A/N: so this is it.. this is the end.. i'm really happy for the way it turned out and all my reviews have been so wonderful!! i love each and every one of you.. and now i'm starting to sound like someone who just won an emmy or something XD lol... well here's the last chapter.. so enjoy.. and stuff.. Red
Reading those last few words was almost shocking, to the ninja, as remembering what he had done.
It was probably the most selfish thing he could have ever done while using an extreme sense of overprotection and unparalleled affection as an excuse.
What he wanted more than anything was to ensure Fay's safety.
But that was too selfish; it ignored the mage's feelings.
In the dangerous lives they led, it was nearly impossible to have a relationship without endangering his beloved blonde.
He hurt him.
He hurt him badly.
Kurogane read the orange sheet of paper.
It was so unlike Fay to express himself so thoroughly, if not at all.
Fay would rather bottle it up and keep it there, unless…
"Dying hope…"
He turned the page and found a sketching of the room they were currently staying in done in deep red ink.
So at last it was time for the ninja to return home.
Once there, he would apologize and set things right with the mage.
He sighed, and it wasn't until then that he realized, Fay wouldn't waste time so ridiculously on such a stupid game like this.
So what was the game's purpose?
He read Fay's last sentence.
"When night time falls, it'll all be over.
Catch me if you can."
Slowly, very slowly, Kurogane turned towards the sky.
The clouds were rapidly losing their orange tint.
This wasn't an ordinary game, it was a distraction.
The ninja cursed Fay for his stupidity and ran home.
It was now a race against time as the sky was slowly being consumed by a blanket of a deep blue color.
As he ran, images of a happier Fay flooded his thoughts.
How could he have ever thought of wounding the mage like that, even If it was for his own selfish purpose.
He hoped,
He prayed,
He even begged for all to be well.
Oh how he understood the mage's disdain for the setting sun as it descended quicker and quicker like a ticking time bomb and the skies became darker and darker.
A dim light could be seen at a far off end of the town and he bolted towards it.
Upon arrival at the door he was distracted by a note on the door written in red ink.
All his senses were drowned out as his entire being focused on reading Fay's note.
..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..
"Well what can I say?
You've found me.
The game is over.
I hope you understand that this wasn't so much for you as it was for me.
There were certain things I wanted to get off my chest and little things I wanted you to remember.
Night is almost upon us and I just wanted to apologize for the burden I must have been to you.
I also wanted to thank you for all the memories I'll never forget.
There's not much to it.
Red is love.
I love you."
Forever and always yours,
..::X-=-X::.. ..::X-=-X::..
He let his arm drop to his side as he finished reading the note.
Could it be true?
Could his worst fears have been realized?
As he let the note drop, his senses picked up on something he hadn't noticed before.
His stomached clenched painfully as a sickeningly familiar stench filled his nose.
Slowly, Kurogane pushed open the door and felt himself due inside.
Blood covered the walls, the floors, the bed,
Blood was everywhere.
And there, sprawled lifelessly on the floor, was the blonde's delicate body.
Kurogane rushed and gingerly lifted Fay into his arms as he pushed back strands of blood matted hair.
There were deep wounds all over his porcelain skin and even a gash across his chest.
He felt the urge to sob over the mage's body, but was stopped by the electrifying sensation of gently fingers on his face.
Kurogane immediately faced Fay and awaited that sapphire stare he adored so much.
As his blonde lashed fluttered open, tears suddenly obscured the azure gaze the ninja so deeply yearned for.
While he hoped for a lovely stare, he received a scratchy and groggy voice as Fay attempted to speak through his sobs.
"I… I couldn't do it! I couldn't do it!!" Tears ran down the mage's face and washed away the blood while Kurogane quickly pulled the magician into a tight embrace.
He was at a loss for words.
Fay was alive and there in his arms.
His elation was immeasurable.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Fay repeated it over and over again as he gasped for breath between his tears.
While the mage's weeping quieted and his apologies turned to whispers, Kurogane stroked the blonde's hair and muttered softly into his slender neck.
"Violet is you and I. **
Indigo is the color of the night time sky you illuminate with your smile.
Blue is the color of those eyes I adore.
Green is the envious shade you glow whenever Tomoyo is mentioned.
Yellow is the color of your hair and its intoxicatingly beautiful scent.
Orange was the moment I too realized that I was drowning in my love for you.
And red is the sweet shade of your cheeks whenever your blush as I press my lips against yours.
Never have I ever loved someone the way I love you."
Kurogane pulled away from Fay's neck and stared into his tired, blue gaze.
He was safe.
The wounds were deep, but he was safe.
His vampire regeneration would heal his body and he would later ask Yuuko, the dimensional witch, to heal the rest, but for now, Kurogane pressed his lips against Fay's in a gently and loving kiss.
A/N: first and foremost i appologize to those who actually like princess tomoyo... i just randomly developed a hatred for her when people started pairing kuro-puu off with her instead of Fay XD..
oh and... kurogane says violet represents the two of them because red and blue make purple... get it?
lol XD.. all in all i hope i didn't torture anyone too too much.. i had fun and i hope you did too.. it would be nice to hear how you liked the ending so please review and i will soon be back with another GrimmXUlqui fic and a HieiXKurama fic is in process too so like... yay!!? i guess XD
-Xpretty dollyX