Hi everyone! I'm back!!!
Sorry for the long (oh so long) break. I really am, but you know how life goes sometimes. School work and other work, and house renovations, it's easy to forget about the important things, like writing fanfictions for you!

Anyways, thank you to all the fabulous reviews and readers! And JesicaJinx, silly goose, of course there will be pairings! I just haven't decided how I'll go about it yet.

I really hope this chapter isn't confusing. I'm sorry if it is :(

Disclaimer: I do not own 6teen.

Chapter 6

Jude's heart was pounding. He tried to calm himself down by taking a deep breath. Who was that on the phone? And what did he have to do with Jude's parents?

He tried to block all other sounds out of his head, thinking of an explanation, but Wyatt was still singing "Hey, Jude" in the background and it was very distracting.

He looked at the crumpled note in his hand. It read:

Honey, Your father and I had to go on an urgent business trip. There are leftovers in the fridge when you get hungry, and $20 under the vase in the living room for pizza. We should be back by Monday. Have a good weekend, and be careful!
Love Mom

Ps: Here's a number to call in case of an emergency. And ONLY in an emergency, otherwise call our cell.

Who would've wanted a number to call Jude's parents? Anyone from the party could've took it, since they all had access to the kitchen. Jude wished he would've took Jen's advice on hiding things so people wouldn't steal. Wait, Jen cleaned out the place earlier, didn't she? Jen.

Jude dashed out of the kitchen, (leaving an oblivious Wyatt behind) and upstairs into the bathroom, where he thought Jen was helping out Caitlyn. Instead, he found Jonesy 'aiming' at the toilet.

"Dude, where's Jen?" Jude asked.

"Hey!" Jonesy shouted, quickly zipping up. "What is it with people just barging in on me today? It's called privacy."

"Oh, sorry dude. I just need to talk to Jen."

"Whatever," Jonesy grumbled. "I think she's in your room talking to Nikki."

After a quick walk down the hall, Jude found all three girls sitting in his room. Caitlyn had a bucket in her hands and was sitting on chair. Jen was cross legged on his bed.

"Morning, Jude," Nikki said. She was leaning up against the wall, legs stretched out in front of her. "Crazy party huh?"

"Yeah, uh, I need to talk.." Jude started.

"Definetaly crazy!" Caitlyn giggled, despite her hangover. "There were so many cute guys! I must of given, like, 1000 numbers out. I really hope that one guy calls back, because-"

"You gave out your number?" Jen asked. "Caitlyn! That's not safe! Who knows who half those guys were?"

"Chill out, Jen," Nikki said, stretching her arms out. "She's not the one with the hickey."

Jen paused in disbelief as Nikki defended Caitlyn, then closed her mouth tightly and pulled her hood up.

"Wait," Jude said. "Jen, I need to talk to you."

"What?" a muffled voice snapped.

"Uh, I was cleaning up the kitchen, then I called my parents, and this guy answered and he sort of harshed my mellow. And someone ripped off the emergency number from the note on the fridge," Jude tried to explain, but he was never good at that sort of thing.

Jen pulled her hood down in confusion. "What?"

Jude handed her the ripped note. "Someone took the number off the note my folks left me. I thought it was you, since you flushed Granny, you could've been cleanin' up or something."

"Hey," a voice from the doorway said. It was Wyatt, and he was with Jonesy.

"Where did everyone go?" Wyatt asked, and the two of them came into the room.

"Solving a mystery," Nikki said. "Got any Scooby Snacks?"

All of a sudden, Jen gasped. "I know who took the number!" she exclaimed. "It was Chris!"

Jude gave her a blank stare. Who the hell is Chris?

Jen rolled her eyes then explained, "I think it was these guy's that me and Caitlyn were with yesterday at the party. They were acting suspicious the whole night, and after we...danced, the two of them were sort of whispering about Jude and this girl they found. I don't know who though. Then after, the muscular guy said they 'had everything they needed.'"

"Muscles?" Caitlyn asked. "Oh! He's so sexy! I told him about my nickname for him and-"

"So, wait," Wyatt interuppted her. "Who exactly are these two guys you're talking about?"

"Remember Wyatt? And Jonesy, you were there too," Caitlyn explained. "Those two hot guys we met at 'The Lemon' yesterday. Jonesy, you invited them to the party."

"I dunno, I invited everyone to the party." Jonesy paused. "Except the book club."

Wyatt frowned. "The same two guys that were asking about some girl named 'Carmen Fisher,' and who knew Jude's surname. Those two guys?" He was starting to get nervous.

"So these two dudes knew my name..." Jude pondered, then all of a sudden remembered a whispery voice laugh in the back of his mind. "Ah, the Lizowski boy."

"..the guy on the phone knew my name too," he muttered to himself.

"Yeah, what was that you were saying earlier? You called your parents or something?" Nikki asked.

"Ok, so.." Jude explained, this time in greater detail, about the events of him finding the note and the 'creepy dude' on the phone.

"Right," Jen said slowly. "Let's get the facts straight. One. There are two suspiscious guys asking for some girl named Carmen Fisher, and Jonesy idiotically invites them to yesterdays party."

"Hey! Who put me in charge of invitations?" Jonesy asked, heated.

Jen ignored him. "Two. These two same guys, Chris and ...?" she turned to Caitlyn.

"Um, I don't know his name," Caitlyn smiled weakly. "He liked it when I called him 'Muscles.'"

Nikki rolled her eyes. "So we don't even know this freaks name, and he's out to get Jude. Great."

"Woah, woah, woah," Jude spoke up. "Since when was this dude out to get me?"

"That chick you were messin' around with was probably his girlfriend," Jonesy laughed. "By the way, excellent choice."

"You saw?" Jude asked, grinning.

"We all saw," Jen frowned, annoyed. "Now let's get back to the important issues here."

"Can't a guy congratulate another guy on his achievements?" Jonesy asked innocently.

"Shut up, Jonesy," Nikki said, not bothering to look at him.

"Ok," Jen said. "So, Two. Chris and 'Muscles' come to the party searching for someone. Chris questions me on how I know Jude and how long I have known him. Then Muscles says something about "Lizowski," "I found her," and "We have everything we need." Three, the emergency number on the note Jude's parents left him is ripped off, I think by 'Muscles' because he said he had everything he needed."

"Duh," Nikki rolled her eyes.

"And four, some creep answered Mr. Lizowski's cell phone, and whoever he was, he knew Jude's name."

There was a silence as the six teens thought about the information that was laid out for them.

"You know what I think," Jen said. "I think Chris and Muscles are drug dealers."

Jonesy sighed loudly and rolled his eyes. "Ok, Emma."

"I'm serious!" Jen exclaimed. "Because-"

"What do drug dealers have to do with Jude's parents?" Nikki asked skeptically. "Whoever took the number took it because they want to contact Mr. and Mrs. Lizowski, right?"

Five heads nodded.

"So if Chris and this muscle guy are drug dealers, and did take the number, they took it to call Jude's parents. And the only reason for them to call Jude's parents were if, I don't know, Jude's parents were drug dealers. Do you really think Mr. and Mrs. Lizowski have anything to do with drugs?"

Jen folded her arms and shook her head. She hated being proved wrong.

There was a pause. Jude rubbed his toque, he was starting to get a headache.

"Dude, my head hurts," he muttered.

"Mine too," Wyatt said. "I'm going to get a Tylenol," he said while walking out of the room.

"I think you guys are making to big a deal out of nothing," Jonesy said, then turned to Jude. "Your folks are out of town on a business meeting, and that's it. So some drug dealers got invited to the party, so what? They stole a phone number, not anything important."

"You are such an idiot. Don't you realize the potential danger there is?" Jen clenched her fists, obviously restraining herself. "And it's because you decided to invite two random strangers off the street-"

"Actually Jen," Jonesy said, smiling slyly, "if it weren't for me inviting this random 'Chris' fella, you wouldn't of had any fun at all yesterday, now wouldn't-cha?"

In one smooth motion, Jen grabbed the bucket from Caitlyn's grasp and swung it at Jonesy, hitting him squarely in the face.

"OW!" he shouted, then held is nose and moaned. "Why couldn't you throw a pillow?"

"You deserved it," Nikki smirked.

"Nice arm, Jen," Caitlyn commented.

"Thank you."

Jude didn't comment. He knew what pain felt like with his numerous falling-down-escelater stunts, and it didn't feel good. But he had to agree with Caitlyn, Jen did have a nice arm.

All of a sudden Wyatt shouted from downstairs. "Hey guys! Come quick!" He sounded anxious.

Jude and the others hurried out of the room and down the stairs into the living room where they found Wyatt standing in front of the television, remote in hand.

"Look," Wyatt said.

The t.v. was on the News Channel. There was an old man in a suit talking gravely to them through the television screen.

"...police are still searching for evidence to who could have committed this murder, but have otherwise released no new information from the event. The girl, name unannounced, estimated at 17 years of age, was found this morning behind a dumpster on Greywood Ave. with a fatal bullet wound to the head. The body was...."

Jude's eyes were wide. "That's just down the street."

"But...but they didn't give us a name," Jen stammered. "We don't know who the girl is."

"Three guesses," Wyatt said as he looked up at his ashen-faced friends.

Review please! And feel free to be critical. A little criticism never hurt anyone, it just improves them.
