The Defector
By Jojobevco
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Battlestar Galactica story or characters. I do, however, reserve the rights for any characters I develop and the plot of this story.
Chapter 1
Welcome Aboard
Starboard Hanger Deck
Battlestar Galactica (BSG 75)
One year before the Fall of the Colonies
Commander William Adama stood on the Hanger Deck waiting for the arrival of a shuttle carrying a new officer. An officer he really did not want to have. But, alas, the orders come through and he, as a good Colonial Officer executes them. Speaking of the orders, he stares down at them smiling at the sheer incredulity of them
TO: Commander William Adama, Commanding Officer, Battlestar Galactica (BSG 75)
FROM: Admiral Joseph Nagala, Admiral of the Fleet, Fleet Headquarters, Picon
CC: The Honorable Laura Roslin, Secretary of Education, Caprica
RE: Orders for Decommissioning and Conversion of Battlestar Galactica
It has been decided that the Galactica will be decommissioned and converted into a Museum Ship dedicated to the education of future generations about the Cylon War.
Although an exact date for the execution of this order has not been set by Fleet Headquarters it is assumed that it will occur sometime within the next year.
The following suborders are to be executed.
The ship is to be prepared for decommissioning at a rate which agrees with the timeframe given above
No actions toward decommissioning are to be executed until a timeline has been agreed to by the Museum Administrator, Commander, and Fleet Headquarters
Ordinance and Ammunition with the exception of ammunition for small-arms weaponry and Vipers is to be offloaded no later than one month before final decommissioning date.
At the time of the Decommissioning, there is to be no more than one Viper Squadron and appropriate supporting Raptor Craft on board
A Museum is to be designed and built using civilian personnel
To assist in this the Museum Administrator, Sarah Inviere, (formerly of the Department of Education) has been assigned to Galactica as a liason between the military and civilian forces that will be interacting over the indicated time period
The Commander is ordered to assist the Administrator and instruct her in the operation/function of Galactica's main systems.
The Administrator will command civilian personnel responsible for construction and development of the Museum
The Administrator has been assigned as Galactica's Second Officer, and has been granted a temporary commission at the rank of Major to this effect.
Bill didn't have a problem with the first part, after all Galactica was an old ship, and was ready to retire.
He was only a little annoyed by the second part, after all, they could build a museum after they decommission the ship.
It was the third part that annoyed him the most. How could command assign him an officer, who is not really an officer. Furthermore, she was supposed to be his second officer. It seemed like just babysitting a VIP. He hated babysitting VIPs.
Chief Tyrol approached the commander, "Sir, Boomer is on approach with the new officer from Caprica."
"Thank you, Chief," as the chief turns to leave, he stops him, "Chief?"
"Yes, Commander."
"What do you think of these orders, from an engineering standpoint."
"Well sir, I'm happy that they're getting civilians to build the thing because my staff is so busy keeping the "Old Girl" together. However, I wish they would wait until after to do the construction."
"I agree, thanks for the input, Chief."
"Anytime, Sir."
As the Chief walked off to another section of the hangar, Bill continued to mull over his thoughts.
Raptor 312
En Route to Galactica from the Caprica Transfer Station
The newly minted Major Sarah Inviere sat in the ECO's seat on the Raptor flight to Galactica. She mulled over her assignments. Both of them.
The easier one was acting as the Museum Administrator of the Galactica. She was looking forward to interacting with the crew, and meeting her Commanding Officer. Sarah had read his service jacket on the flight over. He was highly decorated, had been on the way to Admiral before something happened during his time on the Valkyrie. He seemed like a good officer, one who would know his ship well.
She could guess how he would think about her. He would think that she is a stupid civilian mucking in military affairs. She'd have to use everything she learned in that accelerated program at war college to impress him.
It was her other mission that was giving her trouble.
Sarah knew many things about herself, She knew that she was from Gemenon, and that she had a twin sister named Gina, who was a system administrator for Integral Systems Engineering, currently upgrading ships at the Scorpion Shipyards
She also knew that all of that was false.
She knew she was a Cylon. That she had a mission, to destroy Galactica at Zero Hour. She knew she was one of twelve Cylon models and that she was the sixth of them. She didn't know much beyond that, many of her memories were blocked.
So she didn't know that, her pilot, Lieutenant Sharon Valerii was a Cylon.
Honestly, Sarah didn't know what to think of Humanity. For some reason she wanted to think it was corrupted and evil. But, that didn't make any sense to her. From what she had seen, humanity was a good civilization, the majority of whom were good people. Yes, they had made a mistake, a rather big one, by enslaving Cylons. But they moved on.
Her mulling was interrupted by Boomer, who announced, "Major, we're on approach to Galactica."
"Good, Lieutenant, thank you."
The pilot keyed her radio to Galactica's frequency, "Galactica this is Boomer in Raptor three-one-two on final."
"Boomer, Galactica, you are cleared for approach, speed one seven five, starboard bay, hands-on-approach, checker's green, call the ball."
"Copy, I have the ball," she muted the radio for a moment and turned to Major Inviere, "You might want to hang on, I haven't exactly gotten the hang of this yet."
Starboard Hanger Deck
Battlestar Galactica (BSG 75)
After a rather stellar landing by Boomer, (as in no divots on the flight deck to be hammered out) the Raptor was pulled into Hanger deck where Commander Adama was waiting. The door opened, and after thanking Lt. Valerii for flying her here she stepped out walked over to Commander Adama and saluted smartly.
"Permission to come aboard, sir?"
This surprised Bill, apparently this woman had been studying
"Permission Granted, welcome aboard, Major."
"Thank you, sir."
Lieutenant Gaeta just arrived and walked over.
"Ah, Lt. Gaeta, this is Major Inviere, our new second officer. Why don't you show her around, give her the hundred cubit tour and bring her around my quarters for dinner at 2000 hours."
"Yes, sir. Major, this way please."
After the Major left on her tour, Bill decided that he liked her, not in a romantic sense of course, at least not yet. But she would prove to be a good officer.
AN: This concept came to me one night, what if Adama was placed in the same situation as Cain, how would he handle it. Obviously the paring is going to be Adama/Six
Right now, I'm just publishing this to see if there would be any interest, If there is, I might continue it, but it would be secondary to my other story.
Please review!