Summary: Are red heads the only kind of girls that attract a Potter boy? Not anymore.

Disclaimer: I do not own clearly.

Magnolia woke up. She sat up in bed trying to remember what happened last night.

"I know it was something big and exciting...." She said. "Maybe it was a dream..." she said still half-asleep. She put toothpaste on her toothbrush and began walking back to bed and brushing her teeth at the same time. After 3 minutes, she rinsed her mouth and walked downstairs to greet the Potters eating breakfast.

They stared at her shocked. Harry and Ginny even dropped their spoons. For Harry, it was the fact that Magnolia was wearing a camisole and bikini brief-like shorts. For Ginny it was the rocks hanging from her neck.

"WHAT IS THAT?" They all yelled at her.

"What?" she asked. They pointed at her body/her neck. She touched her neck to feel cold silver and rubies. She looked down and suddenly remembered."THIS!" She yelled. She scrambled to take it off. "I...I"

"Are you like some jewel thief?" Al asked her. She shook her head. "Maybe you steal jewels while sleep-walking! I hear that can happen..."

"NO!" she yelled. "I...Bryant! Bryant sent this to me! He...OMG. I remember!" She said still in shock of last night's letter. "He..He said he liked me and gave me this...OMG!" She yelled.

"WHAT?" Lily and James yelled. "BRYANT LIKES YOU?" She nodded staring at the necklace. Lily stood up and threw her toast onto the table and ran to her room. James snatched the necklace out of her hand. He slammed it in front of his mother.


Ginny stared at it. She squinted and held it up and examined it. She nodded.

"What a boy." Ginny said as Magnolia took it back from Ginny and James.

"I need to write back to him." she said. James grabbed her arm.

"What are you gonna say?" Magnolia stared at him. Then the necklace. Then the floor.


"Is he the one you like!?" James yelled.

"I...don't know...He...And I...." James shook his head, then stormed up held the necklace to her chest and ran back to her room.

"Wow." Ginny said.

"Teen love has too many obstacles."

"Whatever happened to the plain old psychotic old man wanting to control the world?"

"I think that's my fault." Harry said.

James sat on his bed looking angry. Al stood by a shelf, Fred walked from one end of the room to the other, Teddy leaned on the wall looking bored, and Louis was on the floor playing with his toys.

"I can't Bryant did that." Al said. "I wouldn't spend that much on girl who liked me a year ago."

"Then we found a bigger idiot than James." Teddy joked.


"WOW." Victoire said looking at the necklace. Rose nodded sitting next to Magnolia on her bed. Molly and Lucy were sitting on the other side of the bed whispering to each other. Roxanne, Lily, and Dominique stared at the necklace.

"I can't believe he gave you that." Roxanne said. "It's so...extravagant."

"That's weird. It's addressed directly here...." Rose said reading the wrapper.

"How does he even know you're gonna say yes?" Victoire asked.


"Wait a minute..." Fred said. "Didn't he....LILY." Fred said running out the door. He slammed open Magnolia's guest room and pulled Lily towards James' room. "Sit." He pushed her down next to James.

"What is this about?" Lily asked.


"What the...." Rose said as Fred took Lily away.

"No one says NO to Bryant." Roxanne said to Victoire.



"Alright, Lily. We'll make a deal with you. We won't yell at you for being with a guy like Bryant, IF you tell us exactly what he said to you." Fred said.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"We know Bryant talked to you before Christmas break. NOW, tell us what he said."

"It was so long ago..."

"Lily. We all know every girl including you has liked Bryant at one point and no girl has forgotten their first private conversation with him." They stared at Lily, their eyes glued to her face.

"FINE. He said he was going to break up with his girlfriend."

"No way. He was gonna break up with Bridget?" Al asked. Lily nodded.

"And that he was going to tell the girl he liked real soon. I didn't know why he was telling me this. Then he said it was because I knew things no one else did. I didn't think it was Magnolia because she is Rose's best friend and so I went through a list of my friends and he said no to all of them. I even asked if he was gay. That was a no obviously."

"You thought he was talking about you right?"

"Well yea. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said....Wait a minute. Earlier that day, I was talking to Rose and Magnolia. I asked her what she wanted if Father Christmas was real and she said a necklace. Then I said necklace to Bryant...."

"He must have known you talked to her." Teddy said. "And since you had already talked about it, it must have been the first thing to pop into your head."

"But what if she said bracelet?" James said. "Then..."

"We all know Lily is incapable of thinking for over 30 seconds to answer a question." Al said. She glared at him.

"So you said necklace." Fred said. "But how could he have known Magnolia's favorite stones are rubies?"

"What? How do YOU know that?" Lily asked. "Even I don't know that."

"James." Fred said. "This boy does not shut up about her."

"ANYWAY." James said loudly.

"Right. Back to the mystery. How does Bryant know Magnolia so well?" His eyebrows went up as he stared into space with his hand on his chin. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"Well, James knows a lot stuff about her too." Al pointed out. "I mean he even knows her..."

"AL!" James yelled.

"That's true...." Fred said letting the information sink in. "But he has connections. He has Rose. And Rose doesn't lie to James."

"She doesn't lie to me either!" Al and Lily yelled.

"On the contrary. She lied about taking your broom out for a ride in 3rd year and she has your missing earrings." Fred said. They looked very shocked.

"Wait....She doesn't lie to me." Teddy said. Everyone burst out laughing. "What?"

"Oh come on, Teddy. You don't think Rose tells you everything...."

"Can we get back to Magnolia and Bryant?" James asked.

"Hey wait. I wanna know about Rose...."

"James is right. Now is not the time for your weird cousin complex to kick in."

"Weird cousin complex? I do not have..."

"You're the one marrying your cousin."


"She's so closely related to you she could be."


"Issues." Al muttered.

"Shut up!" James yelled.

"OK. OK." Fred said. "Alright. We need to figure out if Bryant has connections to Magnolia."

"Well, Lily would be a connection....."

"Yea but that's the only time we've ever talked."

"What about Rose?"

"He wouldn't talk to Rose. She's always with Scorpio." James said.

"Scorpio?" They asked confused.

"Yea. I read these horoscope definitions somewhere and it said Scorpios were sex addicts and I thought it would be funny." James said.

"You know Rose is dating him right....?" Lily asked. They nodded rolling their eyes.

"Everyone saw that coming. Even Aunt Hermione had Uncle Ron prepared for this day." Al said.

"Moving on from weird Rose discussions." Fred said. "Bryant has a lot of female friends. Some of them could be connections to Magnolia."

"Yea but it's not like Magnolia's gonna tell everyone she knows "I like rubies and I'm staying at Potter's."." Al said. "Only James knew about that until the 18th."

"Then there's only one explanation. Bryant's a stalker."

"NO WAY." Lily said. "He's so..."

"Looks can be deceiving." Fred said.

"I think someone should tell Magnolia." Al said.


"I'm gonna turn him down." Magnolia said staring at the necklace.

"But he's Bryant! You can't turn Bryant down." Dominique said.

"Good for you Magnolia. Not following the pack." Rose said patting her back.

"How long have you wanted to date Bryant?" Roxanne asked.


"A year. Now's your chance."

"But I don't like him anymore."

"What if those feelings come back and you regret making that choice?"

"I'm sure those feelings won't come back."

"They could. You never know."

"Oh. I know."

"How?" Victoire asked.

"Because...Because...I'm in love...."

"Hello ladies. Sorry to interrupt your discussion but we have some devastating news." Fred said looking sad.

"What Fred?" Rose asked.

"Bryant is a stalker." They announced. Lily stood there and rolled her eyes.

"Now don't be hasty." Lily said. "We have no evidence Bryant is a stalker."

"Yea we do. He sent Magnolia a necklace which was what she wanted for Christmas and they were rubies. Rubies are her favorite How could he have known?" James asked.

"How do you know...?" Magnolia asked.

"I hear things from my cousins." He said looking away.

"That's impossible." Dominique said. "Bryant doesn't have time to stalk people. He's a Ravenclaw prefect, straight O's, Quidditch player, and..."

"I think they might be right. This was addressed to the Potter residence. Only James knew beforehand that Magnolia wasn't going home, but even he didn't know she was going to stay with us." Rose said.

"You're right..." Roxanne said.

"But he wanted to be less suspicious, why didn't he just ask Rose about it?" Victoire asked.

"Well, Bryant and I had a fight about 6 months ago." Rose said. "No big deal or anything of course. I just told him he was a douche-bag. Anyway, Magnolia. You have a stalker and he's a good stalker."

"Magnolia?" Fred asked. They all looked at her. She was staring out the window.


"There's another letter." Rose said opening the window to let the owl in. "Here you go." She took it from Rose's hand and read it.

Dear Magnolia,

It's Peter again. I've got great news! I'm staying with Charlie Weasley for Christmas since I no longer have to work this holiday! I'll see you Christmas Eve, sis!



Magnolia sighed in relief.

"It's just my brother, Peter. He's staying with coming over. In two days."

"That's great." Dominique said.

"Yea." Magnolia said hesitantly.

That night Magnolia stared at the ceiling.

"I'm in love with James Potter, the guy I used to like is stalking me, and Peter is coming in two days." She said.

"This is insane."

"I wish I was in Australia with Felicity. Maybe I would fall in love with someone Australian and forget all about this."

"But NO. It had to be Potter. And Potter doesn't even like me anymore."

"That means I have to stay here until school starts and celebrate Christmas with James and celebrate New Year's....What if I get to kiss him...?"

"Maybe Peter will take me home. Or mum and dad will come home early."

"Or maybe I'll die. Yea. Let's hope I die tonight."