a Sam/Chris story for samrox20

it was another eventful day for the monster buster club. they just got done defeating an alien that wanted to enslave all humans.

they had just got back to school when they found out about a dance tonight at the park.

"that's great, now I'm going to ask Wendy."

he raced down the hall uber fast, almost breaking the sound barrier.

Cathy was really excited too."wow, my very first earth dance, maybe we should all go together."

"yea, as long as there are no more alien attacks."

"that would defiantly ruin it"

Chris looked down at his watch.

"i have to go, mom is going out and i have to watch Jon"

"ok bye Chris, see you tomorrow."

(Chris's POV)

Great, i just chickened out again. Why cant i just ask Sam out?

But what if she says no, what am i suppose to do if she says no?!

"Chris, buddy wait up."

i turned around to see Danny running towards me.

"did you get that date with Wendy?"

"no, but she cant resist my charm for much longer"

i just laughed "yea sure."

"cold buddy, very cold. have you asked Sam to go to the dance with you?"

i looked down at my feet."no"

"well what are you going to do? you need to tell her you like her."

"what if she doesn't like me back, what will that do to us then?"

little did he know there was a conversation like this taking place somewhere else.

(Sam's POV)

once Chris left, Cathy gave me that all knowing look.

"aren't you going to ask Chris to the dance?"

"no, he doesn't like me like that ,and the guys have to ask the girls out."

"i don't know a lot about you earthlings, but i do know that you and Chris like each other. and you know Chris, he is so insecure he won't ask you cuz he thinks you will say no."

True, that is like Chris, he doesn't see him self clearly enough. i don't under stand why though, he is smart, funny, and adorable.

"aren't you going to ask Danny?"

i shouldn't have said that, she looks sad now.

"he is too busy trying to ask Wendy, and don't change the subject. i am going to get you to together if it takes all night."

It's nice to have a friend like Cathy.

(later on that night, in the narrators POV, oh yea I'm special)

the mbc got to the dance right on time. Danny was going with Wendy, but she had to go somewhere else.

"now's my chance" said cathy.

she ran up to Chris,"hey Chris, fallow me."

"o k sure"

Cathy lead him right to Sam

"ok listen here Chris you like Sam, and Sam you like Chris. so now DANCE."

They were kind of scared, but they started dancing to "we're in heaven" by Bryan Adams

(just the chorus)

Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

"Sam, i really really like you"

Sam blushed " i really really like you too Chris"

They both leaned in and they kissed.

that's the end. yet again written for samrox20, i hoped you liked it.