MS Chapter 7

"I told you earlier, it's Calleigh to you. And why shouldn't I be like that? You let me down again and again. Today was just low, even for you," Calleigh was furious by this point.

"I was being blackmailed, what else am I supposed to do? Let some low life blow my cover for me?"

"Well if you'd come to someone in the lab then we could have come up with a plan to help you out, but no, typical Jake Berkeley, he just had to take things into his own hands."

By this point, their voices could be heard by passers by in the corridor, including Eric. He came in to see what the fuss was about. Calleigh told him.

"I think you'd better leave mate," Eric went to grab Jake's arm.

Jake pulled his arm away, "alright, I'm going now anyway before Calleigh decides to shoot my head off."

"Try a little bit lower than your head," sniped Calleigh.

Jake smirked and left the building.

"Cal, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Eric, I just need to go home and relax in a hot bath. Thanks."


Calleigh walked out of her lab and headed towards the elevator. Her phone rang and she answered it. It was Horatio.

"Hiya, where are you?...... Okay, wait by my car, I'll meet you there. Can't wait to see you tonight, it's been a long day. Anyway, see you in a minute."

Natalia was stood by reception signing some forms when she over heard the conversation. Excited, she quickly went to find Alexx who was just on her way out.

"Alexx, come with me."


"Down the stairs to the car lot, Calleigh's meeting lover boy, I heard her talking on the phone by the elevator." Natalia was quite out of breath.

"Really? What are we waiting for?"

They both ran to the stairs and crept down the stairs to see what they could find out. They saw Horatio fiddling with the arms of his shades, leaning against Calleigh's car.

Calleigh came round the corner and smiled, "hiya sexy."

Horatio looked up and saw Calleigh walking towards him, "you still look gorgeous even after a long day at work."

Calleigh put her arms around his neck whilst Horatio put his around Calleigh's waist.

"Well Lieutenant, what do you have planned for us tonight?"

"Mmm, I'm thinking a night in with a movie, bottle of wine and maybe I'll cook some dinner for us." He kissed his girlfriend on her forehead.

Whilst this conversation was going on, Natalia and Alexx were listening in disbelief. Horatio and Calleigh? No-one would believe this in a million years. Shocked they both ran upstairs and burst into fits of giggles.

"Oh my god Alexx, did we just witness what I thought we did?"

"Yes we did! I can't believe it was him making Calleigh so cheerful and happy."

Just then, Ryan walked past and heard part of their conversation.
"Who's the one making Calleigh so giddy all of the time?"

Natalia and Alexx took deep breaths and told Ryan what they'd just seen and heard.

"No way. Are you sure you weren't seeing things?"

"Go have a look for yourself."

Ryan followed the ladies down the stairs, Horatio and Calleigh were just kissing goodbye.

"Well then, Mr. Caine I'd best go home and get myself ready if I'm coming round to yours later."

Horatio smiled, "I suppose I'll have to let go now."

Calleigh nodded. As they finally managed to pry themselves from each other, Horatio opened her car door and shut it again after Calleigh had climbed in. She turned on her engine and blew kisses to Horatio.

Natalia, Alexx and Ryan ran back up the stairs.

"Now if I hadn't have seen that with my own eyes, I would never have believed you."

"You know what Ryan, for a bloke you do like to gossip," Natalia teased.

"Hey, watch it. I just like to know what's going on. I don't like to miss things."

"Honey, that's called gossip," giggled Alexx.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "I'm going to go tie up a few loose ends in lock-up. See you tomorrow."

Ryan walked towards lock-up and the ladies walked towards the elevator. The doors opened and Horatio walked in. Alexx and Natalia didn't know where to look.


"See you tomorrow Horatio," Alexx managed to blurt out.

Natalia just waved goodbye, trying not to seem too suspicious. They both got into the elevator and went home, full of giggles.

Horatio was on his way to his office when he saw Ryan in lock-up.

"You still here?"

Ryan looked up and saw Horatio.
"Oh, erm, yeah I just wanted to make sure that the evidence against Steve hasn't gone for walkabouts again."

"Are you okay?"

Ryan couldn't help himself, "well there is something. Alexx and Natalia saw you and Calleigh by her car and when dragged me down to have a look because I didn't believe them."

Horatio lowered his head slightly and smiled, "Alexx is a sneaky one."
He looked back up at Ryan, "so, are you okay with me and Calleigh seeing each other of the clock?" Horatio was nervous as to what his reply would be.

"Yeah, if it makes you both happy. To be honest, it's none of my business what happens off the clock."

"Well at least I now know why Alexx and Natalia were acting strange at the elevator."

Ryan put the evidence box back on the shelf, "I also don't think anyone else will mind either, just as long as you're honest with them."

"Honest with who?" Eric had caught the last bit that Ryan had said.

The End