Love's Fire
It's been two months since that tragic evening in which Zoey and Dawn's beloved Rapidash, Sunny, was lost to serial killer Greene Killhear. Since then, the mayor from the nearby city decided to beautify the barren wasteland by making it green once more. Trees were planted in the same forest where the lumber company plundered years earlier. Flowers were planted next to Sunny's grave, and a memorial was planted near their house to commemorate Sunny's heroism and sacrifice. Since then, lots of Pokemon returned, including some Venonats, Caterpies, Spinaraks, Bidoofs, Starlys, and Murkrows.
Some explanation of the river: the river in which Zoey and Greene fell to their tragic and well-deserved deaths, respectively, used to be pure and full of Goldeen and Seaking. The same lumber company that cut down the trees caught some Carnavanhas and released into the river to protect their operations from environmentalists who would be stupid enough to use the river. When the company left, their Carvanahas were left and bred like crazy. Soon, the Carvanahas drove away the original inhabitants and dominated the river.
However, in light of the tragic incident, the city offered to capture and release the Carvanahas into another place. That effort succeeded and although a few Carvanahas still remain, The Goldeen and Seaking returned and were well prepared to defend their territories if necessary from the invaders. Following the river upstream resulted in the discovery of a fresh, clean lake between the rejuvenated plains and the same mountains that seemed cold and heartless, which now were shining and forgiving, allowing more Pokemon to live there.
Zoey's husband left the house he and Zoey lived in and offered to give it to Dawn and May for half the earnings. They agreed, seeing that there's no point in living in a house that was full of bad memories. Besides, their house was closer to the lake.
Sunny's fawns grew up into beautiful Rapidashes and were released into the wild in order to help further protect the new habitats from danger, natural or human. Instead, Dawn and May became ranchers, capturing a few Tauros and Miltanks for breeding and the milking business.
Meanwhile, the previous house they lived in was turned into a city landmark and the house was renovated back to its former state for tourists to look at.
Everything was finally back to normal; well, actually better than normal.
It's about 4:55 A.M., and coincidentally, Dawn and May were at the lake, swimming and relaxing on the flat, soft dirt shores of the clear, sparkling natural pool. They took turns splashing each other with water and chasing each other, throwing sand and dirt into each other's hair. After a half hour of chasing each other in the dark, the couple sits and relaxes on the soft dirt beaches with their towels on the dirt so they have a place to sit. Dawn opens the picnic basket they brought over with them and takes out what appears to be a buffet of desserts. A 4-stack strawberry shortcake covered in homemade strawberry frosting, six small chocolate-covered cakes, and ice cream parfait for two covered in a raspberry sauce were laid on to the space they were laying on.
"Oh my god!" May exclaimed. "Where'd you get this?"
"Well, most of them were made from me, but I did have to buy the ice cream parfait" Dawn said sheepishly.
"Oh, come here you!" May cheered excitedly before embracing Dawn in a bear hug, squishing her chest and torso and causing her to not breathe. May let go after she saw Dawn turned blue. "I'm sorry" she apologized. Dawn couldn't respond because she was still trying to catch her breath. May just stared at the full moon before she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"What are you staring at the moon for?" Dawn asked. "Let's eat!"
As soon as the couple finished their sweet meal, Dawn was laying on her stomach, May right next to her laying on her side.
"That was really great" said May, complimenting Dawn's snack.
"Thank you" Dawn answered, moving her head so she could see May.
Whether it was the contact between Dawn's midnight blue eyes with May's sky blue eyes, the food itself, or the fact that they had their hands on the other's hips, the two pairs of lips made contact. Tongues wrapped around each other as saliva is swapped. The two kiss passionately for another 30 seconds before May undid Dawn's swimsuit, admiring Dawn's breasts. Dawn saw this and undid May's swimsuit and pressed their chests together before locking lips. May made a soft moan, but didn't know why. The answer came from Dawn's left hand: she was rubbing May's clit with her soft fingers. May's abdominal pushed forward in attempt to get Dawn off her, but May managed to restrain herself, allowing Dawn to play around with her partner's sex. May's hands meanwhile, were groping Dawn's mounds, squeezing and squishing it as much as she can until Dawn's nipples became hard and began to lactase.
"Oh, you got me going" Dawn cooed before May smiled and took off Dawn's bikini. May's bikini slipped right off right after, and the two clits rubbed against each other while May continued to drink from Dawn's breasts.
Their sexual escapade was interrupted when they heard rustling in the bushes. An 18 year-old frat boy came out of the bushes; the peeping tom was amused by their intercourse.
"Hey! Why'd you stop?" He bellowed before a random brick fell out of the sky, killing him instantly.
"So much for our getaway" Dawn sighed.
"Nah, we can still stay here, can't we?" May pleaded.
Dawn looked back at the dead jerkface, then back at May. "Oh, why not" she conceded before embracing her partner. May smiled, then began rubbing Dawn's sex with hers, causing Dawn to moan softly in pleasure. She held on tight to May's body while moaning softly with May comforting her by holding her steady with a bearhug. Now they both began to moan in unison, Dawn's nipples filled with so much milk that it began dripping out onto May's breasts, which were also starting to lactase as milk began forming out of May's nipples. The milk from the two mixed and became sticky under their bodies as they continued to furiously rub against each other. The moans were getting louder, but since the nearest person was probably 2,000 yards away, they didn't care. As their vaginas continue to spew liquids forced against each other, the liquids mix and spread all across their crotches, making them sticky and warm. Suddenly, the two stopped both breathing heavily as they try to catch their breath, their breasts have stopped lactating but their vaginas continued to pulsate, liquids still flowing through.
Then, without warning, May moves next to Dawn's legs and begins to lick her clean. Dawn squirms, but tries desperately to stay still for the feeling of pleasure was too much for her. Still May held her legs apart and continued to lick Dawn's clit clean, but it seemed that every time she licked Dawn's delicate parts, the liquids flowed even more and in a faster rate. Her tongue desperately tried to lap up all the liquid, only for more to come out.
Dawn's body meanwhile flushed pink and red, trying so desperately to hold on, but the ecstasy from the pleasure her body was being given was too much. She moaned loudly, then screamed, but she managed to cover mouth. Finally, it seemed like it stopped for May's head popped up.
"Your turn!" said May with a smile.
"Oh, thank god, I thought I was going to explode" Dawn answered back, her whole body heaving up and down as she caught her breath.
"Yeah, Dawn's dew was pretty tasty" May said seductively, licking her lips clean.
"What, you're naming that after me?" Dawn asked.
"Of course" May answered, a smile spread across her head. "I was going to call it morning dew, but why not name it after you?"
It was morning, probably 6:05, but since there was no crowing yet, they still had time. Dawn spread May's legs apart and began licking her insides. May's clit had mostly stopped pouring, although a little bit still flows out slowly. Dawn knew she had to catch up if she wanted to exact revenge. She licked May's sex to stimulate it, then the juices began to flow once more. But Dawn knew what she had to do: she stuck her tongue deeper, licking whatever was inside and lapping what liquid was coming out.
Mow it was May's turn to squirm. Although May was mentally tougher, her body was just about as delicate as dawn's. Even though May didn't moan as loud or frequent as Dawn, her body still filled with ecstasy, her body flushing into a deep pink.
"Oh geez, Daw-," May tried to speak but moaned again.
Dawn ignored her, continuing to lick the walls of her clit clean. The fluids kept on spewing, some of it splashing onto her face. Still, Dawn continued until May screamed. Then she stopped, May's clit still flowing.
"Oh, that was wonderful" May gasped, clinging on to Dawn.
"You wanna go home?" Dawn asked.
"Nah, let's watch the sunrise" May said as the sunrise shone on the now sparkling lake, as the Dodrios began their morning croon.
Well, that's it! This is probably the most moral-compromising story I've ever typed (or written) in my 17 years of existence. Brando1230, I'm sorry I lied; it's not 20 pages long. But if any of you want more this stuff, please pm me or put your responses on your reviews. Since I have now crossed the threshold, it shouldn't be too hard to destroy what's left, right?