A/N:If you loved The Mortal Instruments and couldn't get enough of it then I hope you like this fan-fic!! It's packed with all your favorite characters even the ones you love to hate!! Post 2yrz after CoG.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything obviously Cassandra Clare owns it all, No copyright infringement intended this is just for Fan-Fic purposes only and not to mention my own amusement and twisted purposes.

City ofJewels

--- Introduction ---

Two years following the death of Valentine Morgenstern. Clarissa Fray is forced to chase what her father had set out to do. His evil plan to create a new world of Shadowhunter's and form a new circle of followers may have failed, but will Clary pursue the same fate? Will she risk everything she fought so hard to keep just to keep fighting for someone she never knew?

The truth about being a Morgenstern is you can't help the blood that runs through your veins anymore that you can help the way you get older. Now at the age of eighteen. Clary has decided to move out on her own and find her independence in the big city of New York. The place she once thought that the world of vampires and werewolves only existed in movies, where fairies were told to her in bedtime stories, and all the mysteries of the unexplained fantasies were just what the shadows didn't want her to see. Who would've thought all of these were lurking right in the middle of Brooklyn.

--- 1. Ring of Fate ---

"Clary, are you sure you want to be living in this loft by yourself darling? It looks...cold." Jocelyn chimed as her eyes glared around the room.

"Yes mom! It's what I need to do, and besides it's getting a bit too crowded around at Luke's," Clary said with a matter of fact.

"I still don't see why you have to live so far away from home," Jocelyn said with a bit of sadness in her tone.

Clary rolled her eyes away from her mother, but her mother didn't seem to notice. "Mom its three blocks away, don't worry, besides...I'm an adult remember? I can take of myself," Clary assured her while she pursed her lips.

Jocelyn put her hand on her daughters shoulder forcing her to turn around. "I know Clary, but promise to call me whenever you need me, alright?" said Jocelyn.

"Okay fine mom, just go! Before you miss your plane and Luke will have to reschedule your honeymoon plans." Clary said while trying to push her mother out the door.

"Okay. Okay I'm going, love you sweetheart I'll call when we're at the hotel." Jocelyn yelled not before kissing and hugging her daughter and darted towards Luke's truck.

Clary waved out to her mother and her stepfather Luke then yelled. "Love you too mom! Have a safe trip!"

Clary heard the fade of Luke's horn beeping down the street as they drove farther into the darkness. Clary shut the door of her apartment and dropped her duffel bag at the foot of the entrance; she let out a big exasperated breath as if she was holding it for too long.

The apartment smelt like newly coated paint as her eyes danced around the room.

Clary caught herself smiling, "finally my own space," she murmured under her breath.

She stood there for awhile admiring the apartment the way she would gaze at her mothers paintings, with amazement and satisfaction.

The apartment itself was a little cold. The color of ivory flowing in and out of the loft, with sapphire drapes lining the windows. A small black dining suite centered in the middle of the room and a 3 seated beige sofa with throw cushions matching the drapes.

This was a new way of reminding Clary that changes in her life were good.

She smiled as she fumbled with the ring she was wearing at the end of her chain. The same chain that Jace had given to her 2 years ago in Idris. The Morgenstern ring. It had belong to Valentine and was given to Jace and now she wore it.

She couldn't help but notice that today was the anniversary of her father's death and thinking about it made her shiver, but at the same time comfortable to know that he couldn't hurt her anymore.

She hadn't been to the Institute for a week and the last time she spoke to Jace, they were arguing about Clary wanting to go back to Idris. Clary didn't have an explanation to why she wanted to go back to the city of glass, but Jace was against the idea of anything to do with Idris.

It was like something was pulling her in that direction.

In her dreams she heard a sickly voice, a familiar voice that always seem to haunt her.

"Go back to Idris Clary...go finish what I started." The voice said.

Clary couldn't figure out what exactly she had to finish and for whom, but it was enough to jolt her out of her nightmares.

Waking out of her dream shaking with cold sweat trickling down her temple; her red hair sticking to her face and her chest racing ahead of herself.

She panted for a chance to breath. She sat up forgetting where she was; jerking her head from side to side to study her surroundings.

The apartment looked big and cold in the darkness and for the first time? She actually feared to be alone. This was her first night being alone in a big apartment all to herself; she had to call her best friend.

Simon answered on the fifth ring "Hello...?"

"Simon it's me, can you come over?" Whispered Clary

"Clary its 3 o'clock in the morning, are you alright?" Simon said with a croaky voice.

"Yes, I just need to talk to you," Clary spoke with a slight urgency in her voice.

"Can't it wait for the morning? I'm sleeping," said Simon.

"I thought vampires don't sleep at night" Clary said, but Simon seemed to ignore her lack of humor. "Well I'm not your normal vampire remember? Simon said.

"Please...I need you" Clary said as if she were desperate for him to say yes.

"Okay fine I'll be right over," said Simon

Clary gave Simon the new address of her apartment and Simon was over in a flash, taking advantage of his vampire gifts.

"Wow nice house Fray! Real fit for a shadow hunter." Simon said with a mocking tone

Clary pulled Simon toward her bed as if she was in a hurry, "Simon, I need to tell you something."

"Okay...what is it?" Simon said with a confused look on his face.

"I've had this strange feeling for weeks and it's not just a feeling its like I need to go there I can't stop thinking of that place"

Simon raised an eyebrow and said "Strange feeling, you pulled me out of my bed for a feeling"

Clary shook her head sideways. "No...that place"

"Place? What place?" Simon asked

"Yes, Idris, well it's in Idris but I've only seen it in my dreams, I don't exactly know what it is or where, but…" Clary paused.

"So what do you need me for?" Simon asked

"I need you to help me get there" Clary said

"Me help youto get to Idris?....last time I checked Fray you were the one who can create portals and runes and all that stuff, surely you don't need my help"

"Simon for me can you do this one thing for me please?" Clary said

"okay fine at your service my queen" he said with a mocking tone

Clary looked like she had a fever, she was still sweating from the last dream she had, anyone would think she was sick, and then she finally said

"I need you to lie to Jace for me."

Simon was taken aback "why am I lying to Jace for you, wouldn't he want to go with you?"

"No!" Clary yelled before Simon could say anymore, "no one has to know I'm going there just you well I trust you to do this for me can you?"

"Clary!...your sounding a bit strange, this isn't you, how about you get some sleep and we will talk about this in the morning?"

Clary looked a bit disappointed and found herself fidgeting with the ring chained to her neck again, there was something about the place her dream showed her, almost familiar but she had never seen before, Simon snapped her out of her reverie.

"Clary, you don't look so good are you alright?"

Simon finally spoke with a worried look on his face.

Clary ignored him "Okay forget I said anything, I'll let you get your beauty sleep vampire," she said with a stubborn expression like she wished she never asked for Simon's help in the first place.

Simon looked surprised for once, since when did his best friend refer to him as a vampire, this wasn't like Clary, Simon could feel there was something wrong, He lowered his face toward the ground as if he was the last one to get picked at a volley ball game, then he finally choked

"Vampire you never call me vampire. Clary..." Simon sat at the foot of her bed and stared at Clary,

Clary slammed her head on her pillow and put the covers over her head, without hesitation Clary finally spoke.

"Whatever just leave me alone, forget I said anything." Simon ignored her and waited for her to fall asleep.

Waking out of her nightmares Clary managed to dress herself in her familiar jeans and tank top.

Simon sleeping soundlessly on her sofa, legs half way off, and his arms behind his head. Clary thought he looked peaceful the way he slept, she felt guilty asking Simon to lie to Jace for her. She wanted to hug Simon but at the same time she was mad at him, she didn't even know why she was mad at Simon, but too much thoughts clouded her mind and blaming Simon was her easy stress release.

She picked up her duffel bag and shrugged her jacket on and left him sleeping, while she slipped out to cool her head. She found herself wandering absently around in circles, she didn't even know where she wanted to go, and finally she made her way to the Institute.

--- 0o0o0o0o0o0o ---

It was easier to peel off the glamour that stained the Institute, over the years she practiced more and more and now it became easier as if to peel cello tape off the roll that it was sitting on.

Clary's nerves were taking a toll on her, she hadn't seen Jace in days and her heart was racing the minute she arrived on the doorstep.

She hated this feeling like she had some dirty little secret she was keeping from Jace and she felt guilty avoiding his phone calls, Remembering the way Jace asked for permission into the Institute she said "In the name of the angel, I ask entry into this holy insti…" without finishing the word the door swung open… "...tute" she finished.

The familiar smell of the institute made Clary clear her nerves, it felt good to step inside the doors of the institute.

A loud slam came from behind her as the doors slammed shut. Without hesitation she made her way towards the elevator sliding the gates behind her, a few seconds later she felt the elevator come to a halt and made her way through the lobby.

The familiar lights glowing in the hallway made the darkness feel warmer and Church greeting her at the foot of the lobby.

"Hey church, where is everybody?" Clary asked while patting the Persian cat on the floor.

Church lead her down the narrow halls of the institute. Clary could hear the faint sound of a tune playing lightly. She came closer and realized it was a piano, a familiar sound of a tune she loved.

The same tune Jace had played to her on her 18th Birthday, an instant rush of butterflies clouded Clary's stomach, this always happened when she thought of Jace, Church stopped at the room where the sound was coming from and perched his back up and dropped to the ground so Clary stopped at the door and peeped through the half opened room.

With a smile she couldn't help create on her face she stared at the boy sitting on the piano with his back towards her, the perfect lover she had always dreamed of being with forever, there he was in a black shirt and jeans and his golden hair shining like a blazing fire it was Jace, her Jace.

Church let out a loud screech and Jace stopped playing. He twisted around and finally managed to breathe the words "Church?" Realizing there was someone else with Church he stood up. "Clary?"

"What are youdoing here?...ah...I mean Hi." Jace said with a soft tone

"Jace I'm sorry, I just wanted to see you." Clary said while she leaned on the door frame, her face falling into a guilty expression as she studied him.

"You could have fooled me, you haven't answered any of my calls...I thought...well" Jace said while he closed the lid to the piano keys.

"I wasn't avoiding you if that's what you think," said Clary

"Well I didn't know what to think" Jace said giving her the cold shoulder.

"I know and I'm sorry I hate it when we fight and I haven't come to argue."

"Ok, so what have you come here to do?" without realizing, Jace tensed as if he over stepped the line, "sorry that come out wrong"

"Jace, I won't go to Idris okay, I'll stay if that's what you want me to do, I'll stay." Clary could feel her eyes cloud with water.

Jace gazed at her realizing that she wasn't okay at all so he made his way towards Clary, and said, "I'm sorry too I shouldn't have..."

Clary cut his words off. "If it means this much to you I won't go" Clary managed to choke as if there was a lump stuck in her throat.

Jace was close enough to touch her now "I don't know what I was thinking," Clary finally spoke looking down at her feet. Then he put his hand under her chin to force her to look at him, and with a low whisper he said.

"Clary I can't stand losing you, your my only hope of living, I don't know what I will do without you."

She was staring into his eyes now. The same eyes that bored a golden light through his soul. His hair tousled so that his eyebrows were buried under it; both their eyes were locked together. Then slowly, he leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. Clary's breath was shaking and her eyes watered so she closed her eyes. She missed his gentle touch against her skin. She didn't even know why she was crying and when she finally spoke she didn't think she can say anything, but she managed to choke...

"I love you," She whispered.

And with that, his lips were on hers; crushing her closer as if to claim her. It was gentle at first then his kiss was deeper. She longed for his kiss; the way his lips were soft against hers. The way he held her like he'll never let her go and she wanted to stay like that forever. Reluctantly, he pulled back and had both of his hands cupped around her face. Sweeping his thumbs under her eyes to wipe away her tears that were lingering on her face. He smiled and finally said.

"And I love you Clarissa Fray."

--- 0o0o0o0o0o0o ---

"Oh Clary I've missed you so much!" Isabelle skipped to hug Clary.

"Isabelle she's only been gone for a week jeez." Alec stated with an eye roll.

"I know but she's like a sister now and sisters miss each other." Isabelle stated as a matter of fact

Alec raised his eyebrow.

"Oh shut up Alec!" Isabelle said trying so hard to ignore her annoying brother then turned her gaze back to Clary. "So… I heard you moved out on your own? How does it feel having your own space?"

"It's different...but good different," Clary murmured.

Isabelle's eyes lit up as she thought of something. "I know what we should do, we should throw you a house warming, you know like Magnus's parties but better," Isabelle said while clapping excitedly.

"Better? As in green drinks that can turn you in to a frog?" Jace said with a slight grin.

Isabelle shot him an evil look "No like Shadowhunters and Downworlder's having a good time."

"So that's a yes right?" Isabelle asked and turned to Clary. Her eyes held all the hope in the world, until she noticed Clary wasn't paying attention.

"Yes for what?" Said Clary

Isabelle scowled. "Housewarming, at your house." Isabelle said as if to jog her memory, then her eyebrows furrowed.

"Clary? Have you not heard a word I have said?" Isabelle asked slightly annoyed.

"Err...sure I have! Parties...Downworlder's, and frogs." Clary said in a vague attempt to sound interested.

Isabelle chuckled nervously. "Are you alright...I mean your acting a bit weird Clary."

Clary zoned out again, she stood there sketching out a grand plan on how she was going to get to Idris without Jace finding out. She hated the fact that she had to lie to him. Maybe it was a trait she received from her biological father, but lying to Jace was the last thing she had expected to do, it's for your own good she thought to herself.

Clary jumped when someones hand rested on her shoulder. Jace leaned in toward her and whispered in her ear. "Clary, are you alright?"

She glanced up at his eyes and smiled innocently. "I'm fine," Clary lied.


"So what do we do now?" Isabelle asked while bouncing on her heels.

"We just sit and wait, I guess." Author says.

"For what exactly?" Clary asks curiously.

"For people to review, of course!" Jace winked.

"Wow you're not as dumb as you look Jace." Author says.

Jace chuckles. "Well...I could say the same about your story," Jace replies. Clary hit him in the arm.