
Narrator's pov

The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. Bridesmaids were busy helping the bride to get ready while the men were trying their best to get themselves ready. Everyone that had a chance to see the place could only marvel in amazement; Rocket's parents had spent ages growing and displaying the flowers around the church, filling the room with wonderful colours and smells. The only one who didn't notice this was Rocket, who was pacing around back and forth in front of the alter; unable to control his nerves.

"Will you calm down Rocket? You're burning a hole through the floor." D'jok cried out in annoyance, the other Snow kids (except Micro-Ice who was still getting ready in another room) nodded in agreement. Rocket stared at his best man with a look of horror on his face.

"Calm down! I can't calm down, I'm get married. How the hell am I supposed to calm down?" Rocket yelled back, as he continued pacing. D'jok could only shake his head, as he watched Rocket get himself worried for no reason.

Meanwhile, Tia was pacing around her dressing room; only she was finding it a bit harder, since her trail was getting in the way of her feet.

"Tia! Will you stop it?" Mei demanded, pulling out the trail again, so it wouldn't get crinkled. "Why are you worrying? I saw him waiting out there only two minutes ago and Yuki just came back only a second ago, saying he was still there." Tia knew she was right but she couldn't help it. It was her wedding day for crying out loud, she was going to get married, to the love of her life. She let out a large sigh, as she sat down in a chair next to her. But it wasn't long until a knock on the door made her get on her feet again. The door opened and Tia's father walked inside.

"Sweetheart, you look beautiful." He smiled, as he embraced his daughter in a hug. "Now come on, it's just about to start."

Everyone had just gotten into positions, when the piano started playing. Everyone stood up to watch the bridesmaids come down the isle. Even though he couldn't move, he was still tapping his foot out of nervousness. But he stopped when he saw her walking towards him. His face turned into a big smile. She looked beautiful with her white dress, her hair style to compliment her facial features (she had grown it out for the occasion) and her smile sent out a shining glow. When she reached him and her father handed her over to him, they took each other's into a firm grip. They stared lovely at each other through the whole ceremony, saying their vows to each other, as they promised to love each other always.

"Congratulations, you may now kiss the bride." The priest spoke. Rocket pulled Tia into a quick passionate kiss before turning around and watching everyone cheer for the happy couple.


I would like to thank everyone that has review and read my stories and many special thanks to my mate Becci who encourage me to start this and to Lauren who forced me to keep writing. Thank you everyone.

Love Hannah