Disclaimer: I don't own ATLA or anything Mike and Bryan have ownership over. I, Eralynn, do own rights to this story. Though it was first written by heflo, I have been given permission to finish it the way I think it should be completed.
Notes: For thouse of you who are familiar with this story up to now , all I did was recheck the typos before I posted it under my name. Heflo is still the original creator of this story's plot. I'm just the person that picked it up after chapter 4 when she dropped her stories so she could start living her life the way it was intended. If you don't like how it turns, then too bad. I'm just happy that she's finally coming out of her reclusive shell. Give her that much, if you're still ticked with her.
Hope you enjoy.
I have the honor and pleasure to be able to present to you....
Everyday life with Zuko, my new roommate.
It was a dreary day. It rained all morning. It rained all afternoon. It started storming heavily when I finally arrived at the house. When I arrived, I found that I was the only person interesting in buying the house. I wouldn't see why though. It was a beautiful home. For such a cheap price!
The man that showed me around showed me all it had to offer. Everything was amazing. The kitchen was wonderfully thought out, with ever available detail needed. No room was plain. Outside, the hose was stunning. Inside, it was spectacular. It would be wonderful if it was mine. I'd been looking for this house all my life. It was perfect, and it wasn't just a dream. I could afford it, and still have some money left over for a safety net.
After seeing the house over again, I made up my mind.
"Sir, I'm interested in paying full, up front."
With my mind's eye, I could already see what I'd do to furbish it. It was possible. How easy it could actually be attained.
The man smiled, eyes twinkling. He grinned, and I smiled back. We shared an understanding. He couldn't wait to move out. I couldn't wait to move in.
By the end of the week, the deal was done. The papers were signed, the money had been paid. I had the deed, and the man had left the same say I'd moved in. On Monday morning, Sokka and I were pulling in the driveway with my things. It wasn't much, but by that night, I could truly say I was on my own now. After making dinner, and watching the game on the television, my brother and I hugged each other, and I waved goodbye. He and his truck rolled away down the long drive way, leaving me grinning.
My nearest neighbor was several lots down. I had my privacy, and he had his. The land in between was so full of landscaping potential that I actually felt tears rise in my blue eyes.
I, Katara, owned my first house. I was finally on my own.
There was absolutely nothing I couldn't handle.
The same night, I was awoken to a howling so loud, that my ears rang painfully as I stumbled out of bed to flip on the light switch. I stubbed my foot. My expression twisted as I bit my lip, holding back a curse.
It continued. My foot throbbed and so did my ears. Following the noise, I looked for the indignant sound. It was loudest in the sun room. In fact, it seemed to be coming from behind the large mirror that stretched over a good portion of wall.
I pressed my ear to it, hearing the howling increase in volume. I rapped on the window, bewildered and confused. It was hallow behind the mirror. Was this some sort of joke? Mr. Teiku hadn't shown this to me. Essentially, he'd never mentioned anything about nightly howling either. Weren't people supposed to mention something like that to a buyer before it was too late to get a hold of them?
When the noise grew even louder, I decided enough was enough. I needed to sleep, and darnit, I was going to get sleep.
My fingers felt along the edge of the thick mirror, and I found a small lever. Cautiously, I pulled it up. Latches behind the mirror unlocked. Once pulled back, I discovered the mirror was a door—a wide, unusual door. It was dark inside, and a stale smell can from inside. Before going in, I backtracked, bringing with me, a flashlight that I'd had since I was small.
It clicked, and a beam of feint light lit my way down the creaky stairs.
The howling stopped. My light shone on a swinging light. I pulled the string, and the room was illuminated. My eyes fell on the biggest cage I'd ever seen. Inside was equally the largest predator I've ever seen.
He was a huge beast, savagely beautiful. His large head lifted my way, and his eyes searched my face. I dropped my flashlight, seeing golden eyes that did not belong on anything but a truly intelligent animal. He was huge, twice the size of any captive wolf-dog I'd ever seen, much less heard about in any stories. His winter coat was thick, a pure black coat, perfectly solid.
Curiously, he cocked his head, ears pricking forward.
I closed my eyes, shaking my head. "I don't believe it." I whispered quietly.
The creature snorted, and rolled his eyes. Startled, I slowly sat down on the floor, and just stared. He rose to his feet, pacing the room sized cage, pausing every once in a while to glare at me. I was so fascinated, I almost forgot my problem. Somehow, I'd ended up being responsible for him. I was pretty sure the previous owner wouldn't have left him. But…really, this animal shouldn't be here, should he?
Something rumbled. I realized his food bowl was empty, and I flushed. Just what exactly did something this size eat? Before solving his growling stomach, I spoke aloud, asking the handsome wolf-dog as if I'd ask a person. "If I let you out, will I regret it?"
When he actually sat down and shrugged his shoulders, it didn't register to me what he'd done. I was so tired that I frowned. It never registered to me at the time that animal's didn't normally do that. "Let me rephrase that." I got to my feet, looking at the cage's lock. "If I let you out, will you hurt me?"
A haughty expression, if that's what it could be called, played over the wolf's features. He shook his head, slowly looking from the lock to me, as if wondering if my actions were to be trusted. I found the key on a key ring. Hesitantly, I slid the old key into the lock, turning it until it clicked.
What happened next surprised me.
The huge dog shoved open the cage the rest of the way and breezed past me, climbing up the stairs and out of my sight. I was left staring at an empty cage, eyes wild and the blood rushing from my face
Thank you.
I'd actually heard a man's voice as the wolf had glanced at me.
That's when it all started. My life in this perfect house was to be shared with a grumpy, telepathic, two-hundred pound wolf hybrid named Zuko.