
This is a bleach-based fanfic, and it's an Ichimaru Gin x OC ^__^ The timeline starts off from when Gin is Aizen's lt.

rated T just in case.

Fate. Was it because of fate that they had met? She would sacrifice anything for their love, he would do everything keep her. (I suck at summaries TT__TT Sorry)

[ Fated M E E T I N G ] {1}

The night sky darkened the land, the stars hidden by the misty clouds. The small path was only visible by the light of a full moon. A young man sat beneath a persimmon tree, fragrant blooms leaving a sweet perfume in the cold air. His shinigami clothing was adorned with a lieutenant badge, stating his position in the fifth division. Dark red eyes reflected the moonlight and all was silent except for the whispering of the breeze.

Ichimaru Gin tossed around a persimmon fruit, contemplating the plans that Aizen had discussed with him. He was able to let his guard down for once, leaving his usual mask behind. It was February the eighth; the cold was easing away, giving way to springtime. There had been no snow this winter, the days were shorter, the weather was colder, but no snow to speak of at all. He was just about to take a bite out of the sweet fruit when he felt something cold and wet on his nose. He blinked in surprise. Did it start raining? He looked up at the sky; tiny frozen flowers were falling from the heavens. It was snowing for the first time this year.

He smiled, his eyes still open, observing the landscape slowly being draped in a blanket of frost. His thoughts were interrupted when he caught some movement out of the corner of his eye. A young woman had just walked into the clearing, her silver grey eyes meeting his. Her face was empty of expression; there was no shock or surprise revealed on her face. Her outfit showed that she was still at the academy, still a student. He spoke to the shinigami, his red eyes still open; a rare occasion.

"Ne, what a surprise. What is a young shinigami like you doing here so late at night?" He smirked, expecting an excuse and a quick run back to the academy dorms. However, she didn't move, and motioned towards the badge on he had attached to his sash.

"What would a responsible lieutenant like you be doing here so late at night?" She smiled, challenging him.

"Yare yare, seems like you got me." He laughed quietly. She bowed slightly, showing her respect despite her little comment. She followed up with a polite introduction.

"Hajimemashite, Kaisou Hateshi."

He replied as well, a bit amused to see that she didn't already recognise him.

"Gin, Ichimaru Gin." He grinned, resuming his usual mask.

"Nice to meet you." She continued, keeping her voice down, lest someone pick up on the source of the sound.

"It would be much nicer to meet you if it weren't for you breaking the rules." Gin answered, still smiling.

"If you keep your silence, I will keep mine." She stated, her tone a bit more serious. (students aren't allowed out after their curfew, and lieutenants are supposed to attend to their duties.

"Oh? Was that supposed to be a threat, Hateshi-chan?" He asked, teasingly. (shortening her name and adding -chan makes it a nickname)

"I don't believe we are close enough for you to call me by my first name, Gin-fukutaichou." (she's returning the favour by calling him by his first name as well, but still sticks with the honorific "lieutenant")

"Well, if you call me that, then I don't have much of a choice now do I? And you're avoiding my question. ... or was it a threat?"

"I was not making any threats, simply stating a promise."

"Heh, you're quite amusing, aren't you Hateshi-chan?"

"So? Will we keep this a secret then?"

" 'Course I will. It's our secret..." He winked, teasing her. "Now, what brought you out here? Not many people come to this place."

She motioned at the persimmon tree he was standing in front of.

"It's quiet here, and there's a persimmon tree."

"You like persimmon?" He asked, inclining his head slightly. It seemed that a teasing personality wasn't the only thing they had in common. She nodded, walking past him and grabbing one off the branch.

"I would've been able to eat one already if it weren't for a certain someone."

Gin laughed at the comment, finishing his persimmon as well.

"Furthermore, there's a full moon tonight, and there's a beautiful snowfall. That itself is already a good enough reason to be out here." Unlike most, the cold and the gentle snowfall were comforting to Hateshi.

Gin smiled, opening his eyes again. It seemed like a good time to get going.

"Well, we wouldn't want you to get caught now would we? I'll get you back to the academy."

"But - " She exclaimed in protest.

"No excuses, let's go." He lead her back through the winding path, back towards the academy. Once they got to the dorm, she noticed a sempai standing at the entrance.

Great. Just great. He had to lead them towards the entrance that was guarded.

The guard seemed a bit shocked that someone got out without him noticing, but bowed to Ichimaru. The lieutenant spoke, a sly grin on his face.

"I happened to stumble upon this young woman here. There's no need for a punishment, I've already make sure that she won't do so again." Although Hateshi's expression wasn't quite readable at the moment, Gin could tell she was just about ready to kill him, and smirked at her. The guard hurriedly apologised for having to trouble him, proceeding in scolding Hateshi for having gone out past the curfew, and to appreciate Ichimaru-fukutaichou's generosity for sparing her of the consequences.

She glared at Ichimaru straight in the eye, and made her "apology"

"I apologise Gin-fukutaichou." Before the guard could discipline her on the tone of her apology and the way she had addressed the lieutenant, she had run back in towards the girl's dorm with a small "humph."

The silver-haired man couldn't help but to snicker slightly. She had kept her side of the promise after all. She was definitely an interesting one. Just to make sure that she hadn't lied to him about her name, he asked the guard about the young woman.

"Oi, who was that little troublemaker?"

"Sir, that was Kaisou Hateshinai, it is quite a surprise that she would do that, she's normally a very obedient and good student."

"Obedient and good student eh?" He smirked, looking in the direction that she had left. It would be quite interesting after all.


He went to the information reserve near his personal quarters and checked up on the most recent report about the current shinigami in the academy. Scrolling down on the list, he found her name. It was quite easy to spot; someone had already underlined it with red ink. He read it with much interest.

Kaisou, Hateshinai

Approximate age: 17.

Speciality: All-round fighter, good tactics, elevated reiatsu level

Grouping: A-1

Zanpakutou type: Fusion type, something similar to ice fused with light.

Other comments:

Excels at all subjects, doesn't talk much, and has an interesting reiatsu level. However, there is no contact family wise or other relations prior to entry to the academy, and no explanation for her reiatsu manipulating capability. Succeeded all current mission with ease in record time. Should be moved to a higher class. Permission requested.


Permission denied. Keep an eye on the student, surveil any behaviour that can be considered out of line.

It seemed that the central 46 already had their eyes on this shinigami. However, they wouldn't be the only ones keeping an eye on Hateshinai Kaisou.


I've got lots written down, so go ahead to the next chappie ^__^

( I actually didn't write this as chapters, but oh well. )

Please comment ^__^