Disclaimer: Characters belong to Stephanie Meyer of course!

AN: Okay HI :) So this is my first fanfic guys so don't be too hard cool? This is story is going to be around a two-shot probably. It's a pretty cliché story but hey...sometimes cliché makes me feel good :)

Anyways, enjoy!




Chapter 1: Cooties?

I was standing in the doorway that led to my 6th period biology classroom attempting to refuse Mike Newton's 5th proposal of accompanying him to prom. I just didn't understand. Had this boy not seen me in gym class? Did he think that my, Isabella Swan's, clumsiness would magically disappear while dancing? My clumsiness wasn't the only reason why I didn't want to accompany Mike though...he just wasn't really what I was looking for...which actually was a shame because I knew of a lot of girls that would want Mike as their date at prom with his blond hair and blue eyes.

"Mike...listen...I'm not going to prom! I thought I'd told you that already!" I said with as much patience as I could muster.

Mike opened his mouth to say something more when suddenly, what I assumed was a towel, whipped across the back of his head.

"OW!" Mike exclaimed as he turned around to face the culprit that attacked him with a towel. "What the fu-"

He froze and halted his words.

Standing in front of him was Edward I'm So Gorgeous But A Complete Asshole Masen. Ah..Edward Masen.

How I hated him.

It was true that he was gorgeous. It was true that he was extremely intelligent. It was true that he had the most amazing green eyes I have ever seen in my 18 years of life and the most swoon worthy, messy bronze hair that begged to be run through with fingers. But it was also true that he had been and still is the biggest asshole I've ever met.

"Wow Newton..." Edward said in his infuriatingly sexy, velvety voice. "I'd have thought that you'd get the hint after the 4th time Jingle Bells said no."

Mike gulped loudly and squeaked out, "Bye Bella!" before practically sprinting to his seat.

My hero.

I stood there scowling not only at Masen, but his nick name for me.

Jingle Bells. Oh ha-ha.

Edward simply smirked at me wrapping the towel, which I assumed he had used after gym, around his hands. Just seeing his cocky but handsome expression made me angrier, so I stalked inside the classroom and sat at my seat...which just so happened to be right next to Edward's.

"So Swan..." He said while taking his seat. "I'm surprised you didn't trip and fall while you stomped your way in here." I willed myself not to look at him while I took out my materials for class. He then started laughing at my obvious attempt to ignore him and I swear I heard angels singing somewhere in the distance. Why did this boy, who has ragged on me since pre-school, have to look and sound so perfect?!

"Would you please just shut-up for once?" I said with venom dripping in each word.

He chuckled again and replied, "Well what fun would that be Jingle Bells?" Ugh! That stupid nick name again! It didn't help that when he called me that it made my heart thump at an alarming rate. I don't know why it did but I guess it was the fact that I was the only person he had a nick name for. I immediately scolded my heart for its reaction and focused on how I loathed Edward.

I clenched my fists and willed myself to get through class without arguing with him. The only conversations we had seemed to always end up in arguments with me being angry and him being infuriatingly amused and calm.

The rest of the class passed uneventfully except for little pieces paper balls being constantly thrown at my head by the boy beside me. I rushed out of the classroom as soon as biology was done to make my way to gym. As I walked through the corridors I thought about the school that I attended. Summer Heights High School, located in Orange Country, was a school that only students with money could attend. My parents, if you could even call them that, were big-shot lawyers that liked to travel which meant leaving me home alone most of the time. I didn't mind much...I was the type of person that liked to be alone most of the time. Anyways, enough of about that...I had gym to attend. The gym was the most dangerous place for a girl like me to be. I think I could actually kill someone with my balance issues one day.

I stepped into the change room and made my way over to my gym locker where Alice was speaking to Angela. Alice Cullen was unlike any other person I had ever met. She was beautiful, with her short, black, spiky hair and petite figure. She was also the kindest and most energetic girl in existence and I was proud to say that she was my very best friend.

"Bella!" Alice exclaimed in her tinkling voice. "Why are you so late?"

"I had to get paper balls out of my hair...courtesy of Edward." I replied as I undressed.

Alice laughed her wonderful laugh and said "That boy has it bad for you...always annoying you to get your attention...how cute!"

I just rolled my eyes and swept my long brown hair up into a ponytail and replied, "Oh yeah Alice, the only reason he's been making fun of me since I was 5 is because he's totally in love with me!"

What was next...cooties?

Alice just smiled and pranced her way into the gym while I stumbled around as usual. Once I got inside, I spotted my good friends Rosalie Hale, goddess of beauty, and her cute, goofball of a boyfriend Emmett Mcarty. Alice had already placed herself beside my other friend and her boyfriend, Jasper Whitlock. To no surprise, he was Mr. Handsome as well. Sometimes it was hard to be such good friends with people who looked like they should all be on the cover of some hot-shot magazine. I often felt out of place when we all hung out together, not only because I was the only single person, but also because I didn't even closely compare to them in the looks department. I had plain brown eyes, plain brown hair and a relatively plain body... meaning I was fit but lacked in the curves department. I was startled out of my daze when Rose shouted for me to hurry up and pick a team for a game of volleyball. Watch out...here comes disastrous Bella Swan...




I happily made my way to my car after school had ended. The reason for my happiness? It was Friday, and that meant that I could sleep in tomorrow. I approached my car and I admired the way it looked. Now, I wasn't a materialistic person...but this car was just so beautiful. My black Audi A4 was simple and beautiful. Not too flashy, but just right. I was surprised to see Jasper leaning against the passenger side door while Alice literally vibrated on the spot next to him.

"Hey guys...what's up?" I said with confusion and a bit of hesitancy. One thing about Alice? You never know what that girl is going to spring on you at any part of the day.

"I just wanted to let you know that I don't mind if you don't go to prom this year" Alice said with a big smile.

I blanched.

Alice didn't mind that I wasn't going to senior prom? How was this even possible? She lived for events like prom. Dressing up, dancing, partying...all that jazz.

Me? Not so much.

"Uh....are you...sure?" I asked while looking at Jasper for some hint as to why his girlfriend was being so...non Alice-y. He just shrugged and smiled his lazy smile.

"Yes." Alice replied. "I have...a feeling that you staying home will be more beneficial to you than attending prom." She said with a big smile as she started to retreat back to her Porsche.


Alice had a feeling which meant that something was going to happen to me on prom night. A good something apparently.

I sighed and waved goodbye to my friends as I entered my car and put on my seatbelt. After I made it home I decided to whip up a little something to eat and finish off my homework to leave my weekend free.

Wow, how scholarly of you Bella...or is it that you just don't have anything else to do?

I shushed my inner thoughts and began to make bruchetta to satisfy my hunger. Along with reading classic literature and writing, cooking was another favourite past time of mine. I prided myself on my cooking skills because it was one of the only real skills that I had to offer.

After I was done, I raced back to my room to get started on my Biology homework. It was then that I realized that I had misplaced my text book. I panicked while I thought of where it could be. Yes, I could easily replace it...after all, I did have the funds to do so. But I never really liked unnecessary spending...just because I had money doesn't mean I had to use it all the time. I reluctantly thought back to Biology and realized that in my haste to get away from Edward, I had probably left my text book on the desk.

I guess I was taking a trip back to school today.