This is a fic that honestly just popped into my head. I liked it and decided to write it, so, here it is!

I'm sorry if it has similarities to other fics; I tried to make it as original as possible.

Whoever reviews gets a Rusty plushie! It's overstuffed with beans to make it look fat! Who's a fat little Rusty? You is! *cuddles Rusty plushie*


Fire will never save the Clans…

Amber eyes blinked in the eternal darkness of The Place of No Stars. The gleamed with hatred as the amber eyes were revealed to be that of a cat's, and a very terrifying cat it was.

The cat padded out into the dim light, powerful muscles rippling under a smooth dark tabby coat.

He unsheathed one unusually long claw and stirred it around in a puddle, in which images appeared in the strangely sparkling water.

One image depicted a tom with fiery ginger fur. The tom sat upon a jutting ledge, looking down on many swarming cats.

Suddenly the fiery tom raised his head and looked the dark tabby cat from the Puddle. The tom blinked once, and then disappeared.

More images floated up to the surface. They showed different cats, a blue-gray she-cat, a small black tom with a collar studded with teeth…

And that fiery tom kept appearing.

The tom, the core of the dark tabby's hatred.

The dark tabby stirred the Puddle once more, and it returned to its normal condition—that of a regular puddle of water.

"I will get you, Firestar," the dark tabby whispered. "I will tear apart all the Clans if it will destroy you."

A bright light distracted the tabby, and he stepped forward and observed it silently.

The light grew more immense, and an ancient cat padded out of it. His fur was turned to gray and hanging off his skinny frame, his eyes were clouded with cataracts, and his name was Time.

The dark tabby dipped his head respectfully as Time approached him. "Thank you for coming. I hope—"

"What do you want, Tigerstar?" Time snapped in a clipped voice.

"Want? Why—"

"Every cat that asks to see me always wants something, and I have never met any cat who did not want something that benefited themselves."

"I—I want to get rid of an enemy. His name is—"

"Oh, an enemy!" Time hissed. "Always the case, a cat seeking to destroy a foe. But let me tell you, it will not work out as you think. Always the case, StarClan interferes."

"They will not interfere this time," Tigerstar promised. "The cat I wish to get rid of is—"

"I don't care for what you do with this power! I am neutral, I only teach the cats who hear about me, and they are very few. I do not care if I teach to good or bad, I still teach."

"But you will still teach me?" Tigerstar pressed.

"If you do not shut up, I will not!" Time hissed scathingly.

Tigerstar bowed his head.

Time sighed and lead Tigerstar over to the Puddle. "Call him."

Tigerstar stared at the Puddle, his nose almost touching the icy water, and Time stirred the water with a claw.

Almost at once, the image of Firestar came to the surface.

"Is this him?" Time asked in a monotone.

Tigerstar growled. "Yes."

"Very well. Now, what do you wish to do?"

Tigerstar thought. "Turn back time so Firestar never finds the Clans. I don't care how, just make it so. Fire will never save the Clans."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, the rest I can carry out like I would have before he came along."

"Good. Now, lap up some of the water."

Tigerstar did so, and immediately his body became transparent.

"Now I am sending you…" Time's voice grew fainter, as if he was disappearing. "…sending you to present-time, where you must turn it back and change the past."

Tigerstar nodded, and tiny stars began swirling around his paws.

"But wait! Do not let Firestar see you after the change is made. If he looks into your eyes, he will remember! He will remember each and everything, and if you are vanquished, he will fix everything! He will cause the change not to have happened! Do not let him see you after the change!"

Tigerstar was going to answer rudely to that, but a shock went through his body and he could see The Place of No Stars fading.

So many memories flew around him…

"The newcomer has lost his Twoleg collar in a battle for his honor. StarClan has spoken its approval—this cat is released from the hold of his Twoleg owners, and is free to join ThunderClan as an apprentice."

Tigerclaw hissed as Rusty looked at Bluestar and nodded his acceptance. The kittypet stepped forward and lifted his head proudly.

Bluestar touched Rusty's ear gently with her nose. "You have fought well," she announced. "From this day forward, until he has earned his warrior name, this apprentice will be called Firepaw, in honor of his flame-colored coat."

He should have been called Foxdungpaw, Tigerclaw thought.

Tigerstar remembered that and snarled. That would just fade and be forgotten after this.

Firepaw kept talking to Ravenpaw. Tigerclaw figured he suspected something about Redtail's death, as he had seen a black tail disappearing into the bushes after the battle of Sunningrocks.

Tigerclaw knew he had to kill the both of him, and perhaps Graypaw too. There was no telling what they knew.

Tigerstar hissed at his stupidity. Why didn't he just kill those meddling apprentices when he had the chance?

"I'll die before I join your Clan!" Firestar hissed. Tallstar nodded agreement.

"That can be arranged," Tigerstar snarled. "TigerClan is the strongest Clan in the forest, and we will tear you apart cat by cat."

Tigerstar felt all the pain he felt when he lost his nine lives at once. He felt all his hatred for Firestar crashing down on him, a huge wave of fury.

Fire will never save the Clans…

Firestar lay on the Highledge, just outside his den. His mate, Sandstorm, lay beside him.

"Anything?" Firestar asked her.

"No," she replied sadly. "Hollyleaf's body is still missing. Jayfeather said that it's probably still buried under all the dirt and rocks, but I don't want any more warriors to go look, not after what happened to Thornclaw."

Firestar nodded agreement. Thornclaw had been on a patrol in the tunnels searching for Hollyleaf's body, when the roof partly collapsed on him, crushing his leg. He was currently in the medicine den with Leafpool and Jayfeather treating him.

Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw still weren't talking, which disappointed Firestar greatly. He didn't want these things happening to his warriors.

Suddenly a dark cloud drifted over the sun. Sandstorm glanced at it, and remarked, "That's strange? It just got really cold, like it does in leaf-bare."

"Hmm…well, it's not important," Firestar decided.

Sandstorm sighed. "Yeah, I guess…Firestar!"


"You—you're fading!"

Indeed, Firestar was fading.

"StarClan—what's going on?" Sandstorm gasped.

Firestar held up a paw and was shocked at what he saw. It was almost see-through.

Suddenly, the sky got dark. Firestar looked up and saw the moon, shining brightly and full.

"The full moon was two quarter moons ago…" Firestar meowed. "And it's not nighttime…Sandstorm? SANDSTORM!"

Sandstorm was gone.

Firestar wasn't prepared for what came next.

He saw himself walk by, talking to Jayfeather and Lionblaze.

"Hollyleaf is dead," Jayfeather told him.

Firestar—the present-time Firestar—gaped. This was something that had already happened!

Then the moon shifted, and Firestar saw himself battling Leopardstar during the Great Battle.

"The sun!" Leopardstar screeched. "The sun is gone!"

Time shifted again, and Firestar saw himself naming Hollykit, Lionkit, and Jaykit apprentices.

Then it shifted yet again, and he saw Hawkfrost being killed by Brambleclaw, and the lake turning red.


Badgers attacked the camp, and Firestar saw them ripping at Sandstorm's face.


Firestar was leading his tired Clan to the lake, their new home, after moons of starvation.


Firestar was leaning over Sandstorm, their two beautiful kits suckling at her belly.


Skywatcher was giving him the mysterious propechy: "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws…"

The memories were growing vaguer now.

He was killing Scourge in the battle against BloodClan, feeling the power of StarClan flow through his veins.


He was receiving his nine lives, and receiving that ominous prophecy.


He was watching Bluestar die right in front of him.


Yellowfang sat dying, wheezing for breath, as she confessed to Fireheart that she had killed her own son.


He watched as Tigerclaw was exiled from the Clan.


Graystripe lay grieving over Silverstream's bloody body.


Firepaw received his warrior name, Fireheart.


Firepaw meeting Yellowfang.


Rusty venturing out into the forest…

Into the forest…into the forest…into the forest…

Firestar felt himself getting younger…

He panicked. "StarClan help me!"

Wait…what had he just said? What was StarClan?

Rusty opened his eyes and yawned. He has just had a very strange dream. Oh well. It was time to eat.

He heard the familiar sound of his owners refilling his food bowl. Delighted, he ran over to it and began satisfying his hunger.

One of his housefolk, the female, came over and petted him. Rusty purred, and rubbed his body against her leg.

He was happy. Today he had had a good nap, he was eating, and he might get to go play with Smudge. And then, the best part of the day—his male owner would watch a box that made pictures and noise, and he always let Rusty sleep on his lap. Rusty loved it when he would get scratched under his chin.

But right now, there was food to be eaten. Rusty concentrated on chewing and forgot all about that weird dream.

Fire will never save the Clans…

Oh no! Tigerstar has reversed time and now Firestar is Rusty and doesn't know anything!

Augh! The only thing that can save the Clans now is your reviews! Tell me what you think and if I should continue this fic.

