Resident Evil-Return To Love- Love Between The Agents

I immediately took her into my bedroom; the hormones inside of me were going insane and I just had to make sure that she got the idea through her head that I really and truly love her. I laid her down on my bed and immediately started to kiss her. She responded enthusiastically by wrapping her arms tightly around my neck and gently nudging my lips with her tongue, non-verbally asking for entry. I allowed her to and my tongue danced with hers. I don't think there was a time in my life when I tasted something this sweet. She was too amazing…she tasted so delicious. I let my hands explore her gorgeous body. Her skin felt smoother than silk and softer than any pillow on Earth. I was daring enough to hold onto her legs. She tensed for a little but she continued the kiss but with even more passion than before. I felt a bulge in my pants as I felt her breasts press against my chest as we continued on. I broke the kiss and began to kiss and gently nibble on her neck.

"Oh Leon…you're really good at this," she moaned as her hands seemed to go haywire on the back of my head.
"Only for you Claire…" I whispered slyly and I could tell that made her flattered as I heard her gasp sharply and suddenly.

I continued my work on her neck until she pulled my head back up to hers and my hand found its way to her backside. I don't think there was anything else I have felt in my life that has felt as soft as that. I gently let my hand explore and she moaned ever so softly in accordance. She broke the kiss and moved her lips to my ears.

"Keep going…" she whispered.
"Are you sure? Once we start there's no turning back," I warned.

She responded pecking my cheek and giving a soft seductive growl. I got my answer and responded with a smile before I proceeded to kiss her again, with three times the passion as I did before. She responded enthusiastically, letting her hands frantically explore my torso. I began to unbutton her shirt and I saw her blush again. I took the shirt off of her and there she was…clad in a red lacy bra that made my temperature rise 15 degrees. I lowered my head to her ear.

"Did you plan this from the start?" I whispered.
"Maybe…" she whispered in a playful tone.

I raised an eyebrow at her and smiled. I kissed her cheek and put my mouth back to her ear.

"You're too sexy…if this keeps up I don't know if I can go through with this…" I whispered.

She giggled and she unbuttoned my own shirt and threw it in the ever growing pile of clothes. She seemed astonished to see the muscles on my body. She again let her hands explore my torso and I patiently waited for her to finish.

"You're calling me sexy? Just look at you!" she said.
"Touche," I replied as I began to kiss at her collarbone, the spot where I knew she was weak but also the spot where she seemed to enjoy contact the most.

She moaned much more as my lips made contact there and I hastily began to unbutton her jeans. I threw it aside once I got it off and admired the perfection lying down in front of my eyes. No model, no celebrity, hell, no angel could compare to her right now. Every single nerve in my entire body screamed for me to take her. I then felt her drawing my pants off and she seemed even more surprised than before. I smiled at her and she sat up before sitting in my lap facing me and beginning to kiss me once again. She pressed her body against my own and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. I eagerly complied and streamed kisses from her lips right back to her sweet spot. She soon removed her hands from my neck and pulled the knot on her bra and let it fall off. From that moment forward, Claire officially became the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my entire life. Perfectly formed breasts, not too big and not too small drew my eyes to them like gravity to Earth. I began to work on them, kissing and gently sucking on them alternatively.

"Oh my god…Leon…You're too good at this…" she moaned loudly.

I lifted my head and snickered.

"Shh! You'll wake the neighbors," I teased.

Soon, I drew down her panties while letting my lips trail kisses from her stomach right down to the end of her legs, making her moan even more. Wow this woman had a lot of sweet spots! I straddled her and continued my assault on her breasts before she drew down my boxers. I raised an eyebrow.

"Hasty are we?" I said with a smile.
"You shouldn't talk…" she said with a pout.

God that pout was so cute and it worked the same magic as her smiles did on me. She then turned on her side. I lay beside her and put my mouth to her ear.

"Are you absolutely sure about this Claire?" I asked.
"Yes…I love you Leon, I want you to be my first and only," she whispered.

I didn't buy it so I reached for my pants and took out a condom; her getting pregnant would definitely make her unable to work for a long time and also, if those Umbrella guys and Wesker ever came to look for her, they could take advantage of her pregnant state or even take the child away from her, despite my watchful eyes on her. I slipped it on and raised her leg before slowly entering her. She gasped very sharply and I came out of her, fearing I hurt her too much.

"I'm so sorry…" I whispered.
"It's supposed to hurt, it's my first time remember?" she said.

I felt her lips on my cheek and that managed to coax me back into the act. I entered her again, slower than before as not to cause her too much pain. Eventually, her moans turned from ones of pain to ones of pure pleasure and from there, I increased my pace. I looked over her shoulder as I continued and I saw her smiling as she moaned, signaling that she was enjoying each and every thrust I put into her. Soon, I stopped from exhaustion and she climbed onto me.

"Where the hell did she get all this stamina?" I thought to myself.

She began to ride me and I was so tired, all I could do is let her do what she wanted to do. She lowered her upper body onto me as she continued, letting me taste her lips again. Soon, she stopped as well but new energy poured into me from all the adrenaline flowing through me. I had to do the last thing before I passed out. I lifted her into my arms and began to thrust into her while still holding her in the air. She clung to me cried out my name as I went faster and faster. Finally, I lost all the energy I just received and I lay her on the bed before I collapsed onto it myself. We looked at each other, panting heavily. I crawled onto the bed and lay down properly and she crawled onto me and snuggled into my arms. I drew the covers over us.

"I never knew you were so good at this kind of thing Leon," she said with a raised eyebrow.
"I could say the same for you," I replied with a smirk.

She blushed again before pecking my cheek. I took her lips one last time before I turned off the light.

"So when are you leaving again Leon?" she asked.

I smiled at her; I knew she was now thinking that I would be gone in the morning. I held her chin and raised her head.

"Never, I'm spending the rest of my life with you, where you go, I go," I said.

Tears filled her eyes and that was my cue. I grabbed my pants again and drew out a small box. I luckily thought ahead of time and bought a ring for her right before I went to Starbucks. I opened the box in front of her eyes and it revealed a medium sized diamond perched on a shiny gold band. She gasped and she shuddered.

"Claire Redfield, will you marry me?" I asked in as endearing a voice as I possibly could.

She squealed and I slipped the ring onto her finger.

"A perfect fit…How am I so good at telling what's good for her?" I thought to myself.

"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you Leon Scott Kennedy!" she said as she thrust her whole body onto mine and caught me in a massive embrace.

I embraced her back and from that moment, my life was officially perfect.

"I love you so much Leon…" she whispered.
"I love you too Claire…I did from the day we left Raccoon City, you're what kept me going during that mission in Europe, if I didn't meet you, I would've had no hope and no drive to get out of there…" I whispered.

She looked into my eyes.

"You're the light in my life, you're the only thing I live for Claire and there isn't enough words in the English Language to describe how much I love and care about you," I said in an even more endearing voice.
"Leon…it's the same with me…when I went to go look for my brother, I thought about you every waking minute…if it wasn't for you, I would've given up hope and fallen prey to that bastard Wesker…" she said.

I smiled.

"Then I'm glad I was there to help you, though not in person," I said as she relinquished her grip on me and I put my hands on her waist and held her close to me.

She giggled and one of her hands covered mine.

"Good night my angel…" I said.
"Good night my Kennedy," she replied in a playful voice.

I chuckled; she always lightened things and she did it yet again. I fell asleep and I knew from this act, this marriage I proposed to her that things would definitely never be the same again.