I don't own the show Higher Ground or the song "Ain't That Cute" by Aaron Carter. Brian Litrel, Nick Carter and Gary Carolla and Aaron Carter do. Unfortunately, I don't own any of them either.

When something is sorrounds by *'s that means it's lyrics to the song, ~ means a past thing, and nothing around it means that it is present time.

Kristin sat on the bed thinking of Adam.

*My mama told me I'm to young to love

But I know what I know

and I can't get enough*

~"Kristin, you're nine-years-old! You're not old enough to love! You don't love Adam, now go away! Me and your father are trying to spend some time together before I leave without you kids!" Kristin's mom yelled at her. Kristin didn't care; she knew she loved Adam. And he loved her.~

*I'm thinking about you and me holding hands

pushing you on a swing

we can do anything*

~Six-year-old Kristin and Adam walked around the playground, holding hands. Adam was wearing jean overalls over a plain white shirt and Kristin was wearing a kool-aid stained sundress that her mommy had gotten her the day of first grade. "Eww, Adam! KRistin is a GIRL! She has cooties!" Jimmy Margo yelled from across the playground on the small slides. Adam bit his lip nervously and glanced at Kristin. Kristin almost started to cry when Adam took his hands from hers and walked up to Jimmy and rubbed his hand on Jimmy's dark brown hair. "Now you do, to!" He shrieked, giggling like crazy and ran back to Kristin and they started to play on the swings. "Let me push you!" Adam said as Kristin climbed into a swing. "Okay..not to high!" She said. She gripped the chain sides as Adam pushed her a little. "Don't worry. You can trust me. Do you want to fly?" He asked. "No! People can't fly!" "But me and you can-we can do anything," He said with a cheeky grin.~

*Cause when I think of you

all's I know is that there's nothing I won't do

To be with you*

~Nine-year-old Kristin had stayed past dark outside. Her dad had sent her to her room in a nice voice. This was when he punished her worst. She thought of Adam. She didn't want her dad to get her, not today. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day; she had to give something to Adam. IF her dad beat her really bad he'd make her stay home from school. She opened the window. It wasn't to high up; she had climbed up to her window before. She got ready to jump when her door swung open and a beer bottle was threw down. Her dad had a wooden paddle and a belt. "Aww dad, just leave her alone!" Steven said from behind. Her dad swung around and slapped Steven and that sent him scampering off. That was one of the few times Kristin loved her brother. Her dad came to her and grabbed her and pulled her in, closing the window. Kristin's screams could be hear outside.~

*Ain't That Cute?

Holding hands in the park*

~"Come on Kristin, take my hand," Adam offered, giving his hand out to her. They were both 8. She looked at him. She had been beat bad the night before and Steven had came into her room. "Okay." She said softly and gave him her hand.~

*Ain't that cute?

Can't stay late after dark*

~Kristin looked at the sun setting. "Oh no!" She moaned as she remembered her dad's warning of not being late or she'd really be in for it. "What?" Adam asked without looking to her. "I'm really late!" She said and stood up in a panic. "It's okay. I'll walk you home," Adam said and the eleven- year-olds took off.~

*Ain't that cute?

Was it love from the start?*

~Four-year-old Kristin ran into another boy. It was her first day at St. Michael's Nursery School and she didn't know anyone; her dad pretty much only went out to beer and left five-year-old Steven with Kristin while he was at work and at those rare times he went out. "Hi, I'm Adam." The young blonde exclaimed. "Hi." She answered shyly. "What's your name?" The boy squeked. "Kristin. Kristin Maddox." SHe answered just as shyly. "Cool. You want to go play?" He asked. "Eww! Adam has cooties!" A boy shouted. "You shut up, Jamie!" THe boy ordered.~

*Ain't that cute?

I can swear you stole my heart*

Kristin's heart ached as she thought of Adam. A twelve-year-old wasn't suppose to feel this way...was she? Kristin asked herself.

*I often wonder the meaning of love

Is it something meant for just grown-ups*

~Kristin watched her mom and dad kissed from upstairs. She had tried to tell her mom the truth about the bruises, but her dad started crying in front of her mother, so her mother slapped her and told her that lying was bad. She thought it was a phase every ten-year-old went through. "I'm so sorry if I did anything to make her think that...oh gosh," Her dad sobbed. Kristin rubbed her stinging cheek. "It's okay..." She said softly and continued to kiss him. Kristin thought of what her MOm siad earlier how she can't love Adam. Was she right?~

*NIck always told me just to follow my dreams

But with love on my mind

It is so hard to see*

(Change Nick to Peter or Sophie)

~They were in group, it was about a month after she arrived at Horizon. "So does anyone have any ideas for any up-and-coming events?" Sophie asked once they were all there. "Talent show!" Kristin blurted out and then turned red. "Whoops..never mind," She said. "No, I think that's a good idea," Peter said. "Aww, Peter, come on. She's like the only talented one here!" Shelby complained. "Hey! I resent that!" Scott muttered. "So, Kristin, what do you think?" Peter asked her, his voice filled with encouragement. Kristin was tempted to say no.~

*Until I think of you

All's I know is that there's nothing I won't do

To be with you*

~Kristin thought of Adam and Aaron Carter's song "I'm All About You", Even if it was mentally, she could have those images of Adam. "Um, okay." She said.~

*Ain't That Cute?

Holding hands in the park*

~THe six-year-old puppy-lovers ran through the park, shrieking with glee as they held hands~

*Ain't that cute?

Can't stay late after dark*

~Kristin and Adam slurped at their drink. They were at Fazzoli's-about as fast-and cheap-as a classie restraunt could be without considered as fast food. "Remember, I have to be home before the sun goes down," Kristin reminded him. He grinned at her. "I know I know. Just relax," He said.~

*Ain't that cute?

Was it love from the start*

~The two three-year-olds looked into each other eyes and grinned as their teacher-Ms. Barry-scolded them for throwing sand in a boy who taunted them about cooties.~

*Ain't that cute?

I can swear you stole my heart*

~Kristin looked into Adam's eyes. It was about a week before she was taken to Horizon. They were on the bus and Adam and Jarvis Harper had been joking and he had turned to her. "What's going on at HOME?" He asked, hinting about her dad. She shrugged. "Fine," She lied. "Liar." He said and glared at her. Don't give me that look! She thought.~

*It's true

if I'm wrong then tell me girl what I should do*

(Change girl to boy)

~Kristin shivered next to the water. She was twelve and at a river about 3 miles away from her city. She was there with Adam. "Let's go swimming!" Adam said, getting ready to take his shirt off. "I don't have a bathing suit," She mumbled. "Go in with your clothes," He said and jumped in. "Naw," She said. She had on a white shirt and her back was fresh with bruises. "Come on!" Adam urged. "NO!" She yelled and got up, ready to go to the highway.~

*Or would you even care?

If I told you

love could be so simple it could be me and you*

~Adam ran to catch up to her. "Hey, I'm sorry," He said. And he looked sorry, to, his eyes were filled with sorrow. FOr he knew her secret-at least the one about her dad. He was still wet, and his shirt was back at the dock. "I love you, you know that. I'd never do anything to hurt you," He said. She looked away. She had heard Steven said this many times. "Please believe me," Adam begged. She looked at him. She wished she could.~

*Ain't that cute?

Holding hands in the park*

~"Run Kristin, run!" Adam said as they ran from big Mike Patterson. They had said he sucked becuase he was making fun of the seven-year-olds. Now they ran-still with their hands held.!

*Ain't that cute?

Can't stay late after dark*

Kristin thought of when, just a week before, she had pulled Adam from his dorm into the cold winter night. He had done it without any objections.

*Ain't that cute?

Was it love from the start?*

Kristin nodded through her tears. Yes, although she didn't realize it, she had loved him from the start.

*AIn't that cute?

I can swear you stole my heart*

Yes, he stole my heart. Who could resist his personality? His eyes? His voice? HIM? She thought.

*Ain't that cute?

Ain't that cute?*

Aaron's voice drained from her ears and in burst "Crush On You". Kristin clicked off her CD player. It was time for group.

Okay, I hoped you liked it. I'm in a good mood because I won my class spelling (And I'm in the advanced class to with like 8 kids!) and I'm going to the school one like last year! Cheer for me! Okay thank you for my moment of glory (oh what do you know I won with the work G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S! Boomerang, Chelsea! (Inside joke, only if you were in that class you know what I mean :P)

I'm in such a good mood after I do a chapter of "Ecks Carter" I'll do at least 2 of my new story, I just gotta think of a title (like that's gonna happen...)