been dying to talk to you, especially after your dad and her were talking about us going to homecoming."

"How come everyone knew except me?" Sakura pouted again and squealed as Syaoran picked her up. "You complain too much, cheeks."

Sakura stuck her tongue out at the familiar nickname and smiled. "Yeah, I'll go. I haven't seen your family in a while anyways."

They turned the corner towards the court yard when a loud splash and laughs were heard. Sakura stomach sank. Not again. It turned over even more when she saw kids rushing to gather around the fountain and guys cheering.

"Come on." Syaoran whispered and lead the way by holding her hand.

Sakura realized that this morning's event were replaying but in reverse. This time it was girl who had been thrown into the fountain with her book bag. A few of Sakura's friends were advancing on her and Sakura snapped. That's it.

She opened her mouth to say something but her hand was squeezed. She looked at it before looking at the boy who was holding it and she forgot about the situation for the moment as she stared up at Syaoran.

Her breath got caught and Sakura wanted to cry at how amazing he was. His eyes were narrowed and he looked like he was going to go off at any second. Sakura smiled. I knew he cared. But his strong feelings about bullying weren't what made Sakura nearly stop breathing. It was the same thing that made almost every other girl in the school want to faint.

It was Syaoran Li as a person.

That was the reason why Sakura argued with Tomoyo every morning, because she loved her best friend.

Sakura Kinomoto loved Syaoran Li.

A cry startled her back to the present and she looked on as a girl slapped the girl on the ground. "You're new here, bitch! Learn your place!"

Sakura stopped hesitating and opened her mouth again to say something but it wasn't her voice that called out.

It was Syaoran's.

"Stop this now!"

Sakura turned to Syaoran who was still glaring at the group and the girls who had been hitting the new girl stopped cold. Their eyes watered as they tried to form a sentence. Everyone looked from Syaoran to the girl on the floor of the fountain in silence.

He let go of Sakura's hand and ran into the fountain and over the girl. The attention shifted to them but Sakura remained looking at her hand. She felt like it had happened in slow motion. The second he left go of her hand she felt a weird sensation in her gut. Something warning her. Sakura felt as if when he let go of her hand, it wasn't just physical but symbolically.

And as she looked up Sakura resisted the urge to cry out in realization that her feeling had been right.

Syaoran was helping the girl up but the only difference is that he held her hand with care and smiled warmly at her. The girl flushed and looked away embarrassed but it was nothing like Sakura's scene in the morning because this time real feelings were involved.

Syaoran's, Sakura's and hers. Sakura knew that look, it was the look that only one girl had seen and that girl was not her.

Her heart broke and she felt her knees grow weak as tear welled up in her eyes. The crowd had thinned but Sakura felt someone hold her up as she almost collapsed. She turned to see Eriol behind her and Tomoyo next to him.

Eriol nodded to her and Sakura bit her lip as she stood up but still leaned slightly on her friends, not trusting her legs.

Tomoyo's hushed whisper was heard next as the girl looked at the ground. "He's looking."

Sakura knew who she was talking about and looked up to see Syaoran and the girl standing up and it was true he was looking at her and the girl, as if silently asking for approval.

So Sakura did what she had learned to do for the past three years of high school, she played the role of supportive best friend.

She sucked it up and smiled.

Okay that was a little shorter than I thought it would be but review and let me know what you think, the next chapter's ready (and longer) so I'll just be waiting on feedback to make one last edit.