Theme: #31 – Beautiful
Summary: Dillon considers the word 'radiant' and decides it doesn't really do Summer justice.
Word Count: 309

A.N: Set during that lovely 'Radiant' scene of Ranger Yellow – Part 2.

Disclaimer: I'm just playing with them for a little while. I don't actually own any of the characters.

"Summer! You look um…" Dillon's voice shook ever so slightly as he took in the yellow ranger's appearance. Why did I open my mouth? He thought as she looked at him expectantly, half waiting on a sarcastic comment that she could give a smart return to. He cleared his throat and swallowed nervously as Scott tried to step in where Dillon had drawn a blank but he too was at a loss for words. Dillon never took his eyes from the girl in the wedding dress but did feel slightly smug at the fact that Scott had not yet beaten him to the post.

"Radiant?" Summer offered with a smile and Dillon agreed without hesitation. He smiled at her, the smile he would only use on her, as he thought over the word. Yes, she was radiant but he could have said that about her any other day. Summer did not need the makeup or the hair or the wedding dress to be beautiful in Dillon's opinion. She beamed at him, glad of his response. Somehow she looked different to when he had seen her getting ready. Then, she had looked as pretty as she always did, but now she really was stunning. He considered why exactly he thought that. Was it just the elation clearly showing on her face that her 'wedding' had been ruined and she was free? Or was it the way she looked after taking down an enemy? Her eyes sparkled with pride after her spar with Tenaya, her cheeks were slightly flushed and the smile on her face was triumphant.

True, the word radiant seemed inadequate but at that moment, any word seemed inadequate to describe her. Stunning. Gorgeous. Perfect. None of them seemed to do her justice, so maybe he would just have to settle with radiant. At least for the time being.