Ok first off I'm sorry for taking soo long to update. My laptop, wonderful piece of machinery that it is decided to crash on me. Again. Which resulted with me losing every piece of data on it. So of course there goes the final chapter that I typed up. Again. So I had to re-write this whole thing again, not as bad as I thought it would be, but still not as good as the original. Ok so back to the real reason for my authors note. I wanted to say Thank- you to everyone that has ever reviewed this story, it means soo much to have loyal readers like you. I hope that you have enjoyed this story as much as I have. So here it is, the final chapter to our story. Enjoy. Till next time. XxSailorWinchesterXx
Oh and soory for the mistakes, I didn't have time to proof read this, I just wanted to get it posted ASAP
Kakarot's mouth watered as the waiters began to bring put plate upon plate of food. He eyed off each plate with curiosity, he couldn't wait to try all these new foods. I hope they're as good as Chi Chi's meals. He thought as he looked next to him and saw Chi Chi happily chatting to Bulma, sitting next to her.
"It seems like the dinning room hasn't been used in a while." Chi Chi said to Bulma. "Why is that?"
Bulma shrugged and picked up a piece of bread. "Dunno. We haven't really had a meal together since the invasion. Hasn't really been a need for this room."
Chi Chi shook her head and began to fill up her plate. "That's shame. It's such a nice room. I'm glad it wasn't to badly damaged." Chi Chi looked across the table to smiled at her father, who was sitting in between 18 and Yamcha.
"Kakarot, you are allowed to eat something." Ox said noticing that Kakarot had yet to put something on his plate.
"I can't decide what to take first." Kakarot replied then picked up a piece of meat that smelled like duck.
"Well everyone enjoy." The Ox said and began to dig into his own meal. The six ate in silence for a while until Bulma spoke up.
"So. What was it like on Vegetasei?"
Everybody, bar Kakarot, stoped eating and looked at Chi Chi. It was salmost as if Bulma had broken some kind of rule.
"Well what do you want to know?" Chi Chi said clearing her throat. She wasn't sure she was ready to talk about this yet, she looked over to Kakarot for surport but saw that he was still stuffing his face. Typical Kakarot. She thought but couldn't stop the smile from spreading on her face.
"Well what happened once you got there?" Bulma said shyly, trending very lightly.
"Umm, well. Not much really. We got put into slavery. I had a couple of masters over the years and then was lucky to get bought by Kakarot."
Kakarot, listened very carfully to Chi Chi's words and noticed that she had left out the years of abuse that she had suffered. She's trying not to make her family hate me. He thought.
"Typical saiyans." Yamcha muttered darkly under his breath.
"There happens to be a Saiyan sitting right here." Kakarot shot back, after he heard Yamcha's comment with his saiyan hearing. He was really getting sick of this guy.
"I know and it's ruining the whole night."
"Yamcha!" Chi Chi gasped, horrified at Yamcha's attitude.
"I am so sick of you acting all high and mighty. You act as if your civilization has never made mistakes. If I recall didn't you once discriminate against certain people and use them for slavery?" Kakarot yelled.
"Yes. We did make that mistake, but we have moved on and asked for forgivness." Yamcha counted.
Chi Chi could see this wasn't going to end well and tried to calm down Kakarot. "Come on, enough Kakarot please."
Kakarot ignored Chi Chi. "Isn't that what were doing now by returnig your people."
Kakarot's comeback shut Yamcha up.
Everything was silent until Chi Chi slamed her hands down on the table. Everyone looked over to her, shocked at her out busrt.
"Was it really that hard to just stop when I asked you both to?" She said then pushed her chair out and walked down the hall. 18 and Bulma were just about to get up and follow her when they heard her shot down the hall.
"Don't even think about following me."
Bulma and 18 sat back down and looked at each other. The atmosphere was tense. Kakarot unable to stand it got up and left too.
"I need to train." He muttered to himself and began to walk to the only place he wanted to go at the moment.
Chi Chi's POVI couldn't believe the way that Kakarot and Yamcha behaved at dinner. Was it so hard for them just to get along. I can't help but be mad as I walk down the hall to my room, as I turn the corner I notice that the hallway has the same pictures hanging up as they did the last time I was here. I can't help but stop and smile at the picture of me Bulma and 18 all playing dress up. Beside it is one of my father and me at the lake near our castle. I'm glad that these pictures weren't ruined; they were some of the happiest times of my life. I wince as I feel the pain in my chest return with a vengeance.
"Urgh, maybe I shouldn't have eaten." I say as I grab ahold of the wall to steady myself. I try and concentrate but feel extremely light headed.
"Chi Chi?" I get caught off guard by the voice and slowly to turn to face the source.
"Are you alright?" Bardock asks, raising an eyebrow. I can see the concern on his face and can't help but think that it looks out of place on him.
Regaining myself I take my hand away from the wall and turn to face him fully.
"Yeah I'm fine, just feeling a little sick. Nothing to worry about." I lie and hope that he doesn't look to much into it. The last thing I want right now is to be questioned about my health.
"Are you sure? Where's Kakarot?" He asks.
I shrug and try to act as if I couldn't care less where that idiot of a saiyan is.
"I dunno. Doesn't matter to me at the moment anyway."
I think that he can see through my lie. Bardock has that power, like he knows more then he's letting on.
"Ok then. Well if you get any worse, get some help." He says, well 'demands' is a better word, but I can tell that he is concerned despite his perfect poker face. Which makes me wonder should I be concerned too.
I continue to walk down the hall to my room. I make a mental note along the way, noticing what has changed and what has stayed the same. I get to the door of my room and can't help but wonder if it has changed at all. Did dad keep it exactly the way it was as a reminder of me, and what he use to have. Or did he change it because it was to painful to look at it and be reminded of me. Deep down I hope for the latter. I turn the nob and open the door and am glad to see that the room has been changed. In exchange for my pink four postured bed, there is a simple wooden queen bed with a red cover. Which complaints the three white and red feature wall. Gone where all the childish pink furniture and replaced with simple wooden ones. All in all I like it.
I close the door and but before I can continue to study the room any more another pain rips though my chest and makes me gasp and drop to the floor. I've never felt anything like this before. The pain is burning its way past my chest and into the rest of my body. I try to call out for help only for my voice to come out as a pained gasp. If there ever was a time I needed Kakarot now would be it. But he wasn't here, and I couldn't feel him through our bond. It's like we aren't connect anymore. I try and grab a hold of the bed, in a vain attempt to pick myself up. Instead I fall back down to the floor. The pain is over whelming and I feel myself becoming disconnected from my body. Cold darkness begins to take over and I gladly welcome it.
Kakarot. Is the last thought to go through my head, and then I know no more.
Normal POV.
After his meeting with Chi Chi, Bardock decided that it was finally time to intervene in Kakarot and Chi Chi's relationship.
First step. Bradock thought to himself as he pushed a passing sayian out of his way. Beat some sense into the boy. There was only one place Kakrot would be if he wasn't with Chi Chi, and that's the ships training room. When he approached to training room he heard crashes and ki blast coming from within. Cautionly he opened the door and was not surprised to see the prince and his son sparing. Bardock step into the room and watched with curious eyes as Vegeta landed hit upon hit on his son. Bardock knew exactly how strong his son was, so he knew that the prince should not be having such an easy time.
Vegeta landed another punch on Kakarot when he saw Bardock out of the corner of his eye.
"Kakarot, what is your father doing down there?" Vegeta huffed as he began to descend towards the floor. Kakarot regaining himself followed suit and landed beside him.
"I don't know." Kakarot said and then spat some blood from his mouth. "Why don't you ask him that."
Vegeta glared at Kakarot. It wasn't like him to give attitude towards him.
Kakarot shrugged and walked over to the table in the corner that had bottles of water on it. Why the hell do I feel so weak? He thought to himself. Never had the prince been able to beat him so easily.
"What do you want Bardock?"
Bardock stepped forward and gave a swift bow. "I wish to speak to my son prince Vegeta."
Vegeta nodded "Very well. Kakarot I hope you have more fight in you next time. I hate when things are easy." Vegeta laughed then walked out of the room.
"What do you want?" Kakarot said as he turned around and was shocked to get a punch in the face from his father, sending him flying across the room.
"What the hell am I doing! What the hell are you doing, you idiot!" Bardock barked and walked over to where Kakarot had landed.
"Do you have any idea what the hell is going on?"
Kakarot growled and picked himself off the floor. Didn't know the old man had that in him. Kakarot thought.
"No, what the hell are you talking about. Speak clearly old man." Kakarot said.
"Chi Chi's in danger. You're killing her." Bardock said plainly and watched the colour drain from his sons face.
"What are you talking about?" Kakarot asked, not sure if he heard that last statement correctly. He would never harm Chi Chi, and for him to suggested such a thing was crazy.
"Your bond is breaking. I mean it's obvious even for me, and I'm not even her mate. You mean to tell me that you have had no idea what's been going on. You haven't felt the affects." Bradock stated, truly shocked that his son had not figured it out.
"I've been feeling a little weak for the last few days, but nothing serious." Kakarot admitted.
"Yeah cause Chi Chi's taking the brunt of it. You've seen how sick she was, weren't you worried?"
"How do you know this? Do you keep an eye on her or something." Kakarot said defensively, he was on edge and was desperate to get some answers.
"Some one has to in your absence." Bardock hissed, but calmed himself after seeing the desperate look on his sons face. "I saw her before I came here. She looked bad, like there was nothing left of her. Feel for her and you'll know what I mean."
Kakarot did as his father said. He used his connection with Chi Chi to try and sense her feelings. He winced as it was proving harder then he thought. Even when they weren't mated he could always feel some of her, but now nothing. There was nothing on the other end.
"I can't feel her." Kakarot said, his eyes still clenched shut in concertration.
"She's still there. It's weak but you'd know if she were gone." Bardock answered and prayed that he was right.
"She's not gone!" Kakarot yelled, and continued to try and feel Chi Chi. Kakarot. Kakarot's eyes snapped open as he heard the Chi Chi's voice. That one word, filled with such pain and love slammed into his head and made him feel breathless. Before Bardock even knew what was going on Kakarot was racing out of the training room on his way to Chi Chi.
Please Chi Chi hold on. Please, oh god please.
Kakarot thought as he raced down the halls, Chi Chi's life force dropping by the second. When he finally arrived at her door he didn't even bother to open it, instead he just kicked the thing off its hinges. Kakarot felt his heart stop as he caught sight of Chi Chi lying unmoving on the floor.
"Chi Chi!" Kakarot said and rushed over to his fallen mate. He picked her up and cradled her in his arms. "Chi Chi, comeon Chi Chi please wake up. God dammit I'm sorry." He continued the sadness and desperation in his voice overwhelming.
Chi Chi, comeon, please hear me. He thought, praying that by some miracle he'd get a response. However, he received nothing in return.
Not wanting to keep Chi Chi on the floor Kakarot carefully picked Chi Chi up and laid her on the bed with her head resting in his lap. Please Chi Chi, please wake up. He thought as he brushed a strand of hair out of Chi Chi's face and waited for her to wake up.
Chi Chi's POVMy head hurt. That's the first thing that went through my head. That and the ground was incredibly soft. I can't remember much of what happened before I fainted, try as I might, its like a cloud is covering that part of my memory. All I can remember is feeling a flash of pain, like lighting and then fainting and hitting my head. I went to touch my forehead, to see if there was any blood only to have a hand grab mine. I panicked and tried to turn around but found that I had another arm wrapped around my stomach.
"Don't move." The voice said and I immediately calmed down. I would recognise that voice anywhere. "You took quite a fall."
I strained my eyes and found that it did hurt to open them, odd something like that has never happened when I've taken a fall, and I've taken my fair few.
"What happened." I asked, my voice sounding weak. My whole body felt weak. I turned my head slightly to get a look at Kakarot. He looked worried. It scared me to see him so pained.
"I was hoping you could tell me. I sensed your pain and I found you passed out on the floor."
"I knew that much." I joked, but Kakarot didn't move. It went silent then for a while, in reality it was properly on a minute but it felt like ten. I was slowly starting to get feeling back in my body, so I sat up, taking my head out of Kakarots lap. He removed his hand from my waist, much to my dislike and I concluded that he was reverting to the saiyan he's been for the last couple of days. Cold, distant and hard. I hated it, I hated the way he would leave me alone, then come to my side when it was connivent for him. I couldn't take it anymore and before I could stop myself all the anger came flooding out.
"So how does this work?" I snapped.
"What?" Kakarot said raising both eyebrows in surprise, I had truly caught him off guard, which is rare for a saiyan.
"How does this work? You ignore me for days on end, act like I have the plague and then come to my aid when it works for you." I knew that my word were coming out cold, but I couldn't stop myself. I wanted answers. I poked him in his chest and continued my verbal assault. "I don't understand you Kakarot you've been acting odd ever since we started the trip to come back to earth, at fisrt I just thought it was the stress or something but that's clearly not it." I paused to take a breath and looked at his face, still a perfect mask. It hurt, it hurt worse the then the physical pain ever could. "Was it me?" I asked, my voice coming out barely above a whisper.
"What?" Kakarot said, his face looking horrified.
"Did I do something, I mean come on, how could we not have see this coming. I'm a slave and no matter what happens that's all your kind will ever see us, me, as. I mean, that's got to be why you've been avoiding me because you don't want to be with me anymore and I don't care if that's what yo want, but you could have had the decency to tell me instead of avoiding me." I didn't realise I was crying till I felt the hot wetness sliding down my face.
"God your annoying."
Shocked, I looked at Kakarot. That was not the response I was expecting.
"God you can be so stupid Chi Chi. Do you honestly think this is your fault. It's mine. I was the one that made this happen, I've been making you sick."
"I don't understand."
Kakarot ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I've been avoiding you cause I have to. You finally got your home back, your father and family. How can I take you away from that. I thought that maybe if I kept my distance then leaving would be easier for us, but I didn't know it would hurt you. Like physically hurt you."
I took all this new information in, every tiny detail. And as I did I watched Kakarot, his voice was so strained like he couldn't bring himself to speak it.
"I didn't realise that when a couple is newly bonded they have to stay near each other or the bond would break. I don't want to loose you Chi Chi."
"Kakarot you stupid saiyan." I laughed and grabbed his hand and took it in mine. "Why didn't you just tell me this. Kammi, the trouble that would have been saved. I don't know what's going to happen with us, where we like or stuff like that. But I do know I want to be with you."
"Even if it means leaving your family again." He asked as he wrapped his arm back around my waist.
"I couldn't go home before, it wasn't possible. But now, if I went back with you, I could come and visit them whenever I like." I said and snuggled into his chest. After having no contact for days this was bliss.
"Seems that all that trouble was for nothing." Kakarot said and kissed me on the forehead.
"See what would happen if I left you by yourself. You'd most likely start a war." I joked, glad that things were getting back to normal.
"I'd win it though." Kakarot said confidently and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back happily and deepened the kiss. This was going t be a good night.
Normal POVThe last of the Saiyan ships were getting ready to leave, every saiyan was loaded in bar two, excited to get back to their own planet.
"So this is where you'll be staying." Vegeta said bitterly. "Here with the harpy."
"Chi Chi."
"Yes. Don't look so disappointed Vegeta I'll come and visit." Kakarot laughed and slapped the prince on the back. Vegeta growled and brushed his fur back into place.
"It's not that I'm going to miss you you idiot. It's simply that with you here with the harpy-"
"Chi Chi."
"-I'll have no one to train with."
Kakarot smiled and put his arm back around Chi Chi. "I'm sure Bulma will build you something. Lucky one of earth best engineers is going back with you." Kakarot said and could of sworn that he saw the prince blush.
"Yes well the women will provide some use. Unlike your harpy." Vegeta said snidely.
"CHI CHI. My name is Chi Chi!" Chi Chi burst and slapped Vegeta across the chest. "You'd better take care of her Vegeta or I swear-"
Vegeta laughed at Chi Chi's threat. "Yes I'm so very worried of you. I simple earth harpy. Anyway, I best to go now. Kakarot, keep training, next time we spar I don't want to beat you to easily, and Chi Chi-"
Chi Chi smiled at the use of her name.
"I've got nothing." Vegeta sighed and turned ad walked away.
"I hate him." Chi Chi said and sighed when Kakarot gave her a kiss on the lips.
"He means well."
"He'd better, and he'd better watch out for Bulma." Chi Chi said forcefully.
"Oh I have a good feeling about those two. Don't you." Kakarot said raisning an eyebrow.
"No." Chi Chi said bluntly then laughed and turned Kakarot around to face a mountain range. "But tell me what you think. A house just there, with plenty of room to train and start a family."
Kakarot looked out at the landscape and shrugged. "I'm up for anything."