Summary: Love and the unbelievable places it can take you--You Always Have Been Sequel.

Disclaimer: I do not own SoN or anything related. I only own my original characters and storylines.

Rating: T

If you haven't read You Always Have Been, I suggest you read it first as the sequel will make much more sense if you do.

Flashbacks are in italics (besides the one chorus of a song which is easily recognizable as a song).

Read and review as it will keep me inspired to keep going.

All You Did Was Save My Life

Chapter 1 – Living Room Policy

Ashley's POV

"Casey, what are you doing!' I yelled at the blonde as she didn't hit the right note at the beginning of the chorus... for the fifth time. "Do you need to take a break?" I asked, pushing the intercom button again as the blonde looked like she was getting more than a little bit frustrated.

"No, I got this..." She barked back, "Roll it again from the verse before the chorus..."

But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming bout the day when you'll wake up and find
That what you're lookin for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along so why can't you see?
You belong with me--

"Ugh! This is impossible... why can't you pick another melody that actually goes with my voice."

"It does go with your voice, you just aren't hitting the right chord. Try it again... you'll get it."

"No, I've tried six times...I'm done. Change it and then I'll try again." She barked, throwing off her headphones and walking out of the recording booth into the studio.

"You know what Casey, if you aren't going to be reasonable and work with me here, I can't do anything for you..." I fumed, throwing my arms up in the air in frustration.

"I think you will because you know Devon will back me no matter what." She hissed back with unappreciated attitude.

Devon was my boss at the label, and he personally found Casey so whenever it came to her, she got her own way. It was completely impossible to work with the nineteen year old as not only did she have a rotten attitude, she knew she had a power over Devon which made it worse. No other producers would work with her so Devon stuck me with her, since I was one of the newer additions.

"Devon will not continue to back you if you don't come up with results, which at this point, doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon." I ordered, getting even more fed up with her and getting on my last nerve. "You know what, fine. That's it for today, come back tomorrow for your session. I don't want to deal with you right now." I said, waving her off as I exit the studio room and begin to walk out.


Thirty minutes after pulling out of the studio parking lot, I made my way into my driveway, noticing Alexis' car parked on the far side of it.

Alexis and I had moved down to Los Angeles shortly after both of us graduated from DePaul. We got an average sized three bedroom apartment, one bedroom for each of us and then we turned the other one into a studio for both of us to play our music. Our band had broken up, but we weren't overly serious so we knew it'd happen eventually.

Spencer made her way down her for her final year anyways as she landed an internship at this small movie company. She transferred to UCLA before leaving Chicago.

"Hey Aly! I'm home." I yell, closing the door behind me and tossing my keys on the counter as I make my way into the living room without a response. "Aly?--Oh my god, dude!"

"Ashley, you're home... er, early!" Aly screamed, falling off the couch and covering herself up as much as possible.

"Dude, we established the 'no living room' policy for a reason..." I squirmed, turning around so Aly could throw back on her clothes. "Your bedroom is like right there." I point over the right, just metres away from the couch.


"How are you doing this lovely afternoon, Hayes?" I awkwardly waved, still facing the opposite direction of both of them. "Shouldn't you be scoring baskets at practice instead of scoring with my roomie?"

"Sorry Ash, we didn't think you'd be home so soon." His low voice replied as I heard more rustling behind me, which I could only assume were his pants being pulled back on. "Practice was this morning... Coach let us off for the rest of the day."

"Yeah and the Clippers don't have a game until Friday... I thought you were going to go pick up Spencer?" Aly asked, walking in front of me so I knew it was finally clear.

"Yeah... it's only like two o'clock. It's Tuesday, she's not done until four..." I turn to see an awkwardly looking Jordan sitting on the couch.

Jordan Hayes, Aly's recently new boyfriend. He's a born and bred California kid, but you wouldn't know it. He was tall, blonde and handsome with a pretty well toned body from what I had seen. He got drafted this summer to the Los Angeles Clippers. He and Aly started dating a few months ago after we moved here. It's your typical love story... Aly was out for a jog and tripped, and wouldn't you know it, but her knight and shining armour is there to pick her up. I also gagged when she got back and told me.

"Yes, well that makes more sense why we got caught." Jordan laughed, finally getting off the couch and making his way over to the both of us. "Well done, Aly." He joked, kissing her on the shoulder as he threw his arms around her waist.

"Hey, it's not like we haven't walked in on Ash and Spence doing the deed on that couch."

"Hence the 'no living room' policy... see it works both ways." I grinned, shaking my head as I remembered when we got caught, so much worse than what I had just walked in on.

"Spencer," I groaned as she pushed me onto the couch.

I leaned forward, grabbing her by the waist and pulled her down on top of me, kissing her hard. I felt her tongue briefly in my mouth before she pushed herself away from me.

"You're so beautiful, Ashley..." She whispered, breaking a small smile as she continued to gaze into my eyes. "I could get lost in you forever."

"I could too..." I mumbled as I cupped the back of her neck, bringing her back down to me and kissing her passionately again.

I let out another moan as she slid her mouth down my neck, leaving wet kisses all over as her hand pulled my one leg over her hip, causing my back to arch and my breath to hitch.

She started to grind herself into me and I could feel her metal belt buckle sliding against me, making me realize that we both still had our pants on.

All of our clothes were quickly tossed aside out of heated passion as Spencer straddled me completely naked on the couch.

"I want you so badly right now..." Spencer husked, finding my ear and tugged at it with her teeth as she began grinding into me even harder, eliciting another moan from my mouth.

"Spencer," I moaned, as she found my eyes again and stroked my face and smiled, knowing that I was giving her permission.

She slowly started making her way down my body, sucking, nibbling and kissing everywhere, taking time at each spot to savour the taste. I could feel her mouth on my abs as she parted my legs with her hands.

"Oh my god, my EYES!" A high pitched girly scream erupted from behind us.

With Spencer on top of me, I couldn't see who it was, but Spencer popped her head up and then immediately peered back at me and whispered, "Alexis..."

"Crap." I whispered back as Spencer leaned down on me so she was covered.

"H-hey Ashley..." I heard Alexis' voice mumble quietly. "I'm assuming you're underneath Spencer right now so... er, Jordan and I are just going to back away right now and um... come back in like five minutes so you put some... clothes on."

"Thanks Aly..." I replied, raising my hand above the couch so she could see me wave, as I glanced back at Spencer who was giggling and blushing slightly. "Sorry babe..." I whispered and kissed her nose.

"Ash, you still in there?" Alexis asked, waving her hands vigorously in front of my face as I stood there with a blank stare, watching Alexis' mouth move more but unable to pay attention to the actual words coming out.

"Sorry, Aly, what did you say?" I asked, shaking my head and shaking out my disorientation.

"We are going to get some Pink Berry... did you want to come with us before you have to pick up Spencer?"

"Sure, although eating after what I just saw probably isn't the best idea." I winked at the brunette as Jordan just shook his head at me and laughed as I grabbed my car keys and closed the door behind the three of us.


Spencer's POV

My professor let us go from my last class a bit early so I had a little while before Ashley would be here to pick me up. The last class of the day was always brutal, as it dragged on the longest and Tuesday's were even worse since they were my latest day.

A few of my friends were in the class though, so I caught up with them afterwards and talked with them as I waited.

As I see a black Porsche pull up in front of the school, I push carefully past my friends and begin walking towards it, knowing exactly who the owner is, a smile wipes my face as I'm running towards the car.

"Hey sexy, you looking for a ride?"

I shook my head at the brunette, as she sat there crinkling her nose at me trying to be smart. I jumped in the car and was quickly met with her lips on mine.

"I missed you." She mumbled between kisses as I gripped her waist and pulled her closer to me so she was pretty much in my lap.

"Me too... Tuesday's are too long." I agreed as Ashley made her way completely over me so she was now straddling me.

I moaned as I felt her hands creep under my jeans, making me having to arch my back and apply more pressure into her body.

"Oh god Ashley... we c-can't... not h-here." I stuttered out, continuing to arch my back into her as her hand kept creeping lower and lower. "W-we're in the parking lot..."

"Mmm... so?" She smiled as she continued to kiss me passionately, her tongue now hot and persistent in my mouth.


"Awe, Spencer... you're no fun." She joked, poking me in the sides and making me flinch as she brought her hands back up out of my jeans. "Just kidding, I know we'll finish this back at my place."

"Oh do you now?"

"Mhmm, especially since Aly won't bother us. She owes me since I walked in on her and Jordan on the couch earlier today."

"What? What about the 'no living room' policy?"

The brunette smiled and kissed me nose. "Exactly why she owes us."

"Hmm, well as long as I can do some school work before..." I said and Ashley gave me a huge pout and tugged on my shirt a little. "Or I guess after too works..."

"Yay!" Ashley screamed, smiling and jumping back into the driver's seat and starting the car, obviously eager to get back home as she put the car into gear.


We quickly found ourselves back at Ashley's place, her speeding just a little bit too fast for my taste to get back faster. Alexis wasn't there, just like Ashley said as we made our way further into the house and into her room.

As soon as I dropped my bag, I tackled the unsuspecting brunette onto her bed with me falling on top of her when we landed. She rolled over with a shocked expression on her face as I sat there straddling her hips, smiling at her smugly.

"You still sure I'm no fun?" I hiss at her playfully, as I start to lean down closer to her, trying to tease her as I have the upper hand in our positions.

"I don't know... let's see." Ashley replied, raising her eyebrows up and down at me, before throwing me off guard and tossing me on my back. "Hmm, how about now?"

"Hey, no fair!"

Her hands gripped the back of my neck as she brought my face up to hers to kiss her hard. As she hovered over top of me, my hands slide down her back, digging into her soft skin as our mouths continually melted together.

Ashley abruptly pulled back, dropping her head and gaze from me. I cupped her face gently and brought her face back up, revealing a surprisingly huge grin on her face.

"What?" I asked, crooking one eyebrow up as the brunette continued to stare at me, smiling like a buffoon.

"I don't think you realize how easily you make me smile, Spence." She whispered and pulled a stray hair out of my eyes and placed it behind my ear. "How happy you make me..."


"No, Spence... I mean it, you're the one I want next to me when my dreams come true and you're the one I want next to me even if they don't. As long as I have you... nothing else matters."

"Ashley... I-I don't know what to say."

"Just say you love me."

"Of course I love you Ashley, with all of my heart."

"Then that's all I need to hear..."


A/N: So there it is...the opening chapter to the sequel. Let me know what you guys think and if it's worth it that I continue with it.

Song used in this chapter was "You Belong with Me" by Taylor Swift.
