Sorry for the long wait again guys! You guys have been so supportive even though this story is like so old to me. But Im going to actually finish this one for you!

So this is the second to last chapter! Next chapter their going to be welcoming a beautiful baby girl! Hahaha xD

Anyways Enjoy !

x O x O

Blossom -

My eyes shot open, taking in the scene that I was in, recovering from the blurriness. Where am I? I looked around nervously at my surroundings and kept thinking of Dexter. I was back at the lab! I don't remember much, but I'm glad I'm just home safe and sound now. A warmness took over me and I knew I was glad I had my sisters and the guys I could always depend on.

I hopped off the bed a little to quick and a pang of pain shot through me. I clutched my stomach in response and let out a rough groan.

In a flash of green and blue my sisters were by my side, holding me up and lifting me back on the bed.

"Woah there boss, can't just be jumping out of beds when your practically nine months pregnant." Buttercup said putting her hands on her hips.

Bubbles gave me a warm smile, "How are you feeling Blossom?"

"I don't really know right now." The pain in my stomach was so sharp that I was still feeling it.

"Do you remember anything.?" Buttercup asked raising a brow.

"Dexter. I just remember Dexter."

"Oh yeah, that nerd. Brick took care of him, he took care of him good." Buttercup said nodding impressed with what ever he might have done.

"The guys are taking him to jail now. He's crazy Blossom" Bubbles said shaking her head.

I nodded, "Is... know.. still mad at me?"

Bubbles shook her head and replied, "No I don't think he was mad to begin with, he was upset. But he went all out to try and find you."

"In other words Big Red was jumping out of his skin to find you." Buttercup said, "Not to mention Butch nor did I get any facetime punching with the nerd."

Bubbles giggled, "Butch was crawling under everyones skin to just jump the nerd. But we had to have a plan."

I chuckled, "What happened when you guys found me?"

"Dexter hit you in the back of the head by accident, and the chip he had put on you flew off. But you passed out before you saw the fight."

"It was really bad..." Bubbles admitted, "You were in the middle of a warzone and Brick was to busy fighting off Dexter."

"As soon of we got their Boomer Grabbed you and brought you home to get you checked out." Buttercup said rubbing her temples, "The baby is fine thank god."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding in and rubbed my stomach softly.

Butch and Boomer entered the room with a million dollar smile that each of them gave.

"How's the prego?!" Butch said laughing, "Gave us a scare, Buttercup was worried sick."

Buttercup rolled her eyes, "I just kept thinking your pregnant not defenseless. And it became the truth."

I smiled, "I'm so glad you guys found me."

They all nodded in unison.

"Bricks upstairs taking a shower..." Boomer said smiling down at me.

"Yeah to remove all the blood stains." Butch laughed.

Boomer rolled his eyes, "Come on Blossom lets get you to your bed, you need more rest."

Boomer was just as motherly as Bubbles sometimes. I took Boomer and Butches hands and the flew me upstairs and into my room.

"Glad your home safe." All four said smiling.

"I am too." I smiled back.

They shut the door and left me alone. A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said.

Brick came in and closed the door softly. My heart skipped a beat and I swear I jumped out of bed so quick. God. I need to stop doing that.

"Brick!" I immediatly regretted it and felt that same sharp pain shoot through me again.

"Woah.. Blossom!" He immediatly grabbed me and set me down on the bed again, "You have got to stop doing that."

I clutched my stomach hard, but I looked up to him. Tears started forming in my eyes, partly because on the pain and partly because I was just so glad I was in here with him.

"Im so sorry." I said.

His eyes softend and he kissed my forehead, "No I'm sorry for being to harsh on you..."

I didn't know what else to say so I just laid in his arms for a few more minutes. I felt safe now, comfterable. I was home, safe all thanks to him and the people I can call family. He put a hand on my lower stomach and rubbed it softly. I put my hand on top of his and smiled up to him. I'm glad he wanted to keep us safe, I'm glad that the Brick I knew turned out to be someone I'm glad is the father of my baby.

"You know.." He said catching my attention. I looked up to him staring into his signature red eyes, and he continued, "I thought that maybe for a second, I thought I lost you two."

"Why?" I clung onto him tighter.

"I don't know..." he sighed, "I guess I was pretty mad that you were talking to dexter, and I thought that maybe you know... like him."

I shook my head, "No I don't, Honestly I dont why I was talking to him, maybe I was expecting an apology or something, but I dont like him, I dont have time for him anymore, especially when I have feelings for you." I paused for a second taking in that last thing I said. My eyes widened and my face grew hot and the redness was noticable.

Brick caught his breath for a minute and paused, "What?"

"Nothing nevermind!" I said almost immediatly.

"No you said..." a smirk appeared on his face, "you said you have feelings for me!"

"Well you heard wrong, you must be tired brick" I told him turning around on the bed and laying down facing the wall hiding my insane red face.

There was a moment of silence and suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my stomach. He turned me around and went on top of me. The smirk on his face turned into a genuine smile.

He placed a hand on my cheek, "Good, because your mine." He stared into my eyes for a moment and kissed me softly.

My blush didn't fade, I think my face was litterly about to explode. But It felt nice to hear those words. He slowly came down to my belly and kissed the top of it before laying down on its side.

"I'm glad I'm home safe." I said laying my hand ontop of bricks head.

Brick cluckled, "Ofcourse you are, I beat the shit out of the nerd."

I laughed, "Yeah, did he put up a fight?"

Brick raised his head off my belly and sat up for a moment looking pissed, "You know the fucking nerd drank some chemical x?"

I raised a brow, "How did he get..."

"When he burned the house down, he went into the lab and got some..." Brick paused rolling his eyes, "He admitted it."

I shook my head, "What a pshyco..." I sighed, "Lets just get some rest, I think we all deserve atleast that, right?"

He laughed and laid back down on the bed next to me. I clapped my hands together and the lights dimmed out. A good night rest was deffitnatley needed.

Brick cracked his knuckles randomly, "Seriously Blossom. I kicked his ass."

I rolled my eyes, "So I've heard and probably the world has heard now, Brick. Now go to sleep Leader boy."

Same old Brick, but I didn't mind. It was nice to have someone who made you laugh around once in awhile. It was just nice to be around him, knowing that even though I could handle myself, not all to well at the moment but to have something that can and wants to keep you said too.

"Butch recorded it. You want to see?" He asked.

"Goodnightttttt brickkkkk."

So How was it? Review and tell me what you think guys! Ahhhhhh one more chapter ! Sorry for the errors guys ! R&R !