Jareth was fed up with Sarah childish games.
Sarah was having so much fun it should be criminal.
Jareth took a deep breath, and Sarah followed. He couldn't help but stare at her chest while she mimicked his motion.
'Ok Jareth, you just have to find out what makes her tick.' He thought.
'Ok Sarah, just keep this up a little bit longer and he will leave and you can go help Toby' She thought.
"Sarah, what will make you cease this foolishness?"
"Sarah, what will make you cease this foolishness?"
Jareth rubbed his temples and in no surprise so did Sarah. Jareth walked out of the Dining Hall, kicking a few goblins on his way out.
'Score 1 for Sarah.' she thought. She went to her room, and found that crystal that Jareth used as her Alarm Clock placed on her night table. She picked it up and wondered how to turn it on. She smacked it a couple times, poked it at random areas, she got frustrated and threw it on the ground. The crystal smashed into a million tiny pieces.
"Shit. How am I supposed to find Toby now?"
Sarah needed another crystal to find Toby, to get another crystal she needed Jareth to give her another one. How was she supposed to get one from him? Just walk up and say "Hey Goblin King, why don't ya flash up one of those fancy Crystals for me?"
Sarah paced around her Bedroom thinking of different ways to obtain a crystal.
"Maybe I should ask him for one.....or would that seem to obvious, I mean, wouldn't he ask why I wanted a crystal? Or maybe, I can steal one, but I don't even know where he stores the damn things!"
'Shit, this going to be harder than I thought.' Sarah grew frustrated and decided to give up and lie down on her queen sized bed. Even though she tried not to, she still kept on thinking of ways to get a crystal from the Goblin King.
All the sudden it came to her, she sat straight up in her bed.
"I can seduce him!" Sarah noticed how she said that with just a little to much enthusiasm.
Sarah knew she had struck gold with that one, and decided if she was gonna do this, she might as well have fun with it.
Jareth stalked around his throne room mumbling to himself. All the goblins had been very quiet lately, sensing Jareths mood. They all were backed up against the walls of the throne room as if any sudden movement would set the Goblin King off.
Jareth was sad because Sarah didn't see how much he cared for her. He slumped carelessly on to his Throne, not even bothering to throw his leg over the arm rest.
"Sarah don't you see what's in front of you, have you not noticed that I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you? Am I not good enough? What could I do to get you to notice my feelings for you.." A silent tear crept down Jareths cheek.
The Goblins slowly went to comfort the king, but before they even moved, Jareth was long gone out the window flying over the Labyrinth.
Hello Everyone!
This chapter took me so long to write
I had a bit of writers block
Anyways I started the other Fanfic I was talking about
It called "The siblings"
You should check it out
Well that all for now....
Oh yeah review!
-Veronica Pop!