((Enjoy chapter one of my story, sorry if the definition sucked not good at those but here you go the story.))

Sun shone through the clouds in the sky, all was peaceful, except at the Brotherhood orphanage. All cars that drove by avoided the house out of fear of the delinquents inside, but the one they fear the most was the woman that ruled over the house.

"TOAD!!" a woman could be heard yelling her head off, followed by the screaming of a boy.

"Hey Blob catch!!" tossing the vial to Blob who clumsily stuttered dropped the bookcase he had been holding and stumbling to catch the vial before it shattered on the ground. As Toad tossed the vial he was tackled by Mystique, screeching as he fell to the ground.

"Give me that," jumping to her feet from tackling Toad she charged towards Blob who helplessly gave up and handed her the vial, stomping back towards her room she ignored Toad and merely used him as a stepping stool to the stairs. All he could do was give a small groan of defiance.

"So what is that stuff Mystique?" Lance pointed to the odd elixir inside of the vial she had become so violent over. Toad slowly got to his feet off of the putridly dirty floor he had been laying on.

"This?" Mystique rolled the vial in between her fingers like a cat taunting her prey.

"This will help me get a new pair of helping hands in this group," the boys exchanged looks.

"How's that work?" Toad finally asked only to receive a glare from Mystique.

"I will explain that at another time, if you couldn't tell before I am busy, and don't steal anything from me again. Understood, Toad??" Raising his two hands defensively Toad defended himself feeling stupid for being the first she spoke to in THAT tone.

"Hey, hey no need to look at me like that, come on Mystique it was just a joke, eheh..." Letting off that last chuckled Toad leapt out of the room for fear of his own life, it didn't take long for the rest of the boys the scurry away to leave Mystique to her experimentations.

Dragging his feet across the floor Kurt tried his best to make it back to his room without falling down out of exhaustion. Wolverine had been killer in class today he didn't even allow them enough time to breathe let alone think. Sighing with relief when he reached his room he entered and closed his door, throwing himself onto his bed he took his watch out of his pocket and set it on the bedside table next to him. Reaching up he turned off the lamp, not caring to change from his outfit into his pajama's he allowed himself to fall into a well needed sleep.


The wind picked up outside of Kurt's window, the glass rattled as if someone was shaking the very frame. Suddenly the window burst open, Kurt lazily opened his eyes slowly he looked around his room, nothing was there. Getting to his feet he sleepily made his way to the window his blue tail following him every step he took. Yawning he closed the window, looking either way through the glass he searched for any intruder finding none he turned back towards his bed. Opening his eyes he saw a pair of yellow ones looking back at him.

"Hello Son," lurching forward Mystique grabbed Kurt's mouth before he could speak or even move. Pinning him down against the floor she started rummaging in her pocket for something, unexpectedly Kurt's tail wrapped around her neck and threw her across the room into the wall. Falling down onto Kurt's bed she morphed into Kurt himself, Kurt's eyes widened as his other self got to his/her feet.

"What do you want?!" Kurt said trying to work his way to the alarm in the corner of the room under his desk. Mystique laughed a bit underneath her breath, vanishing she reappeared behind him. Kurt spun around in time to see her transform form a beetle to her original form. Before he could react Mystique had a hold of his wrist swinging him around she flung him onto the ground.

Leaping at him she grabbed his mouth with her left hand again before he could call for help. Finally pulling what she had been after from her pocket she allowed Kurt to see what it was. A needle was in front of him a silver liquid shimmering within it, Kurt started to squirm desperately whatever that stuff was he didn't want any part of it.

Teleporting Kurt and Mystique found themselves outside in the rain; Kurt was still unable to get out of her grip. Using the one arm he could now move her grabbed her wrist and started attempting to keep her right hand away from him.

"Now calm down this is for your own good," pushing harder down at him with that shot Mystique tried to get the needle close enough to Kurt's neck to inject the liquid into him. Once again Kurt's tail came up from behind and wrapped itself around her neck, but unfortunately he was unable to remove her from him. In a quick movement Mystique let go of Kurt's mouth and punched him in the stomach knocking the air from him. At that same moment in time she used his sudden shock to push forward some more and finally inject the liquid into Kurt' neck

In a matter of seconds Kurt fell unconscious, Mystique smiled to herself.

"Xavier you have no proof that I took him I disabled all defensive properties to your school along with all cameras for the night." Chuckling she picked up her son's lifeless body and ran off into the night.

"Kurt?" Kitty impatiently tapped at the bedroom door, it was morning and Kurt was still a no show. Finally losing patience she knocked one more time.

"I'm coming in!" pushing on the door she noticed it wouldn't budge, fazing through the door she found herself halfway inside of a desk. The desk had apparently been thrown against the door during what looked like a fight. Kitty's eyes widened screaming she fazed through the door and desk again and ran down the hall.

"Professor Xavier!!"

By mid noon all of Xavier institute was searching for Kurt, but so far there had been no sign of the blue fuzz ball. Exiting the lower levels from another unsuccessful search Professor Xavier was greeted with many anxious faces.

"I haven't found him I am sorry, but keep up the search he has to be here somewhere," many students lowered their heads but all of them turned and resumed their search. Jean walked up the Professor her long red hair flowing after her worry spread across her face like all the rest.

"No luck..." She asked, Professor Xavier sighed, a large breath in before responding to her pleading eyes.

"I'm afraid not, I haven't found anything..."

"Nothing?" Jean asked questioningly.

"Nothing at all no signatures from his mutant powers it is as if he was never here." Professor Xavier started wheeling down the hall towards where Kurt's room was.

"But that's not possible is it?" Jean asked catching up to him easily, turning the corner he looked up at the camera.

"Actually it is, but only if someone deleted everything about Kurt in our database…" She raised an eye brow, there was only a small group of people that would be able to do that, at least their list of suspects was being slimmed down.

"But who would be able to do that?"

"Give a wild guess," Scott came around the corner at that moment looking straight at them a strand of red hair in his hand.

"Scott is that Mystique's hair?" Jean asked Scott nodded to her giving her an immediate answer.

"But if she took him then he could be anywhere!" Jean clasp her hand over her mouth the amount of possibilities was too large it would take too long to find him and even if they did, whatever Mystique wanted Kurt for would be done by then.

"Now now Jean let's not give up hope yet we will find him."

"Professor how can you be so sure?" Jean asked leaning against Scott, who's attention slipped to her but quickly returned back to Professor Xavier.

"I'm sure because Kurt isn't the type to give up so easily, so let's not let him down." Turning to Scott and Jean he nodded to them signaling it was time to continue the search.

"Understood Professor!" Quickly turning away Jean and Scott ran down the halls to go help the search.

Toad crouched on the chandelier as Wanda swatted at him with a broom, hearing the door open they both looked over to the door. Mystique stepped in; humming she set down some groceries, smiling to herself she took out some ingredients for a sandwich and started making one.

Toad raised an eyebrow, what was with Mystique; after she finished cooking she took the two large sandwiches and left the room. Wanda shrugged off the strange behavior, Toad on the other hand got interested in what was going on. Later on he spoke to Lance about it, unfortunately they both came to the same idiotic conclusion, they decided that Mystique must be pregnant that was the only thing that would make this make sense. Shuttering they exchanged looks, who was the father.

Both of them were clueless to this type of stuff so the best person to turn to was Wanda, carefully coming into Wanda's room they spoke.

"Wanda, how do you tell if a girl is pregnant?" Toad asked Wanda glared at them her eyes threatening to kill at any moment in time. Picking up a book as she did just in case.

"Why do you ask," Toad hid behind Lance determined to let him do all of the dangerous talking.

"Because we think that Mystique might be pregnant," Lance said boldly only to be rewarded with a book in the face.

"That is the most stupid thing I have heard all day!" Toad cowardly hid behind the wall trying to protect himself from the multiple books flying his direction at a dangerously fast speed.

"Ok! OK! We get it!! Then what do you think is up with her!!" Lance screeched as another book rammed into his face.

"No idea, but want to know something interesting, one of that X-men has go missing I think it was the blue one, Kurt, I hear he was kidnapped." Toad and Lance chuckled in amusement.

"Not my problem," Lance said leaving the room laughing to himself; he had no idea how wrong he was.

Slowly Toad snuck after Mystique, she had been acting strange this week. She seems happy, oddly happy. Reaching her room she slipped inside leaving Toad out, taking one last breath of life Toad carefully entered inside of her room.

After entering he realized Mystique was nowhere to be seen; cautiously he crept around the room searching for where she went. Noticing some light underneath the book shelf he pulled on the first book he thought of and sure enough a secret doorway opened. But he was unaware of the person sneaking up behind him.

The black malice that flowed over the person could have frozen or burned time, the hand reached forward and without warning grabbed Toads shoulder. Toad began to squeal but a hand quickly cupped over his mouth stopping him from doing that.

"SHH!" Lance started to hush Toad, "I want to know what's up with her too, now come on!" Pushing past him he started to make his way down the stairs, turning the bend they found what looked like a room. Well sort of a room, there were machines everywhere, for all they knew this place could be a lab instead of a bedroom. Toad hopped down the stairs after Lance taking the first hop into the room he noticed something. The machines were connected to something or someone.

"Hey look at this Lance it is that NightCrawler guy from the X-men, what is he doing here?" Toad hopped over towards Kurt, the boys eyes were closed a bandage was on his cheek from what seemed like a fight. Multiple wires were connected to him. It was hard to distinguish one wire from another.

"What I want to know is what is she doing to him?" Lance walked up and flicked one of the wires, the machine it was connected to immediately made a beeping noise.

"Careful we don't want Mystique to find us down here now do we?" Toad scolded Lance quickly.

"That is correct," Both of them turn horrified to the other side of the room, there leaning against the wall was Mystique.

"Ah uh we were just curious!" Lance spat out, Mystique walked past them like they weren't even there and took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

"Umm Mystique you mind explaining because I am really confused…" Toad sputtered taking in the mother like way she brushed the hair out of Kurt's face.

"Well I'm not sure if you were aware of this but Kurt, or NightCrawler as you called him is actually my son." Toad and Lance's jaws almost fell farther than the floor but they quickly regained the composition. Whatever composition they had in the first place.

"Your son?!Wow…" Mystique looked dangerously at Toad.

"Wow, what…" Toad could feel doom rolling off of Mystique like steam.

"I just never took you for the mothering type…EPP!" as he said that Mystique threw the chair she had been sitting on at him.

"Ok instead of pounding him to a pulp you mind telling me something Mystique? Why the hell is he here and why is he connected to all of those machines?" Mystique rolled her eyes, Kurt on the other hand stirred in his sleep. Almost instantly Mystique went back to her Son's side and injected something into one of the tubes that went into his arm. Toad and Lance exchanged skeptical looks; she was keeping her son in a sleep why?

"Isn't he one of the X-men?" Toad finally croaked out peering a bit over to get a better look at Kurt.

"Yeah, when he wakes up he will just run off to them ya know! You can't keep him in induced sleep forever," Mystique laughed a bit under her breath. A mixture of annoyance and happiness flowed through her; the happiness was not from those two numbskulls but the fact that she finally had her son back. Walking over to a nearby table she picked up a vial and pointed it at them, both of them jumped.

"Recognize this?" She asked swishing the vial around in her hand. Toad gulped that was the same liquid that he had stolen just the other day from her.

"Yeah I recognize it what about it," Mystique stroked Kurt's head as she spoke brushing some hair out of his face that refused to stay out of his face.

"This vial holds a liquid that will erase all and any memories he has, only a few of them will remain. Unfortunately I don't know what Magneto did to him when he was younger but it has sent him into a bit of a coma, I am sure he will awake soon by his readings." Lance couldn't believe what she was saying, so she erased her son's memories meaning he was a fresh picking to join a group.

"And so he will be the newest member of our group?" He finally asked Mystique nodded and actually smiled that made Toad jump backwards a tiny bit.

"Yes…" Mystique stroked Kurt's head again in a motherly way.

"Ok I have had enough," hopping up the stairs Toad left the hidden room, Lance not too far behind him. Back down bellow Mystique smiled to herself, she finally had her son back.

"Don't worry my Son; it won't be much longer…" Dizzily Kurt opened his eyes in time to see Mystique leave the room as the darkness consumed him again.

"Where am I…."