Kid. Yeah it was kind of a weird thing to call someone you may have a romantic interest in. Especially since you yourself are not a kid. Kid. Its also a little weird that you happen to call that kid, Commander and Sir. Even if she was a kid she seemed nothing like one. She could have moments, but she seemed older than what she really was. Probably something to do with being a Jedi. That made it much worse. A 14 year old Jedi that was a higher ranking than you. Whatever odds were against him, he couldn't t get her off his mind.
Rex sat in his room thinking about these facts. He lay on his bed trying to enjoy this rare moment of relaxation. He was pretty glad Ahsoka couldn't t read minds. He had heard some Jedi s could do that. Apparently it didn't t take Jedi training for people to tell he was interested though. He was constantly being criticized and made fun of by some of the other clones in his squadron. Where s your girlfriend Rex? they would ask. Or make some kind of joke about it. Usually it was a harmless little jab that they said. Except when one of the rookies, Hammer, was talking to some other clones during a casual game of poker, and Rex happened to walk by right as Hammer referred to Togrutas as Savage Orange Skins . Rex gave him one square punch to the face. Hammer is in a different squadron now.
The teasing after that was kept to a minimum. Except for Cody. He was one of Rex s closest friends. And even though Rex never openly admitted it, Cody was the first to notice the way Rex acted around her and treated her. No, Rex had never told anyone about his feelings for the Padawan, everyone just speculated or teased, but they were right.
Rex exhaled loudly and it echoed through the emptiness of his room. He began to close his eyes for a short nap, but just as he was on the verge of sleep, his automatic room door slid open. Rex opened his eyes and looked over at the doorway. It was Cody.
"Hey Rex" he greeted. When they were not around other clones or Jedi, they never bothered with the usual Captain Commander salute. Rex raised his hand up silently and let it drop back on the mattress for a weak Hello What do you want Cody? Rex asked, a little annoyed from not getting that nap he had hoped for. Cody walked all the way in so the door could slid shut. Once it did, Cody walked over to a chair in the corner of Rex's room and took a seat.
I came to tell you that you may be going on a little date Cody said while a tiny smirk formed across his lips. Rex looked over at his friend. What kind of games was he playing now?
"I don t really want to ask, but what the hell are you talking about?" Rex asked.
"I overheard General Kenobi and Admiral Yularen talk about suspicious goings-ons happening on Kamino. And they want to send their trusted Captain and Padawan Tano to check it out" Cody explained. Rex just stared at him with hard eyes. Cody shifted in his chair uncomfortably.
"Why me? Where is Skywalker?" Rex asked with a little anger in his voice.
"He's on Naboo, escorting Senator Amidala or something" Cody said. "I thought you d be a little more excited about this". Rex groaned. He sat up on his bed and put his legs on the ground on the corner so he was facing Cody.
"Are you joking, or being serious, cause it s getting really difficult to tell" Rex asked. He hoped his friend was joking, like usual, and that there was no mission to scout out Kamino alone with her. But a tiny bit of him saw this as a good thing. And looked forward to it a little bit.
"Sorry Rex ol boy, I m pretty serious this time" Cody admitted. Rex reached his hand up and ran his hand over his blonde fuzz of hair that was trying to grow. "Well, I d better get down to the war room, and try to figure out whats going on" Rex said, he stood up from his bed and grabbed his helmet off his desk as he walked out of his room. Cody stood up and rushed to follow him out.
Rex was walking down one of the many large hall ways on the ship. It was bustling with other clones, medical droids, and cargo boxes filled with weapons and new armor. Rex weaved his way through the crowds and boxes, and Cody was right after him.
"Rex, why are you so..tense about this?" Cody asked once he had caught up. The two walked side by side through the hall.
"Well aside from something being wrong with our home, I m going to be..alone with her" Rex said, trying to lower his voice even though there was no chance of anyone hearing them in that ridiculously loud hall.
Cody looked over at him a growing smile on his scarred face.
"Ooh, is that a confession Captain?" Cody teased. Rex glared at him.
Well, I mean because I ll be...responsible if anything happens to her, Skywalker and the other Jedi wouldn't t be happy about that Rex tried to explain. Cody didn't t buy it. The two reached the elevator to go up to the floor they needed. Only two other clones where in it, holding boxes.
Going up? One of them asked. Cody nodded. Rex hoped Cody would drop their conversation, in spite of there being other people around. But no.
"I'm pretty sure the blame wouldn't t be put on you since she s higher ranking, and she s a.." Cody peered at the other two out of the corner of his eye, he couldn't t exactly use the word Jedi without everyone knowing who they were talking about "very capable girl" he finished. Rex glared at Cody as if to tell him drop it . It worked this time.
The elevator came to a stop and the doors slid open to another busy hallway, Rex and Cody went one way and the other two went another. They walked in silence the rest of the way and finally made it to the War Room, the door slid open, like they all do, and they went inside.
Inside were General Kenobi, Admiral Yularen, and some other clones in the back of the room running machines for the ship. The Admiral and General looked up from their holo-map at the sound of the door opening. Rex was a little more relaxed when he didn't see her in the room.
"Ah, Captain I was just about to call for you" Obi-Wan said. Rex held his helmet under his arm.
"No need for that" Sir Rex said as he walked over to the holo-map in the middle of the room. What are we dealing with? Looking at the holo-map, there was the Kalidia Medcenter on Kamino. It was where they healed wounded clones. On the hologram of the medicenter, Obi Wan pointed to the western side of the building.
"There have been some recent sightings and attacks in this area" Obi-Wan explained "and I need you and Ahsoka to check it out"
"With all due respect Sir, how sure are we that these are attacks, and not damage from the waves, Kamino's weather isn t exactly beach retreat standards" Rex said
" Yes you are right, but several clones and staff who work there say they have seen strange things in the air and water around the station, and whatever it is has caused some serious damage" Obi-Wan said.
Rex looked back at the hologram, trying to think of what they could have seen. Cody decided to join in.
"Even if they are just seeing things it s better to be safe than sorry, we have thousands of injured clones there and we can't afford to lose that many if the Separatists are behind this Cody stated. Rex knew there was no getting out of this one."
The door to the war room slid open again, Ahsoka quickly stepped inside. Rex tried not to stare too long or turn his head to fast to draw attention.
"Sorry, I m late" Ahsoka apologized. She walked over by Cody and stood by the holo-map.
"You were never ordered to come, don t get nervous just because your Master isn't here, your fine Ahsoka" Obi-Wan consoled. "We do need your help though"
Ahsoka smiled and felt less nervous now. Her master has been gone a week, and lately she has been nervous to not upset anyone or have them think she couldn't t handle being without Anakin.
"We need you and Rex to go check out the-" Obi-Wan explained. Rex didn t really bother listening since he had heard this all already. He tried to look like he was paying attention though. He let his mind wander. He watched Ahsoka'sfaceasshe was receiving instructions from the General.
She had the most stunning blue eyes. She was to pretty to be a Jedi. Of course he didn't like her all because of her looks. She was extremely talented for her age, and brave. He could never see himself match up to her. He was one of a million clones, and she was well Ahsoka. She didnt share her face with millionsofotherpeople. She had her own voice as well. He loved to hear her talk and watch her facial expressions. The thing he liked most about her was her smile. Every time she smiled her blue eyes would relax and it would make the toughest of men melt.
Rex snapped out of it just in time as the General was ending his plans.
"So, I am counting on you two to keep this clone army, your brothers" he looked at Rex "safe"
"You can count on us Sir" Rex said, Ahsoka looked over at Rex with a smile, she was glad he seemed happy to go with her on this mission. Rex caught her glance out of the corner of his eye, once she saw him look, she straighted up next to Cody and cut off her gaze.
Once the meeting was over and all the minor details of their mission were gone over, they were dismissed. The two were to leave the next morning to Kamino.
"So what are you going to be doing without me?" Rex asked sarcastically.
"I think I ll manage somehow, after all someone s gotta keep this place under control" Cody said. The two of them walked down to hall toward the Cafeteria to get some breakfast.
"You know, I don t know why General Kenobi didn't send you, I mean you are his favorite, and his second in command most trusted" Rex said.
"Jedi don't favorite, but yeah I guess I am" Cody agreed
"Probably cause your such a kiss ass" Rex mumbled. Cody heard him and punched him in the shoulder.
"Aww its like Ahsoka completes you!" Cody said "You're a hard-headed, no-nonsense asshole, and she's a caring, life-saving Jedi" Cody teased once they were in line. "She's everything your not"
Rex and Cody got their food and sat down at their usual morning table. They set their helmets on the table next to their plates and began to eat their rations.
"So why won t you just admit it?" Cody asked while poking through his food .
"Admit what?" Rex said hoping they had moved onto another subject.
"Liking her" Cody said "maybe if you gave more signals it could work out" Rex rolled his eyes
" Look, even if I did like her which I don t, it wouldn't matter because she could have tons of other nice guys who don t have the same face of thousands of other guys Rex explained a girl like her deserves some one unique, end of story we drop this now"
"Uh-huh, and what if I told you she was walking up behind you right now" Cody said
"I said drop it, you re not funny to anyone "Rex said, starting to get angry. Cody's eyes moved back and forth to him and something behind him.
"I'm not being funny she's literally like 5 feet behind you" Cody said lowering his voice.
"I'm not doing this anymore, just stop" Rex said aggravated.
"But-" Cody tried
"Hey guys!" a feminine voice came from just over Rex's shoulder. He turned and looked up and guess who it was.
"Commander, is something wrong?" Cody asked. Ahsoka took a seat on the bench with Rex.
"No I just wanted to have some breakfast with my favorite clones" Ahsoka said, shrugging. Rex tried to get un-tense.
"So- you two are off to Kamino huh?" Cody said, starting the talk so there was no chance of the weird silence.
"Yep, tomorrow morning" Ahsoka answered "I kinda hope it s a false alarm, it'd be a shame if all those injured clones were the target for an attack" Ahsoka picked up a small bite of her breakfast and ate it.
"What have you guys been up to?" Ahsoka asked.
"Nothing much, just normal Captain, Commander duties, You?" Cody asked
"Just kinda hanging around, it s kind of weird being here without my Master" Ahsoka said looking down at the table. Rex saw that she was getting a little upset about it.
"Don t worry, he'll be back, and he ll be proud to hear that you could handle being on your own" Rex reassured. Ahsoka smiled.
"Thanks Rex" she said. Rex was pleased with himself since he had put that smile on her face. She sat at their table and talked to them a few more minutes before her com-link went off.
"I gotta go guys" Ahsoka said.
"Where you going?" Cody asked.
"Since my Master isn't here I have to go on my own personal training, I ll meet up with you guys later" Ahsoka said then she stood up to throw her tray away and walked out. Once she was out of sight they went back to talking.
"So what exactly do you mean 'drop more signals'?" Rex asked.
After breakfast was over Rex decided to head over to the indoor firing range for some not-needed practice. It always had a way of clearing his mind by shooting his twin blasters. Cody had Commander duties to do else where. Rex stepped into the large room where about 10 other clones where practicing their aim.
Rex walked down behind the line of practicing clones and took a position at the very end of the line. He took his helmet out from under his arm and put it on, for safety reasons.
He took out on of his black blasters and aimed it at a target set up to look like the silliouet of a droid. Rex used both of his glove covered hands and took aim. The target started moving around.
Rex moved his weapon to line up with the target. He pulled the trigger and his gun gave a loud noise as a blue blast flew into the target and hit the cut-out right in the head. Then another cut-out made its way onto the range and Rex took aim again for another head shot.
Why don't I just tell her?
It 'd save a lot more time than waiting around to see how she feels.Rex hated waiting for others, but he also hated feeling like she had something over him to humiliate him. Rex pulled the trigger.
She's a Jedi, she's not allowed attachments, plus the age diffrence.Not that Rex cared about any of that personally, but it really would complicate things. He wouldn't mind having it secret, but that could hurt her feelings, like he didn't want to be seen with her. He didn't exact know how a womans mind worked so he decided the best way of action, was to drop suttel hints and if she responded they may have something. If not he'll just forget he ever felt like this toward her, which would be hard to do.
What if I drop a hint and she freaks out and it ruins our friendship?! Rex thought the same thing millions of others in this position had thought. He didn't want to lose her as a friend or risk it by throwing love into the mix.
Rex spent the next hour just shooting and taking out every target in his way. He felt a lot more loose and better after. After that he decided to go down to the lower level gymnasium to lift some weights. A clones gotta stay in shape, especially if the are going on an important mission the next day.
After a few elevator rides and a couple of walks down several other crowded hallways, Rex made it to a medium sized room filled with treadmills, dumbbells of all sizes and weights, and some weight lifting and pull up bars. For a room filled with that much equipment, it wasn't that up to date. The lights were a dull florecent and let out an even buzz.
The walls were steel as was the floor, same as everything else on their ship. Rex took his aurmor off so he was just in a tank top and a comfy pair of sweat pants. He started on the treadmill and let the sound of his footsteps keep him at an even pace.
If Jedi are not allowed attachments, why does Skywalker always act like he has a thing for that Senator..nah, if there was something going on, General Kenobi would know and put an end to it. Guess it would be better than him having something like that for his own padawan, wonder if that's ever happened before...
Rex let his mind wander from everything his clone friends, his non-clone friends, his enemies, almost anyone he knew. He liked to think about what would be going through their heads. He already knew the answer to all his clone friends, their brain process was to follow orders. He figured if he could map out their way of thinking, he wouldn't be caught off guard by anything they did.
Skywalker probably thinks about getting the mission done too, but in his own way, hates to follow orders and likes to have authority. Welcome to the club. General Kenobi hates flying, likes to keep a calm mind, like a Jedi is suppose to and thinks things through. Ahsoka...
Rex tried to think of what her way of thinking was. He couldn't exactly peg her. When ever she said she'd do something, she'd mostly follow through, or do the exact opposite. Either way she always made things work out and that's what matters.
Rex turned off the treadmill and stepped off, sweating and a little out of breath. He went over to the pull up bar and began to do chin ups.
Plo likes to keep all living things safe, even clones, and that Kit Fisto guy is just weird. Luminara is all by-the-book and likes things to go smoothly and Sercura is a noble self-sacrificing Twi'lek with nice abs. really the only clone other than Rex to kind of have a life other than following rules. He's Obi-Wans favorite little Commander, and the most trusting friend.
Rex smiled he had most of his friends personalities pretty much summed up. After about a half hour of working out, Rex decided could let himself relax the rest of the day. He hated being lazy, but he felt he had deserved today. He grabbed his armour and walked up to the showers and rinsed off so he didn't smell of sweat.
Once a was fresh he had his normal attire of a blue marked clone armor back on. He looked around for Cody so he'd have someone to accompany him with his day off. He wandered outside the command room and the hall to the briefing room, which were his usual hangouts during the day. But there was no sign of him.
He went to get on the elevator to go back to his room, since he couldn't find Cody he decided he'd eventually come find him. He got on the elevator and went down several floors. When the elevator opened he walked down the ever crowded hall of cargo and clones. He was just about to his room when he saw some familiar faces.
Ahsoka was sitting next to Fives behind a box of cargo and giggling uncontrollably. Rex gave them a confused look. Ahsoka waved him over and put her index finger to her lips signaling him to keep quite. Not like he needed to, the hall was still deafening. Rex watched in silence as Fives peaked over the boxes to where an unsuspecting Echo was reading on a bench. Echo was obsessed with the handbook and read it for "fun".
Fives had tiny peices of broken concrete floor and started throwing them at Echo's un-helmeted, un-protected head. Once they made contact Echo's head, Fives ducked back down and Echo looked around for the source of what had hit him. He looked up at the ceiling and shrugged, then went back to reading.
Rex just looked at the two and the childish fun they were having. He didn't really have anything better to do so he decided to allow this to go on for amusement purposes.
Fives threw another peice of concrete a little bit harder and it connected with Echos skull again.
"Ow!" he said, he looked behind him and was starting to get aggravated. After spending a couple more seconds scoping out the area he went back to reading, but decided to put his helmet on for protection.
Fives handed Ahsoka a couple of pieces of rock and she let them fly, the both clicked against Echo's helmet loudly. Echo was getting really annoyed now.
"Fives, if thats you I'm going to kill you" Echo announced outloud. Ahsoka and Fives snickered semi-silently.
Once he said that Ahsoka and Fives sent out a barrage of cement chips. Echo stood up and began to dust off all the cement peices and cleaned off his handbook. Fives peaked over and then quickly squatted back down.
"Ooh he looks mad now" Rex said peering over the cargo.
"Should we leave him alone now?" Ahsoka asked.
"Nah, whats he gonna do, lecture us?" Fives said sarcastically.
"He could only lecture you, we are a higher ranking" Ahsoka said gesturing to herself and Rex. Ahsoka loved the fact that she was in a higher rank than most aboard the ship.
"Speaking of higher ranking, have you seen Cody?" Rex asked Ahsoka. She thought for a moment.
"Yeah I thought I saw him by the upper command deck" She said.
"Alright, thanks Sir" Rex said as he stood up to leave.
"Hey, wait I'm going with you, I don't wanna be around when Fives gets his butt handed to him" Ahsoka said. Rex waited for her to catch up and they headed off to find Cody.
Fives shrugged and went to fire another cement chunck, but when he looked to aim Echo was gone. Fives looked up and there he was.
"Uh...Hey Echo" Fives said quietly.
On the way there, the halls seemed to quite down. Rex decided to start the talking.
"So what kind of training do you do when Skywalker isn't here?" He asked, he remembered that was what she ran off to do earlier.
"Well some days I just meditate, trying to focus my thoughts, but today I was under strict orders to practice with my light saber" Ahsoka explained.
"How do you practice with one of those?" Rex asked.
"Well, if you haven't noticed I kind don't even hold mine the "right way" " Ahsoka saidwhileusing air-quotations. The two stepped onto an elevator.
"There's a wrong way to hold one?" Rex asked, a little confused.
"Well I hold mine usually in the shien grip, which means I hold it backwards like this" she said holding her un-lit lightsaber up like so. "And your suppose to use standard v-grip which is like this, she said while holding the weapon infront of herself with both hands.
"Oh, do you think I could master one of those 'shien' grips with my basters?" Rex joked. Ahsoka giggled.
"I don't think that would be a good idea" Ahsoka said "do you target train with those?" she asked
"How else is there to train with a blaster?" Rex asked. Ahsoka shrugged.
"Trick shot training" Ahsoka suggested. The two walked off the elevator and down a hall.
"You mean like shooting a tossed up playing card in half?" Rex asked. Ahsoka nodded.
"I've heard of some people in the traveling circuses doing that" Ahsoka said. They turned right down another hall.
"Well this is war not a circus" Rex commented
"Too bad" Ahsoka smiled. They finally reached the upper command deck where Rex saw Cody's yellow printed armor. They walked over to him to see what he was up to.
"Hey Rex" Cody said "and Ahsoka, I'm almost done here, just give me a minute" Cody went over and clicked a couple images on the monitor then shut it down.
"So whats on the agenda tonight?" Cody asked
"So far, I've got nothing" Rex said "Kinda been wandering around all day myself"
"Same here" Ahsoka said.
"Wow, our one day off and we have nothing to do" Cody said astonished. Rex shrugged. His original plans for the day included sleeping.
"Sorry you have to hang out with a couple of boring old clones like us" Rex said to Ahsoka
"Don't be sorry, its just a slow day, and I didn't have to, I wanted to" Ahsoka said and smiled. Cody looked over at Rex. "I don't think you guys are boring at all"
"Yeah, an exciting day of no battle would just be us messing with some shinies in a game of poker" Cody said
"I like poker!" Ahsoka said as her face lit up.
"Uh, I don't think the Generals would like that very much" Rex said hesitantly. Ahsoka folded her arms.
"Could I watch?" Ahsoka said hopfully.
"We don't even have a game started, maybe another day" Cody said. Ahsoka exhaled.
"I got nothing then" Ahsoka said.
Since no one could think of anything to do, they did what all friends in extreme boredom do. Talk. About anything to. Even the tiniest conversation starter.
"Why do you have purple hair?"
"I don't, their montrals and their better than your hair blondie" Ahsoka joked
They had fun asking eachother about battles and training and even personal stuff like childhoods and species.
"If I were a clone I would stay out of the sun for a long time, then I would get so pale that everyone would know which one I was!" Ahsoka theorized. Cody and Rex laughed.
"What if you didn't want to stand out?" Cody asked. "What if someone had a disagreement with you and you ran to hide but they'll find you cause you 'stand out'?"
"I don't know, this is why I'm not a clone!" Ahsoka laughed.
Rex was glad she wasn't a clone. Because that would make her a man. And not Ahsoka.
"So as kids your pretty much sat infront of computors and simulators to train?"
"Not all the time, eventually you got out in the field"
"Heh, if you were a Togruta kid, you'd better keep up or learn to fend for yourself"
After afew hours of conversation and it turned to night, it was time for some rest.
"Night guys, I had a good time hanging out with you" Ahsoka said as she stood up to walk to her room. She waved goodbye and left.
"I wonder how she ended up here" Cody asked
"What?" Rex asked.
"You know how she was saying, 'either keep up or fend for yourself', did that happen to her as a kid?" Cody asked "How did General Plo Koon
find her?"
That made Rex think. But not to much, he was in for some needed rest after his nap was stolen from him. Ah, he was glad it was stolen. It was a good day with his best friends. He said his good nights to Cody and shuffled back up to his room, he was in for another action filled day tomorrow.
Ok. I don't know if I want to post this. But if ur reading it, clearly I did. I can't think from lack of sleep so I am going to bed...can't write a story if I can't function. Defiantly will write more. Just not tonite.
(I don't own Star Wars, Rex Ahsoka or Cody, but wouldn't that be the bees knees?)